She/Her, 17Closeted witch, agnostic polytheist and devotee of Aphrodite!
176 posts
I'm Too Much Of A Sceptic To Say "I Know" Anything Is Real But The Feeling Is And That's Enough For
I'm too much of a sceptic to say "I know" anything is real but the feeling is and that's enough for me to believe.
I believe in Aphrodite because when I came to her in need of love and understanding she accepted to help me.
I believe in Aphrodite because after praying to her helped me view myself with compassion. I heard her arbitrary voice in my head saying "Oh honey, you should be nicer to yourself."
I believe in Aphrodite because she helped me not hate myself for being gay despite being talked to like I'm the filthiest creature on Earth.
I've believed in her for about four months and I could keep going on about this for an hour. I love her so much. 🐚💘🕊️
i know Aphrodite is real because i see how her love has changed me
i know Aphrodite is real because i see her beauty in the world around me
i know Aphrodite is real because i’ve felt her tenderness in a kiss
i know Aphrodite is real because she has healed my heart
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More Posts from Witchyligea
the ladies' bathroom is the temple of Aphrodite
I make my pilgrimage through the crowd
I dance my way through the beer garden and enter her sacred space
past midnight, the sermons begin
the sink is the altar at the temple of Aphrodite
the priestesses are gathered around one tiny mirror
their giggles and cackles are ambrosia to my ears, the nectar has long before started flowing
it has to, else no service tonight
"oh my god," the high priestess says, invoking the prayer
"you're too good for him," says another of the women
"girl, I love that dress," says the third.
one of them offers her mascara. communion.
the stalls are the confession booths in the temple of Aphrodite
as the godess herself holds a girl's hair as she confesses her sin
"do not worry, child, it is not a sin to live in hedonism," she says, her voice like honey
"stall’s free," the girl stumbles out
it is a mess, the temple of Aphrodite
but not a repulsion. tear tracks are a mark of love,
not for the man who caused the tears but for the girls who wipe them away
you’ll never see them again, but tonight they voice the will of a godess
I ask the high priestess where she got her shoes
it is part of the ritual of the temple, and I have done my part now
"ooh, girl, on sale!" the priestess is pleased.
the godess herself is appeased. I go in peace.
the ladies' bathroom is the temple of Aphrodite
Hey, I've been looking up Poppies on pinterest to draw them and I came upon this website. I thought it could be interesting to those who work with herbs. And the pictures are just pretty.
The picture I found the website through:

In Defense of Aphrodite! - A Devotional Work!
Hello all, this is a thing I wrote a while back, but now that I have a blog, I figured I would share it! I get so annoyed by people giving Aphrodite flak and dishonoring her by the words they say. While I understand that most of these individuals are not pagans, or even Hellenist for that matter, I still think it is disrespectful. For those of you who are not Hellenist out there or worshipers of Aphrodite, please understand that she is a goddess, and that there are people who do honor and respect her. So, if you are a non-pagan and you put yourself in the shoes of an Aphrodite worshiper for a moment, you would see why we are annoyed, and quite frankly why we are angry about the recent trends spreading about our goddess on TikTok.
In Defense of Aphrodite:
What this post will cover:
What she is not!
How she shows love!
How she shows beauty!
She extends herself far beyond just love and beauty!
She is a mother figure!
She is not a monster!
What she is not!
People, pagans included seem to shun Aphrodite. They mock her and belittle her. They assume that because in myth she is portrayed as jealous, sadistic, and uptight, that it must be relative to her true nature. However, this is not, and never was the case. Aphrodite is not a monster; she doesn't "curse women who are compared to her in beauty". She definitely doesn't "take away your beauty if you ignore her". She is totally not the "whore" that modern media has reduced her to. She most certainly is not an advocate for the lesser-known toxic femininity that people often cast her with, otherwise known as a diva. She is SO much more than what people see!
How she shows love!
If you would just get to know her, and begin to be one within her bliss, she will show you her truly loving, caring, compassionate, patient, and unconditional nature. This is when you begin to love her as she loves you. When you get to know Aphrodite you see that there is more to life than just slugging through pay-check after pay-check, that there is more to life than what the media will advertise to you, that life itself is beautiful. Life is her gift to us, and thus we should cherish this gift. She animates our soul, and fills us with wonder, and amazement to explore the world, and to explore life with curiosity. Life is such a special and sacred thing. She cried for Adonis when he perished, but this is not just her sadness for the death of her mortal lover, this is the sadness that she feels when each and every one of us dies! That is how much she truly loves us! She cherishes every waking second she gets with us before it's our time to go. She is love incarnate!
How she shows beauty!
Aphrodite can teach us one major thing about beauty, that is, that it is subjective. Beauty is, and always has been in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is not the caked-up face that society has forced upon most women, true beauty comes naturally. You are already SO beautiful and you don't even know it. Beauty is not reserved for celebrities, or models. Beauty is not the stereotypical body standard that plagues society these days. Beauty is for all! Men, and women alike can rejoice, and appreciate the beauty in themselves, and in our world! There is beauty in us, in the rustling of the trees on a windy day, within the hearts of the ducks swimming gracefully upon the pond, within the eyes of any living creature. Aphrodite is beauty incarnate! If you just look for her, she is everywhere!
She extends herself far beyond just love and beauty!
Aphrodite is the goddess of all love and beauty, but she is SO much more than that. She is also the goddess of pleasure, passion, romance, and desire - none of which are inherently sexual in nature but can very well be sexual in nature if one wishes. she is the goddess of the self; self-love, self-care, self-adoration, self-confidence, even self-discipline - the list goes on. She is the goddess of the heart and is a heart healer. You can vent your sorrows to her, and she will listen, and she will guide you to healing. She will speak to you, be it in your subconscious, or in your heart itself, she will heal your sorrows and your pain.
She is a mother figure!
Aphrodite is a mother too, and if you are one who has a not-so-great mortal mother, Aphrodite will take you into her arms, and openly accept you as her own child - though you are not her blood born child, and most certainly are not a demi-god - she will still take you as her own, especially those who lacked the parental love they needed in childhood. She loves her children very much and will do anything in her power to protect them. If Eros is anything to look at in myth, she doesn't let him get away with Psyche so easily, and I feel that as a mother, she was just trying to better understand Psyche before letting Eros pursue her fully. She wouldn't want anyone to hurt Eros. She gives this same loving motherly protection to all her children. She loves us so very much!
She is not a monster!
As we can see, Aphrodite is not a monster, she is not the vile goddess myth portrays her as. She is lovely in nature to say the very least about her character. She loves all, and wants us to realize that beauty is subjective, and that everyone holds their own beauty inside and out. I pray that Aphrodite blesses and protects each and every person who reads this! <3
Colour Correspondences: Pink
Light pinks bring in comfort and were found to have a calming effect. Meanwhile darker pinks are more vibrant and playful. Wearing a bright pink suit is a bold choice. It's not easy to pull off. The rest of this post is about my personal associations and they aren't based on colour psychology.
I associate pink with the self. Taking care of yourself, doing your skin care, taking a bath. Painting your nails. Wearing perfume. Forgiving yourself when you need to. I associate pink with romanticising daily aspects of life, seeing beauty in the mundane.
I also associate it with balance. Knowing when to eat healthy and when to eat a dessert. Thinking the best for yourself. Keeping your house tidy without becoming too overbearimg on yourself.
Mixing white into red and making it pink is like watering down your sudden anger to show your true intentions. When you are drowning in your anger you can hurt someone you love. For this reason I would use it for emotional control.
I think pink is an understanding colour. Keeping your cool unless what others do cause harm. Recognizing that people around you have feelings and reacting accordingly. For this reason I think it's also related to communication and therefore friendship.

link to my other posts on colour correspondences
I'm really not in the position to teach anyone anything about this, but for me I started praying to Goddess Aphrodite in a time of need. She replied, even if it's just a placebo effect I really did feel better. Sometimes I trap positive energy in my hair to make me feel good in the morning. I felt the energy when my hand touched it more intensely than before. I became less cruel towards myself. One night I just had to test if she answered. I took a necklace and used it as a pendulum. I was shocked when it worked. I love actually seeing that she exists in a physical way rather than just in my head. I have heard her voice in my head. I saw a picture of her in my head and saw something very similar on pinterest right after. Could be just my mind playing tricks on me but because of my mental health I felt like I was going insane anyway. I am usually very skeptical but I thought if I'm going insane I can as well do it in an enjoyable way. I could recommend you to just look up how pendulums work and grab a necklace, preferably symmetrical but in my experience it works as long as you hold well. I'm not very good at other types of divination but I had managed to get a few messages using playing cards and a pendulum to make sure I get it right. I also want to try scrying using sea water but I didn't get the chance yet.

Genuine question-
I always see people talking about their deities reaching out to them and having conversations, seeing them, getting help or guidance, WORKING with them. How do people do this and what does it mean to work with a deity?
I would love to learn more about how to worship my deities better. Anything. Could someone reach out to me? I just want to learn more and it’s so hard to do it online, I’m not greek, I still consider myself relatively new to this. I believe in my deities and admire them, it’s just hard and I don’t know if my efforts are working towards anything, could someone teach me more?