VanLeaSillies - Tumblr Posts

Who dares to wake me up at this time of day? ¿Quién osa despertarme a estás horas del día?
Luka as Cryptid following Create-A-Cryptid by @gloomiegalaxie. Thank you it was really really fun to do! 💓
Actually Lea and me were doing it since April, but we haven't finished it until recently (photos included). This is first of two cryptids I made. He made two too. Below cut line you can see a full body image, in case you want to see what hooves are under their legs.
Full body and more photos below cut line ⬇️

He's just a jealous guy. Mother is not happy. Él es sólo un tipo celoso. Madre no esta contenta.
???? as Cryptid following Create-A-Cryptid by @gloomiegalaxie. Thank you again for do this challenge it was really really fun to do! 💓
Actually Lea and me were doing it since April, but we haven't finished it until recently (photos included). This is second one of two cryptids I made. He made two too. With this one already from me, we will now move on to do more because this challenge is a lot of fun. With colors that came out with dice, I tried to create it as a child of Mother Plant. Ironic considering context of our original story.

Monochromatic Grey ~ Gloomie's Femboy Friday by @gloomiegalaxie 💝
I don't know why but above I feel as if Luka came out of a 70's film noir. I don't know how to describe but if not film noir, something something about 60s/70s.

+4 sexy photos plus their look without black and white filter, below cut line ❤️🔥⬇️


Doodle de Chris 🪩
Gracias por la referencia @lea-heartscxiv
¡Nuestro vintage ochentero ya está aquí esbozado! He tratado de conseguir mantener toda su esencia, así que espero que cuando lo veáis indiscutiblemente digáis, Chris.

Fairies ~ Gloomie's Femboy Friday by @gloomiegalaxie 💝
As there was no theme this friday, me and my friend Lea decided to made second theme (that we didn't do) and this is my part of Fairies theme of Femboy Friday ❣️
Cute friends below cut line ⬇️

Loretta and Eolo
☄️ Post Apocalyptic
Jejejeje, jejejejejejejeje. jejejejejejejeje!!!! ¿Luka Post Apocalíptico?
Aquí lo tienes y con unos extras! 🤭

☆Español☆ Año 2XXX, todo empezó cuando una especie no identificada (Lerighett) llegó al planeta con la idea de salvarlo de los seres contaminantes (humanos). Acercándose a unos fanáticos de la ciencia espacial, se reprodujeron con la idea de dar a luz a seres híbridos que con sus feromonas harían cambiar el comportamiento de los seres contaminantes y lograr así su cometido. Este es el resultado después de aquella invasión. ¿Aunque realmente se puede considerar un apocalipsis, siendo esta una salvación para el planeta?
☆English☆ Year 2XXX, it all started when an unidentified species (Lerighett) arrived on planet with idea of saving it from contaminating beings (humans). Approaching some fanatics of space science, they reproduced with idea of giving birth to hybrid beings that with their pheromones would change the behavior of contaminating beings and thus achieve their goal. This is the result after that invasion. Although it can really be considered an apocalypse, being this a salvation for the planet?
CAS and extra photo below ⬇️

¿Os gustaría ver más planos de cerca de los demás que salen de atrezzo? 🤔
Would you guys like to see more close-up shots of others coming out of props? 🤔

Is he the best? Skate with me!
Cyberpunk ~ Gloomie's Femboy Friday by @gloomiegalaxie 💝
We know it's not Femboy Friday it's Femboy Sunday? But we tried to have it by Friday and it was an impossible task. Lea and I are still not sure if Luka will use a classic, a longboard, a cruiser, etc… But in this world for this time it will be a longboard. Thank you to all CC creators (me included 😋)
Luka flirting with Chris below cut line ⬇️

The bar had just opened, that's why it's so empty.

☆Español☆ Por cierto siguiendo el AU post apocalíptico del reto del CAS de Luka, estos son humanos "infectados" que prefirieron morir por su propia mano, antes que convertirse en seres con cabeza de árbol y una esfera lumínica.
☆English☆ Btw, following post apocalipsys AU of CAS challenge about Luka, those are human being "infected" who preferred to die by their own hand, rather than become beings with treeheads and a sphere of light.

Planos de cerca de todos los mostrados en el AU post apocalíptico del reto del CAS de Luka (Bueno, todos menos los ☠️, esos podéis verlos aquí)

🎸 Rock Star Zack Evans
Zack&Roll con su fiel compañero Luke!

Build made by @lea-heartscxiv (it's a great all-around place, although I've only used the stage, thank you so much 🙏💘)
CAS photos below ⬇️

Reanudo la partida de los sims y lo primero que me sale en pantalla es esto 🫣

90s Skater Fem-boy
90s Grunge ~ Gloomie's Femboy Friday by @gloomiegalaxie 💝

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This time I have tried to bring Luka infected by the Mother Plant. I will share something more of this photoshoot later because I really liked the final outcome.
Greek God(ess)
Ryuuya Kitta
Ριυυια ~ 竜矢様