wildeirvane - A Collection Of Stuff Created By A Silly Creature
A Collection Of Stuff Created By A Silly Creature

Artist, poet of dubious quality, fae creature, forest cryptid, bone collector, hoarder of fancy fountain pens that I can never find a good enough reason to use | Literally posting whatever comes to mind | Wil - All Neopronouns (ve/ver, fae/faer, it/its preferred) - Panromantic - Asexual - Agender

24 posts

Attack I Did Of @getthekats Dnd Character, Chiron, For Art Fight :3

Attack I Did Of @getthekats Dnd Character, Chiron, For Art Fight :3

Attack I did of @getthekat’s dnd character, Chiron, for art fight :3

We love this gay ass nerd

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More Posts from Wildeirvane

1 year ago

If I pretend I know what I’m doing, no one will notice, right?

I will fly into the sun

Until I must fall to the sea

Incandescent beast of failure

Like a moth drawn to crystal flame

I will run my wax wings into the ground

No one taught me how to make them real

So they fly safe and sound

While I am shedding feathers

Trying to keep up my stride

Sunlight and salt spray

Pull at my brain as I greet the sea

My best way to cope


Is to write an overly dramatic poem

About being a burnt out gifted kid with adhd

Note to self: take your damn meds

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1 year ago

Hey, why does my mouth always taste like metal after we kiss?

Her hair was a flowing cherry red

Like the ichor she lacked

A heart that never bled

A hollow soul

From which tears were never shed

A beautiful monster

A creature in disguise

Making lives shatter

Good thing it takes

More than one bite

To become a creature like her

Sickly sweet words

Force fed poison

Scarred by her venom

Making limbs go numb

As I pulled away

I saw my flesh in her fangs

My life in her claws

My blood in her maw

Coating her lips and her grin

As my vigour wears thin

How lucky am I

As ironic as it seems

To already be something

Other than human

Curses can’t stack

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7 months ago

Hey, I’m Wil, I use any neopronouns (fae/faer, ve/ver, and it/its are the most common but you can go ham with whatever lol)

I write shitty poetry and draw some silly guys

I’m doing artfight this year, I’m Wildeirvane over there as well (go Team Stardust!)

1 year ago

As soon as ve saw what had walked through ver door, Theolanii cast a glamour on verself, disguising ver more otherworldly features. Luckily, the café wasn’t very busy at the moment and the few mystic patrons that were there looked more or less humanoid. That did little to soothe Theolanii’s sudden spike in heart rate, however. Ve held ver breath, waiting for either party to notice the other, yet no one did. The human walked right up to the counter, smile plastered on their face, completely oblivious to the precarious situation they had created.

“Good morning” they greeted cheerfully, “I haven’t seen this place around before, is it new? It’s real nice!”

Theolanii smiled shakily is return, “It’s been around for ages, but it’s been a while since we’ve had a new customer. What can I get for you today?”

The human hummed and hawed for a moment, looking at the menu, before declaring “A hazelnut mocha would be lovely, thank you. Light in the creamer, heavy on the sugar please!”

Theolanii nodded, marking down the order, before asking “For here or to go?”, desperately hoping they’d say the latter.

“For here please, I love the atmosphere and I bet that bay window will be perfect for reading!”

“So I’ve heard. A few of my regulars love it for late night writing sessions,” Theolanii said, smiling a little more, “Oh, before I forget, what name should I put for the order?” Most fae would have leaped at the chance to steal a human’s name, but Theolanii had more respect than that. They’re a paying customer, after all, ve would be a poor host to steal a name when payment is already being provided.

“Ah, right, it’s Florence,” the human, Florence, said. They paid before heading over to the previously indicated window bench as Theolanii began preparing their drink. Ve kept a wary eye on the other patrons, none of whom seemed to have sniffed out the intruder amidst them. Yet.

In a spur of the moment impulse, Theolanii cast a small glamour on Florence. Nothing drastic, just a slight alteration to make them look a little less human. Pointier ears, a brighter green to their irises. Hopefully any of the patrons with a keen sense of smell simply thought them to be a fellow mystic that spent a lot of time around humans, rather than a human themself. Theolanii didn’t want to think about what would happen if either party realised that Florence was not meant to be there.

Sighing internally, Theolanii brought the steaming mocha over to the side counter. “Hazelnut mocha for Florence!” ve called, smiling in their direction. Ve received a smile back as Florence scurried over to the counter to collect their drink. They took a sip and outright grinned, and they just looked gorgeous. Theolanii realised ve was staring and quickly closed ver slightly gaping jaw, embarrassed. Ve managed reply to their thanks, though ve couldn’t tell if it was anything coherent through the sound of blood rushing through ver ears.

Ve had to keep verself busy, so Theolanii began washing the dishes and reorganising the ingredients with a little more vigour than necessary. Anything to keep from staring at the human. Ve knew that if someone noticed ver staring, they’d start getting curious, and that would only lead to trouble. Ve didn’t know why ve was so adamant about protecting Florence, considering they were intruding on the safe place Theolanii had built specifically for non-humans, but ve was.

Maybe it was that they seemed to just be genuinely sweet. Or maybe it was that Theolanii could sense there was more to them than meets the eye. Maybe ve thought they were cute and wanted them to visit again, even though ve knew it was a terrible idea. Theolanii decided to not think about it. For all ve knew, Florence would leave the café completely oblivious and would never find their way back into the mystical world.

Ve should’ve known that’d be too simple.

You run a secret, hidden café frequented by mythical beings. One day, a human somehow finds their way to the café. They have not noticed they are the only human, nor have the other patrons noticed them. Yet.

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11 months ago
Sivan Has No Rizz Smh

Sivan has no rizz smh

Original post this is based on!

The one with the split colour hair is Sivan (any/all), who is a half orc/half changling and a bard/wizard multiclass, and the one with reddish brown hair is Vesper (they/them) who is a naga sorcerer. Sivan is my friend’s PC for the dnd campaign I’m running and Vesper is one of the npcs from his backstory and also her partner (in crime and also like in a relationship)

I just thought it would be fun to draw them as this lol

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