・゚: *✧・゚:* Kerry/artist since 2019/ 🇷🇺/ thomas the tank engine, animals, and Danganronpa ・゚: *✧・゚:*
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finally some kind of a design for skarloey since my engines dont typically age physically, he looks similar to how he did as a wee engine /j
but, he does carry a cane[the ball thing] around. mostly incase he has issues w walking
I don't have time for it, Scott TW! gore, slurs, homophobia, ableism
Scott looked back at his brother with a look of surprise and disappointment. At first he was upset with Gordon, but after sitting down on a bench a thinking for a bit, he realised it has himself he was more disappointed with. After all- it was his fault that his brother wants nothing to do with him, wasn't it? If he just accepted him like their father and sisters did, they'd be close, right? Scott let out a deep sigh, looking down at his polished shoes, holding his hat in one hand. "How do I fix this mess..?" He asked himself in his thoughts. There weren't many options really. Every time he tried to talk to his brother, Gordon either brushed him off or got defensive. But who can blame him, really. After what happened he had the full right to despise Scott as much as he did. He could see the whole thing unfold before his eyes, just as if he was watching a movie in a cinema.
December, 1955, Doncaster
Mallard and Spencer both were working a lot during Christmas time, so they were around very little. It was only the original four siblings now, alone in their family home. The air was thick around the table, where they all sat, nobody mutterning a word, until the eldest decided to break the silence. -So, Polly. Have you been able to meet up with the newspaper agency?- Gordon said, brushing a strand of long thick, black hair out of his face -No.- Polly said -My poetry doesn't interest them. Bonny rolled her eyes, she and Polly did not get along one bit. -I don't have to bother with that.- she boasted She was a ballet star, people admired her grace and how perfect her moves were. -Why must you boast so much?- Polly snapped -Not everyone has to be a prima ballerina!- -Ugh.- Bonny looked away, the silence coming back Scott shot his brother a smug look. -You don't really understand what being truly famous is like. Neither of you do.- he grinned -Father would sure be proud- he shot Gordon a nasty look -Pity his first born didn't turn out that well.- -Must you always mention it?- Gordon hissed, glaring at him -Oh? Do you feel offended, little brother?- Scott scoffed -I'm just speaking the truth.- -Don't start again.- Polly boomed -Father isn't here. But he cared about us equally. And he'd be proud of all of us.- -I don't need defending.- Gordon grumbled -Do you now?- Scotsman scoffed -Oh please, father would go insane if a hair fell off your precious head.- -No he wouldn't.- -You lie to yourself, dear brother.- Scott got up, towering over his brother, who was still seated -YOU were the favourite. YOU had everything. Even tho you didn't deserve a bit.- -I was sick!- Gordon sprung up, snapping -It's not my fault! -That you're "different"? Well I can't really hold being stupid against you,, but being a f@g I can.- -So that's your problem.- Gordon scoffed -Father didn't care, our family doesn't care! Why can't you just be normal with it?- -Normal..- Scott growled -You're gallivanting around with a man, what about it is normal? You're running around in ladies' clothes, what about it is normal? Nothing, Gordon. Nothing about it is normal. You're a fucking anomaly, that's my problem!,, What? Are you going to cry like a lady now? Cry for papa? Well tough luck, he's dead.- -Shut up.- -Well, maybe better for him. So he doesn't have to see this circus. Both father and mother are better off dead.- -Shut up!- Gordon raised his hand about to give Scott a good slap -Don't you tell me to shut up!- Scott grabbed his arm -I won't let you hit me again! I won't be your fucking punching bag!- He threw his brother across the room, spitting cusses and nasty names. Both Polly and Bonny shrieked for them to stop and calm down, but everything escalated to quickly for them to act. Both brothers were pissed, both wanted eachother's head. Luckily for himself, Scott was far more muscular. Training for all of his shows gave him the upper hand and he sure used it. Gordon wasn't much of a damsel in distress either, giving Scott a run for him money. The women shrieked and tried to get them off eachother, which proved unsuccessfull. Finally Scott clenched his fist, serving the final blow, right into his brother's jaw. Gordon fell back, slamming down on the floor. -You're a fucking monster!- he shrieked, seeing the blood on his hands -You're insane! He sprung up, going to get his things. -What are you doing?- Polly went pale, running after her brother -You're hurt,, please- wait!- Gordon didn't answer, he just packed his bags, put on a scarf and marched towards the door. -Goodbye Polly, goodbye Bonny. Do be so kind and write a letter from time to time.- then he glared at Scott -And you I don't ever want to see again. This is the last time you'll see me here.- He walked out, leaving Polly bawling at the doorstep, Bonny shaken up and scolding Scotsman.
Scott woke up from the daydream, feeling tearyeyed remembering it all. He regretted every word he said and every punch he delievered. If only Gordon knew how much Scott wanted them to get along again...
I can teach you how to be just like me Crying all night sleeping ‘til three I can teach you how to be just like me, just listen carefully
Always wanted to do one of these!
I’ve seen so many really awesome expression memes by so many talented artists, and I’ve recently been quite enjoying using colour pallets to challenge myself when doodling. So for fun I decided to do my own expression chart and colour pallet chart!
If you’d like to use these, you’re welcome to do so! Just please REBLOG, NOT REPOST! I’d love to see any art where people use these and it would help others find my blog ❤️
Send me any characters from your favourite show, film, anime/manga or game with an expression and pallet, and I might doodle them xXx