Violet | She/Her | Minor Cats, Drawing, Writing, Sewing, Procrastination 🩷💜💙
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how many kitties can you spot?
These are amazing. Ngl I want the shade hat, maybe then I'll be able to step outside without being blinded.
Prompt 5 is "Witch" ....let me explain😅 I've seen witch hat designs that represent things like zodiac signs, seasons, and holidays - and I took that idea and applied it to Jason's familiars from He Who Fights With Monsters.

Shade - It's classic, elegant, and perfectly symmetrical. It'd be velvet with a patent leather band, and a silky sheer veil to cover the wearer's face. All in black, of course.

Colin - everything looks a little wet. It has a longer, crooked peak and is wrapped in worm-like cords. Secret teeth underneath!

Gordon - is his the prettiest?? The upper is a sparkly blue-black velvet, with colorful, pintucked fabric underneath. I'd want to put lights under the underneath fabric, so it would be glowing softly.

If you hit me with a sword, I would not drop gold or weapons or armor. I would drop a tin of googly eyes, a mini sewing kit, and a goldfish packet. There is no need to hit me though, I'd be happy to share what I have <3
Inktober Day 5: Binoculars

Every subsequent time I drew binoculars, I forgot further how to draw them.
Inktober Day 4: Exotic

Addy is Bag Mimic's owner. They have learned that bag mimic can hold many things, but cannot be trusted with socks. Apparently, bag mimic really likes eating socks. Fortunately, they don't eat books.
I am so happy that my best friend and I share the same sense of humor and are artists. Last year, we had the same art class and she made a goofy character for a warmup and he became a recurring character named Toby and he's a little mushroom who commits arson and has a wagon and terrorizes Professor Pinecone.
I made a mimic backpack for Toby today, its name is Glorbo

Inktober Day 3: Boots

The boots aren't a mimic. The adventurer's backpack is a pet mimic who really enjoys playing hide and seek.
Also, knapsack

You are a tavern keeper who’s been in business for 15 years. A local crime lord is trying to extort you, sadly for them you know tons of adventurers who owe you favors, and even have mimics for chairs.

All of my friends that work at wildlife rehab centers have had to untangle animals from this stuff, or had animals brought in that died in it. This is especially nasty for small owl species.
Inktober Day 2: Discover

I'm gonna do Inktober this year!! (or at least try)

After the End Meme Drawings

Featuring: ✨The Cheaters✨, My MC Iris, Ædric, and the ROs as a general statement
After the End is by @albywritesfiction
I'm okay now, was hungry and tired
Feeling sad so I went for a walk outside then came back inside to sit down and watch Ash (cat) run up to me and attack my shoelaces
Am I sad or numb? Probably the same thing at this point
There's a stereotype that USAmericans tolerate very long car rides.
Feeling sad so I went for a walk outside then came back inside to sit down and watch Ash (cat) run up to me and attack my shoelaces
Am I sad or numb? Probably the same thing at this point
Made some After the End doodles <3

Yay messy drawings :)
Also, here's my MC Iris

After the End is an IF by @albywritesfiction
I enjoy
Wanna draw memes, but energy is low
If someone were to make fanart (namely me), what tag should be used for After the End?
(I got excited upon seeing the amazing commission art of the characters and started doodling them)
Can I just say that whenever I hear about someone wanting to make fanart of my characters I just get so happy like, you wanna draw these characters that I came up with?? You wanna put time and effort to make something based on these people I just made up in my mind?? 🥹🥹🥹
Thank you for wanting to make fanart, and I'm so glad that you like these characters enough to want to draw them!!!
You can use the #ate-if fanart tag!!! Also also also please @ me in the post so I can see it!!!
Thank you again and I hope you have a good day/evening!!!
My garden at home is still producing strawberries, I can't harvest them though, wasps are eating them and I want to support the wasps. I'm also not willing to fight them on this
this is the funniest thing I’ve seen in weeks

i love it when people trap the warden in minecraft by making a moving piston that makes noise so the warden just quietly stares at it. ipad baby

I’ve been waiting a year to post this

Shadow Cat <3
"Barn Owl" on the Old Trail
This is a memory of a hike I once took part in while at summer camp. I did not have a good time that day. On the upside, I got a cool nickname.
The campers left the site at around noon, starting down the path with enthusiasm. They were promised an easy hike and a beautiful view at the top of the mountain.
Heavy rains from the past few days made the ground a gravel slurry. Several pairs of boots squelched as the mud sucked at their soles. The path continued.
The campers stepped carefully over a flooded stream. The creek babbled as they stumbled over the rocks. Sunlight trickled through branches, stabbing eyes while dancing on the water. The path continued.
Clouds of gnats followed the campers like fog. Sweat-drenched shirts clung to skin. The path continued.
Rock and mud turned to packed dirt. Roots stretched onto the path, fibrous fingers intertwined, tripping feet. The campers trudged onward. The path continued.
Up and up they went. The trail grew steeper and log stairs were put in place. Their thighs burned. The path continued.
Finally, the campers had reached the top. They were promised an easy hike. It was not. They were promised a beautiful view overlooking the valley. Trees covered the blue sky overhead. There was no ledge to look over. There was nothing.
The campers sat down on the narrow path. One girl mumbled something. The others covered their ears.
A piercing shriek cut through the air. Again. Then wracking sobs. The "barn owl" cried her exhaustion. Yet the day went on. They still had to go back down. ---
This writing was the second to last draft I did for a writing assignment for my English class. The idea was to focus on setting, hopefully that came through.