Person with multiple hobbies, love stories, watch kdramas and c-dramas. 23, she/her.
21 posts
Worldofmani - Manibog - Tumblr Blog
honestly yeah, fiber arts is magic. you cast spell of warm gloves, spell of nice hat, spell of stuffed animal.
material component: yarn
wand: single hooked wand or double pointed wands, depending on caster's preference
mechanical component: specific motions repeated in a particular pattern
time component: a while
look seriously the first step in a knitting recipe is "cast on", and then it's a bunch of letters and numbers incomprehensible to anyone not versed in the arcane art. that's a spellbook. yes it's a book of knitting patterns but also. it's a spell book.
This is what with my fave multimedia obsessions!! Books, movies, shows- everything!
My favourite books are always the ones I can’t make thoughtful analysis of. They are the ones that consist of my incoherent screams
Yah it is me
I am a lot of things but I am most definitely a runner. I will leave everything and run away as soon as things start to change.

We are products of our past but we don’t have to be prisoners of it. Rick Warren

Drew top part of building with plants: it is a view from my window. I have posted this in my Instagram account as well.
First thing comes to my mind is The Princess Royal. Then there is an Indian myth of a widow going to underworld-akin place to get her husband. Obviously this isn't what op said, but yes, we need more of these type of media where the women viciously protect their husbands. With these type of stories, we want more of women-centric stories, where she is not regulated to an unknown side-kick to her husband.
Could really use more media where wives viciously protect their husbands
hope, a misery hope, the con man, the foxy wizard. years later when they will dig up my bones, my corpse infested with worms and maggots, skeleton grinded to dust, arched toes, cracked rib, they will find a sliver of light shining from the cages. a steel heart still beating with the fuel of hope. still believing never letting it go, holding on to hope; afterall, hope is a con man
// @deadliterarysociety

Sometimes I wish I could read your mind. But then, I wonder if I could handle the truth.
The Vow
Our lips touched and I felt his tear fall on my cheek. He must have closed his eyes. I opened mine as he opened his. So close. We closed our eyes again. Love, I thought to myself abstractedly. Not 'This is love' or 'Is this love?' Not a sentence, not a certainty, not a thought with moving parts or direction. Just love, all of it, as it is. Whether it's enough or not. Whether it's real or we're making it up. However shoddy it gets, or bent out of shape. It's still extraordinary. However foolish, however vain. However badly it ends. Love. We kissed, and I contemplated, static, accidentally transcendent, love.
-Juliet in Juno and Juliet by Julian Gough
I loved this description of love when the character was kissing her love interest.
It's true....I was the one with feelings and I was not able to love him correctly.

{ 度华年 - The Princess Royal } ep. 14 ending cards
I think this was the best part of the end credits....the sketches

This scene beautiful to me

You can lean against me.
Was reading this book for middle grades which has stories from Greek Mythology and I am reminded of a tumblr post which I read in Pinterest about Medusa being a victim of rape and being punished for it and then I am thinking of the mythology being stories imagined and thought by people who wanted to find reasons for things around them and I am thinking of this what-if Medusa's story being the actual story around that time as well. And all the stories about the Gods and Goddesses who are powerful beings and are above humans and here I am thinking that perhaps, Gods and Goddesses are just humans but kept in pedestals with all those dysfunctional issues that they might need to go to a Psychiatrist/clinical psychologist at this time.
Yes, I believe in humans make Gods and Goddesses.
And they understand you.
It is such a major turn on when intelligence is accompanied by kind heart and sincere soul.
Slowly accepting the fact that no matter how deep the bond is, no matter how happy those memories are, the day will come you'll end up taking different paths and move on.
I think that's why it feels so personal and seems like you know the place when you walk around your place.
I feel like people really underestimate the impact that your mode of transportation has on how you see and think about and interact with your city. Like, driving makes your city feel like a few islands, pockets of space where you regularly go and new ones you discover only when brought there for a purpose, but all amidst an ocean of just, filler. Taking public transit makes your city feel like a network of corridoors, a glowing grid along which you may discover new things, but whose alternate winding paths you only take when given to by circumstance. Cycling makes your city feel more human in its scale, and while you can only go so far, the spaces through which you travel are far more often built for people, not machines, and that difference is tangible, while your freedom of movement gives you more opportunities for exploration. Walking can only take you so far, but you see everything meant for you along those places, and every street feels like it carries potential, with no barriers to stopping and partaking of whatever piques your interest. I think, among these, driving is the one that by far most isolates you from the place you live, while the others are, in decreasing order, most utilitarian, and in increasing order, most personally connective to your shared space.

something I posted on my bookstagram account: click here for the account.
Anyone interested in reading substacks about book reviews, can go check this out. I started it this year, and am hoping to write more of the books I will be reading. https://anonymousindiangirl.substack.com/