whoopsiedaisiesandwhimsy - Whoopsiedaisies

Hi! I don’t know what I’m doing, and my interests change at the drop of a hat, but I’m here, and I think it’s fun!

166 posts

Hi Friends! Ill Probably Delete This Post Afterwards But

hi friends! ill probably delete this post afterwards but…

I currently have a little extra spending money! And I want to help someone buy some merch. I dont have a whole a lot of extra but i can definitely help a some people with the smaller merch item or help one or two people with a t shirt. there are no strings attached (besides paying for your own shipping but i would really like it if it were people who couldn’t afford any merch yet please) and i would send the money through paypal, cashapp, or venmo. so if you are interested just send me an ask or message i just want to help spread some joy around! 

memento mori

unus annus

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More Posts from Whoopsiedaisiesandwhimsy

Among Us Comics!! Some Are Based On Moments I Had While Playing ;)
Among Us Comics!! Some Are Based On Moments I Had While Playing ;)
Among Us Comics!! Some Are Based On Moments I Had While Playing ;)
Among Us Comics!! Some Are Based On Moments I Had While Playing ;)
Among Us Comics!! Some Are Based On Moments I Had While Playing ;)
Among Us Comics!! Some Are Based On Moments I Had While Playing ;)
Among Us Comics!! Some Are Based On Moments I Had While Playing ;)
Among Us Comics!! Some Are Based On Moments I Had While Playing ;)

Among Us comics!! Some are based on moments i had while playing ;)

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Hero’s Writing Masterlist!

OK, so it occurred to me that I should make my own writing msterlist in case anyone wants to read my work. So, here it is, from oldest to the newest!!!


The Time JJ Swallowed a Clock - Chase is haunted by a strange noise (my first ego story!!!)

A Little Theory - A general JSE theory I had way back when I was just getting started, that I put in story form

Shaky Hands and Flowers (Whumptober and Egotober) - Jameson finds pretty flowers….

Caught In an Explosion (Whumptober) - Marvin investigates a suspicious note

Pose (Egotober) - Chase prepares for CHASE

Wilford Saves Dark (Whumptober) - Wilford saves Dark, but at what cost?

Whump - Ransom (Whumptober) - An old enemy of Jackie’s has taken his younger brothers… will an new ally be able to save them?

Snipped Strings - You Rescue Jameson from Anti, but at what cost???

How Long Since You Slept? - Chase needs sleep after a long day of work

Jackie Defeats Anti (Old Version) - How the glitch bitch came to be

The Aftermath of Anti’s Lair - Chase explores an abandoned building

Cozy - Chase and Henrik spend a night together

Relax - Jameson recovers from a fever

Chase Laughs in His Sleep - A ghost haunts the egos with its terrifying laugh… or does it?

Jack VS Jackie - Jack and Jackie fight over the last cookie

That One Fish Girl’s Rescue - A little birthday gift for a friend, where her OC, Sei, rescues JJ and the egos from a storm

You’re Safe Now - Jameson is almost killed by a fall

Magnificent Spell - Jameson learns how to use slides for the first time!

Chase & the Treasure Hunt (Multi-chapter, on-going) - Chase receives an extra special birthday present


Static - While stuck in captivity, Jameson muses and receives an unexpected visitor

The Good Doctor Returns - Jameson comes to a revelation, and Schneep returns

Robbie - A day in the life of Robbie the Zombie, from squirrel chasing to a bubble outburst

Jackie’s Late BDay Present - A special fic written for Jackie, also a rewrite of how the Glitch Bitch came to be

And JJ Makes Three - Marvin’s birthday fic! Let’s see how Jameson escapes Anti’s wrath… and how Marvin finds him…

Schneeplestein Apparently Has a Heart - Henrik’s birthday story. Concerns how Chase joined the JSE egos.

Egotober #2 - Marvin must sing to break the stony spell on his brothers.

Marvin - A little drabble about the mysterious magician


Eliza and Angelica Kidnap Alex - Eliza goes to desperate measures just get her husband to take a break


The Little Mermaid - My own retelling of Hans Christian Andersern’s The Little Mermaid!

This will be updated of course! But here is my magnum opus for the mean time!

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Well, I’ve officially fallen in love with these characters. I plan to do more with them in the future, so be on the lookout!  Reblogs are always welcome, btw! 

“First Impressions are…Something”

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Anonymous: Robbie and his family just having a good time?

I hope you don’t mind that I took a seasonal theme with this one! I haven’t really written anything with the egos and Halloween yet, so I had to! I hope that you enjoy! :)


“Marv! Marv!” The zombie shuffled along as fast as he could, dull eyes lit with excitement as he carried a drawing in his hands.

The magician glanced up from his desk a smile immediately coming to his face when he saw the zombie. “What is it, Robbie? Did you make me something?”

Keep reading

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Got obsessed with what the egos look like and wear and wrote this instead of my paper. C’est la vie!

Jackie’s hoodie is the heaviest one you’ve ever held and he always has the hood up, pushing his hair down against his bright blue mask, a warm, familiar weight across his shadowed blue eyes. He smiles easily and runs his hands over the soft beard about his friendly mouth. Combat boots, too many pockets, belts, a holster on his thigh. A bracelet given to him by someone he loved. Fighting has not made him unkind and his hands are softened by red gloves. His room is full of blankets and his hoodie sleeves have holes for his thumbs to stick through. He’s been his own for a long time and he resembles Jack less than the others do, but they share the same kind of warmth in the lines of their faces.

JJ is small and wild and he wears white and black unless he’s stealing his brother’s clothes, which he often does. He’s trim, neat, fashionable in a self-conscious sort of way. His eyes are very bright and a little silver, like something starry got stuck in the middle of his creation. He is well-loved, but still there was some darkness on the day of his birth, and it lingers in his clever, flashing, cautious eyes and his carefully, carefully, carefully cared-for clothes. He wears hats and needs glasses because one eye is worse than the other. His movements are all fluid and graceful and his hands never hold still. Sometimes steals Chase’s gauges and thinks about getting more tattoos. Often forgets to wear shoes.

Henrik – just a little lost, just a little traumatized – changes with the day. He’s trying to get a new job now that he’s back from a blood-red vacation, so he pulls together old fuzzy sweaters and turtlenecks and long coats, but most days he is an over-sized t-shirt and grey sweatpants. He has running shoes and he likes to stand in the rain. He never puts in contacts and he still wears his old wedding ring, though he couldn’t tell you why if you asked him. He smells like coffee and iodine, and he rubs his beard when he’s thinking, and he says loving things in a rough voice. He is littered in scars. Exhausted. He’s cut his hair short at the sides and he can’t always look himself in the eyes, but he’s still the good doctor.

Chase is a backwards hat and an arm wrapped in bracelets, dyed hair now faded to brown. Blink and you’ll miss his wide and perfect smile. His eyes are very blue. Girls leave numbers on his coffee cups but he’s still trying to put his broken heart back together. His black jeans are ripped and he always looks good. With his children in his arms, he is a creature of light and joy, his face shining and his mouth professing a love deeper than the stomach of the ocean. He is logos and Instagram pictures and he’s a good actor, too, because these days he can mimic Jack better than Anti ever has. A necessary deception, he tries to convince himself, but at the end of the day he’s still staring at a slow sort of suicide that sits at the bottom of a fifth of whiskey. He sets his glass down and goes to find someone to help him, wearing all black.

Marvin is a ferocity. White fingers glittering with rings, the flowing of a cape about his shoulders, tuxedos and jewelry and neatly-braided hair. A proud tilt to his handsome head, a sly sort of smile on his mouth, a wild gleam in his fine blue eyes. He holds magic in his shaking hands and coughs blood into the porcelain sink when he overexerts. He likes to show off but he never puts anyone else down for his own benefit, and at the end of the day he lets his hair out and switches into pajamas and sits next to whoever needs him most that night. He’s funny and his mouth is foul. He’s beautiful and kind and powerful, given a few chances to mess the trick up before he gets it right.

Jack wears a hospital gown.

For now.

He’ll wake up one day. Or someone will. Someone will sit up in that hospital bed, and someone will cough and shake and eventually recover, and someone will smile wide at the others around him, crying and laughing and thanking God that he’s finally woken up. It will be a good day, a happy day, even, but the next day –

Well, the next day –

Anti wears flesh.

I guess we have to wait and see who he wears next time.

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