Sometimes I wish I were Mufasa. Or Hobbes. Or Ernest Hemingway.
1345 posts
Skype Sundays: No Longer A Thing
Skype Sundays: no longer a thing
It's probably for the best
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Finally. A photograph that does not adhere to conventional methods of portraying a Muslim couple as emotionless, hollow, sadistic beings from a far away land. This is love right here. This is a normal Muslim couple. How hard is it for some folks to understand that, yes, a Muslim husband and wife enjoy intimate moments together?
Why can’t people share more of these images? Damn it.

NASA’s announcement of a new role and name for the Orion space capsule was welcome news in Colorado on Tuesday, where about 750 Lockheed Martin employees, subcontractors and suppliers are working on the project.
Orion was originally part of the Constellation program, former President George W. Bush’s plan to return humans to the moon. President Barack Obama scrapped that project but spared Orion for possible use as an escape pod for the space station.
NASA said Orion would be used to carry four astronauts on 21-day missions outside Earth’s orbit, possibly to an asteroid. On return, it would land in the Pacific Ocean.
NASA is renaming it the Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle.
Image Credit: NASA

This weekend could end with me feeling either horribly insecure or validated by numbers
APEX (AIDS Peer Education Exchange) auditions were Tuesday, and seeing as my first response to answers I'm not sure of is to bullshit, my interview was not great. Add to that the fact that there were about 50 people trying out, my chances are far too low for me to be happy with. We find out tomorrow.
Meistersingers (our choir) officer elections are tomorrow, and I'm running for vp against a kind of friend of mine. I say that because we're not particularly close, but I'm generally fond of her and we have a lot of mutual friends. But anyways whatever happens is going to be obnoxious because I really, really want this. And I think I'd honestly be good at it.
SAT scores come out not today, but Saturday apparently. So that's cool. And by "cool" I mean "fairly aggravating cause it would be nice if I didn't have to wait longer during an already fairly stressful period of time just to find out how badly I failed my subject tests."
On the plus side, I get to watch our track team run and state and not have to worry about anything except cheering. They'll be great.
Re:Validation by Numbers
So, I was a bit delayed, because my scores were delayed, but here's how my various attempts worked out:
Didn't make APEX. Not super surprising, but definitely disappointing, considering my friends who are in it talk about it quite frequently
I shall be vice-president of Meistersingers next year. So that's a plus fer shure. (The minus side is that I won by about two votes, the slimmest margin basically ever, so I better do a pretty freaking good job.)
Subject tests went a lot better than I was expecting, at least. I was not expecting much. Those were not good tests for me. But still, solid. And once again I do the best in the lit one, because my childhood reading has apparently served me well. (It's not like I don't still read. I just did so more when I was little.)
All in all, not too bad.
So tomorrow my friend Rosette and I are starting our "getting in shape" summer running. I'm terrified. I felt like telling you this because you run and such (for reasons I cannot fathom yet admire). Anyway, does running always feel like you have knives flying at your lungs? If not, that would be a great comfort to me. How are things going with you? Did you retake any SAT IIs Saturday?
Yay! Good for you. I'm not gonna lie, it'll take a bit, but running gets much easier as you go on. I mean, I just took my week off and it'll still be tough getting back into it, but it gets so much better. Knives are unfrequent, and only if you really feel like pushing it. There's nothing wrong with starting slow or short (like 15 minutes or less) and building your way up.
And I'm alright, still too busy, and no. What about you?