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This Is Very Insightful! I Absolutely Love The Details You Go Into Explaining Ren's Custom Archival System.
This is very insightful! I absolutely love the details you go into explaining Ren's custom archival system. Not only it shows her methodical thinking when it comes to organizational work, it also reveals an interesting side of her, with the final number being a display score. (I chuckled at that, actually!)
And yes, we adore Neil Gaiman in this house <3 His quotes are just /chefkiss
“A man’s bookcase will tell you everything you’ll ever need to know about him.” ― Walter Mosley, The Long Fall
It’s a common perception that the way someone arranges their bookshelves can say a lot about their personality and traits. How would this be applied to Ren, a librarian/archivist in her own right? How would you describe her, based on the way she works or manages her library/archive? What are some of her quirks and gripes on the organization of books and materials? After all…
“Rule number one: Don’t fuck with librarians.” ― Neil Gaiman
Thanks so much for the ask friend! Ren is super particular about how everything is organised tbh c': not just her books. She was raised by a meticulous perfectionist. That sort of overbearing demeanor of course influences a person. So as a result, she is the kind of person who judges people for things like bad dress sense, poor manners, tardiness, and forgetfulness, that extends to people's organisational skills, but truly, when it comes to organisation and memory, it is probably the only time when she's judging someone, she isn't being a hypocrite. Cyfrenne is very organised because it's the only method of control she has over her memory salads. She has a custom archival system which she's used for her own collection of notes, research materials, books and curios, since she was a student. This system is actually part of the reason why Zancefer asked her to manage his collection! She adapted it for use at the Slanted Shelves. The short explanation as to how this system works is that it's an alpha-numeric system preceded by a combination of bibliomantic sigils. These serve both as an aetheric signature one can attune to, sort of like a linkpearl frequency, and as a classifier for the item type. A longer breakdown is under the cut!
Ren's collection classification system, also the CARGO classification system works firstly on the basis of item type, followed by particulars in order of importance to her or her Uncle, these include obvious stuff, such as age and geographical origin, but there are also numeric values which indicate an items transportability, ease of public display, inherit value, and of course when it comes to some of the weird stuff Zancefer has picked up, estimated threat level c': Each item in a collection she manages is first inscribed with a bibliomantic sigil for recalling/locating it. For fun my husband and I headcanon this symbol is '#'. We also headcanon it functions similarly to the old Arcane Mark with permanence trick from D&D 3.0, where in you could put your personal sigil on an item and then make that sigil invisible but still be able to spot it even when no one else can. (This is of course, an anti-theft measure as much as for organisational purposes!) The next sigil is a letter designation which defines the item type. These are C, R, T, and, M. C stands for Curios, R for Relic, T for Tomestone and M for Manuscript. This is then followed by the numerical designations which tell Ren the item's particulars at a glance. These all work on a scale of 0-9. The first number indicates the items threat level, whereby 0 is undetermined and 9 is Sharlyan said keep that one under lock and key. (Full disclosure. They don't c': )
The second number designates the materials and composition, where 0 once again stands for indeterminate, 1 is rudimentary organic material composition and 9 is for items created using highly complex knowledge and materials (ie: tomestones) or naturally occurring materials of great power (ie: auracite)
The next number will tell Ren how old the item is. Again 0 is undetermined, 1 would be considered very ancient and 9 would be considered something created within the last 200 or so years of the star's history. In rare instances where an item has been altered significantly in an era after it was originally created, this is designated with a hyphen.
I think the idea of the scale is pretty obvious by now c': it works on the same 0-9 principle for the items value, its transportability and in the case of the Library, how easy/how worthwhile it is to keep it on display.
What you end up getting is something that looks like:
Sack of Accelerated Atrophy #R246413 This otherwise ordinary looking burlap sack has a green tie cord threaded about its mouth. Believed to have potentially been created during the time of Amdapor, anything placed in this sack is instantly covered in mould, rendering any food stored in it completely useless. Tests have shown that the sack is also able to corrupt foodstuffs stored within a small radius of itself, roughly 3 fulms by 3 fulms. It’s speculated this was used as an additional method of guerilla tactics by the Mhaci to deplete the resources of Amdapor Keep during their invasion.
So, this Sack is a Relic, It's not much of a threat, it's made with some pretty complex magical knowledge as well as organic materials, it's moderately valuable in terms of its historical worth, it's very easy to transport. And, well, sure they can display this burlap sack easily, but is there a point? Probs not, who wants to look at a sack? It gets a 3 for its display score c':
Manducated Femur#C229311 This femur bone looks as if it comes from a four-limbed creature such as a Jackal. It has been well cleaned and preserved, with a set of what appear to be humanoid bite marks stained with deep ochre dye adorning the length of the humerus. Located in the Sagoli Desert and assumed to be the creation of one of the local Zahar'ak Thaumaturges, if the bone is bitten once again it fills the air with the smell of a bubbling stew. The scent is strong enough to mask odours in a 90 fulm radius, however it also runs the risk of attracting nearby predators. Used as both a method for ambushes, by distracting lost or weary travelers, or the hunting of local game fauna.
Although, to be fair, this femur is technically not part of the Uncle Zan's collection anymore. It now lives in the crisper of The Fireside's icebox.
Thank you again for the ask! It was fun to share a bit about Ren's archival system! <3
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More Posts from Why-raven

“I accept it…”
I truly adore the new lines from the pocket edition. And sincerely hope they’ll make it into the main game. It once again shows Noctis his growth as King and resolve to protect the light and the future. A king pushes onward always, accepting the consequences and never looking back.
character associations — sora.

Tagged by @miqojak. Combined from 5 Things, and Character Features.

emotions & feelings.
anxious. / curious. / earnest. / feisty. / naive.
arm-wrestling handshake. / big, hearty grin. / dramatic hand waving. / friendly slap on one’s back. / physically painful hugs (ex. bear hug, tackle hug).
body language.
animated or excitable gestures. / crossed arms or legs. / grimace (either with a frown or with gritted teeth). / hands on hips. / rolling eyes.
MSQ/Canon (as WoD) — a-line dresses. / hair bows. / lots of silk. / flat pumps.
Sherlock AU (as Sora Holmes) — frills and laces. / gothic dresses. / over-the-knee boots. / red or black rose motifs.
Sabrina AU (as Sora Spellman) — goth punk style. / miniskirts. / lots of leather. / striped stockings.
combinations of red, black and white.
allagan earrings—red. Gift from Yiuno. Crafted from remnants of an Allagan node where she was originally found prior to the Seventh Umbral Calamity.
harmonica, made of hardsilver. Another gift from Yiuno, when she completed her training to become a full-fledged Dancer with Troupe Falsiam.
leather-bound notebook. Used as a diary to record her adventures or anything of interest.
aroma of hot cocoa.
fragrance of roses and lilies.
smell of freshly baked goods (i.e. pastries and confections).
bloodthirsty. Despite her cute and innocent appearance, she loves to fight—and she isn’t known to hold back her punches. At all. (“Kill first, talk later. Oops, you’re already dead, anyway!”)
chaotic alignment. Doesn’t like to follow rules; she prefers to do whatever she wants, whenever she feels like it. (She’s fairly docile to Yiuno, though.)
greed. She’s mostly motivated by monetary gains. She believes that she’s forever poor, and she doesn’t like to work for free. (Suspected to be a trait she’s gained from Yiuno, but no one knows for sure.)
innocent to a fault. It’s difficult to tell if she’s really pure like a child, or actually an amoral imp.
a flower bed in the middle of an abandoned building.
colorful fireworks illuminating the dark sky.
fiery red sky at sunset. / when the sun meets the horizon.
full moon. / eclipses.
pages of sheet music scattering in the wind.
god knows… — haruhi suzumiya (cv: aya hirano).
I’ll follow you No matter where you are in the darkness of this painful world I’m sure you will shine Beyond the end of the future Don’t break your spirit because of your weakness You will converge my way May god bless us now…
imagination — spyair.
No matter when, no matter who, we want to stand there Even if it’s wrong, even if it’s frustrating, we want to struggle on Never give up, we don’t want to end like this With this imagination in mind, I’ll go on
innocent starter — nana mizuki.
I whisper to you, the one who gave me my “beginning” Of the promise that we made, just the two of us The magic of eternity that never changes Even if our future is captured, even if it vanishes far away I’ll remember your clear voice Call my name And smile like you did that day
troublemaker — arashi.
Wondering about the dreams I’d almost forgotten Searching for the love I’d nearly lost I don’t need your tears anymore Is it too late? There’s nothing wrong with that! Wondering about the existence of rumors That chilled the atmosphere of the city Just smile here to dodge a bluff Isn’t it okay to just take it easy?
weight of the world (english version) — keiichi okabe ft. j’nique nicole.
Still, we’re gonna shout it loud Even if our words seem meaningless It’s like I’m carrying the weight of the world I hope that someway, somehow That I could save every one of us But the truth is that I’m only one girl Maybe if I keep believing my dreams will come to life Come to life
All lyrics translations (except the last one) are by @why-raven. Please credit if use. Do not claim as your own.

Apocalypse WLW roadtrip for Anonymous
quiz: smell of your soul — yiuno.

Keywords: intelligent, old soul, complex. You are an extremely thoughtful individual with a creative mind and loving heart. Being around you is like sinking into a warm bath. There’s something truly wise about the advice you give others; being in your presence leaves others feeling warm, reassured, and inspired. Compatible with: coffee, candle smoke, freshly baked bread.
link to quiz.

This result is clearly to no one’s surprise; it’s public knowledge by now that Yiuno is a huge caffeine addict. Y’shtola has commented that she knows he’s around whenever her nose picks up the aroma of coffee. Even the keywords are perfect for Yiuno—I can’t think of anything less to describe this old man bunny.
The description, however, I feel like that fits Y’shtola better than Yiuno. Some of you might disagree with me, seeing that the cat mom doesn’t behave as intimately as the other Scion members towards WoL in the MSQ, but I can totally relate to her—I’m quite similar to her when I socialize with others.
It’s even harder for Yiuno to show his soft side, given his background and professions. Perhaps he’d open up to people who have managed to earn his trust, which could take a very long time to reach. After all, he’s an immortal, and he’s got all the time in the world.

Thank you for tagging me, @starrysnowdrop! ’Twas a fun quiz, and I quite enjoyed it (´∀`)