vorelover23 - Trapped In A Masculine Buff Prison
Trapped In A Masculine Buff Prison

Vore blog. 24 masculine fit guy that happens to be into this thing lol. ☺️😅

109 posts

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Support this super fun Vore game! :o

Support This Super Fun Vore Game! :o
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More Posts from Vorelover23

4 years ago
He Finally Had It. He Gave A Frustrated Look, And Then Kevin Opened Up His Mouth, It Slowly Widening.

He finally had it. He gave a frustrated look, and then Kevin opened up his mouth, it slowly widening. He grabbed the forgettable intern that clearly didn’t give a shit about his job. “Hey wtf bro” the intern said before looking up from his phone at Kevin’s enlarged mouth began to cover his head. Muffled screams could be heard from inside his mouth. Kevin rolled his eyes, and just lifted the intern up and continued to loudly swallow him down. The intern continued to kick and squirm, but he continued to descend into the actors growing stomach. There were always jokes about Kevin James eating people, but the intern was learning that those jokes were based on truth

Later, Kevin was at a restaurant with his buddy Adam Sandler, laughing, making jokes, and exchanging stories about their movies they were working on. Adam after laughing a bit noticed his bloated out stomach. “So uhh, What’s up with this whole thing haha?” He gestured his hand around his gut jokingly. Kevin looked down and put his hand on his belly and looked back up at him and gave a chuckle and grinned. “What is there something wrong with this man? You calling me out out of shape or unhealthy lol?” Adam quickly backpedaled “no, no haha didn’t mean anything like that. Just a different look I guess haha. It looks good tho. Whatever works for you Kev.” Kevin just slapped his friend on the shoulder casually “haha it’s cool I’m just messin with you Adam.” The two laughed and continued chatting for a bit. Adam looked at his phone. “Ah, we should probably get going now. I gotta practice some lines with this 20 something singer kid I’m shooting a movie with.” Kevin let out a burp, held his gut and stood up. “Yeah lets get going” the two began to walk, and before they could reach the door kevin gave a weird look and groaned slightly. Adam, on the phone, turned around “hey you okay man?” Kevin simply nodded, and Adam chuckled and tapped his gut with the back of his hand. “Must be something you ate not agreeing with you.” Kevin gave a forced laugh and watched his friend walk out the door, obviously distracted by his call.

He Finally Had It. He Gave A Frustrated Look, And Then Kevin Opened Up His Mouth, It Slowly Widening.

Suddenly he looked down and notice his massive gut began to shift and move around. He looked around, and then looked down and slapped it “calm the fuck down”. Muffled barely audible screams started to come. A waiter walked by and Kevin just gave a panicked smile. “Indigestion amirite?” Suddenly, he felt his meal began to climb up. Luckily he was by the door and Adam was still busy with the call. His cheeks became full as the still struggling intern pushed around in his mouth attempting to open Kevin’s mouth

He Finally Had It. He Gave A Frustrated Look, And Then Kevin Opened Up His Mouth, It Slowly Widening.
He Finally Had It. He Gave A Frustrated Look, And Then Kevin Opened Up His Mouth, It Slowly Widening.

He started to panic, and with his mouth still puffed out full of the resilient man, ran to the bathroom, looking in the mirror as his cheeks where shifting around due to the contents. A finger poked out but his pushed it back in with his own finger. He grunted “nuh uh” and fought as the intern violently thrashed his hands in Kevins mouth. Kevin put his hands on his mouth to keep it closed, and aggressively with a annoyed look, gave a few massive swallows, sending the young adult back down. He gasped a bit and held his knees and patted his chest. His eyes widened once again and his cheeks puffed out, but this time it was just to let out a massive unexpected burp. He stood back up, and fixed his tie. “Whew, that’s much better”

He walked back out, holding his stomach picking at his teeth with a toothpick and walked outside. Adam hung up the phone. “There you are what took you so long to come out man lol? Food REALLY must not be agreeing with you or something huh?” Kevin threw the toothpick to the ground and slapped his tight stomach and let out a sigh of relief and widened his eyes,. “You have no fucking idea”

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1 year ago
4 years ago
Tiny People Aren't Stupid. They Know Giants Will Try To Eat Them, Usually Cockily Try Swallow Them Whole

Tiny people aren't stupid. They know giants will try to eat them, usually cockily try swallow them whole to exert their dominance and prove who's the top of the food chain. So naturally the ones not paralyzed in fear will definitely put up a fight. My attractive athletic friend here to demonstrate, has dropped a small mma fighter into his mouth, we've provoked them and they are angry, and as you can see, the tiny is attempting to damage his mouth from the inside and tire him out. Sometimes it can pay off, and the mouth will open, but unfortunately for most of them, they forget they're going against men 50 times their size, so all they gotta do...*man swallows and struggling in mouth disappears. He gives a satisfied smile* ...is that.

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4 years ago

No joke, fairlytale stories like Little Red Riding Hood are probably my all time favorite Vore stories. I love when the Wolf is interpreted as a werewolf human looking person. the cartoon wolfs that are more humanoid (stand on two feet) are also great too. The way the fairytale specifically describes his distended belly after eating Red and grandma and how it moves around, god it's so hot. It never gets old to me. Always down for more reinterpretations of it, and other stories like the wolf and 7 goats and the 3 little pigs, where the Vore themes remain haha. Can Disney or somebody please do a fully fleshed out live action Red Riding Hood movie where the wolf is some sexy actor werewolf dude and keep the story points where he eats grandma and red?

2 years ago

Vore stories, where the alpha guy cockily eats someone and brags and gloats and admires his struggling belly, only to start feeling bad before the guy finds a way to escape from inside, are some of my favorite Vore stories, and I wish I saw more people in the community do those kinda stories even tho I get why they don’t lol

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