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96 posts

If A Fey Asked Me "May I Have Your Name?" And I Give Them A Name Of An Already Existing Person Who Is

If a fey asked me "May I have your name?" and I give them a name of an already existing person who is not me, would said person's name belong to the fae?

Bc, the fae can't have my name unless I give it to them, like a form of consent. But the person who's name I gave them didn't consent to their name being given to the fae.

But if I asked the person "May I have your name?" and I'm a human, under fey terms I technically "own their name" so then would it be mine to give?

But if I never had asked and they just said their name, would the fae just not get the name bc it never was mine to give away?

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Am I the only one who does not understand where the concept of fanon pregame Shuichi?

I'm not hating on it or anything, I just don't understand how we got a "batshit insane Yandere Shuichi headcanon" from the brief maybe one-minute clip in the game.

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