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I'd Love To See A Trazyn The Infinite And Orikan The Diviner Old Man Slap Fighting
I'd love to see a Trazyn the Infinite and Orikan the Diviner old man slap fighting

Totally best friends in one time line, only one.
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More Posts from Valhallasoutlaw
@nightbug08 That's true! I own a Blood Angels Successor Chaptermaster (adopted alongside a Second Captain) and a lovely Lamenter I rescued from a Space Hulk! They're among the most difficult to take care of, but once you earn their trust, you'll never find a more loyal space marine.
They're incredibly low maintenance. Soft spoken, emotional, honest, disciplined, clean, organized and startlingly resourceful, these Marines seem like the perfect match for anyone looking for a first time Astartes, but heads up! Your life will irrevocably change. Don't be discouraged by what I'm about to tell you, but I'm an educator first and I wouldn't put you or your Lamenter in a bad situation.
You will have to change everything. Or, there's a very real risk of injury, maybe even death.
There's something in their pedigree that makes them...different. Other Astartes are mistrustful at best, outright hostile at worst. You can't take a Lamenter to the sparring yard, and training cages should be booked beforehand. Lamenters are quite tame, but do keep in mind that they are subject to the same Prion disease as their parent chapter! It's best to keep them calm and happy as often as you can--a Herculean effort sometimes given their abnormally high melancholy!
Of course, I'll admit that their cousins have a good reason, and this is where the death part comes in. Misfortune sticks to them like flour to a wet cat, and this bleeds over to those around them. I make light of this, but had to move to the city after I crashed my car, lost my job and nearly got hit with a falling piano all in the same day! Even now, I take very few risks, though the occasional banana peel appears behind me at the bus stop.
I'm fortunate to have the resources for frequent visits to the Apothecary. My poor baby was was mauled by an unsupervised Minotaur just yesterday--no one got hurt too badly, but I've been reading him John Steinbeck books while he recovers!
I can't tell you how worth it he has been. I've never owned a marine that was so loving and loyal, and he certainly does his part to protect me from the strange bouts of woe that plague me like magpies to my box of french fries!
I'm actually working on getting him registered as a service Marine--for both our benefit. If you feel up to the challenge, your Lamenter will be a marine for life!
Alright I might need some help with this one. I found the scraggliest looking astartes hiding in my shed just now (we've been having a lot of snow so I'm not surprised). I got them in the garage at least and started checking for chaos icons, but I'm not sure I recognize the poor little guy coloring? He's mostly yellow with black and white checkerboards on the pauldrons?
Gotta try and get the lil guy cleaned up and fed, he seems young or underweight or something.

A pamphlet featured in our last seminar! Make sure that you know the signs so that you and your Blood Angel can live a happy, harmonious life!
My Iron warrior got into a fight with my neighbors word bearer and my friends thousand son is cheering them on pls help they already broke a window
Not the first time I've heard about these situations!
It sounds a bit harsh, but Traitor Legions require a firm hand when they're neophytes. Training them is intense, and socializing is a delicate balance that you have to maintain for your whole career as a handler. It's just part of the job description when you adopt a Traitor Legion!
Diffuse the fight as best you can. Prioritize your safety and try to mitigate damage--its tricky when the Iron Warrior busts out the demon engine and the Word Bearer calls down the wrath of the gods, and it only gets worse if the Thousand Son has Rubric! A hectic Monday for sure! If you or your property is in genuine danger, the right thing to do is to call a professional!
However, if you can safely disengage your darling Marines, follow up as best you can with discipline. Traitors need to know who's the Alpha! You don't have to go full decimation (I think it's unnecessary and outdated), but take care that your Marine knows he need to be on his best behavior!
hey! i know this is a controversial topic within the community so i apologise but i'd really love some advice; i own two sons of horus and my partner owns a black legion astartes (a terminator specifically) - can you recommend safe ways to introduce them to each other? everywhere i look there seems to be quite a bias against owning chaos legions, the poor things are demonised to the high throne and everyone acts like the terminator will 'corrupt' the sons :/
Ooh another great question with a fascinating answer!
We all know that I believe that there are no bad marines! I hope this helps to shed some positive light on the Black Legion; someone could be missing out on their forever-marine just because of a bad reputation!
Now, since you and your partner have two Legions with pack inclinations and a strong sense of pecking order, the trick is respect! Start with introductions, (names, rank, the whole kit and kaboodle) in a safe place where they all feel like equals! The last thing you want is for your Black Legionnaire to feel outnumbered and nervous, so pick neutral territory. As their handlers, I recommend that you and your partner interact like allies. Stay close to your Marines: the Sons of Horus will look to you for emotional advice! If you are comfortable, eventually they will be. As for your Legionnaire, keep a close watch on him. See if he's a Leader-type Astartes, or a Follower-type. Sons of Horus tend to be Followers, and your Legionary may want to be the Alpha! Put a pin in that for a moment!
On the first session, I wouldn't expect too many results. Both will be wary, but if tension breaks out, stop the introduction immediately and wait. Try again later in a different space and see what happens. A two-versus-one introduction MAY seem counterintuitive, but trust me when I say you want your Legionnaire to know exactly what he's getting into--the poor darlings are expecting betrayal around every corner.
If, after a few sessions, they begin to develop that signature Astartes synergy we all love so much, feel free to let them spar or exercise together! The dynamic will emerge naturally over a period of a few weeks to a few months, and--remember that pin I mentioned?--your Legionnaire will likely integrate into the pack as a Follower-type (submitting to the strongest combatant) or, sometimes as a Leader-type (where your Sons of Horus are subordinate!) Either of these results is your goal, and if your Astartes dig their heels in and simply won't get along, I would consider another relationship. Astartes are a big responsibility! As unfortunate as it is, there are other fish in the sea, and your space marine needs you!
I've been in the Astartes Husbandry scene for a long time and have even earned my degree in Astartes Behavioral Science, with a minor in Gene-seed Speculation. I actually did my thesis on Flesh Tearers domestication and rehabilitation! And let me tell you, Blood Angels are not for the faint of heart! I'm a proud owner of three wonderful Angels--one of which is a Lamenter (I know, right?!), and I couldn't be happier. But, only because I put in the effort! They get a bad reputation due to their predisposition to Prion disease and HIGH maintenance--something people usually only find out AFTER they've adopted a scout for a Sanguinala gift. I run a charity reassigning Blood Angels, and I can't tell you how many Deathwatch companies I've visited and found that these poor marines have been abandoned right after the holidays--which is when they need the most support from their handlers. It's difficult, but I and my volunteers have dispatched marines to dozens of forever command posts, and we're only growing!
Most people are drawn to Blood Angels because of their stunning pedigree, excellent manners, psychic aptitude and nigh-effortless training. They make wonderful guards and are very docile around children, but these are about as far from family-marines as Iron Warriors! It's a common misconception, so as a little PSA, I'll let you know what to expect from Blood Angels, so you can decide if they're the right breed for you!
First thing's first: the Arch-Traitor in the room. They are all susceptible to a Prion disease scientifically known as B74CK-RG. It's tragic, but it can be delayed for as long as you are willing to put in the effort! Know the signs, and take action as soon as you can! They won't always let you know that they are suffering, so it's up to you as their handler to take initiative for their health! It sounds daunting, I know, but the secret is stress management! Blood Angels are highly susceptible to certain kinds of stress, so I've listed my top 3 Husbandry Hacks--guaranteed to ease behavioral issues in your Blood Angel! 1) Adopt in pairs! Blood Angels thrive on brotherhood, and they need each other for support, competition, inspiration and companionship. If you have the resources, I would encourage trios! Having at least one other Blood Angel in the home will make your new forever-marine feel accepted and understood. After all, there are some burdens us mortals aren't equipped to bear! 2) Grooming! As fun as braiding your Blood Angel's lovely golden hair is, their grooming habits get expensive! They are very clean and hypoallergenic, but require a stringent hair-and-skincare routine that MUST be maintained! If you plan on taking your marine to shows, you have already prepared for this, but if you are just looking for a casual adoption, add another category to your budget!
And speaking of your budget, to truly have a happy, healthy Blood Angel with a full lifespan, get ready to break your bank with: 3) Artistic expression! My Blood Angels spend hours at a time writing and reciting poetry, painting, drafting, singing and playing music, and a wide spectrum of other interests. Every Blood Angel is different, but all of them decompress through art. After battles, long missions, or even after a sleepless night, your Blood Angel will cope with stress through a hobby. But regular trips to JoAnn's, Michaels or Hobby Lobby won't do. Be prepared to contact professional suppliers or attend auctions to fund your marine's interests--otherwise they will often obtain "inspiring mediums" themselves. Just ask my neighbor what happened when my Chaptermaster ran out of supplies!
Blood Angels are a misunderstood legion, but I assure you, there are no bad Blood Angels, only bad owners! If you have any doubts or questions, sign up for one of my seminars or volunteer with us to make sure every Blood Angel has a purpose and a home. They are just as deserving of love as any Ultramarine-mix or pedigree Imperial Fist, and together we can create the homes they deserve!
post your astarteskeeping takes that will have you like this

I'll go first: I don't think it's possible to ethically keep thousand sons as pets. I know they're popular for their beauty and intense hobbies but their social needs are incredibly complex and hard to meet even for professional keepers, not to mention the psychic aspect