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—one piece
🔶Tutorial para usar Fan Point🔶
Fan Point es la app usada para recolectar puntos y luego transferirlos para votar en varias apps de premios, como los Seoul Music Awards, KPMA, AAA
✨Android: https://t.co/g22IGsHOo7
✨iOS: https://t.co/rpiuEVHs4N

🔶Tutorial para Fan Point🔶
Faan point es la app usada para recolectar puntos y luego transferirlos para votar en varias apps de premios, como los Seoul Music Awards, KPMA, AAA
✨Android: https://t.co/g22IGsHOo7
✨iOS: https://t.co/rpiuEVHs4N

STARPLAY es la app usada para votar en el show de música SBS THE SHOW donde entregan premios cada semana. Anteriormente se usaba STARPASS

Cr. Ateez_jjang
Trad. Esp. a__fcb
💖Tutorial para usar STARPLE💖
STARPLE es la app usada para votar en los AAA (Asia Artist Awards)
📌Android: https://t.co/iQD1SudcOL
📌IOS: https://t.co/f0mlilODTM

💎Tutorial para subir de nivel en el fancafe de ATEEZ💎
Tutorial para registrarse en el fancafe

Cr. ATZTRANS | a__fcb
🔺Tutorial para coleccionar ☆ en la app de Soribada🔺
Tutorial para la app (version android):
🔷Descarguen la aplicación
Android: https://t.co/2vIPzTjKEU
Apk: https://t.co/Tj6y0YdA14
Para usuarios de Apple: probablemente deben cambiar su pais a Corea Del Sur

🔷Inicien sesión con una de las opciones:
✔Kakao Talk
✔Unánse con una nueva cuenta Soribada

🔷Ingresen su email y den click en todas las opciones (la última es opcional) y luego den click en el botón azul abajo
🔷Luego de que inicien sesión, den click a los tres iconos otra vez, y seleccionen 'Events'

🔷Den click a la estrella dorada en el botón izquierdo, así ganarán 5 estrellas
☡Pueden obtener 5 estrellas por día. Cuando sean las 00:00 en Corea, pueden volver a coleccionar otras 5 estrellas.
❗Al ingresar cada día ganan 10pts que pueden ir reuniendo para comprar canciones en la app de soribada, lo cual cuenta para las ventas digitales
❗Si les aparece la app en coreano, solo deben cambiar el idioma de su telefono a inglés y la app cambiará el idioma de manera automática
Cr. Fullsunmochi | ATEEZPRESENTQ
Trad. Esp. A__fcb
So @ATEEZofficial will comeback with a bright concept bcs they are happy bcs they finally found their 'treasure' (probably in the jungle -which could be the missing part in the map that will come with TREASURE EP 3)
The othher two photocards came in TREASURE EP 1 & 2

#ATEEZisComing #에이티즈 #ATEEZ

How cutie-pie Hangyul spends time with his hyungs

2018.01.13 | All Day - Hangyul (IM)

pls let him succeed
Hangyul (MBK trainee) talking about being abandoned by his parents

K-Pop Spotlight: ATEEZ
Say their name! We’re celebrating six months with ATEEZ by highlighting the rookie boy group in our latest K-pop spotlight.
ATEEZ, short for A Teenager Z, has been a busy bunch over the past half-year, releasing two mini-albums and countless videos for tracks like Say My Name, HALA HALA, and Treasure, and touring the U.S. and Europe via MyMusicTaste, a service that allows fans to request concerts in their cities. Fun fact: the group sold out their entire Expedition tour circuit with only 10 songs under their belt.)
We caught up with the octet during their time in NYC to discuss their tour, self-care tips, and what Treasure means to them.
How would you describe your sound?
HONGJOONG: I would describe ATEEZ’s music as just ‘ATEEZ’. It combines our individual style and experience to create the unique sound you listen to.
Dream collaboration and why?
SAN: I like Shawn Mendes and his music style and would love to collaborate with him.
MINGI: For me, when I think about American artists, I really like Joey BadA$$, MAX, and Migos. I personally listen to them a lot and would love to collaborate with them.
JONGHO: *as a response to Mingi* I think they would go well together!
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve gotten?
HONGJOONG: My best advice is that there’s nothing you can’t do. As long as you put your heart into trying your best and your hardest, you can do anything.
SEONGHWA: For me, the best advice I’ve gotten is to be sincere in my performance on stage and in my singing towards our fans.
This is your first ever tour—what’s been your favorite part so far?
WOOYOUNG: Getting to meet our international fans for the first time and just the tour as a whole, especially because it’s our first.
Best self-care tips for being on tour?
YEOSANG: Sleeping is most important so that we have the strength for our performances.
YUNHO: Be sure to eat well and take off all your makeup thoroughly with cleansing products after performances.
HONGJOONG: It’s very important for us to communicate with one another throughout everything so that if there’s a problem, we can solve it together. We can’t afford to have issues when we have many stages lined up.
How would you describe your personal style?
SEONGHWA: I don’t want to limit myself to just one so I like to have a variation of styles.
SAN: I have a fun style! *finger heart*
YEOSANG: There’s a lot of variety in clothing style and I like to apply those styles into my own fashion.
MINGI: I like street brands.
JONGHO: Even though I’m the youngest of the group, I want to portray an image where I’m not the youngest.
YUNHO: I want to give a clean and dandy style.
WOOYOUNG: I think for fashion, I love an all-black style. And jackets! Also, similar to Mingi, I like street brands.
HONGJOONG: We all have our individual styles but I usually try a variety of different things that I think is or can be trendy. I want people to describe my fashion style as trendy and to consider me a trendsetter.
Your choreography includes a lot of intense movement—how do you keep healthy/in shape to perform live?
YEOSANG: Eating my vitamins.
SAN: I get motivation through talking to my parents on the phone!
JONGHO: I exercise to keep in shape.
YUNHO: Stretching before and after performances.
WOOYOUNG: I think just sleep.
SEONGHWA: *laughs* I agree.
MINGI: One thing I love doing is going to the Korean sauna to relax. If I feel tight or stressed in parts of my body, I can release the tension there.
In your song Treasure, you talk about leaving to a far away place and finding your treasure—what are your personal treasures?
SEONGHWA: Reaching for my dreams.
SAN: I love Atiny. Atiny’s my treasure.
YEOSANG: Atiny is my treasure but I want to find more in the future.
MINGI: I love Hongjoong! *finger heart to Hongjoong*
HONGJOONG: *laughs* Mingi’s always doing that during interviews! Only at interviews!
MINGI: But ATEEZ itself is the treasure first.
JONGHO: I have two teasures.
MINGI: Me? *laughs* Is it me?
YUNHO *sitting next to Jongho*: Mingi and Yunho?
MINGI: Oh yeah! Mingi and Yunho! Are we your treasures? *laughs*
JONGHO: My treasure is my lip balm. And an apple. And this mirror. *points at the mirror on the lip balm*
YUNHO: My members are definitely my treasure and I wish that their dreams will come true.
WOOYOUNG: My members, Atiny, our managers, our staff, everyone who is around me are my treasures.
HONGJOONG: I have the same treasures as everyone else! But personally, my treasure is also my MacBook because I use it to communicate with our fans. I also write our songs with it… but I left it in the hotel we stayed at! I thought I lost it but we ended up finding it in the end. It’s getting shipped back to me so that’s a big relief.
Want more ATEEZ? Check out their music and follow along with the conversation here.
Teorías sobre el regreso de ATEEZ 💡
Los chicos estuvieron dejando pistas durante sus conciertos, en el último episodio de WANTED y también en unas photocards de su primer y segundo mini álbum:

🔎Pista Atlanta: Este código es para nuestras ATINY. También, es una pista para el regreso de ATEEZ
🔎Pista Lisboa: No me despiertes
🔎Pista Milán: Hakuna Matata
🔎Pista WANTED: Encontremonos en Junio, donde prometimos vernos
Parece que volveran con un concepto relacionado con el rey león y la jungla:
➡ATEEZ cantando el OST del Rey León https://t.co/wGzAhOAPmQ
➡En una entrevista Yunho dijo que le gustaría grabar su video musical en la jungla
En esta teoría también explican un poco la relación existente entre los 4 MVs de ATEEZ y el posible concepto con el que volverán considerando que los dos primeros albumes estaban relacionados:

Además, parece que los chicos finalmente encontrarán el tesoro que estaban buscando:
➡En el álbum 'Episodio 1' habia una photocard que tenía un mensaje que se traduce como "CÓDIGO TREASURE".
➡En el álbum 'Episodio 2' había una photocard con otro código que decía "Atiny, encontremonos el día que prometimos"

➡Si juntamos ambas photocards, forman una especie de mapa incompleto y probablente la parte faltante será revelada en el próximo comeback, y posiblemente indica lugar donde finalmente encontrarán el tesoro (la jungla)
Cr. Mingisqt | Sanshinepics
Theory about ATEEZ's TREASURE album trilogy
🔎In the ep 1 album, there was a photo card that had numbers and said “TREASURE CODE”.
🔎In the ep 2 album, there also was a photo card and it said “atiny, let’s meet up on the day that we promised to each other!”

If you put together both photo cards you get a map! Which is incomplete, maybe we will get the missing part during next comeback, and it will probably show the place where their treasure is... Most likely to be the jungle.
Why the jungle? Just check out the hints they share during their tour:

➡One of the hints say 'Hakuna Matata'
➡Yunho said that he want to film their MV in the jungle
➡Wooyoung sang the Lion King OST during their vlive
➡And this theory talk about ATEEZ comeback concept is going to be a dark one

Cr. Mingiqst | promisewoo

Yuzuru Hanyu Japanese National Championships 2012-2015