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1 year ago

I'm inclined to agree!

Even a marine as well rounded as an Ultramarine needs constant exercise and a working schedule. They're a big responsibility!

But, high maintenance legions can be destructive if they're understimulated, stressed or mishandled; it's taken me years of study to master their care. I think a license and a number of classes would prevent a lot of damage in the future!

A Pamphlet Featured In Our Last Seminar! Make Sure That You Know The Signs So That You And Your Blood
A Pamphlet Featured In Our Last Seminar! Make Sure That You Know The Signs So That You And Your Blood
A Pamphlet Featured In Our Last Seminar! Make Sure That You Know The Signs So That You And Your Blood
A Pamphlet Featured In Our Last Seminar! Make Sure That You Know The Signs So That You And Your Blood
A Pamphlet Featured In Our Last Seminar! Make Sure That You Know The Signs So That You And Your Blood
A Pamphlet Featured In Our Last Seminar! Make Sure That You Know The Signs So That You And Your Blood
A Pamphlet Featured In Our Last Seminar! Make Sure That You Know The Signs So That You And Your Blood

A pamphlet featured in our last seminar! Make sure that you know the signs so that you and your Blood Angel can live a happy, harmonious life!

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1 year ago

How to care for iron warrior breed help he is making a machine

Great question with a simple answer!

Your darling Iron Warrior is bored! Don't worry, they're even harder to keep entertained than White Scars or Imperial Fists, so it's a common mistake to make!

There's no way to stop him tinkering, but it can be directed. Give him a goal--preferrably something interesting and make sure to keep the details vague. They're a surprisingly creative breed, so rather than say "I would like you to fix my car", tell him "I need transportation." Then, provide him with a selection of materials (like an unpleasant neighbor's truck, or the unpleasant neighbor himself) and watch your little soldier work his magic! Be prepared for a wide range of results, and have a cover story ready in case someone hears your poor neighbor's screams of agony when they open the hood of your sweet new ride.

Hope this helps!

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1 year ago

Night Lords, astonishingly, do well as solitary guards in family homes! They're strangely good with small children and will remain fairly tame as long as they get their usual Astartes exercise! They can be socialized towards adults, teenagers, and occasionally other space marines (particularly Death Guard), and your home will NEVER face a robbery! EVER!

A little info for first-time Night Lords husbandry enthusiasts, just because they are called Chaos Marines does not mean you should put them with other breeds of Chaos Marines. Many Night Lords have a strong annoyance with chaos and chaos-related objects. Not all feel this way about chaos but always check before introducing them to chaos marines.

Ave Dominus Nox

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1 year ago

My Iron warrior got into a fight with my neighbors word bearer and my friends thousand son is cheering them on pls help they already broke a window

Not the first time I've heard about these situations!

It sounds a bit harsh, but Traitor Legions require a firm hand when they're neophytes. Training them is intense, and socializing is a delicate balance that you have to maintain for your whole career as a handler. It's just part of the job description when you adopt a Traitor Legion!

Diffuse the fight as best you can. Prioritize your safety and try to mitigate damage--its tricky when the Iron Warrior busts out the demon engine and the Word Bearer calls down the wrath of the gods, and it only gets worse if the Thousand Son has Rubric! A hectic Monday for sure! If you or your property is in genuine danger, the right thing to do is to call a professional!

However, if you can safely disengage your darling Marines, follow up as best you can with discipline. Traitors need to know who's the Alpha! You don't have to go full decimation (I think it's unnecessary and outdated), but take care that your Marine knows he need to be on his best behavior!

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1 year ago

I managed to get my hands on a grey knight but I can’t find any information on them, any tips?

Haha! I'm an expert in my field, and I can tell you that grey knights aren't a recognized breed! You, my friend have an Ultramarine. Yep! An old fashioned Ultramarine from good ole Ultramar! Nothing else! Haha! Truly the everymans marine! Haha!

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1 year ago

You sure? He keeps saying he’s a grey knight and looks taller than my brothers salamander

Yep!!!! Ultramarines come in a variety of heights and builds! I've met a few in the community that were as large or larger than salamanders! It's rare, but he's an Ultramarine!!! Haha thanks for the question hope this helps!!!

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1 year ago

But aren’t Ultra marines blue? He’s wearing silver and has this weird spear thingy

Hobbies are critical to space marine health, and boy howdy your little ULTRAMARINE from ULTRAMAR has some neat pastimes! I'm a highly qualified individual and I assure you! That's Guilliman's boy! I guarantee it!!!!!

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1 year ago

hey! i know this is a controversial topic within the community so i apologise but i'd really love some advice; i own two sons of horus and my partner owns a black legion astartes (a terminator specifically) - can you recommend safe ways to introduce them to each other? everywhere i look there seems to be quite a bias against owning chaos legions, the poor things are demonised to the high throne and everyone acts like the terminator will 'corrupt' the sons :/

Ooh another great question with a fascinating answer!

We all know that I believe that there are no bad marines! I hope this helps to shed some positive light on the Black Legion; someone could be missing out on their forever-marine just because of a bad reputation!

Now, since you and your partner have two Legions with pack inclinations and a strong sense of pecking order, the trick is respect! Start with introductions, (names, rank, the whole kit and kaboodle) in a safe place where they all feel like equals! The last thing you want is for your Black Legionnaire to feel outnumbered and nervous, so pick neutral territory. As their handlers, I recommend that you and your partner interact like allies. Stay close to your Marines: the Sons of Horus will look to you for emotional advice! If you are comfortable, eventually they will be. As for your Legionnaire, keep a close watch on him. See if he's a Leader-type Astartes, or a Follower-type. Sons of Horus tend to be Followers, and your Legionary may want to be the Alpha! Put a pin in that for a moment!

On the first session, I wouldn't expect too many results. Both will be wary, but if tension breaks out, stop the introduction immediately and wait. Try again later in a different space and see what happens. A two-versus-one introduction MAY seem counterintuitive, but trust me when I say you want your Legionnaire to know exactly what he's getting into--the poor darlings are expecting betrayal around every corner.

If, after a few sessions, they begin to develop that signature Astartes synergy we all love so much, feel free to let them spar or exercise together! The dynamic will emerge naturally over a period of a few weeks to a few months, and--remember that pin I mentioned?--your Legionnaire will likely integrate into the pack as a Follower-type (submitting to the strongest combatant) or, sometimes as a Leader-type (where your Sons of Horus are subordinate!) Either of these results is your goal, and if your Astartes dig their heels in and simply won't get along, I would consider another relationship. Astartes are a big responsibility! As unfortunate as it is, there are other fish in the sea, and your space marine needs you!

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1 year ago

I ask your humble opinion on space marine expert, would you say the deathwatch is distinct enough to consider it's own breed? Or that it's more like traits that can be selected for in any breed of chapter? And is there any special care the astartes of the long vigil require?

Ooo I love this question! The answer might surprise you (it certainly surprised me!)

Deathwatch is actually a form of training pedigree! Historically, Deathwatch was a group of highly efficient handlers that prioritized certain traits across a wide variety of breeds, and trained them to the highest possible standard in the field of hunting and killing Xenos! A friend of mine is a Deathwatch testing official, and I had the honor of watching a few of these tests, and let me tell you that they are ruthless! I would call them harsh for the days and times, but I can respect their methods--they certainly get results!

So, no, Deathwatch isn't a "breed" but they are all pitted against the same standards of strength, tracking, endurance, gene seed purity and so on. You're very lucky to have one! Make sure to check his papers before you go shouting that from the rooftops, though! Deathwatch pedigree is taken very seriously, and I'd hate for you to get in trouble!

As for long vigil care, encouragement is key. Keep him inspired and appreciated, but take care not to smother him--they do have their pride! You should see great results, and you and your Marine will go wonderful places!

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1 year ago

Aside from the obvious difference of being better at protecting me from Xenos, how does deathwatch affect my marine? I want to know if it’s good for me (I have a Lamenter I hold dear)

Great question! Most marines are amazing for Xenos prevention, control and trophy hunting, but the Deathwatch can't be beat! I'm also preparing a seminar for the care of Lamenters, which I'm sure you'll enjoy when I post highlights!

Aside from the glowing pros, there are some aspects of Deathwatch training that I consider cons.

It's very stringent, sometimes harsh. It's also a very prestigious clique that requires plenty of funding (the Administratum actually gives out grants, but don't tell them I said that!) Not to mention, I own two Blood Angels Successors and one Lamenter, and marines that heavily rely on their brothers may feel isolated and lonely. For Blood Angels, this can have negative consequences and even aggravate symptoms of Prion disease. In others, there is a chance of heightened aggression, restlessness, separation-anxiety and self-isolation as they reintegrate into more domestic assignments.

In a more positive light, I've seen some incredibly difficult marines flourish under Deathwatch, even marines with "problematic behavior." Something about the routine and a clear direction to channel any pent-up aggression just makes them come alive!

If you're willing to put in the months of 24/7 training, Deathwatch may be an excellent opportunity to join a historic community! The people there are wonderful, and they never turn away a marine that shows the spark for gunning down the alien threats of the galaxy!

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1 year ago

So I have a thousand son, best thing that has happened to me, but my neighbor has a small pack of space wolves and I’m worried they will eventually fight. Is there any preventative action I can take?

Ooh this one is tricky. I would recommend collaborating with your neighbor on routines and schedules. Take care that your marines spend as little time as possible around each other! Thousand Sons do NOT get along with Space Wolves, and I have rarely seen a meeting that didn't eventually turn violent.

There ARE loopholes though! Space Wolves have an adorably brief short term memory, and very little object permanence. In a span of about three to seven days, those lovely Wolves likely won't remember ever encountering your Thousand Son, and are thus returned to square one!

The opposite is true for the Thousand Son, however. They have a frightening memory, and the trick to avoiding outbursts is--as much as it pains me to say--propaganda. Enforce in your Thousand Son that Space Wolves are beneath them (they aren't!!!) and that by interacting with them at all, even in thought, the Thousand Son are put at risk for corruption and mange.

Combined with coordinated, controlled distance, things should be kept civil. Hope this helps!

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1 year ago

@nightbug08 That's true! I own a Blood Angels Successor Chaptermaster (adopted alongside a Second Captain) and a lovely Lamenter I rescued from a Space Hulk! They're among the most difficult to take care of, but once you earn their trust, you'll never find a more loyal space marine.

They're incredibly low maintenance. Soft spoken, emotional, honest, disciplined, clean, organized and startlingly resourceful, these Marines seem like the perfect match for anyone looking for a first time Astartes, but heads up! Your life will irrevocably change. Don't be discouraged by what I'm about to tell you, but I'm an educator first and I wouldn't put you or your Lamenter in a bad situation.

You will have to change everything. Or, there's a very real risk of injury, maybe even death.

There's something in their pedigree that makes them...different. Other Astartes are mistrustful at best, outright hostile at worst. You can't take a Lamenter to the sparring yard, and training cages should be booked beforehand. Lamenters are quite tame, but do keep in mind that they are subject to the same Prion disease as their parent chapter! It's best to keep them calm and happy as often as you can--a Herculean effort sometimes given their abnormally high melancholy!

Of course, I'll admit that their cousins have a good reason, and this is where the death part comes in. Misfortune sticks to them like flour to a wet cat, and this bleeds over to those around them. I make light of this, but had to move to the city after I crashed my car, lost my job and nearly got hit with a falling piano all in the same day! Even now, I take very few risks, though the occasional banana peel appears behind me at the bus stop.

I'm fortunate to have the resources for frequent visits to the Apothecary. My poor baby was was mauled by an unsupervised Minotaur just yesterday--no one got hurt too badly, but I've been reading him John Steinbeck books while he recovers!

I can't tell you how worth it he has been. I've never owned a marine that was so loving and loyal, and he certainly does his part to protect me from the strange bouts of woe that plague me like magpies to my box of french fries!

I'm actually working on getting him registered as a service Marine--for both our benefit. If you feel up to the challenge, your Lamenter will be a marine for life!

Alright I might need some help with this one. I found the scraggliest looking astartes hiding in my shed just now (we've been having a lot of snow so I'm not surprised). I got them in the garage at least and started checking for chaos icons, but I'm not sure I recognize the poor little guy coloring? He's mostly yellow with black and white checkerboards on the pauldrons?

Gotta try and get the lil guy cleaned up and fed, he seems young or underweight or something.

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1 year ago

My darling Iron hand seems to be quite uncomfortable despite my best efforts, even going so far as to self-harm. I've heard of some trainers avoid this issue by allowing theirs to replace parts with bionics, but is this ethical?

Iron Hands have a tragic history, and I believe that it should be respected! It may seem frightening, but if bionics are ethically sourced and made by local businesses, there is nothing wrong with it! I'm sure he will thank you!

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