+18 | I'm Van🛹 My personal "sims" blog | WCIF Friendly | I'm a 2D/3D artist 🧑🤝🧑👬👭👫 | 🌕he/they☀️ | ❤️The Great Deities of Northeast 🦊LukaNoah🐺 (TGDONE)/🌠IcarRyu🌠/🛹JAKK🛹❤️⬅️Stories by @lea-heartscxiv and me❤️Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts/SK∞ the Infinity❤️
657 posts
Tentando Por Todava No Conectarme En La Otra Cuenta Porque Me Da Pereza Crear Una Publicacin Para Compartir
Tentando por todavía no conectarme en la otra cuenta porque me da pereza crear una publicación para compartir CC y no ser capaz de compilarlo en menos de tres párrafos 🙃 Odio la forma en la que no puedo compartir CC solo poniendo el enlace de descarga y la imagen 🥲
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Doodle de Sam 🛹
Gracias por la referencia @lea-heartscxiv 💓
Tengo que hacer una compilación de todos los doodles que he hecho hasta ahora juntos 🤔 Además debería empezar ha hacer doodles de cuerpo completo también 🤫
Tenemos que hacer los recolors de ojos de TGDONE, ¿qué opinas @lea-heartscxiv?
CHRIS!!!!!!!! Me encanta como te ha quedado la foto, es TOP!! 🤩💘
(Y sigo pensando que soy un poco malo decorando, ahora añado la palabra un poco 😆)

(Cambia a Langa por la imagen de arriba)

Chris posando en la habitación
Esta es una de las estancias de la casa de uno de nuestros Challenge , a @vanskyfox (Según él es malo decorando...) le toco decorar un dormitorio con los gustos de Chris.
¡Qué tiernos son los tres! 💗 Espero que a Mishka no le pase nada grave y solo necesite un buen descanso. 🙏

TLC (1)

Nikolai comes home to find Mishka and Alexander asleep on the couch. It's out of character for Mishka to be sleeping at this time of the evening, but Nikolai chalks it up to him probably having a busy day. Nikolai has been out of the house for most of it, after all, leaving Mishka to look after Alexander on his own for much longer than usual.

Nikolai: *to himself* How adorable are they?

Nikolai: Mishka? Wake up, sweetheart. You're going to have the worst kink in your neck if you stay here like this.
Mishka: *mumbling* Mmm... what?

Nikolai: There you are.
Mishka: What? Oh... hello. You're back. How did it go?
Nikolai: It's going good, but please tell me why I agreed to help with an off-season ice show. If I'd known how much work it'd be to help organize one as well as letting myself get talked into skating in it, I might've said no.
Mishka: No, you wouldn't have. You were so excited when Beth-Anne asked you, and I know you love to take every chance you get to skate for an audience.
Nikolai: Okay. You're right. I am excited for it. It's just that I'm used to having a lighter schedule in the off-season.
Mishka: You're not going to be doing this every summer.
Nikolai: No, I won't. The last time we had an ice show at Seaport Place was... I think five years ago? I didn't have to do anything that time, except get myself and a couple of my top students ready. Of course, the good news this time is that Eden, Katie and Brett are helping a lot with the younger kids.
Mishka: Is Beth-Anne going to skate too?
Nikolai: She says she is. Uncle Stan somehow got coaxed out of retirement to coach her, or so he says, but really I think he just showed up at the rink because Ginger did. I don't think he wants to let her out of his sight.

Mishka: Oh! Ginger's well enough to go out now? Did she have Rowan with her?
Nikolai: Yes, and yes. I'm pretty sure it'd take more than giving birth to keep her away from the rink, even if she's only allowed to sit on the bench and watch the rest of us.
Mishka: That reminds me of someone else I know.
Nikolai: Except I didn't give birth.
Mishka: You know what I mean. I'm not sure what would keep you away from the rink.
Nikolai: You could.
Mishka: I'd never ask that from you.
Nikolai: I know, but I would do it if you needed me.
Mishka: I know, and I love knowing you would.

Nikolai: And how about you, little champion? What kind of adventures did you have with Papa today?
Alexander: *happy noises*
Mishka: He's reaching for things on his own now, and I think he's going to be able to roll over by himself soon.
Nikolai: Well done, Sasha! Were you helping with the gardening and housework today too?
Mishka: We didn't do much housecleaning today. I wasn't feeling well, so we decided to relax.

Nikolai: I didn't know you weren't feeling well. Why didn't you tell me when I came home for lunch? I could've taken Sasha to the rink with me so you could rest. There were loads of people there who could've helped to watch him.
Mishka: I didn't think it was that bad.
Nikolai: That sounds like there's a 'but' coming. How are you feeling now?
Mishka: Worse than at lunchtime. I thought maybe I was just tired, but I slept for... I don't even know how long I was asleep, and now I feel more exhausted than I did before. Maybe I'm coming down with something.
Nikolai: Do you want me to take your temperature?
Mishka: Yeah.
Nikolai: And make you something light to eat?

Mishka: I'm sorry! I was supposed to have food ready for you when you got home. I don't know how I forgot. You've been working so hard, and—
Nikolai: Mishka, it's all right. I can make us both something. What would you like?
Mishka: *softly* I'm not hungry.
Nikolai: Are you sure?
Mishka: Yeah.
Nikolai: Why don't you go upstairs and lie down? Maybe I'll call my parents to see if they can come over and take Sasha to their place, so you can have a break.
Mishka: I don't know.
Nikolai: You can think about it. Let me just get the little man settled, and then I'll come upstairs and check on you. Do you think you need an ibuprofen tablet or anything?
Mishka: *sniffling* I... I don't know.
Nikolai: Don't worry. You don't have to figure it out right this second. Go get into bed if you want, and we'll take everything one step at a time after that, okay?
Mishka: *whispering* O-okay.