Giant Vore - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago
Tiny People Aren't Stupid. They Know Giants Will Try To Eat Them, Usually Cockily Try Swallow Them Whole

Tiny people aren't stupid. They know giants will try to eat them, usually cockily try swallow them whole to exert their dominance and prove who's the top of the food chain. So naturally the ones not paralyzed in fear will definitely put up a fight. My attractive athletic friend here to demonstrate, has dropped a small mma fighter into his mouth, we've provoked them and they are angry, and as you can see, the tiny is attempting to damage his mouth from the inside and tire him out. Sometimes it can pay off, and the mouth will open, but unfortunately for most of them, they forget they're going against men 50 times their size, so all they gotta do...*man swallows and struggling in mouth disappears. He gives a satisfied smile* that.

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8 months ago

Gentlemen Preds

I just m e l t at the Idea of well dressed,well spoken gentlepreds.

A pred wearing a suit and gloves, letting you climb up on their hand and ever so gently inviting you to the deepest parts of themselves.

Noble Knights in shining armour heroically rescuing you, ever so gently swallowing and making sure the process is as respectful and as slow as possible.

Noble heroes who always check on you and reassure you with carefully chosen words and loving touches.

Gentlemen bastard preds, who would tease you so politely and yet absolutely roast you, giving a compliment on what a delectable fine little morsel you are.

Gentlemen preds who just, know they're better than you, and they smile politely at you, but it's no different than when a predator flashes their sharp fangs at you.

Ringmasters,Preds of the upper society,Higher beings,Knights,Kings.

Mouths that smell wonderful, because they're clean and know dental hygiene.

Soft velvety insides that never knew anything but the finest foods and desserts.

Idk man.

Thanks for @thefanciestborrower for inspiring this post

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8 months ago

Prey who won’t stop talking when in a pred’s stomach. It could be that they’re scared and it’s a self soothing tactic, they’re friends with the pred, or they just like to yap.

In the case that it annoys the pred, they could just drown out the prey by having the walls squeeze them snugly, making the words more muffled and quiet. If they’re a more animalistic/monster pred they could growl and quiet them down, as well as induce some fear or awe.

Or,, the pred loves listening to the prey talk inside of them. Their ramblings and stories provide a nice background noise for them. They could occasionally chime in and fluster the prey, who previously hadn’t known that they were paying attention.

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8 months ago

”You’re going to taste delicious~”

Youre Going To Taste Delicious~

PLEASE REBLOG,,, I am so so proud of it!

First ever attempt at drawing anything vore related,,!! I’m very proud of it for a first try. I’m not too thrilled with how the shadow came out, but I was getting really frustrated with it and gave up,,

But this is my oc Russel. He is a sizeshifter and a bit of a bastard (loving),,

There’s also a darker version of this to show off his cool glowy eyes and tongue.

Youre Going To Taste Delicious~

The human will be safe btw,, he’ll keep them safe inside, just not before scaring and teasing them first.

This is also the first thing I’ve drawn in,, a while,,

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8 months ago

Self reblog because I am so, so proud of this and it got little to no attention,,,

”You’re going to taste delicious~”

Youre Going To Taste Delicious~

PLEASE REBLOG,,, I am so so proud of it!

First ever attempt at drawing anything vore related,,!! I’m very proud of it for a first try. I’m not too thrilled with how the shadow came out, but I was getting really frustrated with it and gave up,,

But this is my oc Russel. He is a sizeshifter and a bit of a bastard (loving),,

There’s also a darker version of this to show off his cool glowy eyes and tongue.

Youre Going To Taste Delicious~

The human will be safe btw,, he’ll keep them safe inside, just not before scaring and teasing them first.

This is also the first thing I’ve drawn in,, a while,,

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8 months ago

With how hot it’s been and how much I absolutely hate the heat, the thought of curling up inside of a frost giant has been very nice.

Their stomach is the warmest part of them, yet it’s still nice and cool. Plus it would be neat if their insides were blue or shiny like ice.

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