vxnuslogy - may your journey
may your journey

forever be peaceful and free from sorrow

491 posts

Ooooooh Chewing On Your Theme Like A Squeaky Toy (mainly His Pecs And Biceps)

ooooooh chewing on your theme like a squeaky toy (mainly his pecs and biceps)

i too would like to bite his pecs and biceps /hj

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More Posts from Vxnuslogy

7 months ago

IM FREE (finished redoing his theme for the nth time)

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7 months ago

surprise hoshina fic from oyohs, jealous hoshina soshiro, and some random getting too handsy with u + stupid humor

“Is it just me… or has the Vice Captain been so mean recently?”

Kafka pants, hunched over, wobbling back and forth. He struggles to form words for a good minute. “It’s not—” his face turns green, “—it’s not just you! Dammit!”

“Don’t throw up, senpai,” Reno says worriedly, however more exasperated than actually sympathetic.

“Did something bad happen?” Furuhashi wonders aloud, watching as Kafka slaps a hand over his mouth. “We shouldn’t be taking the blame, you know.”

Kikoru grins, laughing primly. “Haven’t you noticed? The only recent event is the new guy.”

They all turn to Kafka, who’s heaving on the ground.

Kikoru then scowls. “No, you idiots. The new kid who’s been all over Y/N-san! The cadet!”

Oh. Right. That’s a thing now.

“If you have time to chit-chat,” a voice calls out above them, startling every soul in the field. Hoshina’s eyes are open yet narrowed, “then you have time for more laps, don’t you?”

They know they can’t win when it comes to Hoshina—or even Captain Ashiro, honestly. Either way, they’d end up running laps; and if you understand that, you would lessen the punishment. They settle on a: “Yes, sir!”

Reno follows along with his colleagues yet can’t help but glance back to their Vice Captain, who’s scowling at nothing in particular. He’s been making that face a lot lately.


Reno turns away. Maybe Kikoru was onto something.

There’s a newly recruited cadet named Kou, their Vice Captain Hoshina, and you: a recipe for disaster and, frankly, an inconvenience for everyone else. None of them would’ve cared, honestly, if they didn’t end up dragged into whatever nonsense Kou fucking pulled. Whenever Kou finds his way to you, it could either end in everyone doing two hundred laps or two hundred push-ups—neither is really favorable.

“You’re incredible, Y/N-san!” Kou beams, inching closer and closer despite your obvious panic. “How did you get from 20% to 32% in less than a week? 

“T-Thank you, Kou, but really—”

“You’ve got to teach me!”

You yelp when he leans in too far, and you end up falling back. You lose balance, arms flailing aimlessly, but fortunately for you (and unfortunately for everyone else), Kou latches an arm around your waist to steady you. You don’t want to thank him because it’s his fault. But you smile and laugh sheepishly to not dishearten the kid.

Everyone within the vicinity jolts and looks away. Hoshina’s footsteps are loud and heavy in the terrified silence of the room.

“If you have time to flirt,” Hoshina says, glaring at you both, “then you don’t have time to take this seriously, do you?”

You frown. Why were you getting blamed, too? Damn.

You move to apologize but end up biting back your words at Hoshina’s silent and deadly stare aimed at Kou. And much to your (and everyone else’s) horror, Kou mirrors his expression as if forgetting that he’s nothing but an ant compared to their fucking Vice-Captain!

“Sorry, Captain. I didn’t expect you to be watching Y/N-san so closely compared to everyone else,” Kou says, and oh, he has a death wish for sure.

Hoshina’s brow twitches. His eye catches your wide ones for a moment before loosening his posture and deciding to just walk past. “You should know your place, kid. I’m lookin’ out for ya. Attachments are a hindrance in our field of work; listen to your Vice-Captain.”

“Smooth save,” you hear someone whisper, promptly shushed by everyone.

You watch as Hoshina doesn’t bother glancing back. His shoulders are tense, and his knuckled grip is so tight that his fist is growing pale. You feel worried. You don’t want to doubt your Vice-Captain, but even this feels out of control for him.

You whirl around and jab a finger at Kou. “What was that for?! Are you insane? He’s going to drill us to death now!”

Kou shrugs. “He won’t if you beg nicely.”

“What the hell was that!?” Kafka hisses under his breath. “I thought the Vice-Captain would actually kill him! I thought I was going to witness the murder of a human!”

Reno appears thoughtful. “So it’s got everything to do with Y/N-san.”

Kafka scoffs. “I figured. Kou’s a real piece of work, but he’s right. Vice-Cap played nicer before Kou started instigating him using Y/N as a shield.”

“I think it’s more like… making him jealous,” Reno says.

“What? Really? Wait—does Vice-cap like Y/N?!”

“It’s rude to speculate about your higher-ups. Do you want him to make you do a hundred more push-ups?”

Kafka and Reno pale.

“C-Captain!” they squeak out, spinning around to face her.

Ashiro wears a ghost of a smile on her face. “You may be right. You figured it out faster than Hoshina himself.”

They both blush because Captain Ashiro is smiling, until they realize what she’s just said. Their horror-stricken gazes swing back and forth between you and a ticked-off Hoshina, and, oh god, it makes so much more sense.

Kou crosses a line this time. You’re positive he’s just using you to antagonize Vice-Captain Hoshina for some reason. You wanted to tell him that you wanted no part in their dick-measuring contest until Kou pulled you out of view while everyone was busy chattering and eating dinner.

You sigh. “What is it this time?”

Kou smiles. “I want to confess to you.”

“You—uh whuh—huh?”

“I’m sorry if I unconventionally went about this—” You think!? “—but I do genuinely like you, Y/N-san.”

You blink once, then thrice. “What? Wait, really?”

Kou nods. You study his expression and realize that—what the fuck—he’s actually serious! Kou seems like he’s around three years younger than you, and sure, he’s got experience, but you’ve never even considered him that way.

“Y/N-san?” he asks.

“Kou, I…”

Your silence must’ve been taken the wrong way. Kou leans closer until you can feel his breath on your cheek. You wince, pulling away, but he dives forward and—

There’s a finger on top of your lips. Your eyes widen in shock, and see that Kou’s entire face is covered by a familiar hand.

Your gaze lands on a mess of a Hoshina. He’s breathing heavily as if he’s run all the way to get here, and he’s got this petulant scowl directed at Kou that comes off so childish—like he’s been stolen of his favorite toy. 

“Vice Captain,” Kou greets. “You’re interrupting us.”

“Just—stop.” Your Vice-Captain gently pushes Kou away as he pulls you to him instead. He doesn’t look angry anymore; he is more flustered and defeated. “I get it, okay? You win.”

Kou smirks. “Whatever happened to attachments?”

“Fuck off before I attach this sword up your ass,” Hoshina hisses. You snort out of surprise, which in turn makes Hoshina direct his attention to you.

You swallow on nothing in particular. That look on his face—worry, sadness, and something else you can’t quite bring yourself to identify. It feels like fondness, but that just couldn’t be right. This is Hoshina Soshiro. He’s composed, and he’s calm, and he’s… and…

…and he’s buried his face on your neck, gripping your wrist tightly.

Kou whistles lowly. “I was in the middle of something, Vice-Cap.”

Hoshina doesn’t even fight back this time. He wordlessly listens to your heartbeat, that’s increasing in pace. He flips Kou off, though, which may be the nicest he’s been.

You’ve never seen him so vulnerable before. “Vice Captain?”

Hoshina breathes in shakily, muttering, “You didn’t accept his confession, right?”

You look up and realize that Kou has walked off, shoulders slumping. Hoshina inhales and exhales—he’s trying to calm down the trembling, you realize. You turn back to the man limp against you, unsure of where to place your hands.

“N-No, sir.”

Hoshina breathes out slowly. “Okay.”


He pulls away and then smiles at you like nothing has happened. “Good. Haaaah. Y/N, you make me worry so much, ya know?”

“I— I don’t know?”

Hoshina’s gaze is intense, making you freeze in his hold. “It’s like I can’t leave you alone for even a second, or else some runt will come and steal ya away.”

But even then, getting to witness this side of the Vice Captain this close…

Hoshina tilts his head. “Why’re ya making that face?” He laughs, pinching your cheek. “You’re so cute.”

“Sir, please,” you whine, trying to pull his fingers away.

A smile breaks across his face, drawing closer in the same way Kou did. You hold your breath. “I’ll get stronger, enough so no one tries to beat me to you again.”

Kou has just confessed, but his words are the ones that pierce through your heart. It’s not even a confession. Or—at least you don’t think so? Hoshina can surely hear your heartbeat in the silence of this hallway. He smiles wider and taps your nose, pulling back.

You feel lightheaded, overwhelmed, confused, and, well—you’re not exactly sure what Hoshina means, but his expression is clearer, less tense, and that’s all that matters to you.

“Let’s go back,” he says, but still, he keeps an arm around your waist.

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7 months ago



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7 months ago

You can pry the other Stellaron Hunters going out of their way to be kind to Blade out of my cold dead hands. Every time they mention Blade it's always in a kind way, he's a person to them no matter how much he isn't one to himself. Kafka calls him a cute nickname, Silver Wolf tries to get him to game with her, and Firefly brings him oak rolls because she knows he'll appreciate it. When we make a little cat cake that looks like him, Silver Wolf knows he likes it. They steal his phone all the time and he lets them. Yingxing is dead but he is still so loved even if by different people.

You up-keep a blade because you care about it

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