vaporlocke81 - v a p o r l o c k e여든한
v a p o r l o c k e여든한

📼 + 🎶 = ♻️💎🌏

719 posts

Gift Ideas

Gift Ideas

Beth: (watching a Kays jewelers commercial) I've never had a charm bracelet.

Me: you want one?

Beth: No. It looks faggy.

More Posts from Vaporlocke81

13 years ago


So, I've been to the dentist three times in the past to weeks. All things considered I'm in very little pain. Maybe I'm unbreakable, like Bruce Willis in 'Unbreakable'. Or maybe limitless like Brad-ley Cooper from 'Limitless'...

13 years ago


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13 years ago
Time To Get Serious About Christmas!

time to get serious about Christmas!

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13 years ago

So, I'm alive. Relatively painless, too. But, check back when the novacain wears-off...

13 years ago
