"I wish I could make crack post art, but I always end up putting way too much effort into my art." -"well then it's a well developed sh#t post."
305 posts
Help Im Thinking About Titus Successfully Saving His Son Again.
Help im thinking about Titus successfully saving his son again.

Good, keep thinking about it >:3c
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More Posts from Wolf-pearl
7 to 8 days at the soonest, but im projecting closer to 2 weeks. I expect a fully functional industrial civilization worshoping me by the end of the year.
so long as the evil bar eyes don't bring upon their downfall.
Ok so I'm taking a genetics class right now and in lab we've been given fruit flies with different mutations that we need to breed over the course of the semester.
Now, first thing I learned: fruit flies don't eat fruit. They eat yeast. They eat the yeast on fermenting fruit. They can not actually eat fruit. Their name is a lie.
Secondly, one of the two mutant lines I was given to cross are flies with the apterous mutation, aka they're wingless. I feel so bad for them, they can't do the one thing they're named for, they cant fly.
And then I realized. My fruit flies are in truth insects that eat yeast and can't fly.
Anyways, I've been calling them my yeast crawls and I am their god now.
*clears throat*
Vote or I will lure the snails out or your ears with the promise of good food, and then you will never be able to balance ever again
Oh thats a HORRIFYING addition.
Can you imagine how much yeast a cat sized yeast crawl would consume??? There would be absolutely no way they wouldn't just flat out break out in their desire for yeast, and then they'd find the local brewery and eat all of their brewer's yeast, and I live in a small university/bar city so the local government would definitely come for my head for daring to harm the beer production.
They wouldn't care about the fact that scientific horrors had been unleashed on the public tho, they'd only care about the beer.
Ok so I'm taking a genetics class right now and in lab we've been given fruit flies with different mutations that we need to breed over the course of the semester.
Now, first thing I learned: fruit flies don't eat fruit. They eat yeast. They eat the yeast on fermenting fruit. They can not actually eat fruit. Their name is a lie.
Secondly, one of the two mutant lines I was given to cross are flies with the apterous mutation, aka they're wingless. I feel so bad for them, they can't do the one thing they're named for, they cant fly.
And then I realized. My fruit flies are in truth insects that eat yeast and can't fly.
Anyways, I've been calling them my yeast crawls and I am their god now.
Me, with ADHD:

I've had enough of society being catered to morning people.. it's time for everything to be pushed back like two hours
So over the course of the last week of being the god of my wingless fruit fly civilization called Yeast Crawls i've learned something verrrry interesting about fruit flys and the different mutant strains. But first, let me tell you a bit about how you handle your flies.
You see, fruit flies are small. really small. So small you usually have to look at them under a microscope to really see anything about them. Unfortunately, fruit flies have this tendency to skitter arround and even fly off sometimes, which is not condusive to inspecting them under a microscope. So we use ether to knock them out. Simple solution, right?
Well as it turns out diffrent mutant fruit fly strains have diffrent resistances to ether.
I found this out after first handling the yeast crawls (apterous mutation) who are very receptive to ether. You just put them in a lil container with ether for about a minute and the fall asleep, and they will stay asleep for a solid 15 minutes. so I was expecting the flies of my other mutation (bar eyes) to also be easy to knock out.
I was wrong.
Turns out bar eye fruit flies have stupidly high resistance to ether. As in "put them in the etherlizer for 10+ minutes for them to finaly go down, take them out to put them under a microscope, they're already getting up and trying to fly away in 30 seconds" resistant to ether.
So yeah these lil flies with smaller, misshapened eyes are an absolute pain in my butt. JUST GO TO SLEEP ALREADY YOU NEAR SIGHTED NATTS.