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Boyfriends: You Try To Escape In The Canoe

Boyfriends: You Try to Escape in the Canoe

You scramble down to the river, help Jungkook climb into the front of the canoe, and untie it from the dock. As soon as you settle in the back, the canoe quickly drifts from the shore. The river is flowing swiftly, and it’s hard to see in the darkness of the night; for a moment, you wonder if maybe the motorcycle was a better option. But as you start paddling, you hear shouting from the cabin - your captors are out by the toolshed and they realize you’ve escaped!

“We have to go.” Jungkook says, and he grabs an oar despite his injury. “They’re going to come after us.”

Sure enough, the three robbers are running down to the boathouse. A moment later, you hear the engine of a motorboat sputtering to life. You paddle as fast as you can, riding the water’s current downstream.

Up ahead, the river splits into two separate channels. On the left is a bubbling, churning patch of rapids; you’re not sure you can navigate them in an old wooden canoe. A calmer, safer channel is on the right.

“You’re steering.” Jungkook reminds you. “Which way should we go?”

Do you steer towards the rapids?


Do you steer towards the calm water?

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More Posts from Woodstockbtswriter

4 years ago

Worth the wait. 😭

210104 SUGA X Weverse Magazine
210104 SUGA X Weverse Magazine
210104 SUGA X Weverse Magazine
210104 SUGA X Weverse Magazine

210104 SUGA x Weverse Magazine

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4 years ago

I’m baaack - and ready to update daily again! So let’s all go back and see where leaving the restaurant takes us. 😊

Boyfriends: You Wait for the Other Reservation

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4 years ago

Updated 😊



BTS Dream Journal

Note: Just a log of actual dreams I’ve had about BTS. I’ve written some of them out as drabbles and the links are next to the dates.

Morning of 1/13/20

I meet BTS backstage with several of my girlfriends and we all play musical chairs. I win and impress Namjoon. We flirt.

Morning of 1/18/20 - Indescribable

I’m a high school student and BTS is going to perform in my school auditorium. My friends and I manage front row seats, but have to endure several unimpressive opening acts from our classmates in band, glee club, etc.

Morning of 2/3/20

I’m front-row at a BTS concert. I shout “Hi, Namjoon!” and he actually hears me. He finds me in the crowd and pulls me onstage. All the boys give me a hug and perform a song for me.

Morning of 3/8/20 - Thrilled

I’m riding in a car with several BTS members. Namjoon is driving, and Jungkook and I are kissing in the backseat. When the members in front of us notice, they’re all disgusted and yell at us to stop.

Morning of 3/28/20

I’m on a summer vacation with BTS at a seaside cottage. Namjoon and I are dating and I can tell he’s planning to propose during our trip, but I have unresolved feelings for Yoongi.

Morning of 4/6/20

My friend and I are just fans, but we notice that Hoseok has been down lately and want to cheer him up. We find out that BTS is coming to our city that night and we decide to make him a heart balloon bouquet and try to give it to him.

Morning of 4/12/20

It’s revealed at an awards show that Hoseok has a young daughter that he’s been keeping secret and it’s a huge scandal. An actor speaks out in support of Hoseok and BTS while giving an acceptance speech. After the event, the tour bus carrying Hoseok is hit by a car. I try to Google if he’s okay, but I keep fumbling trying to type “J-Hope”. When I’m finally able to pull up search results, the reports are not definite.

Morning of 4/30/20

I go to the movies with BTS, but in the middle of the movie we can’t find Yoongi. After looking everywhere, we finally find out that he snuck into a different theater to see a zombie horror movie. Later, Yoongi and I are superhero companions and our mentor is training us to fly, but we’re distracted by our attraction to one another. Eventually, we abandon the lesson to make out instead.

Morning of 5/3/20

I’m Yoongi’s girlfriend and I accompany him to a formal dinner. All the members pose for pictures while the other boys’ girlfriends and I wait. Then the boys ask if the girlfriends can join. After taking a few pictures all together, Yoongi gets down on one knee in front of everyone and surprises me by proposing. Later, in a different dream, I meet Namjoon in a cafe and he invites me to a museum. At the museum entrance, security doesn’t want to let me in, but Namjoon uses his influence as a celebrity to convince them to make an exception. Once inside, we run into Hoseok and he and I walk along as we hug each other’s sides.

Morning of 5/10/20 - Alone

I’m hanging out with all the members in Yoongi’s hotel room after their concert. I’m Yoongi’s girlfriend and we’re snuggling in his bed while we all watch a movie.

Morning of 5/14/20 - Cute

Morning of 5/16/20

Yoongi, Hoseok, and I are all high school students, but we attend different schools. My friend and I pick up Yoongi and Hoseok after school in a minivan. My friend drives, Yoongi sits up front, I sit in the middle, and Hoseok sits in the back. As we drive, I lift my hands up over my head and rest them behind the headrest behind my head. I wait while Hoseok looks at his phone, hoping that he notices my hands and holds them. Eventually he does interlace our fingers and gives mine an affectionate squeeze.

Morning of 6/19/20

I’m at a play place for kids, adjusting some ropes above one of the play structures, when Yoongi (who I don’t know and I guess who works there) yells up at me telling me to stop messing with it, but I can’t understand him because he’s speaking Korean. I then climb down to the floor and Yoongi walks up to me like he knows me and grabs my face and nuzzles me and kisses my cheeks and lips, saying something obviously cute and affectionate, but again I can’t understand him.

Morning of 6/28/20

I’m hanging out with Yoongi and my friend is a third wheel. When my friend finally leaves, Yoongi and I immediately start making out. While we’re cuddling, I ask him if we’re officially boyfriend/girlfriend now. He hesitates before answering and I get mad, saying he’s just like all the other boys I’ve dated.

Morning of 6/30/20

I’m in a theater with all the Bangtan boys and we’re trying to choose our seats. I want to sit up front, but everyone else wants to sit in back. Namjoon volunteers to sit with me, and when the others head to the back, Yoongi gives me a quick and tiny goodbye kiss on the lips in passing. When Yoongi is gone, Namjoon gives me the same kind of kiss as we settle into our seats, then says, “You know Yoongi does that all the time because he’s in love with you, right?” And I’m like, “What do you call what you just did?! You do it all the time, too!” Then he smiles and starts really kissing me and we make out through the whole movie.

Morning of 7/7/20 - Surprise

I’m on a rooftop in the city at night, playing a “drinking” game with all the members of BTS, but instead of drinking alcohol, we’re eating bite-size foods.

Morning of 10/14/20

I was having dinner with all the members at a restaurant, it was our first time seeing each other after a long separation. While we were settling into our seats, I called across the table to Taehyung and cutely said, “Tae Tae, I love you!” He looked adorably unsure for a second while he translated in his head and thought of the correct response, then he replied, “I love you, too,” and smiled his big boxy smile, all proud of himself for speaking English. Then after dinner, we went out on the patio of the restaurant to enjoy a nighttime view of the ocean, and I gave Hoseok a big hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tried to kiss his cheek, but he was acting all shy and not hugging me back. I said, “What’s wrong, do you not want to hug me anymore now that I’m dating Yoongi? It’s okay, nothing’s changed between you and me. We’re still friends and we can still hug like we used to.” Then Hoseok relaxed and smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me tight.

Morning of 12/21/20

A bunch of guys that all looked like either Jungkook or Yoongi were sitting around a lunch table in a cafeteria. I was going around hugging them all and giving them all cheek/forehead kisses and thanking them for being kind and caring people. None of them were the real JK or Yoongi, they just looked like clones. The dream/clone JKs were sweet and hugged back, but the dream/clone Yoongis acted like they didn’t care/were annoyed (but they actually appreciated the praise and affection).

Morning of 12/22/20

I ran into Hoseok while buying tickets at an amusement park. We were friends but we hadn’t seen each other in a while. Hobi gave me a big hug and we tumbled to the ground together, but we kept hugging and laughing and he got all flirty. He tickled my tummy and gave me several pecks on the lips and was saying, “It’s so good to see you, I missed you so much!” Then he helped me stand up, we made plans to get together to catch up, and he said “see you later” with a wink before walking off.

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4 years ago

Boyfriends: You Go to the Bar for Help

Warning: Violence

“Excuse me,” you interrupt Eunseong, “but I think I forgot something at the bar.”

As you walk across the dining area, you see that Jungkook is chatting with one of his customers, a distinguished-looking elderly gentleman.

“I’m telling you, Jungkook-ah,” the man says, “You need to find yourself someone nice and settle down already, someone who appreciates the man you are.”

“It’s not that easy.” Jungkook replies. “People are always making assumptions about me because I’m a bartender, and because of the way I look.”

The gentleman nods in understanding.

“But everyone who knows you knows you have a heart of gold.”

“Pardon me,” you speak up, “I’m so sorry to interrupt, but I have to ask for your help. My date won’t stop talking about tax forms. If I don’t get out of here, I’m going to die of boredom.”

“Tax forms?” The older man exclaims. “Who discusses tax forms on a date?”

Jungkook thinks for moment, then pulls his phone from his back pocket,

“What if I call you and pretend there’s an emergency? You can tell your date you have to leave right away, and then you’re free to escape.”

It’s not exactly honest but - short of hurting Eunseong’s feelings outright - it’s the best option you have.

“Sounds like a plan.” You tell Jungkook, and you give him your phone number. He agrees to wait five minutes before calling you, and you return to your table.

When you reclaim your seat, Eunseong doesn’t bother asking what you forgot at the bar. He simply resumes his monologue, and you start counting the seconds until Jungkook calls.

Finally, your phone rings, and you look to the bar to see Jungkook on his cell, waiting for you to pick up.

“Excuse me for just a moment, please.” You tell Eunseong.

But just as you answer the call, a deafening bang startles you, followed by an explosion of shattering glass.

“Alright, nobody move! Everybody down!” A man is shouting. “Everyone get down on the floor, now!”

You have no idea what’s happening. People are running and screaming, and the sounds of more gunshots ring through the restaurant. Eunseong dives to the floor, covering his head with his hands, and leaves you sitting alone at the table. Through the chaos, you glimpse two large men with guns making their way through the dining room.

Despite the noise, you hear Jungkook’s voice shouting at you through your phone.

“Get down on the floor!” He’s yelling. “Knock over your table and hide behind it! Don’t try to run!”

You’re not sure this is the best advice - the door to the kitchen is just a few feet away. If you’re fast enough, you just might make it. You’re certain that the restaurant must have a back door.

Do you make a break for the kitchen?


Do you hide behind your table?

Start Over

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4 years ago

Boyfriends: You Accept the Role

You tell the Hwangs you’ll accept the role, and 3 years later, you’re sitting in your trailer, eating the hand-rolled kimbap that the caterer prepares fresh every morning especially for you. You have a few minutes until makeup and wardrobe, so you pass the time by scrolling through the latest post on the biggest Korean entertainment website. 

The article describes how two casting agents discovered you while you were eating rice cakes all alone at a bookstore in downtown Seoul one Friday evening.

“We took one look and we knew.” Hwang Nayoung explains. “We knew we’d found a diamond in the rough.”

Your one scene in the Hyun Bin drama ended up being only 30 seconds long (by the way, kissing the handsome actor was easier than you thought), but the show was a huge success and led to more acting opportunities for you.

Within months, you filmed a handful of commercials, made a few more drama appearances, and then landed a bit part in a blockbuster film. Your screen time was minimal, but you managed to steal the entire movie and the media anointed you a rising star. Now you find yourself acting alongside all the big-name celebrities, with casting agents, script-writers, and directors constantly blowing up your phone, begging to work with you.

Fame is a fickle thing though, and you know your 15 minutes could run out at any moment, so you’re just trying to enjoy yourself as much as you can while you can - and banking as much money as possible. Yes, life is good right now.

And the best part? You haven’t had any trouble finding a date for Friday night in a very long time. 

The End

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Start Over

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