Ttte Ben - Tumblr Posts
Incorrect Ttte Quotes 172:
Ben: KILL IT, KILL IT!!!!!!
Bill: Relax, we're kidding. We're kidding. >:)
Gordon: You two need Lady.....
Sir Topham hatt: Bill and Ben, this morning's station sign is supposed to read: Three O clock express delayed. Can either of you explain why it now reads: " COME SEE MY HAIRY ARMPITS!"!?
Sir topham hatt ripping up a paper: I told you two a thousand times not to draw up these prank PLA-
Bill: Freeze! *Looks at screen* Hey everybody- hol on one sec. *Clears paper out of the way* My name is Bill and this is my twin Ben. Ben: Hey. *Sad looks at paper* We starting another Saga along the Edward gets caught up in Whiff's warcrimes and other Bullshit saga, and it gonna be WILD!
Oh, it's another CU reference! Love me some good references. ;)
Sir Topham Hatt: Ever since you two first arrived on the railway, it's been one prank after another! One montage later. Bill: Woah, that's a lot of pranks/
Ben: Yeah when it comes all together like that you really get a sense of the scope.
Bill: Some of those must have been really hard to pull off. Ben: And dangerous, like that Diesel! Bill: Oh that Diesel was Crazy!
STH: GAH! For several years you two have been disuprting the carefully celebrated grown life beehive that this railway is supposed to be!
I bet that the twins put Diesel 10 into Sir Topham Hatt's office to scare him lolololololol.
So, if Sir Topham Hatt is Mr. Krupp, then who's Captain Underpants?
Bill talking to screen: See? And that's just a normal day on The Northen Western Railway. Ben: More like The North Western Buzzkil.
Bill: And that's why we do what we do! He's left us no chice! are pranks are the last line of defense against the strict boredom, of this railway.
Whiff :Woah woah why, I hear you two got in a bit of the old trouble today.
Bill: How'd you hear that Whiff? Ben: Did you tattle on us? Whiff: Maybe I did maybe I didn't... I did. Someone has to stand up for the man.
Bill: No one has to stand up or the man! that's the whole point of the man! he stand up for himself whiff!
Whiff: Respectfully disagree
Lmao Whiff is Melvin now 😂😂😂😂😂😂
This has been a great series of quotes. It's awesome!
Bill and Ben as they wake up: It's Monday!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Donald and Douglas bursting in: SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU TWO YOU DO THIS EVERY MONDAY!
Bill, Ben, stop complaining. Monday is always part of the week. Everybody hates Mondays it's not like you two are any special. 🙄
Bill recording a YouTube video: Asking high schoolers how they got their cars prom edition!
Bill: how'd you get this in highschool?
Rosie: Holding people at gun point.
Bill: How'd you get this in highschool?
Henry: My dad likes cars and let me borrow it.
Bill: How'd you get this car in highschool?
Percy: I stole it, my friend behind me also stole that car.
Bill and Ben: HUH???? You two managed to steal a car?!? We can't even do that without Edward looking over the two of us like he's a hawk or something!??
Hiro: Oh right. I forgot to tell you students something important. Edward quit his job.
Everybody: WHAT?!!?
Do you have headcanons on how much do steam team characters swear
You know what. I am going to make them right now:
Thomas: Doesn't swear that much when he's around older engines (Like Edward, Toby or Gordon) but every once in a while he will drop a huge f-bomb whenever he feels like it. Basically he's the dude to say "Toodles" but then says "SHIT" when he's panicking.
Edward: Oh boy.... I don't even know how to put this into words... His mouth is as dirty as a wastewater facility. Constantly swears whenever he's stressed or pissed (Which happens a lot). Unintentionally teaches younger engines swear words more than the engines that purposefully do. If it wasn't for Toby or Gordon constantly keeping an eye on him, he would be cussing 24/7.
Henry: Nobody has heard him swear in his life. The closest thing that would count as him saying swears are mild swear words like "Heck" or "Crap".
Gordon: Thinks swearing is absolutely disgraceful and calls out engines who do swear. Is Sodor's swear police no #1. Doesn't swear except for the time Bill and Ben were about to push him into the sea. Dropped a MASSIVE "Shitheads" bomb and the twins know better to not push on his buttons too much.
James: Usually swears when he's throwing insults at someone. Quite creative too. She can come up with roasts that nobody else can. Her language is as red as her coat of paint. The only time that they aren't swearing while insulting was the time their brakes caught on fire and they were yelling "Shit" repeatedly.
Percy: Sometimes he swears and sometimes he doesn't. It's 50/50 with them considering that they have to watch their language when they're around their younger brothers, Phillip and Pluto. Somehow he manages to make the most offensive curse words sound so casual.
Toby: Also doesn't swear that much. The only times that he swears is when he's angry and even in that situation, he always mumbles them under his breath so that nobody can hear him. Swear police no #2.
Emily: Pretty much the same of Percy. The only difference between them is that she manages to make curse words 1000x worse. Like she would turn them into the most offensive things to ever be uttered from her mouth.
(Also side note if you're confused with James' and Percy's pronouns: James is genderqueer and uses any pronouns while Percy is a demiboy and uses they/them/he/him with no preference at all)

It only too me three years but we finally have Braun!

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 278:
Thomas, Bill and Ben: Here the pros and cons of being aroace!
Thomas: Pros? Nobody wants to be in a relationship with you!
Bill and Ben: Cons? Nobody wants to be in a relationship with you.
Incorrect Ttte Quotes 301:
*Bill and Ben are making squeaky toy noises while walking around as BoCo talks with Mavis*
BoCo: I appreciate you taking care of the twins. Heck, you might even be better than me and Gordon at some aspects.
BoCo: But, can I ask you if you know why they're so jittery?
Mavis: Well, they were thirsty so I gave them some drinks. They been like this since.
BoCo: What did you give them? Two cans of soda? We try to stay away from sugary-
Mavis: Coffee.
*BoCo and Mavis stare at Ben and Bill as they stop and suddenly scream*
*Cut the Edward dodging bullets in Knapford before sliding under a falling express coach and bullets fly millimeters over his face in slow motion. Edward jumps onto the station platform as Bill and Ben plow through the destroyed coach with a tanker causing a huge explosion blowing Edward backwards*
Edward: PAUSE!
*Entire scene freezes*
Edward Narrating: ....How the fuck did I even get here? Lady damn it I'm starting to Wonder why I even try to protect Sodor.
Thomas: Edward can we focus?
Edward: Thomas I'm narrating shut up!
Edward: Good, he's gone. Well, Wanna know how I got into this situation? Well, it all started earlier today.
*Tape rewind to black*
Edward: I was going to get some trucks in the shunting yard. The day was pretty peaceful when Thomas suddenly ran into the station screaming his head off.
Edward: I didn't know why until he told me that this was the day that the "EGCUIWWC Saga" was going to continue. At that moment, I said to myself: Shit.
Edward: After that, chaos proceeded to happened as gunshots were being fired as everybody start screaming their head off and running. I sometimes hate my life....
Rosie: Alright you guys listening? Here's the plan.
Thomas: Rosie, I got this. Step one, light taunting. Step two I have no idea.
Bill and Ben: We have a idea!
Edward: Frankly I expect nothing good from you two.
Bill: We've been cooking!
Ben: We started a company called harvester international.
Edward: And what you make?
Bill: Oh just tractors, combines, guns.
Edward: How many guns of you made?
Ben: A couple hundred... Thousand.
Edward: And what do the and internationally harvest?
Both: Souls.
Edward: *Breathes heavily* How many?
Bill and Ben: Uhhhhhhh...... About 5000 or more?.......
Edward: The moment this saga ends, I'm going to send you two to the graveyard.
Bill and Ben: W-We'll be nice! We swear!
Thomas: Well, at least we got enough supplies to take down Sir Topham Hatt.
Stupid Ttte Memes That I Made Yesterday (Also, Thanks For 122 Followers I Love You Guys):

MC Gordon: so we’re in agreement that siblings can be annoying right? All those in favour say I
Donald: Aye
Percy: I
Thomas (MC, not mine lol): I
Ben: I
Other characters : i
Edward (my au): I
MC Gordon: Errr. What are you doing here Edward? I thought you were an only Child? Or something?
My Edward: Wrong Edward mate
MC Gordon: fair enough.
MC Thomas: Wait Edward you have siblings
My Edward: I have an older twin brother? I thought we discussed this?
MC Thomas: Wrong Thomas
My Edward: ….. so you use my own words against me? Well played.
MC Percy: wait so, you have an older brother? What’s their name?
My Edward: Edwin Hall.
MC Thomas: whoever the hell is doing that, I don’t care for it!
My Edward: Yeah no that happens sometimes just go with it.
MC Gordon: ok, so Edwin?
My Edward: Yeah that’s, uh his name, and We don’t talk about Edwin.
MC Percy: if you start singing We don’t talk about Bruno but replace Bruno with Edwin I’m gonna lose my marbles
My Edward: what marbles?
MC Thomas: Where is that coming from?!
My Edward: Ok but in all seriousness everyone-
A chainsaw cuts through the wooden door like butter and door shaped hole is cut
Edwin: Guuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssss Who got off on Good behaviour!!!
Everyone but Edward: hysterically screaming
Edwin: Oh I’m sorry. Heeeeree’s Edwin! *drops the chain saw and does Jazz hands*
Edward: I thought they sent you to the shadow realm wtf do you mean ‘good behaviour?’
Edwin: …… Eddie all I did was rob a guy.
Edward: what.
Edwin: robbed a guy, peace disturbance and-
Edward: here it comes
Edwin: graffiti, drunken bar fights on occasion, oh! Uh, one account of grand theft auto
Percy: Grand theft auto?
Edwin: Yes. GRAND Theft Auto
Edward: I’m sorry good behaviour? You? Edwin Please, you make me laugh!
Edwin: what. You know what Faak you man! It was good behaviour! And not jailbreak for once.
Edward: I’m calling bullshit that’s fake! You’re a fraud and a liar
Edwin: I’m supposed to be at community service tomorrow
Edward: Hah! Liar!
Edwin: yeah well, screw you mate
Edward: gross we’re twins
Edwin: eeeww *fake gag* that’s not what I meant!
Edward: but that’s what you said
Edwin: don’t you have a hole to cry in?
Edward: Don’t you have a scene to make?
Edwin: stop being a little bitch Edward
Edward: I twas looking for a fool when one busted down thyne door over yonder
Percy: what’s happening?
Thomas: Idk
Gordon: ….. I don’t get paid enough for this
Edwin: Are you calling a dumbass?!
Edward: Well I wasn’t calling you a smartass!
Thomas: siblings are annoying
Percy: why did we do this again?
Thomas: ask Gordon
MC Gordon: Listen. I just asked that siblings can be annoying sometimes. I didn't ask for this kind of nonsense.
MC Percy: *Takes off his prosthetic arm and aims at Edwin* Don't tell my dad that I hit somebody with my fake arm.
MC Thomas: I won't Percy.
MC Percy: Good. *Proceeds to throw it at Edwin's head*
RW Edward: You know what? I wish that you were NEVER my twin!!!!
Edwin: Yeah well no shit!!! I- *Gets knocked out by MC Percy's flying prosthetic arm*
RW Edward: ..... What the hell was that?.....
*MC Percy then grabs Edwin's arm and drags him to the dumpster while whistling "Mockingbird" by Eminem*
Incorrect Ttte Quotes 333:
Gordon with Emily:
Emily: Gordon?.... Am I ugly?....
Gordon: Nonsense.... I'm looking at you right now, you're the most beautiful girl in the world!
Gordon with Bill and Ben:
Bill and Ben: *Kicks down the door* Gordon, are we ugly?
Gordon: Very much.
Favoritism be like:
Incorrect Ttte Quotes 333:
Gordon with Emily:
Emily: Gordon?.... Am I ugly?....
Gordon: Nonsense.... I'm looking at you right now, you're the most beautiful girl in the world!
Gordon with Bill and Ben:
Bill and Ben: *Kicks down the door* Gordon, are we ugly?
Gordon: Very much.
Bill: Are ya sure we won't get caught?
Ben: Oh come on! I mean, we mess around with Gordon for about 100 times and we never got into any trouble-
*Suddenly, the door gets obliterated by a frying pan with a fuming Toby ready to commit murder while Henrietta, BoCo, Edward, Percy, Thomas, Emily and a bunch of other engines are trying to restrain to him*
Henrietta: Toby! My dear! Slow down! Don't do this!!!!
BoCo: Please! Don't kill the twins!!!!
Edward: *Shoots a glare at Bill and Ben* If you two want to live, then you better start sprinting!!!!!
Bill and Ben: *Starts running* NOT COOL!!!!!! NOT COOL!!!!!!
(Yes, I know this is a ttte Christmas shitpost. Yes, I know this is September. Shut up it's never too early to celebrate Christmas)
Coal (silly stupid Xmas dialogues)
Bill and Ben: *trashing their room*
BoCo: Clean up, you two! This is a mess!
Bill: No! We wanna get some coal for Christmas!
BoCo: *sigh* That’s a punishment for naughty children.
Ben: Oh, we know that!
Bill: We actually just needed a lot more of it for something!
BoCo: ...
BoCo: What have you been doing?-
*at Tidmouth*
Gordon: I swear I don’t despise you, Toby! That wasn’t my actual gift to you!-
Toby: *holding his unwrapped present, a lump of coal* You know, if you wanted to, you could’ve just said you were stuck on a present idea.
Emily: Maybe secret Santas aren’t the best tradition for us to do every year?..
Stupid Ttte Memes Part 2:

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 351:
*Gordon is flipping through his sheet music book, trying to find the piece that he has been practicing for 4 weeks*
Gordon: Oh the indignity, what page number was it?!?! This is ridiculous! No piano piece should that hard to find in a book-
Gordon: Oh, never mind. I found it. Alright, let's see: Piano at the start which slowly turns mezzo piano at bar 6. Mezzo forte at bar 13 and-
*Gordon then leans forward towards his book with disbelief*
Gordon: What is this?!?
The book:

Gordon: Okay, I'm not sure if it's supposed to be like that but. I guess it's part of the piece then.
Gordon: Okay. *Breathes in*
Emily: I wonder what piano piece Gordon is practicing upstairs in his room!
Bill: Ugh, it's probably some boring classical piece.
Ben: Bill's right. He's-
Gordon, from upstairs: