Imagination Has Power Over Everything. Utilize It.
imagination has power over everything. utilize it.
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More Posts from Versethetic
persisting isn’t just affirming all day in hopes to get what you want. its doing whatever YOU wanna do to remind yourself it’s done. if you wanna lay down and daydream your desires for 30 minutes, DO THAT. if you wanna write it out until it’s ingrained in your mind that it’s yours, DO THAT. if you wanna just generally affirm here and there that you’ve done what needs to be done. DO. THAT. it’s what YOU WANNA DO. don’t go on tumblr or tiktok or twitter or wtvr, taking methods and tips and etc off people because you still want to TRY to get your desires. do what you need to do to remind yourself ITS YOURS.
affirm and persist. remind and repeat. decide and remember. expect and believe.
whatever you need to say to realize it.


a guide on how to manifest quickly and effortlessly with the understanding of states! ♡
what are states?
how to enter and sustain the state
dealing with the unfavorable (the 3D, emotions, doubts, negativity…)
a post by @blushydior + @angelsinluv
this is a joint/collab post between @blushydior and @angelsinluv. this was originally bambi’s post so she’d written most of it but doesn’t want to post it on her blog for personal reasons. so we thought it’d be a good idea for me to post it on mine and put our knowledge together since it’s been the talk lately.
there are many different ways of understanding the law and manifesting your desires whether it be behind a scientific point of view or the principle, states.
if you’d like to know how blushydior manifested her dream life with hard circumstances, read this post here.
now, let get into it.

the sooner you understand and get the gist of states, the more seamless your manifesting journey will be. this realization is what brought bambi to manifest her dream life.
states manifest and thoughts don’t and i’ll explain why in this guide but in no way shape or form that i am pushing my beliefs onto you.
even if you don’t agree with that statement or are unable to fully click and resonate with states just yet know that states and thoughts work together to bring awareness to what mindset/story you’re entertaining.
for example, if you wanted to know what state you’re in, you would look at your thoughts. why? because when you change your state, your thoughts naturally change as well so therefore, thoughts and feeling are indicators of what you’re state in.
if your day to day thoughts are:
where are my desires?
why hasn’t the 3D conformed yet?
i didn’t get to saturate my mind today, now i won’t get it
you are coming from a state of lack. a state of not having your desire unaware that your imagination trumps the 3D. always.
i’m not saying it’s a crime to affirm all day. many people enjoy it so it’s not out of lack. it’s up to how you’re doing it.
with manifestation, you’re either in the state of:
being the person who has it
being the person who is trying to get it
in the law of assumption, what creates reality? your mind (consciousness)
so, if you’re affirming, visualizing, doing all these things IN YOUR MIND, to change your reality (3D) then…
imagination creates reality
the 3D is a reflection of your state of BEING
always look inwards for confirmation because that’s the true reality!

☆ ┊ select your desired state.
aka choose what you want to manifest!
state = your mindset / your state of being / state of consciousness. your I AM.
it’s what you identify as. your awareness of being.
choose what you want and embody the mindset of the person who has their desire.
for example, if you wanted $10 million, you choose to be in the state of fulfillment - the person who has $10 million.
that is now your state - the person who has their desire.
❝ the world is a mirror, forever reflecting what you are doing, within yourself. ❞
☆ ┊transform them into fact
now that you set the intention of embodying the person who has their desires, thoughts that align with your state will naturally flow to you.
as you can tell, thoughts and feelings are a product of a state but repeating affirmations, visualizing, doing whatever you want can also help you sustain and being into the state. that’s what techniques are for!
so what would you be thinking and how would you feel if you had your desire?
thinking = imaginal acts that include visualizing/affirming
thinking is not just affirming because there are people who think in visuals and others who think in forms of words (affirmations). do what feels natural to you. — blushydior
affirm: “i have $10 million dollars in the bank!”
visualize: any scene that implies you have $10 million dollars in the bank
feeling: nonchalant / at peace / etc. knowing you have $10 million in your possession.
that is now your awareness / state of being
feeling ≠ emotion!
feeling = accepting your desire as a fact that it is yours because consciousness is the only reality.
you don’t have to act as if. only think as if.
❝are you thinking from the state you desire? or is your dream just a passing fancy, a daydream you enjoyed for the moment & then dropped?❞
if you say you want money, are you gonna keep WANTING it? NO. to manifest, you ARE the person who has the money.
that’s it. that’s your state!!
YOU ARE THAT PERSON WHO HAS THE MONEY. simple. (that’s because the law is)
☆ try it right now with me!
close your eyes, claim you have what you want. by affirming, visualizing, whatever feels good to you.
see it, feel it, know that your mind creates your world. what you see is THE REAL FACT.
isn’t it liberating? BECAUSE IT IS.
you are free to do and have whatever you want! this is why the 3D, circumstances and feelings DO NOT MATTER. why? because YOU, the operant power JUST SAID you have it in your mind so why are you going to let emotions and the 3D effect you?
now, accept these thoughts and your state as facts because that’s what they are. consciousness is the only reality so if you say and know that who you are in imagination is true, the law has no choice but to reflect your awareness of being.
not all thoughts are assumptions and you are not all of your states!
the state and thoughts you identify with manifests.
you are always passing through a number of states throughout your days. a state of sadness, a state of anger, a state of nonchalance, a state of fulfillment.
dwell and identify with the state of your choosing = the person has all their desires!
it’s the same thing with thoughts.
“thoughts are just thoughts. thoughts accepted as true are assumptions. and thoughts/assumptions are products of your state of consciousness. feelings do not mean emotion. feelings = the acceptance that your desire is a fact in imagination.” — blushydior
like i said, thoughts are just thoughts. unless you assign meaning to doubts and affirmations, they hold no power. you do. so which one are facts and which ones are powerless?
your imaginal acts (visualizing / affirming) = fact
doubts, intrusive, negative thoughts = powerless. don’t even care enough to label them. they’re silly little thoughts.
☆ ┊sustain your state - persist!
all you have to do now is persist in that assumption and sustain your state until it hardens into a fact.
A COMMON MISCONCEPTION is that you have to CONSCIOUSLY be in the state all day everyday. NO. all you have to do is return to it/persist whenever you WANT to and WHENEVER you think about it
❝ You don't have to remain in a state if you have made a mistake. You can change states morning, noon, and night, but the state to which you most constantly return constitutes your dwelling place. ❞
SEE! it’s really no different. it’s the same as meditating on affs or rampaging, visualizing, thinking from your desire etc but it’s the fact that you are doing these things to make it natural & bc you enjoy it, not because you “don’t see it in the 3D” and you freak out then over-consume, affirm more, etc.
whenever you think about your desire, remind yourself that you already have it.
if you caught yourself dwelling in a place of lack, for example, asking “where is it?” / “it’s not here yet.” — correct yourself. return to the wish fulfilled and feel it to be a fact in imagination.
and you keep doing that WHENEVER U WANT TO until it feels natural. like neville said, it’s like putting on a new suit. at first it won’t feel natural but over some time, you won’t even be “conscious” of it because you already / naturally feel fulfilled! read my quotes thread that relates to this.
this is where methods come in as well. it gets you to dwell in your state whenever and however you want.
methods don’t hold any power. you do.
it’s not a chore. it’s a choice.
easy peasy.
“you can tell if you abide in your house of desire by watching your thoughts, for the state in which you most constantly return constitutes your dwelling place.”
☆ ┊ congratulations!
you have fulfilled the inner man, accepted it as a fact and got your manifestation.

☆┊dealing with the unfavorable.
doubts, the 3D (interacting vs. reacting) and emotions
doubts, intrusives, opposing thoughts
you let them pass because you are already the person who has it all. if you identify as the person who has their desires (“i have xyz”) why would you let little doubts deter you? they can come in your mind ALL DAY but if you don’t identify with them, they don’t hold power.
if YOU know you’re already the person who has their desire, nothing and no one can stop them from conforming.
for example, if you were famous and all of a sudden you were told “no, you’re not!”
would you go:
“i’m not? oh my god… you’re right. i’m not famous!”
“uh…? wrong. because the evidence* is right there? i just said i’m famous so that’s what i am…. famous. lol.”
*evidence = you. your state/4D/mind.

→ ┊ REACTING is looking at the 3D and complaining. settling for what you see as a fact.
EXAMPLE: seeing the opposite of your manifestation
DON’T: “my life sucks. i hate it here. see? this is why i can never manifest what i want.” and settling for these thoughts as facts.
DO: “it doesn’t matter what i see. what and who i claim to me in my mind/imagination is the real fact that has no choice to be externalized!”
→ ┊ INTERACTING is doing what you need to do in the 3D/physical world but knowing that what you claim in your mind is the REAL fact.
EXAMPLE 1: you’re manifesting a romantic partner.
physically: when someone asks you “hey, are you in a relationship?” you say no.
but in your mind you go: sike. i have the perfect girl/boyfriend 🤭🤭
EXAMPLE 2: you’re manifesting money
physically: you decline to hangout with your friends because you have no money at the moment.
but in your mind you go: “i literally have so much money lol ?? i’m the richest person in the world with all the money i have in the bank.”
EXAMPLE 3: attending therapy or venting to loved ones
physically: “life’s been really difficult lately and it makes me feel stuck. i had a few breakdowns and anxiety problems, etc.”
mentally: (after venting) “that made me feel a little better. i let my feelings out instead of bottling them in. i know i have/will get my desires! everything’s okay. i’m safe.”
it doesn’t matter what you do or say in the 3D!
consciousness is the only reality so if you continue to dwell in the state most favorable to you, that is all that matters!

☆ ┊the successes and failures when it comes to repetition
i’ve gotten a number of asks in the past asking me why they didn’t get what they want if they repeated the thought so many times. my only conclusion from this side of the screen is that you are in the state of trying to get it.
when manifesting, you don’t try. you either have it or you don’t.
so are you person a?
“okay i have to affirm on loop for 20 minutes, 2 times a day or else, i won’t get it my manifestation!”
blushy’s observation: you aren’t being the person who has their desires if you still feel like you need to get them. so you do all these things like over-consume information, force yourself to affirm the same affirmations on loop 1000x, looking for more answers, etc.
you simply aren’t in the state of being. you’re in the state of lack / trying to get it.
how can you try to get something you already have?
so switch states! how? scroll back up.
or person b?
“i feel like saturating my mind. why not? it’s fun.” →
“i already have all of my desires because i said so. there’s no need for me to worry or stress because it’s already mine! it’s done…” and so on.
so do you have it? yes or no?

☆ ┊so why do states manifest and thoughts don’t?
a related question: do dominant thoughts manifest?
you can affirm all day and be able to affirm on autopilot in the middle of your sleep or doing chores but if you:
don’t accept them as facts (assumptions)
identify with them
are in the state of trying to get them by going: “i need to affirm more or else i won’t receive my desire.”
you won’t see results.
that’s why it can only take one decision for a manifestation to come to fruition. you fully accepted it as a fact that the version in imagination is the true person who has it whether it be a desire or doubt.
it’s all about the knowing it’s already yours in imagination - that your success is inevitable and it has no choice but to conform and harden into fact.
it’s called the law of assumption for a reason! you accept these assumptions as true WITHOUT any evidence because you know that imagination creates reality.
❝ This is the law of assumption so, if you assume that repeating affirmations all day will get you some kind of movement / your manifestation, that’s what you’ll get. It’s the same thing with techniques and methods, you give your thoughts and these ways of manifesting power. Thoughts are products of your state of consciousness but it doesn’t mean they’re all true. The idea that dominant thoughts manifest makes it seem tedious. The law is simple. Especially for people who are new to the law, you’re introduced to this idea and you begin to police every thought you have and affirm all day, everyday to make sure that your every dominant thought surrounding each topic in your life is a positive one. That’s exhausting and it’s not supposed to be. It contradicts the fact that you don’t have to make a smidge of effort in order to get your desires. […] It gives your thoughts power when you are not your thoughts. You are who you claim to be in imagination because imagination creates reality. So if you visualized or affirmed that you are the person who lives their dream life and accept it as a fact in your mind, nothing can make that change other than you and you are pure consciousness. You can have negative thoughts and feel your emotions because just like the outer world, they have nothing to do with you unless you identify with them. So choose your story. Your silly little thoughts or the fact that you are the person who has their desires. ❞ — blushydior
all you have to do is accept it as a fact that you are the person who has their desire and you will manifest faster than the speed of light.
this is my opinion but i don’t like the idea of affirming so much to wait until a thought is dominant so it can manifest. it’s very limiting.
it is a fact that you ARE the person who has your desire! the reason why affirming on loop and “dominant thoughts manifest” concept works for others is because they assume it does.
❝ an assumption, though false, if persisted in, will harden into fact. ❞
if you are affirming on loop and aren’t seeing results, this may be your problem and understanding states is the solution you’ve been looking for!
☆ ┊why do people affirm on loop?
this goes along with manifesting with hard circumstances and being a neurodivergent!
i state in my guide that i knew i was the person who already had my desires and since i was constantly filled with intrusives, doubts, and other things (i didn’t identify with them, i just wanted them to lessen) i repeated them as reminders to made me feel better to saturate my mind that: “yes! i do have it.”
saturation is NOT necessary. you don’t need to do it but it helps in many cases as a technique to sustain your state and coping mechanism. it makes persistence easier for many.
another thing.
if you are this person:
“okay i’m going affirm all day and then i will get it!”
you will succeed because that is the assumption you’ve created. you fully accepted it as a fact that if you repeat it over and over again, you will get your manifestation.
so yay! you got it.
i hope this post helped you guys out to better understand states more. if i miss anything, i’ll add them here.
☆ angel’s states thread!
☆ quotes library
—> ꕥ for my loassum shifters, keep your thoughts in alignment of how you’d think if you already shifted/are a master shifter.
• ex:
“i have already shifted, it was so easy”
ꕥ “i love being a master shifter”
“getting to my dr was so easy”
ꕥ “shifting has never been hard for me”
“being aware of my dr is amazing”
ꕥ “i have always been in my dr”
“i shift instantly every time”
ꕥ “i am successful with every shifting attempt”
“i can blink or say one affirmation and shift in a nanosecond”
—> ꕥ etc, etc. and keep your thoughts in the general area of these examples, word it naturally for yourself and no matter what, keep yourself in check
it doesn’t matter what tf you do to apply the law, whether it be get into the state of wish fulfilled, do thirty different methods or whatever, it will always boil down to thinking again and again. remind and repeat. affirm and persist. you cannot get out of literally thinking in your favor, and then doing so for however long it’ll take to get what you want. it’s the law.

for this post i literally just compiled a bunch of motivating things i’ve seen being said over time by multiple wonderful blogs throughout tumblr with regards to the law of assumption.
the intent of this is to basically serve as a pick-me-up for whoever needs a little encouragement with their manifesting, regardless of where you’re at with your journey. the post ahead is filled with the kindest words from some of the kindest souls on this app, all in one place to help anyone in need, anytime.
whatever your motivation for seeking this post, i just want you to know that if you’re spiralling, having doubts, reacting to the 3d - even if the 3d is crumbling to pieces around you and all you want to do is crawl into a hole and never come out again (believe me, i’ve been there!), i want you to know that this is temporary, and that everything you see around you is completely malleable.
breathe. it’ll be alright, you’ll be alright. and now, with this in mind, enjoy. <3
“★ The things you hear and see in your 3D that contradict your manifestation don’t exist in your 4D. Therefore they aren’t real or relevant because 3D will only materialise whats in your 4D and will get rid of the things that contradict your assumptions. WITH PERSISTENCE.” - @sutheworld
“from this second I will only beleive what I say to myself as true , I don't give a f*ck about anyone saying anything about me and I will only beleive my story and my delusion.
If I get any opposite, intrusive thoughts I will supress them with a single shush and if I say don't come after me I'm not the same old person the thoughts won't come.” - @rayjane
“be kind to yourselves. you’re allowed to have off days, you’re allowed to be demotivated and you’re allowed to feel negative emotions. you’re human after all and it would be unhealthy if you didn’t have your down moments. however, you’re not allowed to give up on yourself. you’re not allowed to quit and throw away your power. none of that. you’re getting your shit. that’s a given. if you affirm, persist and don’t take no for an answer, you will get what you want. don’t overcomplicate the law - as long as you don’t go against your affirmations by doubting yourself and entertaining intrusive thoughts, you’re doing everything right! trust yourself, and do it for you!! that’s the most important part - you’re the operant power, this is your reality and you will get what you want. all it takes is some discipline and persistence! i believe in you, and i’m so proud of you for being here reading this right now!” - @luvelylili
“in reality, your desires are already yours from the beginning. you just need to persist in this fact and the 3d will follow bc it is the law.” - @itssjustjade
“you will NEVER understand the law when you live vicariously through the success and words of others. don’t you think you’ve learned enough? aren’t you ready to feel peace, freedom and GET WHAT YOU WANT??? like hello???
what do you want to work for you? WHAT DO YOU WANNA DO? got it? now do that. and don't ever be a slave to your senses. always think in your favour because there is no separation between you and your desires, regardless of what anyone or any circumstance has to say.
you have it. its done. relax. you cannot mess this up unless you say you can.” - @starsscriptures
“You are God, you control everything in your reality. You create and you created everything in your reality. Nothing or nobody can do anything to change, ruin or take away your power/manifestations. Its all yours. It's all from you. There's not a single thing in this world that isn't created by you. If you can create them, you can change them.” - @koreanbarbie
“literally you can have whatever you want, whatever you freaking what. just assume, thats your only job isnt that so easy?? like..all you have to do is THINK & ASSUME, its yours and it shall be yours because thats how the law works theres no ifs or buts. whatever you assume naturally and persist into that assumption..will come into fruition, so you making this whole law of assumption journey difficult for you please remember that its EASY. you’re making it harder for yourself.” - @cinefairy
“Start acknowledging your power. You’re the only person who has the power to change your life. The 3D isn’t what’s defining you, it’s just a reflection of your 4D. You’re so powerful, you can change your reality in seconds. You’re the only Creator, everything must conform to your thoughts. You manifest absolutely everything!!!You don’t need a plan B, you will have everything you want my love.” - @angelicbarbiedoll