I Just Remembered I Have A Project Due Tomorrow And I Havent Even Started The Slides :D
I just remembered I have a project due tomorrow and I haven’t even started the slides :D
More Posts from Watter-botle
I will die on this hill.
Quackity’s bitterness towards his, I guess ex, fiancé’s lies on his shoulders as much as it lies on theirs.
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i made an ask meme, found family edition. or anyone i guess. use it now
aqua: you're on my dash all the time and i despise you for it
beige: you probably had a mythology phase
purple: i'd hold your hair back if you were sick ily mwah mwah
hot pink: you spawned one day and i'll never forgive god for letting you live
lime: play a flute with me in the middle of the woods. we could scare some people i think. it'll be fun
indigo: i just KNOW you're dogshit at cooking
brown: your vibes are so warm. how are you real
maroon: everything you say makes me physically ill but you're so funny that it doesn't matter. i hate you
cyan: i trust you with my playlist but i wouldn't come near you when you're mad. you scare me
red: you're so angry all the time, you're such a fucking gremlin
yellow: haha short
salmon: get in my car. i'm adopting you now. pack your shit and meet me at dawn.

sapnap i'm gonna Sue you for emotional damage-
there has never been a better time to use the word flabbergasted than right now
Okay so we all remember the iconic himbo moment of
‘we’ll come back tomorrow’ ‘dude I have school tomorrow’
,, but I feel like we don’t really talk about the thrilling sequel to the Sapnap Himbo Saga we received in the shock stream I mean that was GLORIOUS look just- ‘
,,,,, what a beautiful dumbass