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Boyfriends: You Steer Towards The Rapids
Boyfriends: You Steer Towards the Rapids
“We have to go through the rapids.” You tell Jungkook. “It’s our only chance to escape!”
You steer the canoe to the left and the current quickly accelerates, pulling you down the river. You do your best to navigate around the large boulders and swirling whirlpools and you have several narrow misses, but when you glance back, you realize your captors are way, way behind you. There’s no way the robbers can navigate this kind of water in a motorboat, let alone catch up to you.
Unfortunately, while you’re glancing backwards, your canoe smashes into a fallen tree and flips over. You’re both plunged into the cold water, and Jungkook is immediately sucked downstream. But you dive after him, grabbing him by the shirt collar.
“I’m okay, I can swim!” Jungkook splutters, but you refuse to let go, knowing very well that men with bullets in their shoulders cannot swim.
It takes a good fifteen minutes of concentrated effort to swim against the current dragging Jungkook, but you finally make your way to the bank of the river and collapse with exhaustion on the pebbly shore.
Jungkook collapses beside you, takes your hand, and kisses it.
“Thanks.” He gasps. “I owe you one.”
After resting for a few minutes, you and Jungkook walk up to the highway and wave down the first passing truck. The driver takes one look at Jungkook’s arm and insists on driving you all the way back to the city so that he can get the appropriate medical attention.
You spend the next two hours in a hospital lobby, talking to nurses, doctors, and police officers. All the while, you have the strangest sense of déjà vu, as if you’ve been here several times before, but you can’t remember exactly when.
Finally, the ER doctor comes out to speak with you. Under normal circumstances, you’d find him quite attractive, but you’re so concerned about Jungkook that you don’t even notice his dimpled smile.
“Your friend’s going to be okay.” The doctor says. “There’s no permanent damage to his arm, but we’d like him to spend the night anyway - just to be safe. You can visit him for a few moments, if you like.”
Jungkook’s eyes are closed when you enter his room, but at the sound of your arrival, he opens them.
“You’re still here?” He asks. “You should go home. You must be exhausted.”
“I wanted to make sure you were okay.” You tell him. “Is there anything you need?”
“I’m fine.” Jungkook replies. “Please, just go home and get some rest.”
Given everything you’ve survived together, this seems like an abrupt way to say goodbye, and you can’t help but feel a little hurt. You wonder if maybe Jungkook’s doped up on painkillers - or maybe he’s embarrassed to be seen like this. But you decide to respect his wishes, so you turn and walk towards the door.
“Actually,” Jungkook speaks up, stopping you in your tracks, “There is one thing I would like.” You turn around to face him, and he smiles slowly. “When I get out of here, I’d like to take you on a normal first date. Without tax attorneys and robbers. Without guns and police officers. No motorcycles or canoes. Just me and you and a nice restaurant. With good security. That’s the one thing I want. What do you say?”
Do you agree to a normal first date?
Do you decide you’ve had enough adventure for now?
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More Posts from Woodstockbtswriter
Boyfriends: You Stay in the Car
Warning: Violence
You keep your hands hidden behind your back and after another ten minutes of driving, the car pulls onto a bumpy dirt road before stopping in front of a decrepit old cabin.
“All right,” The lead robber says, “Everybody out.”
He forces you and Jungkook to walk behind the cabin, directing you inside an old toolshed. It’s filled with rusty gardening equipment - and a small metal canister of what appears to be lighter fluid. Your captor grabs the canister and then locks the door, trapping you inside.
“What’s happening?” Jungkook asks you, slumping against the wall.
You peer out the shed’s only window and see the robber circling the shed with the canister, splashing its contents onto the siding. Then he checks both of his pockets - probably searching for a lighter - before following the other men inside the main cabin.
“We’ve got to hurry!” You tell Jungkook, shaking your wrists free of their restraint. “They’re going to burn us alive!”
You quickly untie Jungkook, force open the window, and help him climb out of the toolshed. As you both stumble away, you notice that Jungkook’s having trouble concentrating and his movements are slowing down. The loss of blood is clearly starting to affect him. You need to get him to a hospital as soon as possible.
You only have a few seconds before the robbers return, and with Jungkook’s current condition, running is out of the question. Fortunately, there’s a river running alongside the cabin and, down by the boathouse, you can see an old wooden canoe tied to a dock. You could easily get inside and make a silent getaway.
Alternatively, there’s a motorcycle parked at the head of the driveway. If you managed to rev it up your captors would hear you escaping, but you’d definitely have a huge head start on them.
Do you try to escape on the motorcycle?
Do you try to escape in the canoe?
Boyfriends: You Go to the Bar for Help
Warning: Violence
“Excuse me,” you interrupt Eunseong, “but I think I forgot something at the bar.”
As you walk across the dining area, you see that Jungkook is chatting with one of his customers, a distinguished-looking elderly gentleman.
“I’m telling you, Jungkook-ah,” the man says, “You need to find yourself someone nice and settle down already, someone who appreciates the man you are.”
“It’s not that easy.” Jungkook replies. “People are always making assumptions about me because I’m a bartender, and because of the way I look.”
The gentleman nods in understanding.
“But everyone who knows you knows you have a heart of gold.”
“Pardon me,” you speak up, “I’m so sorry to interrupt, but I have to ask for your help. My date won’t stop talking about tax forms. If I don’t get out of here, I’m going to die of boredom.”
“Tax forms?” The older man exclaims. “Who discusses tax forms on a date?”
Jungkook thinks for moment, then pulls his phone from his back pocket,
“What if I call you and pretend there’s an emergency? You can tell your date you have to leave right away, and then you’re free to escape.”
It’s not exactly honest but - short of hurting Eunseong’s feelings outright - it’s the best option you have.
“Sounds like a plan.” You tell Jungkook, and you give him your phone number. He agrees to wait five minutes before calling you, and you return to your table.
When you reclaim your seat, Eunseong doesn’t bother asking what you forgot at the bar. He simply resumes his monologue, and you start counting the seconds until Jungkook calls.
Finally, your phone rings, and you look to the bar to see Jungkook on his cell, waiting for you to pick up.
“Excuse me for just a moment, please.” You tell Eunseong.
But just as you answer the call, a deafening bang startles you, followed by an explosion of shattering glass.
“Alright, nobody move! Everybody down!” A man is shouting. “Everyone get down on the floor, now!”
You have no idea what’s happening. People are running and screaming, and the sounds of more gunshots ring through the restaurant. Eunseong dives to the floor, covering his head with his hands, and leaves you sitting alone at the table. Through the chaos, you glimpse two large men with guns making their way through the dining room.
Despite the noise, you hear Jungkook’s voice shouting at you through your phone.
“Get down on the floor!” He’s yelling. “Knock over your table and hide behind it! Don’t try to run!”
You’re not sure this is the best advice - the door to the kitchen is just a few feet away. If you’re fast enough, you just might make it. You’re certain that the restaurant must have a back door.
Do you make a break for the kitchen?
Do you hide behind your table?
Start Over
Merry Christmas!
From me and the boys, may you all have the happiest of holidays! ❤️💚❤️💚

Boyfriends: You Hide Behind Your Table
Warning: Violence
You knock over your table and hide behind it while bullets and broken glass continue to fly. Another man with a gun comes charging out of the kitchen, and the shooting finally stops.
“Now that we have your attention,” The largest of the men speaks in a loud voice, “Everybody listen up. If everyone does what we ask, no one needs to get hurt.”
You look around and are relieved to see that all of your fellow customers are still alive and no one appears to be hurt. But then you notice Jungkook is clutching his bloody bicep, and you realize he's been shot. The older gentleman he was talking to is tying a dinner napkin around the wound, trying to staunch the blood flow.
Meanwhile, one of the gunmen walks around the restaurant with a large duffel bag, collecting purses, wallets, and cell phones from all of the customers - including you and Eunseong. Another of the men is standing at one of the registers, and as he empties cash into a knapsack you hear police sirens in the distance.
“We need two hostages to get past the cops.” The lead robber announces. “Any volunteers?”
No one raises a hand, so he points to the elderly man with Jungkook.
“Get over here, old man. You’re coming with us.”
Then he spots a pregnant woman cowering on the floor. She’s young and obviously a first-time mother.
“You’re coming, too.” The robber tells her. “Cops definitely won’t shoot at you.”
The woman shakes her head, terrified.
“No, please!” She cries. “I’m due in two weeks!”
“On your feet, now!” The robber shouts at her.
The pregnant woman turns to you.
“Please, you have to help me!” She begs. “You can’t let them take me! Please, take my place!”
Your heart goes out to the young mother, but you don’t want to be a hostage either. You have a strong suspicion that whoever goes with these men won’t be making it out alive.
Do you take the pregnant woman’s place?
Do you ignore the pregnant woman’s pleas?
Content Creator Year in Review
Tagged by: @brinnalaine
Thanks for the tag, babe!
First Creation and Last Creation of 2020:
My first fanfic posted in 2020 (and, coincidentally, my first Tumblr post ever) was Unnoticed featuring Yoongi; last fanfic posted was Boyfriends (OT7).
A Creation You’re Really Proud of:
My Bon Voyage 4 Yoongi series, Voyagers . It’s probably the longest story I’ve ever written, and I’m really proud of myself for 1) completing it and 2) for producing a well-rounded, satisfying story.
A Creation That Took You Forever:
Again, Voyagers . It took a little over 4 months to complete, and I rewatched the entire 4th season of Bon Voyage to make sure I got every detail right. Not to mention the countless hours brainstorming and writing. Voyagers was my LIFE all summer in 2020.
A Creation From 2020 That Received the Most Notes:
Comfort , by far - which was pretty surprising, actually. That story was one of the very first ideas I had for my Voyagers series, so it was really validating to see how well people responded to it.
A Creation You Think Deserved More Notes:
I’m gonna have to go with my Yoongi/Jungkook series Impermanence , specifically the epilogue. The series had a good following in the beginning, and I was really proud of the ending, but the response was unfortunately disappointing. I stand by this story, though! It’s still one of my personal faves that I re-read from time to time.
A New Fandom You Joined This Year and a Creation You Made for It:
BTS has been my only fandom, but I unexpectedly became a die-hard Hoseok stan in 2020. My fic Formally was the result.
A Creation You Made that Breaks Your Heart:
Okay, this is a tie between my Hobi fic Never and my Impermanence series. It broke my heart to hurt both Yoongi and Jungkook in Impermanence, but what can I say? I love the drama.
A “Simple” Creation That You Really Love:
My Seokjin fic Cute . It’s both the shortest story I’ve posted and the most quickly-written, but like its name and its star, it’s just really cute.
A Creation That Was Inspired by Another One:
Ever was inspired by Never , Boyfriends was inspired by a choose-your-own-story book, and Impermanence was inspired by all of the creations of The SMAU Queen™ @v-hope .
A Favorite Creation by Someone Else/Some of Your Favorite Content Creators of 2020:
Literally anything by @bangtan-sonyeonddaeng, but specifically this cute AND hot reaction; Hobi’s Girl by @v-hope; this adorbes bf!Yoongi headcanon by @sleepyjhs; and literally anything by @ynki, but specifically these NYE Yoongi gifs that still keep me up at night.
And for Good Measure, a Few More Creations of Yours That You Love:
I honestly love all my stories, I don’t post unless I’m really proud of them, but Autumn is another one that deserved more notes. I also want to mention Fireside; it was my first Namjoon fic and it was such a pleasure to write it for my dear friend @bangtan-sonyeonddaeng.
No one, but anyone who is interested, please feel free!