Vampyre. He/Him. Lifestylers and black swans welcome. LoviatanTURN THE PAIN INTO POWER.
769 posts
Oh Shit I Have Guests Coming Over. I Need To Make The Place Presentable.Gives The Spiders A High-five
Oh shit I have guests coming over. I need to make the place presentable. Gives the spiders a high-five to encourage web production Tastefully rips the tablecloth and curtains Takes books off the shelves and places them on random tables Spill a glass of red liquid. Tastefully. Puts out the fire and spreads the ashes around the floor

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More Posts from Vampvalerian
*stepping over my own corpse* sorry about that. it's nice to meet you. yeah don't worry about it, it'll despawn in a few minutes.
Day 4 - if your kintype suddenly opened their eyes, what would they be looking at? Some old rustic ceiling, the walls of a coffin around me, cobwebs and dust and possibly small bits of sunlight shining through cracks in the walls. Candlelight illuminating the worn-down wallpaper and cracked roof .

ughhh i hate the weird pick-me part of the VC. im a vampyre but i call myself vampirekin sometimes out of convenience for community building. i joined a discord server one time and it said something in the rules about otherkin being not welcome and a "personal fictional narrative" as opposed to the Totally Legit And Real Vampyre Community like get away from me ew
Eesh, so I stumbled across vampyrism validity politics because I barely stepped my toes into a vampyre forum (yeah, I'm using the "y" spelling for convenience) out of curiosity to see if there might be any discussion/posts regarding vampirekin (just browsed, didn't post). And it smacks of the holier-than-thou, "we're the only true vampires" nonsense that's so toxic to have around--they think they are the oldest kind of vampires/vampyres, they are the only serious ones while the others (psi/sang types) are just roleplaying & spreading misinformation (including that psi/sang vampyres aren't even a real experience or condition), they are part of an order with their own bible, & want to be seen widely as what true vampyrism is (to combat the misinformation) but at the same time don't want to be widely known about because others just couldn't understand the complexities of their vampyrism.
God I hate seeing negative gatekeeping, whatever community or subculture it may be part of. And of course I'm very much reminded of otherkin/therian negative gatekeeping. Honestly, they may be some form of "vampirism" (hell knows, the vampire terminology has been stretched & contorted a lot over time anyway, but I still think their experiences are valid), but I seriously doubt they are/experience the only valid form, especially the insistence that psi/sang vampyres are totally invalid. So yeah, I turned around & noped my way off that site (to clarify, it wasn't just one person in a stray post saying that stuff, it was a stickied thread about correcting misinformation about vampyres; this also wasn't on some small, obscure forum).
Edit: Oh yeah, & disappointing thing for me as vampirekin is they see themselves as inhuman (albeit, immortal) souls in human bodies, though I can't really relate to them beyond the 'nonhuman in a human body' part, especially the emphasis on magick & the occult. But just wonder what it would be like if vampirekin made their own community, as an offshoot of sorts from other vampires, & insisted that all other kinds of vampires who weren't vampirekin were just fluffies & roleplayers & we must be The Only True Vampires TM. That would be wrong & stupid. But that's what this feels like to me.
As a side note: what's with some communities not doing a better job of coining terms for themselves? Like why do so many kinds of people have to fight for the term "vampire" or "kin" when they could coin their own terms & maybe raise the usefulness of the terms & their definitions because there's not a dozen+ kinds of identity vying for who gets the sacred honor to use that term & be a "true vampire" or "true 'kin". I understand not wanting to be separate from certain terms, but sometimes it's taken to ridiculous extents, like with these supposed "true vampires" above who admit that the term 'vampire' doesn't do their kind justice & they are very different than what is meant by vampire/vampyre in that larger community, or kffers (instead of roleplaying) or choicekin (rather than using copinglink or otherlink).
Haiii :3 Can you do an elven vampire themed moodboard? Very gothic vibes and yesh like red and black and such ^-^ thank uuuu

elven vampire alterhuman moodboard with themes of red and black goth!