wundergeek - Building Rome in a Day
Building Rome in a Day

Avowed asexual and wholesomeness merchant.Trans NB Social Justice Bard. They/them

468 posts

I'm Sitting Next To A Stack Of Sailor Moon Manga That I Intend To Skim Over Lunch. So I Guess That Fall

I'm sitting next to a stack of Sailor Moon manga that I intend to skim over lunch. So I guess that Fall of the Silver Imperium hack of Thou Art But A Warrior is probably going to happen.

But not until after SexyTime Adventures. Because, c'mon.

More Posts from Wundergeek

11 years ago
I'm Finally Finished With All But One Of My Freelance Projects! Hurrah! Which Means Its Time To Turn

I'm finally finished with all but one of my freelance projects! Hurrah! Which means its time to turn my attention back to other projects - my own! I'm currently putting some polish on my crazy Dungeon World hack - SexyTime Adventures, ("SexyTime Adventures: the RPG - a game where the men are men and the women are sexy") since the hope is to maybe playtest it at GenCon.

I'd honestly forgotten how funny some of what I'd written was. For instance, the Cleric description, which is intended to go with the above sketch:

Others may be ambivalent in their faith, worshipping whichever god in the pantheon most serves their needs in the moment. Some have no faith at all, citing the existence of monsters, demons, and war as proof that there are no gods. But you, you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is a god, and that god has touched you deep in your soul. Your bosomy, voluptuous soul.

You have been called to bring faith to a faithless world, to smash down the unrighteous and stand triumphantly over them without any pants on. For pants are the work of the devil. So sayeth the lord.

So expect some updates in the next little while as I amuse myself by working on this.

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11 years ago


SDCC Showcase: Warrior Wonder Woman!
SDCC Showcase: Warrior Wonder Woman!
SDCC Showcase: Warrior Wonder Woman!
SDCC Showcase: Warrior Wonder Woman!
SDCC Showcase: Warrior Wonder Woman!
SDCC Showcase: Warrior Wonder Woman!
SDCC Showcase: Warrior Wonder Woman!
SDCC Showcase: Warrior Wonder Woman!
SDCC Showcase: Warrior Wonder Woman!
SDCC Showcase: Warrior Wonder Woman!

SDCC Showcase: Warrior Wonder Woman!

Had an absolute blast wearing Warrior Wonder Woman at SDCC. Surprisingly, I made it all day hauling around the incredibly heavy shield, proving that the dedicated lifting these past few months has yielded some results!

For anyone who hasn’t seen this costume before, it’s an original collaboration between artist Tess Fowler and I. I’ve always adored Diana’s Amazon roots, and wanted to pay tribute to that aspect of her legacy. Tess helped me flesh out the design, and then I went to work on the costume!

More photos coming soon - Ljinto and I worked some magic together! :D

Photo by Estrada Photography

Photo by Estrada Photography

Photo by White Darryl Photography

Photo by Shutterfoo 

Photo by Shutterfoo 

Phone shapshot!

Photo by Eurobeat Kasumi

Photo by League of Hot Geeks 

Photo by Chris Fink

Photo by Chris Fink

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11 years ago

Ah! Didn't realise you had a tumblr! It's your fault (via GoMakeMeASandwich) that I really started to understand the problems games have with representation etc :)

Yeah, I suppose I should link the two. This is more meant to be an art/game design blog. But it's kind of inevitable that feminism is going to spill over here.

I'm really glad that GMMaS made a difference for you.

11 years ago
I Love Anita Sarkeesian And Feminist Frequency. LOVE. So I Get Really Upset At The Bullshit That Gets

I love Anita Sarkeesian and Feminist Frequency. LOVE. So I get really upset at the bullshit that gets hurled her way for daring to be a woman with an opinion on the internet. THE HORROR.

So I thought I'd poke fun at the astonishing unoriginality of Anita Sarkeesian' critics with a sarcastic flow chart, because who doesn't love sarcastic flow charts?. (For a full explanation, check out my post here on Gaming as Women.)

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11 years ago


This might be the weirdest, most amazing, most brain-breaking tumblr I've seen in a long, long time. It's like Escher Girls as interpreted by a race of cat aliens who don't understand sex. (Super nsfw, obviously.)