Just dude 🐾 reblog stuff I like.
381 posts
Wisperrevans - A Birb Buddy!~ - Tumblr Blog

Hi Disney, pls hire me to make a Gargoyles reboot, I accept pizza payments.

This chicken wants to speak to the manager

oh the child of dawn

I love Zevran very.. very much
also just gonna casually plug my zevmancing warden origins fic

war has no victors

my watcher again
with different hairstyle. In fact, this is his hair at the end of Deadfire. Old and tired of this God Shit. And sad beacause Tekehu leave him


Pretty green goat

Little old art but
My orlan Watcher Jersen
With a lavender wreath
I love him so much,,
Aslo he looks like 20 years younger here
Here is a collection of friends:

dungeons and dragons but youre only allowed to use these

Watcher’s exploits in Deadfire, but in bad youtube videos format.
Don’t forget to like and subscribe.

Art by Eelis Kyttanen

Vela! The cutest little orlan :3
when there is a sex scene in a video game the ghosts of my puritan ancestors manifest in my room like a prudish river styx washing over me with such force that i have no choice but to cower and not be privy to the vulgar turpitude on my screen

Birb Fenris and Birb Anders :’)
The Inquisitor when they hear that the Warden used to literally just punch fade rifts closed:

The Warden when they hear the Inquisitor just boards up darkspawn tunnels and expects that to hold them back:

the inky showing up to the bandit’s hideout in the storm coast:

Cullen no… 😆
I might do a few more Psych-inspired comics like this because all the jokes in that show are comedy gold :d

ive been laughing about this for the past ten minutes skjdhfjksdhfkjsdhfjksdhfkjhsdkjfhksjdfsdf