I dunno what I'm doing here lmao, as in, my friend just told me I can be relatively unhinged and autistic here and that the site is rather safe.
37 posts
Vincentvandough - A Hole In The Ground With Some Freak Inside It. - Tumblr Blog

Astronaut Mark Kelly smuggled a gorilla suit into the ISS, without telling the rest of the crew
Fuck Israel. Its an ethnonationalist, genocidal stain on the earth. If there's any good in the world then there should be a mass exodus of civillians before those loyal to this shithole sink into the earth alongside it.
The entire neighborhood is just gone.

This is the Dahiya doctrine:
The Dahiya doctrine, or Dahya doctrine, is an Israeli military strategy involving the large-scale destruction of civilian infrastructure in order to pressure hostile governments. The doctrine was outlined by former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Chief of General Staff Gadi Eizenkot. Israel colonel Gabriel Siboni wrote that Israel "should target economic interests and the centers of civilian power that support the organization". The logic is to harm the civilian population so much that they will then turn against the militants, forcing the enemy to sue for peace.
I usually call them by some horrible butchered soundalike of their name or title. Like brother would come out as "bogger" or the name Alexander would be Axel Handle or Adam Sandler etc. etc.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
I often just call them by some horrible butchered soundalike of their name or of their title. For example instead of brother its "bogger", for Alexander I'd say shit like Axel Handle or Adam Sandler etc. We do this mutually.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
working full time is terrible why do we just accept that having 8 days off a month is normal and okay........ being alive could be cool but we waste it at our JOBS.... sorry i’m just heated about capitalism again i’ll be fine
Very interesting, where do you get an exiled shaolin monk from?
Home protection ideas for ladies. Stay safe, queens!
this is my first day on this site and you're what convinced me that this is the site for me. Your buddy is clearly still trapped in the good ol' american dream it seems, mans probably thinks that maybe some day he'll might be a rich if he "works hard enough", like the shitheads up top earned any of what they have. I sadly have some silly folk like that in my life aswell so I feel ya.

Unfortunately when they said "can't" here I'm sure they meant "shouldn't be able to" cuz we know from multitudes of occurrences a LOT of our tax money goes to propping up private companies so they can get back to their record profits on working class people's dime lololol get fucked us,
and i have a buddy that thinks we should deregulate these fucking horror show companies even further, the fuck??? The billions put into psychology of manipulation and advertisement has definitely been money well spent by corporations, that shit works effectively enough to convince not rich or even well off people like dude who owes 11000 USD to his prev apartment he just got evicted from that its in not just HIS best interest but the country's to let those fucks at the top have LESS oversight or enforced guidelines......
Whelp, lets all return to the new York rivers that were flammable lets gooooo baby! Cost of letting big business help all of us, yeeeaaa cancers from air pollutants that are cheaper to release into the air instead of proper disposal, the rich will have their bubble protected clean air and their profits will go up that much more whoooo.....
This is not a good idea, to be clear: fuck that dude, he is my buddy..... but boy can be dumb as shit on alot of things, no lie
trust the science

Alright I was starting a little rant but suffice it to say..... At some point guillotine-chan will make a nice return to stage center for their time to shine and glisten ruby!

This and chapell roans recent performance is evidence that we're getting closer to the old meaning of "slay" catching up to the modern one and it makes me happy for some reason

Another banger from the "we can always tell" crowd 💀
(for those who don't get it: the picture is of MatPat, a cis man)
World is cooked if the shitbag wins

Jeff 💯🎯

velcome to my blog!
masc non-binary omnisexual creature of the night
perpetually horny and angry at the world
fight me physically, I want to feel something
still figuring out how to present but I strive to afford/be able to pull off a goth, punk and metalhead look cause I vibe with each and feel invalid in each community due to that
If I gave a proper list of interests I'd keep editing it to include everything, but on complete surface level I like generally heavy music (from heavy metal to hardstyle) with a LOT of exceptions, horror of all sorts, cooking, VtM, Cruelty Squad, (mostly) singleplayer video games, anthropology and all things kink

this happened to my buddy Lisa

real shit

5 posts!
I did it I guess, I enjoy reblogging things that make me haha or feel good

You are loved.

Reference here


Happy Pride Month to everyone who gets this joke, laughed at it, or isn’t a homophobic or transphobic etc asshole.
Happy Pride Everyone.
Stay Gay.