- “You only get one shot to fight the raccoon population.” -My brother
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Willow008 - Shai - Tumblr Blog
Gwen: Aw, I love when cats dilate their pupils to indicate that it’s time to go fucking stupid.
Gwen: Wish I could do that.
Ham: Noir, in your educated opinion, how will I die?
Noir: Murder by an angry god. We never find the body.
Ham, nodding: That’s a shame.
Peter: What about me?
Noir: You crave toast while taking a bath.
Peter, under his breath: I do love bath snacks...
Harry Potter was 8 years old when he noticed his cousin Dudley lying about how late school let out so that he could spend more time with his friends. So Harry also started staying out later. Not getting punished for contradicting Dudley was just a bonus incentive alongside spending more time away from Privet Drive. To fill that time Harry managed to talk the local librarian into let him volunteer as an aide. Shelving books of course led to learning the Dewey Decimal system and a lot of extra curricular reading. 3 years later Hermione Granger wandered past the table Harry was studying at in the Hogwarts library, muttering about where she could find anything about how chemistry related to potions. Harry couldn’t help but say, “Under 540.3 or 540.78 depending on whether you’re looking for reference material or a guide to equipment and processes. At least you would if Madam Pince had everything shelved properly.” Harry was oblivious to that one phrase gaining him a study party, future lover, and friend for life. He’ll figure it out soon enough though.
Always There - Ch 20 - Complete!

Summary: After breaking up with their respective Weasleys and “losing their breakups,” Harry and Hermione find themselves hanging out alone together - a lot. What starts out as friendship soon grows into more as they realize they aren’t the same people they were at Hogwarts. Post-Hogwarts / Harmony / Drama / Slow Burn / HEA.
Chapter 20 Excerpt:
“I can’t promise you much. You know I don’t have a job or a family, but I do have a house that used to be inhabited by dark wizards and a lot of baggage leftover from the war that I can offer you.”
Hermione laughed.
“But, seriously,” Harry continued, “the best thing I can offer you is me. I can promise to love you forever and to give you a happy, boring, safe life. But - uh - I don’t have much else to give. But I think it’s okay. I really hope it’s okay,” he amended.
Harry sighed and dropped his forehead against her hands. “Shit. This all sounded a lot more eloquent in my head.”
“It’s perfect,” she said. “Except - uh - I think you’re supposed to ask a question.”
“I was getting to that.” Harry dropped one of her hands and pulled the ring box out of his pocket. He opened it to reveal a small, simple ring that looked a bit like a flower. “Hermione. Will you marry me?”
Read the full chapter here: AO3 || FFN

“And then I want to use my Sword of Shadows to misty step out the window to try to find Fabian.”
(please click for quality this is apparently too many pixels for tumblr to be able to handle)
Harry: You're cute when you're angry
Hermione: Then I'm about to be real fucking adorable
Ginny - Do you guys like each other or something ??
Hermione - No
Harry - No
Ron - Hmm… Double negative. That’s a yes.

Harmony in the Workplace REVEALS!
[Note: If you still want to write for this fest and didn’t originally sign up / still want to submit if you couldn’t make the deadline, please send us a DM! Lots of awesome prompts still to be written and we’d love for more to be added to the collection.]
Thank you to all the incredible writers who participated — be sure to give their stories some love with kudos and comments!
Title: Charitable
Author: WinglessQuill
Prompt: Philanthropist Harry / Orphanage Owner Hermione
Rating: T
Summary: Hermione Granger was content with her life, until Harry Potter appeared on the doorstep of her orphanage.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32208631
Title: The factor liberatis
Author: Eolith
Prompt: Lawyer Hermione / Wizengamot Legislator Harry
Rating: T
Summary: Hermione Granger lawyer trained in the old laws is the fautor libertatis or promoter of freedom stablisshed in the Lex Petronia an old Roman law that protects slaves and she is in England reclaiming the debts of the owners of house elfs.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32189842
Title: Full Bloom Captured
Author: VanderlustWords
Prompt: Photographer Harry / Model Harry
Rating: M
Summary: The famous McKinnons have dropped a new line of perfume: Amortentia’s First Bloom No. 5. A strain of the popular but frowned-upon love potion. It’s meant to boost the most attractive qualities of the wearer, a customized harmless pheromone. In pursuit of finding their perfect model to represent the brand, they’ve opened up a competition for models and photographers to pair up and submit an outstanding photoshoot collection.
This was an amazing opportunity for a model like Hermione Granger. It would’ve been—if not for the fact she’s been publicly humiliated by her long-time photographer boyfriend, Ronald Weasley, leaving her for an A-List model. Hermione Granger is resigned to defeat when no photographer wants to work with her. That is—until the famous photographer Harry Potter wants her.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32187298
Title: Lightning Lesson
Author: LadyBlack3
Prompt: [+Draco] Quidditch Player Draco / Quidditch Player Harry / Team Mediwitch Hermione
Rating: E
Summary: Hermione wasn’t sure how her life came to this but dealing with the English National Quidditch team on a nearly daily basis was becoming a routine. What would never become routine to her was the feelings she was all to aware of when it came to her best friend, and the feelings she wasn’t really sure what to do with for a certain blond. Fate has a funny way of forcing one’s hand though, and just this once perhaps she may not have to choose.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32177770
Title: When Fate Knocks
Author: HappyCatTaxi
Prompt: Healer Hermione / Healer Harry
Rating: M
Summary: 1796 Miss Hermione Granger is a healer, but since women aren’t allowed to be healers, she’s had to hide her gender and don a disguise. To the world, she’s Healer Herman Watson, talented and highly respected, but when she sees something she shouldn’t have, she has to flee London immediately. Luckily, her mentor knows just the right place for her to hide: Potter Manor in Wales, a hospital for Muggles and Wizards alike.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32160580
Title: Riding the Lightning
Author: JohnBurtonLee
Prompt: [+Tonks] Punk Rocker Tonks / Punk Rocker Harry / Band Manager Hermione
Rating: M
Summary: Much has been written about England’s most inadvertently hard core punk band Riding the Lightning, most of it absurdly wrong. Despite the sheer volume of gossip written about the members, very few people have picked up on the love triangle that formed the bedrock of the band’s history.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32145199
Title: The Shoot
Author: green__eyes
Prompt: Photographer Hermione / Model Harry
Rating: E
Summary: Hermione Granger has received an assignment: a photographic study of the human form. In other words, a boudoir photoshoot… and she needs to find a model. The only person she feels comfortable asking is her best friend and long-time housemate, Harry Potter. Yet she’s been hesitating, for fear that it might reawaken feelings for him that she thought she’d long since buried…
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32001724
Again, thank you to @arishatistic who has allowed Harmony & Co. the use of her art for this fest. We have received artist permission to add the fest name and have not altered the original artwork in any way. Please do not repost or use for your own purposes
Link to entire collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/HarmonyInTheWorkplace/works
Hi! Can you recommend you favorite Harry/ Hermione fanfics, I am looking for a good one to read, thanks!
My (as in Matt's) favorites? Well, that's the toughest question you could have asked. Here are a few suggestions for you:
Anything by LeQuin: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1634726/LeQuin
(Last Chance is my favorite, but Strange Reflections is close second)
One of my favorite one shots https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10300874/1/Weary-Wizard
If you like Dimension travel, this one is awesome. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2477819/1/Lily-Potter-and-the-Worst-Holiday
A great time travel fic https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4692717/1/Many-Thanks
If you like AU meetings, this one can't be beat. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5221881/1/My-Country-House
This is one where Hermione is pulled out of school after second year, and they reunite years later. Very sad in places, but also really good. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6737085/1/I-Need-You
I can keep going if you'd like. But I'll let everyone else chime in. REBLOG WITH YOUR FAVORITE HARMONY FICS

As a cousin of Gabrielle and Fleur Delacour, Hermione studied in France. Because Hermione never went to Hogwarts, things changed. Some people who died now live and others who lived are dead.
Now a new evil stalks Britain as children disappear from their homes. Harry and Hermione meet for the first time, finding themselves in the middle of the mystery as they struggle to trust each other and protect the ones they love.
Will Hermione’s mysterious past prove the key to save them all? Or will it lead to their destruction?
In regards to Fantasy High, I’d like to state: Baron is a dude’s name.
End of statement.
Hermione: Oh, my God, what are you doing here?
Harry: I should be asking you the same question
Hermione: This is my bathroom!
Harry: I should be asking you a different question
Hermione, looking through the first aid kit: WHY WOULD YOU FILL IT WITH CHEETOS
Harry, bleeding out: At the time I thought it was funny

This week’s prompt of the week comes to us from anonymous! If you’d like to vote on a prompt, it’s really easy, just hit the love/reblog/comment button!
You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves. Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine. Meanwhile the world goes on. Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain are moving across the landscapes, over the prairies and the deep trees, the mountains and the rivers. Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air, are heading home again. Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting - over and over announcing your place in the family of things.
Mary Oliver, “Wild Geese,” Dream Work (Atlantic Monthly Press, 1986)
I'm going on vacation tomorrow so here's some Percy and Rachel road trip headcanons for the soul
In this scenario I'm thinking Percy takes a gap year to hang out at home while Annabeth goes to CA for her freshman year so we're talking full cross country road trip here people
They take one of Rachel's dad's cars, which they promptly cover in bumper stickers that say stuff like "I brake for MILFS" and "hot girls for Bernie"
Paul offers to lend them his car but Percy knows that it wouldn't make it back to New York in one piece and he still feels bad about the hoof marks
Constant arguments over music because Percy just wants to listen to something fun like Olivia Rodrigo or Yung Gravy but Rachel won't listen to anyone with more than 100,000 monthy listeners on Spotify so they almost crash the car trying to change the music back several times
Speaking of crashing cars neither of them can drive for shit and every time someone has to merge or get on or off the interstate they're both screaming and crying
This is made even more chaotic by Grover screaming at Percy over the empathy link every time something mildly dangerous happens
They take turns driving. Rachel draws increasingly goofy landscapes and portraits of Percy when she's in the passenger seat, and Percy either naps or makes tiktoks
They go viral for one video of him going "two best friends on a road trip! They might kiss..." Followed by Rachel yelling "I WAS 14" and then almost swerving into the car next to them
They're cheap so every time they have to spend the night somewhere it turns into a "there was only one bed 😳" situation but they're both just shoving each other out of the bed the entire night
Frequent stops at shitty diners where they will inevitably get food poisoning and/or be attacked by monsters
Apollo face times them daily just to make sure Percy hasn't killed his oracle yet and Will and Nico face time them to purposefully start arguments and then hang up
They get bad matching tattoos in every state they pass through
Sure Mismag’s British people are stereotypical and have I ever met someone who actually behaves like they do? No. Do I want with every fragment of my being to be able to say, in a fitting context, “This some downstairs bullshit.”? Yes.
ALSO how much yall wanna bet next episode that evan’s wand turns into the dark, pitch black thing dream so desperately wants & once again she is shunned away from her dark cravings meanwhile evan is just

Calypso: If you can’t handle me at my worst you don’t deserve me at my best!
Annabeth: If you can’t handle me at my worst then you have shitty taste
Jason: If you can’t handle me at my worst I commend you and respect you for setting healthy boundaries for yourself
Nico: If you can’t handle me at my worst that is literally my only setting so good luck
Rachel: If you can’t handle me at my worst then you would never by able to handle this ASS
Reyna: If you can’t handle me at my worst then oh okay
Luke: You can’t handle me at my worst



evan kelmp and his shadow familiar
imagine sam braiding evan’s hair and she braids a yellow ribbon into it so that everyone knows he’s part of the goat house, so that people know if they fuck with a fellow goat they will get the horns. and imagine dream getting jealous and pulling enough out to braid a strand of his hair with a pink ribbon, so that they match. his braid and her coon tails. and jammer holds his hand, because they’re bonding, and evan looks ready to cry and he’s got to be ready to pull his friend into a hug should he cry.

I’ve been absolutely loving these magical misfits✨