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5 months ago

Lance tried not to look, she knew he was in heat and he wanted to just dive in, take her in his hands and fuck her stupid. But he was working.

This was many years after returning home, he was rewarded with a great wife and a desk job for the army of vacuo- his children leading two of them. He hardly had to work now.

Here he was in his office, in heat, and had baby feaver, wanting to have a 4th child with Sothis, and with her doing this he wanted to 'correct' Her.

"Honey, Please! I am trying to sign off on this paperwork." He cleared his throat pretending he wasn't flustered.

Sothis Leaned Over The Desk And Pretended To Occupy Herself With Organizing The Books And Papers. But

Sothis leaned over the desk and pretended to occupy herself with organizing the books and papers. But with her position, and her unmodestly short dress (it was a borrowed shirt), just beneath the hem of the dress was a hint of purple lace. She even swayed her hips a bit. Innocently.

Sothis Leaned Over The Desk And Pretended To Occupy Herself With Organizing The Books And Papers. But

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5 months ago

"I understand, however your condition means you should be resting, we have the palace for a reason- you should be living in luxury." He was one to talk constantly tying to make sure vacuo was protected and managed.

"I can break when the task-oh." He kinda got what she meant after knowing her for so long, she wanted attention, part of why he was working so hard, was to find a healing semblance or make sophisticated eyes for her, there were cures for blindness; but the eyes they currently had were colorblind, he wanted fully functional ones. "I want to give you a way to see our kids...you deserve that at least my princess..." Lance stood up, to meet her, standing before her holding her hands.

Hm? Are You? I Didnt Notice. And She Hadnt. Cue Her Being Blind The Last Few Years, Sadly Unable To See

“Hm? Are you? I didn’t notice.” And she hadn’t. Cue her being blind the last few years, sadly unable to see her children and husband. But that didn’t stop her at all.

She slid over just a bit, to get more directly in his sight. “I am trying to help you.” Not very good job but she’s making neat piles, at least. So wiggled her hips before leaning more into the desk, her tiptoes not even reaching the floor now. “You need a break ~”

Hm? Are You? I Didnt Notice. And She Hadnt. Cue Her Being Blind The Last Few Years, Sadly Unable To See

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5 months ago

"I understand, but you shouldn't have to, we have the technology to let you see again, the magic as well..." Especially since she'll outlive them all, she deserves to, she deserves to see and lead the Ashford's long into the future, it would give him peace of mind.

"Now, please. You are driving me crazy wearing this." Ever the stoic he replied using both hands to squeeze the shapely freckled ass. "If it is not too much trouble, I would like another." He'd plant a kiss on his wife's neck, then her lips.

I Have Rested Enough That I Became Restless, Sothis Pointed Out. One Can Only Lie In Bed For So Long.

“I have rested enough that I became restless,” Sothis pointed out. One can only lie in bed for so long. She tends to ache rather quickly if she does not move here and there. This was also her break, after all. She understood what Lance meant but.. she can rest again later.

A soft sigh escaped as fingers laced with her husbands and she offered a gentle squeeze. “Hm.. yes, that would be nice. But simply hearing their voices and holding them is more than enough, Lance. I do not need to see again. I have.. come to terms with the blindness.”

I Have Rested Enough That I Became Restless, Sothis Pointed Out. One Can Only Lie In Bed For So Long.

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5 months ago

"Of course I do, but if the option is there, of course- I'd like to help." Still he understood that she wanted to, live life her way, and he respected that of her, he'd say as much but it was hard to accept that she couldn't look at her future kids at least once. It's while he's been looking into ways to help her, to train himself as well.

"I apologize my star." Despite her snapping he look her hand and gave the back of it a kiss, trailing to her shoulder. "Allow me to touch elsewhere." The faunus would lift her up onto the desk; tilting her head he'd plant another passionate kiss on her lips. "Then let's make as many as the palace can hold." His tail would wrap around her leg running up her thigh.

Sothis paused as if she thought of it the. Shook her head. “Do you not trust my other senses? They are enhanced, I assure you. But if I came back from death with the same injuries I have received back then.. then I fear nothing will ever fully heal me. What the Agarthans have..” She trailed off with a shake of the head.

A soft gasp escaped then she promptly moved Lance’s hands from her ass to her hips with a huff. “Don’t touch me there,” she snapped. “But another what? You know I want as many as possible.. if you are talking of children.”

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5 months ago

"There is a relic my family is tasked with protecting- it can fix this, turned a machine into flesh and blood. I just need time, but that can be discussed later." Right now he must tend to his wife.

He thought about the many children. "I would need to be immortal for that..." Something he could get from the relic of creation, but he loved the idea of passing on and watching over everyone he loved from beyond, joining his parents and sister, he didn't want to leave them. "I-I mean I'll see what I can manage." With one fluid motion he'd remove his robe, revealing he was prepared by wearing nothing under it, his slim body revealed- he'd take one of her hands and drag it along his body so she knew.

Im Not Sure How Much One Can Help.. Their Damage Is Permanent. Even With A New Body Its Still There,

“I’m not sure how much one can help.. their damage is permanent. Even with a new body it’s still there, like it’s.. soul deep.” If that made sense. She didn’t know how else to put it. Sothis shook her head. Best not to worry. She knows Lance means well but..

So giggled at being lifted onto the desk, her legs wrapped securely around her husband. “You’re so sweet,” she whispered at the kisses and when one came to her lips, she returned it. “I had a thousand children, can you handle that?” She’s slightly teasing but gods knew she wanted that many again. “I want.. a big family. With you.”

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5 months ago

"I would...have to think on it, I do no know how to explain or deal with being endless." He'd think on how to make it so that he ca pass on but also remain here, it's not like the relic of creation would be going anywhere.


He'd slowly remove parts of her clothing- sliding them against her sensitive body agonizingly slow, right down to her panties, once he removed them he'd drape it on his tail for later.

He'd dive in to his favorite spot-, eating her out instantly, he'd plunge his tongue directly into her hole, planting his mouth over her pussy and lightly sucking- while his long tongue snaked it's way into her deeper regions. "Mmmmh..." He'd dig into her right on his desk, like she'd be the last meal he'd ever have. Using his strong arms he'd wrap them around her thighs to bring her closer.

Her Head Tilted. A Relic? Something Soured At The Mere Word And Brows Furrowed. His Were Different. They

Her head tilted. A relic? Something soured at the mere word and brows furrowed. His were different. They weren’t bones of her murdered children. They were - “A machine..?” That’s something she still was unsure of. Machines. Not her forte. “Why are you so concerned when I am not?”

W Small Pause. “I can make you immortal! No problem, agapi mou.” It was nothing to her. But everything at the same time. She wanted to stay by his side - forever. After he passed if he remained mortal, that’s it. A dragon only has one mate. And Lance was hers. “I don’t think.. there’s much trouble on your end.”

Her breath caught in her throat when her hand was taken. Fingertips glided over smooth skin. He felt so soft, so warm. And he was completely naked, just like that. “Undress me, love.. then take me.”

Her Head Tilted. A Relic? Something Soured At The Mere Word And Brows Furrowed. His Were Different. They

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5 months ago

Lance would wordlessly nod, still clamped down on her pussy, as she she'd cum, tasting her draconic juices. He loved eating out his partner. Feeling her body react to him having complete control over her, but he knew and so did she. He was in heat, this was just a taste of what he wanted to do.

"Sothis...please brace yourself." He wanted in, to be connected to her like the first time they connected so long ago. Once she'd give him consent, he'd slide in, this godly pussy clamping down on him for deer life. He'd start thrusting hard and fast, making the desk rock under them as he looked at every part of her body, her curves, her chest, everything about her, made him baby crazy. Towering above her, he'd lay down, putting her in a mating press as their gasp and moans filled the room.

Hearing the commotion his receptionist would open the door to check on them, getting an eyeful, with a blush she'd close it again. Now she was in the mood too.

"Sothis!" Lance would call out, pushing deeper into his wife.

A Frown Tugged Down On Her Lips. Immortality Was A Big Thing To Think About, Yes, But She Really Doesnt

A frown tugged down on her lips. Immortality was a big thing to think about, yes, but she really doesn’t want to lose him. She knew their children wouldn’t either, but it was ultimately his decision. They had plenty of time, of course. Lance was still fairly young.

Sothis groaned at how slow her husband moved. It was slow. Purposefully slow. He’s such a tease but boy was this worth it. A surprised moan left her when Lance dove right in, acting like a man in the desert needing water. He always ate her out like this, and she couldn’t get use to the feeling.

“Hah.. Lance.. fuck -“

Eyes fluttered closed as she moaned, and her legs wrapped around the man’s shoulders. With how his tongue was deep inside her, she wouldn’t last long. Her first orgasm always came quick. “Lance..~”

A Frown Tugged Down On Her Lips. Immortality Was A Big Thing To Think About, Yes, But She Really Doesnt

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5 months ago

He loved when he made her cum, a high of making a goddess cum and satisfying his wife's needs. Happy to please! She didn't need to cover her face, he wanted to see all her reactions and faces.

Hearing her gasp that out meant that he was doing a good job, their bodies collided with each other, skin slapping against skin as the mated like animals, he thrusted into her like a wild animal- switching from fast and rough strokes to a slower pace- to enjoy it for the longer- grabbing her hips to force her down more on the shaft- trying to hit ever pleasure spot he could.

He saw the cracks, she was strong, this was mahogany , he was lucky she was nice enough not to pop him like a grape, tenderly he'd lift her into his arms and continue the pounding of her pussy from below, holding the shorter woman around him like she was a doll. He was getting close, he was gonna explode his hot paste of passion into her cunt- holding her face with so much love he planted a long kiss on her own. "So....SO!"

Sothis Covered Her Face With Her Hands As She Came. It Was Rather Quick, Shes A Bit Embarrassed About

Sothis covered her face with her hands as she came. It was rather quick, she’s a bit embarrassed about the fact but it was impossible to change. Lance didn’t seem to mind about it so neither should she, right?

“Ah -“

It was hard to brace herself considering her position but the warning was nice. A low, drawn out moan escaped the goddess as his cock slid inside her needy cunt. It was definitely better than his tongue, though she did enjoy both, a lot. “Oh fuck,” she swore again. Eyes fluttered closed as legs wrapped around her husbands shoulders, as if to keep him close, and for support.

“Lance!” So cried out, her hands gripping the edge of the desk. Hard enough that cracks started to form in the wood. She didn’t mind the rough pace, she loved it, and her walls were clenched tight around him. “Lance!!”

Sothis Covered Her Face With Her Hands As She Came. It Was Rather Quick, Shes A Bit Embarrassed About

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