it's all over once kyungsoo releases the songs he's been working on
71 posts
Whos-br1an - Tumblr Blog
Two people posing as a young home buying couple (they are a young couple, that part isn’t in dispute) are sending mass letters to houses in entire neighborhoods talking about how much they love the house and want to buy it. For those who have sold, the couple have then flipped the properties, turning massive profits and displacing whole neighborhoods so that rich white newcomers can move in. Watch out for Rarebird!!!
The couple denies doing anything wrong.

one full minute of taeyong feeling up ten’s arm
i am very reluctantly watching yg treasure box fuck this i have so much to say and so much to stab at but i just have to say first and foremost i love my children

(180929) atykh_sWe bumped into CHOI MIN HO SHINEE IN FCKING BARCELONA !!!
i trust you.
the day skiz says “mahal kita” i will ascend into the astral plane 😞👌💓

Jisungs Dancing High teammates started a kkt groupchat and invited Jisung fans,they said that if they upload pictures or videos of Jisung they’re not the ones who will get in trouble/scolded but Jisung is then that fuckass started to send videos and pictures of Jisung AND THE GUY LITERALLY SAID “if the pictures we took with Jisung spread Jisung will get scolded for it” AND HE KEPT SENDING PICTURES and he said he took Jisungs hat that was given by fans bc he thinked it looked good??? This is bullying they are fucking bullying Jisung a 16 year old boy with a pure heart who entered the show because he had no friends and his teammates are using him for clout,stealing his stuff and make him get scolded by his company everything BEHIND HIS FUCKING BACK I’m crrying Jisung trusted them he doesn’t fucking deserve this
i like how they released the earlier teasers with the lip-touch thing and our beautiful brooding soo and his beautiful bright love interest and the flowers and bows and arrows and shit then in the next one they just... sLAndered the king, tore the boy down.
@into-the-kpop-void exo has never and will never be able to one up the cuteness of unfair
Istg he really stopped singing for a second to give jongdae a death glare then wanted to say his cute little “omaya”
this is so sad alexa play

i am... also a pineapple-on-pizza felix-stan

stray kids stans pls reblog this with your bias and whether you are a pineapple pizza pro or not
jinki is so supportive it's both heart-warming and worrying.
my hand's screwed but im doing the dance with you guys in spirit watch me choreo in my spot.
you wanna explain all of my gags?? yes bless you jonghyun you godsend.
ah i see what's happening let's go minho i'll beatbox for you. dibidibidis 2018 represent!!
damn right i'm leaving with bammie after he lost one (1) game Good Evening™ to you all it's been nice.
oh taemin you want a knife? hell yeah here you go!! fIght him.
i thought i was already Gayed Out but stray kids were at NYC Pride and suddenly i feel like a Gay Overlord
hot take but closeted lgbt people are so fucking brave. being closeted doesn’t mean you’re lying to yourself or to others. that’s bullshit perpetuated by cishets to make us feel bad about ourselves and there’s no shame in being closeted. coming out should be entirely up to you, for you to decide how to come out and who to come out to. no one else is entitled to that information unless you want them to be and whether you’re closeted to stay safe, because you’re unsure or not ready to be out, or you just feel more comfortable being in, you’re not hiding and you don’t deserve to feel guilty. i’m proud of you and hope you can come out when you’re ready or want to, and it’s safe to do so
Reblog if Black Lives Matter to you
Where are those woke white people at!?
also minho i see you
out there trying to get rid of the filter in the latest Live for five minutes straight (and ending up with moustaches the whole thing was very cute)
minho i see you and love you
i just watched that Live they had in the white room with subs and thank you chan im so sorry i ever doubted you you did your best to "yeet away that filter" and give us the melanin
it's the lack of whitewashing-intent in the air

actually i need to know because i posted a "chan yeet away that filter" while he had the phone because the whitewashing was painful, and shortly after that someone started changing the filter until it eventually reached jeongin, who saved my life.
wait did jeongin turn off the filter for a hot second??? i need to know its for science
hey rb this and I’ll dm you either a pic of Felix or a pic of an actual koala
In response to this dude @into-the-kpop-void's Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~) 🌈🌈🌻
my hands
my inability to screw up scones
my home country the PhilIPPINES
my discipline I guess but it depends when you ask me
my gay
watch out mutuals im too afraid to talk to im coming for you
reblog for his body, not personality 😔😤