Boyfriends Series - Tumblr Posts
Boyfriends: You Stay in the Car
Warning: Violence
You keep your hands hidden behind your back and after another ten minutes of driving, the car pulls onto a bumpy dirt road before stopping in front of a decrepit old cabin.
“All right,” The lead robber says, “Everybody out.”
He forces you and Jungkook to walk behind the cabin, directing you inside an old toolshed. It’s filled with rusty gardening equipment - and a small metal canister of what appears to be lighter fluid. Your captor grabs the canister and then locks the door, trapping you inside.
“What’s happening?” Jungkook asks you, slumping against the wall.
You peer out the shed’s only window and see the robber circling the shed with the canister, splashing its contents onto the siding. Then he checks both of his pockets - probably searching for a lighter - before following the other men inside the main cabin.
“We’ve got to hurry!” You tell Jungkook, shaking your wrists free of their restraint. “They’re going to burn us alive!”
You quickly untie Jungkook, force open the window, and help him climb out of the toolshed. As you both stumble away, you notice that Jungkook’s having trouble concentrating and his movements are slowing down. The loss of blood is clearly starting to affect him. You need to get him to a hospital as soon as possible.
You only have a few seconds before the robbers return, and with Jungkook’s current condition, running is out of the question. Fortunately, there’s a river running alongside the cabin and, down by the boathouse, you can see an old wooden canoe tied to a dock. You could easily get inside and make a silent getaway.
Alternatively, there’s a motorcycle parked at the head of the driveway. If you managed to rev it up your captors would hear you escaping, but you’d definitely have a huge head start on them.
Do you try to escape on the motorcycle?
Do you try to escape in the canoe?
Boyfriends: You Try to Escape in the Canoe
You scramble down to the river, help Jungkook climb into the front of the canoe, and untie it from the dock. As soon as you settle in the back, the canoe quickly drifts from the shore. The river is flowing swiftly, and it’s hard to see in the darkness of the night; for a moment, you wonder if maybe the motorcycle was a better option. But as you start paddling, you hear shouting from the cabin - your captors are out by the toolshed and they realize you’ve escaped!
“We have to go.” Jungkook says, and he grabs an oar despite his injury. “They’re going to come after us.”
Sure enough, the three robbers are running down to the boathouse. A moment later, you hear the engine of a motorboat sputtering to life. You paddle as fast as you can, riding the water’s current downstream.
Up ahead, the river splits into two separate channels. On the left is a bubbling, churning patch of rapids; you’re not sure you can navigate them in an old wooden canoe. A calmer, safer channel is on the right.
“You’re steering.” Jungkook reminds you. “Which way should we go?”
Do you steer towards the rapids?
Do you steer towards the calm water?
Boyfriends: You Steer Towards the Rapids
“We have to go through the rapids.” You tell Jungkook. “It’s our only chance to escape!”
You steer the canoe to the left and the current quickly accelerates, pulling you down the river. You do your best to navigate around the large boulders and swirling whirlpools and you have several narrow misses, but when you glance back, you realize your captors are way, way behind you. There’s no way the robbers can navigate this kind of water in a motorboat, let alone catch up to you.
Unfortunately, while you’re glancing backwards, your canoe smashes into a fallen tree and flips over. You’re both plunged into the cold water, and Jungkook is immediately sucked downstream. But you dive after him, grabbing him by the shirt collar.
“I’m okay, I can swim!” Jungkook splutters, but you refuse to let go, knowing very well that men with bullets in their shoulders cannot swim.
It takes a good fifteen minutes of concentrated effort to swim against the current dragging Jungkook, but you finally make your way to the bank of the river and collapse with exhaustion on the pebbly shore.
Jungkook collapses beside you, takes your hand, and kisses it.
“Thanks.” He gasps. “I owe you one.”
After resting for a few minutes, you and Jungkook walk up to the highway and wave down the first passing truck. The driver takes one look at Jungkook’s arm and insists on driving you all the way back to the city so that he can get the appropriate medical attention.
You spend the next two hours in a hospital lobby, talking to nurses, doctors, and police officers. All the while, you have the strangest sense of déjà vu, as if you’ve been here several times before, but you can’t remember exactly when.
Finally, the ER doctor comes out to speak with you. Under normal circumstances, you’d find him quite attractive, but you’re so concerned about Jungkook that you don’t even notice his dimpled smile.
“Your friend’s going to be okay.” The doctor says. “There’s no permanent damage to his arm, but we’d like him to spend the night anyway - just to be safe. You can visit him for a few moments, if you like.”
Jungkook’s eyes are closed when you enter his room, but at the sound of your arrival, he opens them.
“You’re still here?” He asks. “You should go home. You must be exhausted.”
“I wanted to make sure you were okay.” You tell him. “Is there anything you need?”
“I’m fine.” Jungkook replies. “Please, just go home and get some rest.”
Given everything you’ve survived together, this seems like an abrupt way to say goodbye, and you can’t help but feel a little hurt. You wonder if maybe Jungkook’s doped up on painkillers - or maybe he’s embarrassed to be seen like this. But you decide to respect his wishes, so you turn and walk towards the door.
“Actually,” Jungkook speaks up, stopping you in your tracks, “There is one thing I would like.” You turn around to face him, and he smiles slowly. “When I get out of here, I’d like to take you on a normal first date. Without tax attorneys and robbers. Without guns and police officers. No motorcycles or canoes. Just me and you and a nice restaurant. With good security. That’s the one thing I want. What do you say?”
Do you agree to a normal first date?
Do you decide you’ve had enough adventure for now?
Boyfriends: You Agree to a Normal First Date
You cross the room in a few quick strides and take Jungkook’s hand.
“I’d love to have dinner with you.” You tell him. “I think we both deserve a night of normalcy.”
“How about next Friday night?” He asks hopefully.
“It’s a date.” You agree, and Jungkook’s smile broadens, his nose scrunching and his eyes crinkling in the most adorable way. “I do have one condition, though.”
“Just name it.” He says without hesitation. “I owe you my life, remember?”
“I want to see your photographs.” You grin, and Jungkook’s eyes twinkle.
“I think that can be arranged.” He chuckles appreciatively, pulling you closer. Then he sits up, meeting you halfway, and presses a kiss to your smiling lips, making your tummy flutter.
Even after being shot, being tied up, nearly bleeding to death, and almost drowning, he’s a really good kisser.
And you can’t wait to find out how well he kisses under ideal circumstances.
The End
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Start Over
Boyfriends: You Leave the Restaurant
You decide you’re not ready to go home yet, so you leave Telaseu and head down the street, passing several bars and boutiques. The night is still young and the air feels full of possibility; anything could happen.
You’re not sure where you’re going, but you know you need to eat something very soon. The last time you felt this hungry, you actually fainted, and you’ve learned not to mess with low blood sugar.
After walking for several blocks, you come to a busy intersection and notice a giant nightclub on the corner. The building is several stories high and appears to be a renovated movie theater, with a lighted marquee proclaiming: Club Vante - Grand Opening TONIGHT!
There’s a long line of beautiful people waiting to get inside the club, and most of the women are wearing skimpy outfits. But you’re dressed well enough to get in the door, and you’re sure the bar will have food.
On the other hand, there’s also a nice bookstore with a cafe across the street. At this point, you’re not sure you feel like being surrounded by so many people. Maybe you just want to grab a hot drink, scarf down a couple of pastries, and browse through some new novels.
Do you go to the nightclub?
Do you go to the bookstore cafe?
Do you call it a night and go home?
Start Over
Boyfriends: You Go to the Bookstore Cafe
The instant you step inside the bookstore, you know the quiet environment is much better suited to your mood right now. You heave a sigh of relief before grabbing the first couple of books that catch your eye and making your way to the coffee bar, where you order your favorite drink and several little sweet rice cakes.
Settling in at a cozy table, you crack open a book and begin eating. With every bite, you feel better and better. Sure, you didn't meet Prince Charming tonight, but any evening that ends with dessert isn’t all that bad.
As you delve into your novel, however, you become aware of a man and woman watching you very closely from across the cafe. Both are middle-aged, dressed all in black, wearing trendy glasses without lenses, and whispering furtively.
When they realize they’ve been caught, they hurry to approach your table.
“Even better upclose.” The woman says to the man, amazement in her tone.
“Absolutely. I don’t believe it.” The man agrees. “Touch them and make sure they’re real!”
The woman reaches for you, and you’re so stunned when she admiringly cups your face that you don’t even resist. You can feel everyone in the cafe staring at you and your cheeks flush.
“Can I help you?” You ask. “Or is this some kind of hidden camera prank?”
The woman releases you and the couple introduces themselves as Hwang Nayoung and Hwang Kunho.
“We’ve been searching desperately all day,” Kunho tells you, “And we’ve finally found you! You’re perfect!”
“Perfect for what?” You wonder.
Nayoung explains that she and her husband are casting agents for a new K-drama that’s currently filming in the neighborhood.
“It stars Hyun Bin in the lead role. It’s a real big production.” Kunho says.
“With an epic love story.” Nayoung nods. “But one of our actors walked off the set this morning. They had a minor role, but it was crucial to the plot. We have to replace them by tomorrow or the whole shoot will be postponed!”
“You have the perfect looks for the part!” Kunho continues. “And we only need you for one scene. It is a romantic scene, but other than some kissing really all you have to do is stand there and look pretty.”
“You’ll be fairly compensated,” Nayoung adds, “Five million won for a day’s work.”
“Wait, hang on, let me get this straight,” You say, “You’re telling me you’ll pay me five million won just to kiss Hyun Bin? The Hyun Bin, from Crash Landing on You?”
“Exactly.” The couple confirms.
Well, it’s not as if you have any big plans for tomorrow, and five million won is hard to pass up. But you’re no actor, and it might be super awkward to film a kissing scene with a man you’ve never met - even if he is a handsome K-drama actor.
You regard the casting agents while you give their offer some thought, and they wring their hands as they anxiously await your decision.
Do you accept the role?
Do you decline the role?
Start Over
Boyfriends: You Accept the Role
You tell the Hwangs you’ll accept the role, and 3 years later, you’re sitting in your trailer, eating the hand-rolled kimbap that the caterer prepares fresh every morning especially for you. You have a few minutes until makeup and wardrobe, so you pass the time by scrolling through the latest post on the biggest Korean entertainment website.
The article describes how two casting agents discovered you while you were eating rice cakes all alone at a bookstore in downtown Seoul one Friday evening.
“We took one look and we knew.” Hwang Nayoung explains. “We knew we’d found a diamond in the rough.”
Your one scene in the Hyun Bin drama ended up being only 30 seconds long (by the way, kissing the handsome actor was easier than you thought), but the show was a huge success and led to more acting opportunities for you.
Within months, you filmed a handful of commercials, made a few more drama appearances, and then landed a bit part in a blockbuster film. Your screen time was minimal, but you managed to steal the entire movie and the media anointed you a rising star. Now you find yourself acting alongside all the big-name celebrities, with casting agents, script-writers, and directors constantly blowing up your phone, begging to work with you.
Fame is a fickle thing though, and you know your 15 minutes could run out at any moment, so you’re just trying to enjoy yourself as much as you can while you can - and banking as much money as possible. Yes, life is good right now.
And the best part? You haven’t had any trouble finding a date for Friday night in a very long time.
The End
Go Back
Start Over
Boyfriends: You Decline the Role
“I really appreciate the offer,” You tell the casting agents, “But I’m not an actor. I’m sorry, you’ll have to find someone else.”
The couple appears disappointed - and even a little indignant - so before they can make another attempt to persuade you, you quickly pick up your stuff and give them a polite nod as you head towards a different section of the cafe.
As soon as the agents are out of sight, you find a nice cushy chair in a secluded corner. Both walls on either side of the chair are full of framed portraits and landscapes, and a small placard beneath the pictures identifies the photographer as someone named Jeon Jungkook. After admiring the display for a few minutes (whoever this Jungkook guy is, he is really talented), you make yourself comfortable and resume your reading.
Pretty soon, you’re completely absorbed in a novel about an underground rapper who aspires to be a music producer and ends up a member of a world-famous idol group. The book is by an author you’ve never heard of - some young guy named Min Yoongi. His writing style is so captivating and the story is so engrossing, you can barely turn the pages fast enough.
After an hour, when the store is preparing to close, you eagerly bring the book to the checkout counter. This one’s worth definitely worth purchasing; you have to know how it ends. While you’re waiting in line at the register, a young man standing behind you observes the book you’re holding.
“That’s one of my favorites.” He says. “You have good taste.”
You groan internally. Not this line again.
You turn around, half-expecting to see the same guy you met last week - the one who complimented your book and asked for your number then never called - but it is not the same guy.

The guy standing behind you is someone you’ve never met before, but he looks vaguely familiar. You study his features for half a moment: his cat-like eyes, his strong brow, round cheeks, button nose, and pouty lips. He really is quite beautiful. You would think you’d remember a face like his, but you just can’t place him.
And even though you can’t deny this stranger’s good looks, you’re in no mood to be hit on right now.
You bite your bottom lip, trying to decide how to respond. Maybe if you just ignore him, he’ll leave you alone. Or you could say something sarcastic; that would definitely convey your disinterest.
Do you ignore the guy in line behind you?
Do you make a sarcastic response?
Start Over
Boyfriends: You Make a Sarcastic Response
“Try your line on someone else,” You tell the man behind you, “I don’t have the time. I’ve got a terminal illness and three months to live.”
“I’m serious,” He says, unbothered by your sarcasm, “That’s my first novel, but it’s still a favorite. I’ve never seen anyone reading my book before; it’s a little surreal.” He shrugs. “Can I ask what made you pick it up?”
You quickly open the book you’re holding to the inside cover and see a small black and white photograph of the man standing right in front of you.
You feel a surge of embarrassment as realization dawns on you - you were just rude to Min Yoongi, the author of the novel you’re about to purchase.
“I’m so sorry,” You apologize, “I didn’t realize-”
“It’s okay.” He smirks, and the way his teeth flash gives you a thrill. “I would have had the same reaction if I was you. What I said did sound like a pickup line, didn’t it?”
“Yes, and an unoriginal line at that. I’ve heard it before.” You admit.
Yoongi considers you for a moment, his tongue in his cheek.
“Well, since I’m no good at lines, let me try the direct approach instead: Can I buy you a drink? I could tell you the story behind my book - and you can tell me all about your terminal disease.”
“You want to have a drink with me?” You ask, surprised but very flattered.
Yoongi nods.
“I don’t know about you, but I could use a whiskey right about now.”
The offer’s intriguing. You’d love to pick the brain of the author of such a compelling story - and it doesn’t hurt that said author is incredibly attractive. Your pulse quickens at the thought of spending time with him. But you felt similarly the last time you met some random guy at cafe - and look how that turned out.
Do you agree to a drink?
Do you call it a night and go home?
Boyfriends: You Agree to a Drink
“I’d love to have a drink with you.” You tell Yoongi. “Just let me pay for my book and we can go.”
“Ah, don’t worry about that.” He rubs the back of his neck shyly. “I have extra copies of my book in my car. You can have one.”
You thank Yoongi and an adorable smile that shows his gums breaks across his face. The sight gives you butterflies, and something tells you that agreeing to go out with this cute author is the best decision you’ve made all day.
A few hours later, Yoongi’s walking you to your door after an incredible date, your hand in his. All you did was talk over a couple of drinks, huddled together in a cozy bar, but it was the most enjoyable night out you’ve had in a long time. Yoongi has such a comfortable vibe and is so thoughtful and interesting. You could have chatted with him until the sun came up, but you were forced to return home when the bar closed.
“I had a really nice time tonight.” You say when you reach your apartment. “But I have to be honest, there’s something I should tell you... I’m not really dying.”
“That’s a relief.” Yoongi chuckles. “Because I hope to continue seeing you for a long time.”
You smile brightly, and Yoongi pulls you closer, licking his lips before pressing them to yours. Your heart swells as you kiss him back, enjoying the softness of his smooth, perfectly pouty mouth.
“You know,” Yoongi muses between kisses, “I just had an idea for my next book.”
“Oh, yeah?” You ask.
“Yeah.” Yoongi replies. “What do you think about a love story? Maybe one about two strangers randomingly meeting in a bookstore one Friday night.”
His suggestion nearly makes your heart burst.
“I think it sounds like a bestseller.” You grin, cupping Yoongi’s round cheeks and pulling him in for another kiss.
The End
Go Back
Start Over
Boyfriends: You Go to the Nightclub
You decide to try the nightclub, and after spending twenty minutes waiting in line, you learn from the door person that there’s a considerable cover charge to enter the club.
“But that includes free appetizers for our grand opening.” He says.
You pay the fee with a sigh and hurry inside, where hundreds of people are already dancing. You take a moment to marvel at the scene, feeling the bass of the pulsing music vibrating your bones.
The main dance floor is at the bottom of a huge atrium surrounded by several levels of balconies, all packed with sweaty, gyrating dancers. At the very top of the atrium, suspended from the ceiling, is a large glass orb - a model of a planet, you presume, as the rest of the decorations have a space theme.
When you finally arrive at the appetizer table, you’re disappointed to discover that all of the trays are empty, and a caterer is packing up.
“You should have come earlier!” She says, shouting to be heard over the music. “Free food never lasts long!”
Now what? You could try proceeding to bar, where you could buy yourself an over-priced plate of fried chicken. On the other hand, your favorite song has just started blasting through the club, and the pull towards the dance floor is strong. Maybe if you lost yourself dancing to the music you’d forget how hungry you are.
Do you go to the bar to eat?
Do you head straight to the dance floor?
Boyfriends: You Head Straight to the Dance Floor
You can’t not dance to your favorite song, so you head out to the center of the club and start moving your body to the beat. Almost immediately, another dancer catches your attention and you lock eyes across the dance floor. Although he’s undeniably handsome with sharp, elegant features and a lean, toned build, his looks are not the first thing you notice. No, what really intrigues you is the way he’s moving his body - with the confidence and self-control of a professional dancer. He obviously knows what he’s doing, and it’s insanely attractive.

As though drawn by a magnetic force, you both weave your way through the throng until you’re dancing right in front of each other.
“I’m Hoseok.” He says over the music, then gives you a smile as bright as the sun.
You manage to respond with your name, but you’re so hungry you can’t think of anything else to say. You’re starting to feel dizzy, and you realize your blood sugar is probably hitting rock bottom. Maybe dancing was a bad idea. But the dance floor is so crowded, you can’t escape. You try pushing your way through the crowd, but you’re not even sure which way you’re going.
“Hey, are you all right?” Hoseok asks, right behind you. “You don’t look so good.”
And then, all at once, everything goes black.
When you open your eyes, you’re in an all-white room, lying in bed. Three people - a doctor, a nurse, and a police officer - are standing around you.
“What happened?” You ask.
“You’re going to be okay.” The doctor answers you. He’s young and handsome, with a rich complexion, a wide smile - and the most adorable dimples you’ve ever seen. His ID badge reads: Kim Namjoon, MD.

The police officer shakes his head with disapproval.
“You passed out on the dance floor.” He explains. “In the future, if you’re going to go dancing, make sure you eat something beforehand.”
“All things considered, you’re very lucky.” The nurse adds. “If all the tests come back okay, we should be able to release you in just a little bit.”
You glance at the clock on the wall. It’s late, but you wish it were much later. This night has been such a disaster, you just want it to end.
Half an hour later, you’ve been cleared for discharge, and as you head towards the phone in the hospital lobby, you see a young man in designer casual wear emerging from the ER. He seems vaguely familiar, but until he smiles at you and you see his dimples, you don’t realize it’s your doctor.
“Dr. Kim! I almost didn’t recognize you in your street clothes.” You tell him when he approaches you.
“My shift just ended.” He replies. “How are you feeling?”
“Fine.” You smile. “Thanks to you. I was just about to call my roommate to come pick me up.”
Dr. Kim thinks for a moment.
“You know, if you need a ride, I’d be happy to drive you home.” He says, looking down shyly.
He seems like a good guy - and hey, he is a cute young doctor - but he’s also a stranger, and you know better than to accept rides from people you don’t know. On the other hand, your only alternative is to call your roommate, Danhee.
Do you accept a ride from the doctor?
Do you call your roommate to pick you up?
Go Back
Boyfriends: You Go to the Bar to Eat
When you reach the bar, you immediately notice a young man leaning against the counter. He’s on the short side, but stands with the confidence of a much taller man - no doubt due to his remarkable good looks. He has an aura of mystery, and several women (and even a few men) are hovering around him, obviously trying to capture his attention, but his smoky eyes flit in your direction. He saunters towards you, his deliciously full lips curling into a smirk as he draws near, and your heartbeat starts to accelerate.

“Hello, beautiful. I’m Jimin.” He says, extending his hand. “Can I buy you a drink?”
When you take his offered hand, his eyes become crescents as his smile widens, and you notice his front tooth is a little crooked. But the imperfection only adds to his charm.
“What I’d really love is some food.” You admit. “I haven’t eaten since lunch.”
Jimin casually motions for the bartender and tells him, “An order of dumplings and two shots of soju, please.”
As the bartender pours out the drinks, you thank Jimin but tell him that you don’t need any alcohol right now.
“The soju’s for me.” He explains teasingly. “You said you wanted food.”
He then downs both glasses as if they’re filled with water and grins at you. You shake your head as you return his smile. You can already tell - this one’s trouble.
But you might like trouble.
Normally, super attractive guys like him are arrogant jerks and completely turn you off, but there’s a glimmer of youthful innocence behind Jimin’s bravado that has you seriously intrigued.
As you eat your dumplings, a dozen different men and women interrupt your conversation to say hello to Jimin. All of them are exceptionally attractive, but Jimin keeps his focus on you and apologizes for every interruption, making you feel like he’s genuinely interested in you.
“I’ve never met anyone like you in a club before.” Jimin tells you. “You seem different. Special.”
“Let’s not talk about me anymore.” You say. “Tell me about yourself.”
Jimin almost blushes as he admits he’s a professional dancer and part-time model, and his overabundant self-assurance suddenly makes perfect sense. You then get lost in thought when you start to wonder if he carries himself with the same confidence in the bedroom...
Jimin notices your distraction and leans in.
“You know, I have a hotel room across the street.” He breathes. “What do you say we get out of here, just you and me?”
“And do what?” You ask, intrigued.
“Get to know each other better.” He shrugs, giving you an enticing smile. “Order room service, maybe have a bottle of champagne. We can do anything you want.”
You can’t deny the way Jimin’s proposal makes your heart race, but he’s a perfect stranger - a perfect, gorgeous, sexy stranger - and you know better than to go anywhere with someone you’ve just met. This is real life after all, not some silly fantasy.
But Jimin is irresistible, and he seems sincere...
Do you go to the hotel?
Do you suggest going on a date first?
Do you head out onto the dance floor?
Start Over
Boyfriends: You Go to the Hotel
“Let’s get out of here.” You tell Jimin, and he eagerly escorts you away from the bar and through the crowd.
As soon as you step out into the night, Jimin dons a hat, sunglasses, and a face mask before leading you across the street. You notice as you approach the upscale high-rise hotel that he seems oddly wary; he’s constantly checking over his shoulders, and making sure to keep his head down. He doesn’t relax until you’ve made your way through the grand hotel lobby and into the elevator. You’re not sure what to make of his behavior, but you decide to not give it too much thought.
One elevator ride later, you step inside Jimin’s room, and you’re immediately stunned - both by the spacious, luxurious suite, and the view of the city through the floor-to-ceiling windows. Everything about the room is sleek, modern, and very high-end. Jimin must have a lot of money to be able to afford to stay in this hotel.
As you admire the shining lights of the skyline at night, you feel Jimin approach you from behind.
“Should I order room service?” He asks, his breath tickling your neck as his hands slide around your waist.
Jimin’s touch sends sparks dancing across your skin, and you turn around to face him, your mouths drawing together to meet in a spontaneous, electrifying kiss. You melt against Jimin’s body; his lips are even softer than they look, and feeling them against yours nearly takes your breath away.
“We should close the curtains.” Jimin pulls away to whisper in your ear, tangling his hands into your hair and trailing kisses along your jaw before he reclaims your mouth.
You’re not sure what he’s talking about; his suite is several stories up, so there’s little chance anyone can see in the windows. And you don’t know if you’re ready to do anything that requires privacy yet anyway. As amazing as it feels to be in his arms, maybe you should order something to eat and get to know Jimin a little bit better first.
But then again, did you really come to his room just to talk?
Do you close the curtains for privacy?
Do you decide to order room service?
Start Over
Boyfriends: You Decide to Order Room Service
“Actually,” You smile shyly, leaning out of Jimin’s embrace, “I’m still kind of hungry. Can we go ahead and order room service?”
“Of course. Anything you want.” Jimin grins, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand before moving towards the phone on the table next to the bed. He picks up the receiver to call the front desk and places an order.
An hour later, you’re both sitting on the floor, resting your backs against the foot of the bed, a dozen empty plates and a mostly-empty bottle of champagne littering the carpet around you. You’re having a great time getting to know each other; you feel completely at ease with Jimin, and your cheeks are sore from smiling so much. He seemed so confident and sexy at the club, but the more time you spend with him, the more his shy, cute, playful side comes out.
“Truth.” Jimin says, his face adorably flush. You’re several rounds into a game of Truth or Dare, and it’s his turn.
“Okay, hmm...” You think, trying to come up with a good question, “So, are you like really famous or something?”
“Why would you think that?” Jimin’s pink cheeks turn red.
“Most dancers are starving artists and could never afford to stay in a place like this. Even if they are part-time models.” You explain. “And you were acting a little paranoid when we left the club.”
“You want the truth?” Jimin grimaces.
“That’s how this game works.” You remind him, and he takes a deep breath.
“Well, I guess I should start by telling you my family name - it’s Park. I’m Park Jimin.”
When you give him a confused look, Jimin pulls his phone from his pocket and types his name into an online search engine. He then shows you the screen and you quickly gather by skimming the top results that the Park family is one of the richest and most powerful families in all of South Korea - and Jimin is the oldest son and heir to a fortune.
“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything sooner,” Jimin apologizes, “But when I met you at the club I could tell you didn’t recognize me, and it was nice to be treated like a normal person. Can you forgive me? I really like you, and would love to see you again.”
You’re not sure what to say. You can’t blame Jimin for wanting to feel normal, and you can tell he feels guilty about not being more forthcoming. You like him and want to see him again too, but getting involved with someone who’s always in the public eye is not something you ever imagined.
You take a moment to consider your response, and while you’re thinking Jimin regards you with a puppy-dog expression that nearly melts your heart.
Do you forgive the famous heir?
Do you turn the famous heir down?
Start Over
Boyfriends: You Forgive the Famous Heir
You can’t be mad at Jimin, especially not when he’s looking at you with such an adorable face, so you forgive him outright and tell him you’d love to see him again, too. Jimin is elated by your response, and immediately pulls you into the warmest, tightest hug before kissing you again.
Fast forward a few weeks, and you find yourself a reluctant celebrity who’s almost as famous as Jimin. You had agreed to continue seeing each other privately and you thought you were doing a pretty good job meeting up in secret, but it didn’t take long for photographs from the night you met to surface and ruin any chance of anonymity you had.
Turns out, Jimin had good reason to be cautious when you left the club with him. An extra sneaky paparazzi spotted him and got shots of you crossing the street and entering the hotel together, and they even managed to capture a blurry, zoomed-in photo of you and Jimin in his room through the open window (luckily, they only caught you talking and not doing anything else).
As soon as the pictures got out, your face was plastered across every tabloid magazine and gossip website from Seoul to Busan. All of Korea wanted to know about the mysterious person who appeared to be very close to the heir to the Park dynasty, and within hours, everyone knew exactly who you were and everything about you. Now you can’t go anywhere without being stared at, followed, mobbed, or photographed.
But despite being thrust into the public eye and forfeiting much of your privacy, you don’t regret your decision to give Jimin another chance. He’s proven himself to be the kindest, sweetest, most thoughtful and loving person, and is always by your side, supporting you and protecting you. He even hired you a personal bodyguard to make sure you’re safe. It is a little different having a security detail for all of your dates and always sharing your personal life with the world, but having Jimin as your boyfriend makes it all worth it - so you wouldn’t change a thing.
The End
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Start Over
Boyfriends: You Head Out onto the Dance Floor
“That’s a very tempting offer,” You tell Jimin, “But I feel like dancing. Maybe I’ll catch up with you later.”
Jimin looks disappointed, but he respects your decision and doesn’t stop you from leaving, so you head off towards the center of the club and start moving your body to the beat.
Almost immediately, another dancer catches your attention and you lock eyes across the dance floor. Although he’s undeniably handsome with sharp, elegant features and a lean, toned build, his looks are not the first thing you notice. No, what really intrigues you is the way he’s moving his body - with the confidence and self-control of a professional dancer. He obviously knows what he’s doing, and it’s insanely attractive.

As though drawn by a magnetic force, you both weave your way through the throng until you’re dancing right in front of each other.
“I’m Hoseok.” He says over the music, then gives you a smile as bright as the sun.
You shout your name back to him, and you both draw even closer, your bodies moving together like it’s second nature. You quickly lose yourself dancing with Hoseok to the pounding music.
Not only is Hoseok a ray of sunshine, he’s also a ball of energy, and after the night you’ve had, it’s great to finally loosen up and just have some fun with him. He appears to know every dance style ever imagined; there’s no song he can’t groove to, and he alternates between playful, powerful, silly, and sexy dance moves seamlessly.
Breathlessly, you do your best to keep up with Hoseok’s impressive dancing, and before long there’s a large crowd of people circled around you, applauding and cheering you on. Hoseok’s stunning smile never leaves his face as you dance together, and you feel your attraction to him growing more and more with each passing second.
Then the next thing you know, a stern-looking man wearing a dark suit and sunglasses emerges from the crowd and approaches you.
“Excuse me,” He says, and though his voice is low you have no trouble hearing him over the thumping bass, “The owner of the club would like to have a word with you.”
“Am I in some kind of trouble?” You ask.
The man points towards the gigantic glass orb suspended from the ceiling.
“He’s been watching you from his office.” He explains. “He only wants to speak with you for a few minutes, and you’ll be rewarded for your time.”
You’re not sure how to respond; something feels off about all of this. For all you know, “the owner” could be the leader of a dangerous mafia ring - and if he is, you definitely don’t want any reward he might be offering.
“Tell him to forget it.” Hoseok instructs you, wrapping a protective arm around your waist. “Let’s just keep dancing.”
Do you keep dancing?
Do you agree to speak with the owner?
Boyfriends: You Agree to Speak with the Owner
“I’m going to see what the owner wants.” You tell Hoseok. “I'll be right back.”
You wave goodbye to him, and the man in the suit and sunglasses leads you across the dance floor to an elevator. The elevator opens automatically and when you step inside, the doors slide shut, cloaking you in absolute silence. There is no control panel, and the elevator begins rising all on its own.
“What’s this all about?” You ask your escort.
“The owner will answer all of your questions.” He says curtly.
When the elevator doors open, you step out onto a catwalk that’s suspended high above the dance floor. The man in the suit walks across it, heading towards a well-concealed door in the large glass sphere hanging above the club.
As you follow after him, your shoes clack against the metal grating, and you realize something odd: down below, hundreds of people are still dancing, but the only thing you hear is the sound of your footsteps.
“What happened to the music?” You ask.
“The owner finds it distracting.” Your escort replies. “We only play it downstairs.”
“But how can you not hear it up here?” You wonder. “Everything’s open to the dance floor.”
“We must hurry.” The man in the suit says dismissively. “The owner will answer your questions.”
He reaches the door on the giant orb and presses his hand against a glass panel. With a gentle whoosh, the door slides open. You cautiously follow him through the doorway.
Inside the sphere is a small, sparsely furnished office. Seated behind a sleek metal desk is a man with his back to you. When he hears you enter, he twirls around in his chair, and you’re surprised to find he’s young and unbelievably good-looking, with strong features, a square jaw - and soulful, fathomless eyes that seem to stare straight through you.

“Have a seat.” The man gestures to a chair in front of his desk, and when you sit down your escort leaves the room.
“What’s going on?” You ask again, almost certain now that your suspicions about a mafia ring are correct. “Who are you?”
“You can call me Taehyung.” The man replies. “I’m the owner of this club.”
“Aren’t you a little young to own a club?” You blurt out. And a little too handsome? You think.
“I don’t actually look like this.” Taehyung responds, his tone impassive. “My true appearance is unfathomable. I’ve merely assumed this form in order to make you comfortable. I know you find it aesthetically pleasing.”
“What are you talking about?” You’re starting to think this guy is crazy. “And just what do you want with me?”
“I don’t want to waste your time,” Taehyung leans forward, resting his elbows on his desk, “So let me be straightforward. My real name is V, and I’m from the planet Vante. I’ve been exploring the galaxy for a long time, and I think I’ve finally found what I’ve been searching for here on Earth.”
“What are you searching for?” You lift an eyebrow.
“A queen.” He says simply. “To rule by my side.”
Taehyung - “V” - pushes a button on his desk and a small holographic image of a shimmering planet appears before you; you assume it’s the planet Vante.
“I’ve journeyed millions of lightyears to reach Earth,” V continues, “And I built this establishment to recruit candidates, all in hopes of finding my queen. In all my travels, you are by far the most perfect candidate I have ever seen, and I would consider it the greatest honor if you would agree to be my queen.”
“Wait just a minute,” You scoff, “You’re really telling me that you’re... you’re an... alien? Like, a little green man?!”
V shakes his head.
“My people and I can manifest ourselves in any form that you like.” He says. “And if you join us, you will live a life of inconceivable luxury. Your every wish will be our command. Your very name will be a blessing. A dozen servants will wait on you hand and foot, night and day. There is only one stipulation: You will never be able to return to Earth again. And because of time constraints, I must have your decision immediately.”
V seems completely sincere. There’s a subtle power and authority to him that commands respect and - to your amazement - you find you actually believe him. You consider his offer carefully.
The idea of being a queen has obvious appeal, but you would definitely miss your family and friends - you’d even miss your roommate, Danhee. And how do you know you can even trust this alien? What’s more, if you turn his offer down, what’s to stop him from trying to kill you? You’ve seen enough sci-fi movies to know how this usually goes...
Do you accept the club owner’s offer?
Do you decline the club owner’s offer?
Do you try to make a run for your life?
Boyfriends: You Accept the Club Owner’s Offer
“I would be honored to join you on Vante and be your queen.” You tell V. “When do we leave?”
V gives you an endearingly boxy smile, obviously pleased by your response.
“Immediately.” He says, pushing another button on his desk. “You may want to hold on.” He adds, nodding towards your chair.
You grip the armrests of your seat as the walls of the spherical room start spinning, quickly gaining speed.
“Don’t be afraid.” V reassures you. “Once we reach orbit, the journey will be perfectly smooth, and it will pass quickly. We’ll travel directly to Vante and reach our destination in approximately one Earth hour.”
You take a deep breath, calming yourself, and through the transparent walls of the orb, you can see that you’re rising straight through the ceiling of the night club and heading up, up, up into outer space.
A few weeks later, it’s another typical morning on the beautiful planet Vante, and you awaken in your luxurious, opulent chambers, with King V (still in his gorgeous human form) snuggled up next to you in your massive, silky, pillowy bed.
After exchanging a lingering good morning kiss with your handsome lover, you begin your daily routine: a full spa treatment that includes a head-to-toe massage, a facial, a manicure, a pedicure, and a soak in the hot springs while you’re served chocolate-covered strawberries and piña coladas. And, in accordance with your wishes, every servant that waits on you has assumed the appearance of either a K-drama actor or a K-pop idol.
After your morning routine, one of the council leaders enters your chamber and reminds you that it’s Tuesday, and every Tuesday the queen will typically go out on her balcony and make a proclamation to her subjects. Many of these subjects have traveled thousands of kilometers just to catch a glimpse of their ruler.
You open your balcony doors and look out on the impressive scene. Hundreds of citizens of Vante have gathered in the courtyard below, and they greet you with thunderous applause. You raise your hands, signaling for them to quiet, but they don’t stop clapping and shouting.
“They adore you, My Queen.” V says, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around you. “As do I.” He adds, pressing a kiss to your cheek before nuzzling his face into your hair.
According to V, you are by far the most popular queen in Vante’s history, and you are celebrated everywhere for your kindness, generosity, and wisdom.
Needless to say, life on this alien planet sure beats a life of bad blind dates back on Earth.
The End
Go Back
Start Over
Boyfriends: You Keep Dancing
“Sorry,” You tell the man, “But I’m a little busy right now. Give the owner my apologies.”
You and Hoseok resume your dance, but you notice that the man in the suit and dark glasses doesn’t stray very far - he’s always just a few feet away. His gaze follows you around the dance floor, and you can feel his eyes on you even when you have your back to him. You can’t help but be on-edge.
“Just ignore him, angel.” Hoseok says, attempting to reclaim your attention. He pulls you closer by the waist until your body is pressed tightly against his.
“He keeps staring at me.” You frown, your arms around Hoseok’s neck. “What do you think he wants?”
Hoseok sways sultrily, moving both your bodies, and a spark of desire ignites within you as his hips grind against yours. His lips brush your ear and a shiver runs through you when he exhales.
“Maybe we should get out of here. My apartment’s nearby.”
You lean back just far enough to read Hoseok’s expression. There’s fire blazing in his dark eyes, and you realize that you’re being propositioned.
Your impulse is to enthusiastically accept Hoseok’s offer; if his moves on the dance floor are any indication, you can be assured he’s just as much fun between the sheets. But once again, you know nothing about this guy, and even though he’s handsome, friendly, sexy, and a blast to hang out with, you know it’s not a good idea to go home with a stranger.
Do you go home with your dance partner?
Do you turn your dance partner down?