Hangyul - Tumblr Posts
coterie: the black leather bracelet (1/2)
gang!x1 x fem!reader
synopsis: you’re an ordinary girl, with an ordinary life. but what happens when you catch the gang that is famous for keeping their deeds under the table, in action?
coterie’s masterlist can be found here
pairing: lee hangyul and y/n
a/n: sexual themes, cursing, mentions of alcohol and drugs, so proceed with caution.
the thin black leather weaved around your hand like it’s known the accessory for years now. as you showed the group, your cheeks reddened and your eyes widened, as the guy who flirtatiously introduced himself to you stepped up. ugh, you should have known. “oh, yeah!” he yelps, stepping forward, and hope over to give you a high five, which you timidly reciprocate. “you’re freaking her out, hangyul,” seungwoo scolds the boy, who pouts in response. “thanks for being a party pooper, hyung. anyways, y/n, meet me at the terrace tonight at 7. sharp. I’ll be waiting.” and with one more wink and a smirk, hangyul slips off down another hallway. pretty soon, you leave the group of boys, heading back into your own room. hangyul, you think. the name’s quite nice if it weren’t for the fact that his glare felt like a predator watching its prey. you only know what that look can lead to because as surprised as people usually get when you talk about it, you’re not a virgin. when you tell people that, the first thing they say is, “really?”, as if you admitted to something crazy. you’re in college, and your parents aren’t on your ass 24/7, and you’re also a functioning teen with raging hormones; it was going to happen eventually. but, just because you’ve lost your virginity, you definitely weren’t a sex-crazed person. you knew your limits, and in short, didn’t get much sex because, well, school and your future’s also been a more important priority (“as it should be,” you recall telling soobin when she tried to drag you to the club one Friday night... of course, you won that night and were binge-watching shows whilst she was out and about.) but even so, you’re very aware of what that look can lead to, and you don’t want to smash someone you will be working with, especially since you’ve just met. yeah, he was a good-looking guy, and you’re damn sure he knows it. his piercing gaze is what you see when you bounce onto your bed and shut your eyes and you let out a frustrated groan before you check the time. it was almost 7; the dark hours of the night came much faster than you liked. you took the leather bracelet with you, which you had tightly clenched in your palm when you returned to your room, as you left to the terrace. you wanted to return the piece of jewelry in case he’d wanted it back or something- you certainly didn’t want to keep it. you reached the terrace a few minutes after 7 and found hangyul standing with his back facing you, and his hands in his pocket. at the sound of your footsteps, he turned around. the wind blew threw his grey-dyed locks, and the moonlight reflected upon them, creating a halo-like effect. “ah, y/n, you’re late. but I guess better late than never, am I right?” he chuckles and shuffles closer to you until his face is inches away from yours. your eyes flutter at his sudden proximity and he scoffs, “why’re you nervous, princess? never been this close to a guy before?” who does he think he is, you think and you step back, squinting at him, irked. “no, I just like to keep my distance, that’s all,” you start. your outburst catches hangyul off guard but you continue anyway. “here’s your bracelet, pal,” you give it to him and he slips it back on right away, before saying, “it’s a shame you picked me, then.”
your eyebrows scrunch up at his remark. “what do you mean?” hangyul gives you one final smile before turning back towards the sky and replacing his hands back into his pockets. “you don’t know what I do, do you?” you shook your head, and responded, “no, I don’t, but the way you said that... makes me curious.” “I’m sure you are familiar with a... femme fatale, right?” he says. “a female who seduces people and fucks them up, for lack of better words,” you explain and his eyebrows go up. “wow, you know your stuff,” he praised, and you relaxed a bit. “yeah, I’ve seen a few characters like that in movies and stuff, so I am familiar with it.” hangyul’s smile is small as he says, “well, my job on this team is similar, to say the least. I’m the homme fatale of this team; the goal of this job is to get as close I can get to my targets, just so I can get enough information out of them, to hand over to our clients to use against them. how I get close to them, well, I’ll leave that to your imagination,” the wind picks up in temperature and speed, and you shiver. seeing this, hangyul, who was clad in a leather jacket, slid said article of clothing off his shoulders and draped it over you instinctively. “thanks,” you mumble, and you’re so glad it’s dark out because you feel your face getting a bit hot. “no problem. listen, if you don’t want to do this job, I get it. I won’t force you into doing anything you don’t want to do. I can talk to seungwoo and maybe he can find something else for you to do if you’re not comfortable with the idea. so before you make any sort of decision, I wanna give you some time. I understand that working with me, especially with the job I have, you may get uncomfortable easily. I mean, it’s not hard to notice how you’ve kind of tensed up since I mentioned the details. forget that, you look uncomfortable around me, and we haven’t even seen each other for a day.” you bite the inside of your cheek and keep your gaze on the ground. you sigh, before looking back at him, “it’s nothing, honestly. I just... it takes me time to warm up to someone. I guess you can say I never really act like myself around someone until I’ve had a better understanding of who they are, and I think they have a better understanding of who I am. so, if I made it seem like I don’t like you, that’s not the case at all. yeah, I’m slightly uncomfortable, but I’m genuinely like that with most people I meet for the first time.” hearing you speak up, the corner of hangyul’s mouth lifts up slightly. “that’s good. at least now I know you don’t hate me. but, regardless of what you say I’ll give you a few days. sleep on it, come to a decision and then let me know. and until then, stay warm, sugar.” his tongue runs along his lower lip before he leaves you in the terrace, his jacket still resting warmly against your body.
you go back to your room and shut the door. god, you think, you must’ve made a wrong first impression on him. well, to be fair, you did find his actions, uhh, violating. maybe it showed on your face. you feel your heart drop slightly and you feel the anxiety rise in you. great, now you feel bad. “why do things have to be so complicated?” your voice becomes muffled in your pillow, as you press it against your face and exaggerate a whine. it takes you a few moments to think about it. seungwoo told you that who you used to be won’t matter in this job. nor will whatever you do in this job affect your future life. confusion fogged your head, and you didn’t know what to do. the only thing you could hear was hangyul telling you to think about it before coming to a decision. then, your vision started to blur before everything went completely black.
you saw a nightclub; neon lights and the smell of booze quite fresh in the air, and sounds of people around you mixed terribly with the bass of the music. through the dancing drunken youth, against the bar counter sat two familiar figures. one of them was hangyul, who had taken down a shot of tequila, with a pretty girl securely wrapped in his free arm, his hand how caressing her waist and next to him, was you. you looked almost unrecognizable, but you knew it was you, it had to be. your hair was done all nice, and you were in a shimmery, gold mini dress, and heels. you seemed to be drunk, by the way your head was moving, struggling to stay steady. then you turned around and saw your gaze fixated in your direction, and a small smirk painted your red lips. you got out of your seat and walked through the sweaty crowds of people, only to balance yourself on the shoulders of some guy, and before anything could be done, you kissed him square on the lips. one thing led to another, and you managed to drag the boy into a corner, where you climbed on top of him, your lips now on his neck. things were getting hot and heavy, and before anyone could take it a step further, the boy froze. why? because the girl who was giving him a good time stopped to press a gun against his abdomen. “give me the syringes you have in your pockets, like a good boy,” you whispered against his ear. his shaky hands reached into his pockets and pulled out the drug-filled instruments then placed them in your free hand. “very good, baby. now that I have evidence against you, and there is a video recording of this being made, I’m going to make this very clear,” you start off, your thumb running across his quivering bottom lip. “you don’t want to ruin daddy’s reputation when he finds out this is what you’ve been using the tuition money for, right? he thinks he’s sent his son to a fine, foreign university, when really, he’s here blowing that money on prostitutes and drugs.” the boy shakes his head no, and the smirk appears once again on your smeared red mouth. “then take this pretty little face of yours, and move away to a different city. or country, I don’t give a fuck. but step away from mr. park’s daughter. he’s caught on to your little act, and if he finds you around his daughter again, remember the gun is only here, but I won’t hesitate to shoot next time. got it?” the boy stutters out a response before you give him a sickeningly sweet smile and then whisper, “now, shoo.”
you sit up, breathing heavily in the room. you blink rapidly and realize it was all a dream, but man, were you a badass or what? you feel this adrenaline rush through your veins, and it feels so fucking good. this is all it took? a dream to convince you that you wanted to take this job? apparently, it was more than enough because when the next day rolls around, and you’re looking for hangyul, you find him once again on the terrace the next night. you clear your throat, and hangyul turns around, a quizzical look in his eyes. taking a deep breath before releasing it, your gaze meets his before you say, “I’ve come to a decision, and yes, I’ll take the job.” hangyul’s eyebrows go up in surprise, and before he has a chance to express anything, you say, “I made this decision on my own, and yeah, I’m aware of any danger it could put me in, but I’m willing to try it out. for the fun of it.” hangyul laughs at this, before nodding, “alright, princess. welcome aboard.”
How much Kijoong grew with The Unit and UNB ❤ UNMe.
How much his confidence, dancing 💃 and singing 🎤 skills improved.
How close his relationship with everyone surrounding him.
How he literally brings 🌞 sunshine and warms everyone's heart.
How much he adores his hyung, Hangyul. 💔 😭

Sub!Hangyul (X1, H&D, BAE173) Drabble

Word count: 1146
Warnings: NSFW/minors dni, pwp, Hybrid au, dog hybrid!Hangyul, sub!Hangyul, pet(puppy)-owner relationship, gender neutral!reader, dom!reader, rut cycle, slight bondage, rough sex, penetration, breeding kink, unprotected (DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME ;-;), ok bye.
Well um. No comments. ^^'
"Always acting so cocky and full of yourself, who would imagine this is how you like to be treated?" You asked, petting the husky ears protruding from the ash blonde hair of your whining pup kneeling in front of you, hands tied up behind his back with a white leather leash. His eyes rolled behind his head before closing tightly, neck arching back, showing off the white combining leather collar you had secured around his neck earlier as you pressed your foot harder against his hard cock. He thrusted his hips forward helplessly, trying to gain more friction in vain.
You weren't that surprised when Hangyul brought home the matching white collar and leash, asking if you could use it. Despite being his owner, he usually liked being in control of himself, his actions, every little aspect of his life. Yes, he was your hybrid, but he was pretty independent by himself too. After giving him access to your body during his first rut, he couldn't help but want control over you too. A few days ago, his rut cycle had begun once again, and you felt teased enough when he began proudly saying he was owning you instead. So, when you had in hands the collar, instead of wrapping it around your neck as usual, you asked him to lean forward; he would use the collar tonight. It was as if something switched inside his brain because he immediately began submitting to every order you gave him. Though stubborn at the beginning, you now had a whimpering mess of a pup rutting desperately against your foot, trying to reach his release.
You removed your foot before kneeling in front of him, earning a whine from him at the loss of friction. You wrapped a hand around his cock and he hissed at the contact, opening his glassy eyes to look at yours.
"W-want to be inside you, please..." He managed to say in between pants. You smiled at yourself, proud of how easily you could make him reach his current state and began moving your hand, jerking him off and occasionally rubbing his tip with your thumb. Soon enough, he began thrusting into your touch once again, a mix of groans and moans leaving his mouth.
"Do you wanna cum, Gyulie...?" You asked, hand moving faster. He shook his head as much as he could, eyes closing tight.
"C-cum inside you..." He pleaded, now trying to move away from your touch, binds not really helping, no matter how much was he aching for it, how strong his need was.
"Do you wanna cum inside of your owner, pup?" You purposely stretched the word while decreasing the speed of your hand, trying to leave him in clear who was the pet in all this. He nodded vigorously, unsure of how to convince you.
You decided he had enough after watching him deny himself to not cum by your touch. Stubborn... You thought, but there really wasn't much to do about it. You straddled him, previously naked and wet from the foreplay he had done on you right before you made him use the collar. You slowly sunk on his cock, a small whimper leaving your mouth before sealing your lips tightly, taking your time to bottom him out. His breath hitched at your actions, staring down at where your bodies connected. You could feel him twitch inside you, he could cum in any second. You tried waiting a few seconds to adjust, never becoming fully accustomed to his girth no matter how many times did you both have these sexual encounters.
His clouded state of mind had other ideas though, his instincts taking over him and unable to wait. He gave a strong, upwards thrust, making you bounce on his cock and gasp out his name before whining. You could already feel his smile even without looking at him.
You held onto his shoulders and began bouncing by yourself, moaning and arching your back. You felt his harsh move to try and break the leash behind him, whining at the failed attempt. He wanted to desperately hold onto your hips, pin you down and keep you steady while he thrusted upwards but it was difficult without his hands. His hips didn't get to meet yours in time whenever he thrusted, no matter how hard did he try.
You kept on going at your own pace, too focused on pleasuring yourself first without paying attention at him as a punishment. He kept on calling out your name eventually, still attempting to break the leash behind him.
"Y-you'll hurt yourself, pup..." You advised him, lips brushing against his. He gave a stronger, last pull on the leash, and your eyes widened when you heard the material snap, feeling his lips curl in a proud smile. You only had a few seconds to look at his bruised wrists before he brought his hands onto your hips, pushing you against the floor to reposition himself on top of you.
As soon as his weight was over yours, he began thrusting into your heat at his own pace, mumbling soft apologizes against your neck while a broken cry left your lips. The pace was rough, and he pushed your hips downwards in each thrust, making him go deeper. One of his hands moved on top of your stomach, pressing down to feel himself and whimpering in the process. His thrusts became even faster and sloppier, destroying your insides. You moved your arms to wrap them around his neck, pulling him closer, eyes tightly closed. He was close to coming and with this pace, you were too.
"W-wanna c-cum, pup...?" You cooed when he looked at you with pleading eyes, one hand combing back some stray strands falling over his face. He closed his eyes and nodded eagerly, small whines leaving his mouth at the feeling of being so close, pressing his hand harder against your belly.
"P-puppies..." He mindlessly said before burying his face in your heaving chest.
"W-wanna fill y-your owner w-with p-puppies...? G-go on, Gyulie..." He whined at your words and you arched your back, air getting knocked out of your lungs as a particular snap of his hips hit right against your most sensitive spot just before he cummed inside of you. You moaned out his name loudly, gasping for air, cumming a few seconds after him. You felt the hand pressing down on your belly go even lower, touching you and helping you ride down your high.
You felt a harsh tug right after, a gasp turning into a whimper. He had tried to buck his hips, knot already formed. You bit down your lip at the pain and soothingly caressed his hair once again, feeling him tense up under your touch, faint whines still leaving his lips.
"C-calm d-down, puppy... Y-you already f-filled up your o-owner..."