(Any pronouns) I mostly like to talk about thing related to my writing, but I'll also talk about anything ranging from xkcd to deranged ramblings about the weather.
167 posts
And Now I Have To Come Up With Names! :(
And now I have to come up with names! :(
Due to writers block I've put my two main projects on pause to begin a new, unrelated one.
wheezecheese reblogged this · 11 months ago
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I refuse to write romance ever. Like, I can write tales of most genres, but if I have any idea about a romance, be it gay, straight, whatever, I am physically unable to write it. I do indeed "suffer love" (Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing, act 5, scene 2, line 61) but I despise reading and writing it.
This is too true for me to put into words. At least half of my vocabulary functions like this.
the problem with reading and writing leading to a strong vocabulary is that you tend to know the vibe of words instead of their meanings.
if I used this word in a sentence, would it make sense? absolutely. if you asked me what it meant, could I tell you? absolutely not.
I got Don Quixote from the library recently. Now I want to put a reference to it in a book I'm writing.
The way to tell if somebody got a new saber:
How clear is your reflection in their guard?
perfectly clear = saber is brand new
somewhat clear = saber is anywhere from .5 to two years old
unclear = 2.5 to four years
no reflection = 5+ years.
(this is from my experience, others' may differ)