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Вечерело. Небо цвело красками, пока огненное солнце катилось за горизонт, за крыши далёких многоэтажек. Опаляя своими последними лучами, оно коснулось и тебя. Мерцающие ледяные глаза и зарево волос. Пожар. Пожар бушевал внутри разнося по телу тёплые волны. Как хорошо и тошно одновременно. Желание выплеснуть наружу дымилось, как сигарета в зубах.
Эндрю: отвратительно, что даже хорошо..
Нил: *обернулся* что?
Эндрю: идиот, как я тебя ненавижу
Прошипел Эндрю, выкинув дотлевший окурок и коснувшись губ Нила. Ненавижу, но не могу оторваться, уже ни-ког-да.
schwerh liked this · 5 months ago
luna23cat liked this · 5 months ago
aaxxisses liked this · 5 months ago
More Posts from Vermoeidekoteissleeping
Эндрю, если бы стал адвокатом:
Voices from Beneath the Rubble: A Life Suspended in Gaza
Art by @norrriey & @sailing-ever-west ♥️
Rebuilding Lives: A Family's Struggle and Need for Support in Post-War Gaza
In the heart of Gaza, a once-thriving family now grapples with the harsh realities of war. Mohammed Alanqer, a dedicated engineer, had built a promising technology startup that was the cornerstone of his family’s livelihood. However, the war has left his business in ruins, and his family displaced, facing severe financial and health challenges.
The Impact of War on Livelihood and Education
The destruction of Mohammed's startup has stripped the family of their primary source of income. This loss is compounded by the closure of schools in Gaza, depriving their children, Layan, Sarah, and Adam, of their right to education. With the educational institutions in disarray, the children’s future remains uncertain, threatening to deepen the cycle of poverty and instability.
Health and Safety Concerns
The war has not only affected their financial stability but also put the family's health at risk. The destruction of hospitals has left Mohammed's wife, Enas Majed, in a precarious situation, particularly during her pregnancy with their youngest child, Amir. The family also struggles with medical conditions, including their son Adam’s battle with viral hepatitis and other illnesses like measles, which have become prevalent due to the lack of proper healthcare facilities.
The Urgent Need for Support
The family has been forced to flee their home multiple times, living in constant fear and without basic necessities such as clean clothes and adequate food. Their situation has become increasingly desperate, with the cost of escaping to a safer environment being prohibitively high. The financial burden of crossing borders, estimated at $5000 per adult and $2500 per child, is beyond their means.
A Call for Help
Mohammed and his family urgently need support to overcome these challenges. The total estimated costs for providing education, housing, and essential needs amount to between 27,817 and 42,485 euros annually. This includes:
- Education Costs: 11,817 - 18,485 euros per year
- Housing Costs: 12,000 - 18,000 euros per year
- Basic Needs: 4,000 - 6,000 euros per year
This financial assistance would enable the family to secure a stable and safe environment, ensure the children’s return to education, and provide the necessary healthcare to overcome their current difficulties.
The story of Mohammed Alanqer’s family is a testament to the resilience and determination to survive in the face of unimaginable adversity. However, their journey cannot be completed without external support. By contributing to their cause, you can help rebuild a future where Mohammed’s children can grow up in safety, pursue their education, and live with dignity.
Read More About My Family Story :
My camping vetted by :
@nabulsi ~ Link vetted | @fairuzfan ~ Link vetted @90-ghost ~ Link vetted | @communistchilchuck ~ Link vetted | @commissions4aid-international ~ Link vetted | @sar-soor ~ Link vetted
Vetted by 90-ghost, fairuzfan, nabulsi , sar-sor and El-Shab-Hussein's Google doc
[Link 1] [Link 2] (Number 174)
Also, I am a founding member of the @gazavetters team to help others.
*День святого Валентина*
Ники дарит всем шоколадки, завёрнутые в конвертики, на которых написаны милые признания и благодарности, но теперь вынужден прятаться где-то в университете от Эндрю, ведь к тому вместе с шоколадкой Нила попал и конвертик, исписанный забавными признаниями в любви
На следующий год Нил так же решает подарить всей команде по шоколадке (Ники найдёт шоколадные конфеты в шкафчике стола)
*После Балтимора*
Нил: *идёт в другую комнату*
Эндрю: *идёт следом*
Нил: *идёт на пробежку*
Эндрю: *за ним*
Нил: *идёт в туалет*
Эндрю: *придерживает дверь, чтобы тоже зайти*
Нил: можно мне хоть в туалет одному?
Эндрю: нет. В прошлый раз ты вылез через форточку и добирался автостопом, тебя оставлять одного себе дороже
Нил: *звуки уставшего тюленя*