vintageribs - arya

twenty, leo

26 posts

Vintageribs - Arya - Tumblr Blog

2 years ago
JUNG HO YEON For The Cover Of VOGUE(feb 22)
JUNG HO YEON For The Cover Of VOGUE(feb 22)
JUNG HO YEON For The Cover Of VOGUE(feb 22)
JUNG HO YEON For The Cover Of VOGUE(feb 22)
JUNG HO YEON For The Cover Of VOGUE(feb 22)

JUNG HO YEON for the cover of VOGUE (feb ‘22)

3 years ago
vintageribs - arya
vintageribs - arya
3 years ago

fifth harmony: the mess

i have to get this off my chest! as someone who tries their hardest to not stan or support unproblematic people, i’ve always been confused by the camila cabello situation. i know she said the n word, i’ve seen the screenshots of her facebook where she called normani it too but then it was later revealed that it was fake by a zayn stan who made them since she didn’t go by camila until after fifth harmony became a thing? what are your thoughts on that? as for fifth harmony as a group, it was simply a mess. overworked teens that were being guided by selfish, money hungry people. they were problematic as a whole: ally’s character in the takeover videos that many said resembled a black women, dinah’s “trump” snapchat, lauren’s passed saying medication did nothing for people with depression, normani mimicking asian people when lauren was doing her nails...  

i also want to say, why do people feel the need to mock camila cabello’s name. she’s a cuban-mexican and i see white people mock her name as if other people who aren’t her don’t have names that aren’t easy to pronounce. regardless of her actions- you don’t fight racism with racism, especially when you don’t care about holding people accountable. a lot of people have gotten away with being problematic and it had been swept over the rug.. i need to know what you all think, too.

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3 years ago
vintageribs - arya
vintageribs - arya
3 years ago
 Oscar Wilde

— Oscar Wilde 

3 years ago
Me And My Friend!!

me and my friend!!

3 years ago
4 years ago
365 Days Of Jackie And Hyde: [255/365] 5.21Trampled Under Foot
365 Days Of Jackie And Hyde: [255/365] 5.21Trampled Under Foot

365 days of Jackie and Hyde: [255/365] 5.21 Trampled Under Foot

4 years ago
vintageribs - arya
vintageribs - arya
vintageribs - arya
vintageribs - arya
vintageribs - arya
vintageribs - arya
5 years ago
Timothe Chalamet As Kyle Scheible In Lady Bird(2017)
Timothe Chalamet As Kyle Scheible In Lady Bird(2017)
Timothe Chalamet As Kyle Scheible In Lady Bird(2017)
Timothe Chalamet As Kyle Scheible In Lady Bird(2017)
Timothe Chalamet As Kyle Scheible In Lady Bird(2017)
Timothe Chalamet As Kyle Scheible In Lady Bird(2017)
Timothe Chalamet As Kyle Scheible In Lady Bird(2017)
Timothe Chalamet As Kyle Scheible In Lady Bird(2017)

Timothée Chalamet as Kyle Scheible in Lady Bird (2017)

5 years ago
vintageribs - arya
5 years ago
vintageribs - arya
vintageribs - arya
5 years ago
Woodstock Traffic, 1969. Baron Wolman. Silver Gelatin

Woodstock traffic, 1969. Baron Wolman. Silver Gelatin

5 years ago

gina: omg we look like a couple

ricky: a couple of besties 🤪

5 years ago
I Would Die For Him....

i would die for him.... <3

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5 years ago

my account is rated G for girls, gays and goths

5 years ago

randomness.... 🦋

feeling butterflies for the first time in forever is so exciting yet so scary.

the waves come and go and suddenly, i feel like a kid.

i see your face and i hope this is what getting into heaven feels like.

your hands are an artwork, how much i would pay to hold them—to feel them in places no one's touched me before.

i would like to kiss you— feeling your warmth provide me with a love i've never felt before.

that would be heaven.

heaven on earth.

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5 years ago
vintageribs - arya
vintageribs - arya
6 years ago
Lady Bird (2017)

Lady Bird (2017)

6 years ago

“I’m not a second choice. I’m not your rebound. I’m not giving you my all, if all I get from you is regret, disappointment and half-assed effort.”

— {G.g}

6 years ago
vintageribs - arya
6 years ago
Titanic (1997) Dir. James Cameron
Titanic (1997) Dir. James Cameron

Titanic (1997) dir. James Cameron

6 years ago
Robin Williams In Jack, 1996

Robin Williams in Jack, 1996

6 years ago
vintageribs - arya