they/she Bi, Aceobsessed with books, music, movies and fictional universes, can and will ramble about anything and everythingalso I sometimes do art :)
512 posts
I Have No Words

I have no words…
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More Posts from Valyrie630
Biromantic 💖💜💙
Reblog if you’re bisexual, support bisexual people or are actually a bunch of tiny velociraptors in a human suit
there are three certainties in life. 1) death. 2) taxes. 3) me falling in love with the morally gray, mentally ill and extremely misunderstood character
Dream, pointing at himself: Badass.
Dream, pointing at Sapnap: Smartass.
Dream, pointing at George: Nice ass.
Charles to Alistair, Thomas, and Math: No, none of you understand, my secret is too shamef—
Thomas: You dumb bitch every person in this room right now is gay
laptop: PLEASE place me on a hard surface that does not obstruct my cooling fan I am begging you
me: shut up we are going to snuggle in bed :)