wheneveryonessuper - CHARACTER?

Sometimes I wish I were Mufasa. Or Hobbes. Or Ernest Hemingway.

1345 posts

So I Read The Preachy Notes

So I read the preachy notes

of all these friends of mine, for analytical purposes and all, and I just cannot get over people sometimes. One of the things I read was about how women are all betrothed to jesus and all, and it goes on talking about how it makes sense for us girls and women to be pining for love and acceptance from men, because we are after all made of a rib of adam, and it gets to the point where I can't take it so I go here to rant.

Because NO. Yes, we are female. No, that doesn't mean we have to always be the one being protected. No, I honestly believe that we have a total right to be happy independent of any man. Hell, the fact that a man is always assumed is horrible.

So ladies, this Valentine's Day, how about we just chillax? For those of you with significant others, I'm happy for you. Just don't sacrifice yourself for anyone. And for the rest of us? Hey, take a day to remember your family, your friends, and the things in your life you love already. In the immortal words of Kevin G, Don't let haters stop you from doin your thang.

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14 years ago

Since her death in 1979, the woman who discovered what the universe is made of has not so much as received a memorial plaque. Her newspaper obituaries do not mention her greatest discovery. […] Every high school student knows that Isaac Newton discovered gravity, that Charles Darwin discovered evolution, and that Albert Einstein discovered the relativity of time. But when it comes to the composition of our universe, the textbooks simply say that the most abundant atom in the universe is hydrogen. And no one ever wonders how we know.

Jeremy Knowles, discussing the complete lack of recognition Cecilia Payne gets, even today, for her revolutionary discovery. (via alliterate)

14 years ago

Alright now, apush

The war has begun.

14 years ago

Did you just say "natural force" again? I swear to god if you say anything other than normal force for the rest of the year I will remove your carotid artery and make a Jackson Pollock painting with the remains.

Mr. Johnson, our physics teacher

(this would be the day after he taught us that gravitational force is electrical force's bitch)