Avowed asexual and wholesomeness merchant.Trans NB Social Justice Bard. They/them
468 posts
This might be the weirdest, most amazing, most brain-breaking tumblr I've seen in a long, long time. It's like Escher Girls as interpreted by a race of cat aliens who don't understand sex. (Super nsfw, obviously.)
More Posts from Wundergeek
Flow-chart feedback (last one, I promise)
So I'll get back to posting actual art here after one more post.
Amusing responses and reblogs continue to pop up. My favorites so far (I'm not going to quote users, because frankly I don't want to validate these people):
1) Referring to me as "Herr Wundergeek". Yes. I am an evil nazi for pointing out that critics of TVW are all reading from the same script. Making fun of people who hate Anita Sarkeesian is the same as HATING FREEDOM. Or something.
2) ANITA SARKEESIAN IS A FRAUD. ...yeah, okay. Way to completely validate my flow chart, guys. Also, she's actually honoring her end of the deal and making videos. How's that Tropes Versus Men Kickstarter working out? ...yeah. That's what I thought.
3) ANITA IS A STRAW FEMINIST. ...uh, no. I do not think that word means what you think it means.
(image taken from Hark A Vagrant's comic about Straw Feminists)
4) IF U NEED A FLOW CHART TO DISPROVE PEOPLE, YOU ARE WRONG. ...yeah, that would imply that I'm taking your arguments at all seriously. I'm just laughing at you.
Lastly, let it be noted for the record that I'm a woman.
After this we will be returning to more normal updates about art and game design. Thanks, folks. You're beautiful.

SDCC Showcase: Warrior Wonder Woman!
Had an absolute blast wearing Warrior Wonder Woman at SDCC. Surprisingly, I made it all day hauling around the incredibly heavy shield, proving that the dedicated lifting these past few months has yielded some results!
For anyone who hasn’t seen this costume before, it’s an original collaboration between artist Tess Fowler and I. I’ve always adored Diana’s Amazon roots, and wanted to pay tribute to that aspect of her legacy. Tess helped me flesh out the design, and then I went to work on the costume!
More photos coming soon - Ljinto and I worked some magic together! :D
Photo by Estrada Photography
Photo by Estrada Photography
Photo by White Darryl Photography
Photo by Shutterfoo
Photo by Shutterfoo
Phone shapshot!
Photo by Eurobeat Kasumi
Photo by League of Hot Geeks
Photo by Chris Fink
Photo by Chris Fink
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(Speaking of art...)
We went to the beach yesterday with my daughter, who is 11 months old. Afterwards we stopped at Crabby Joe's which has brown craft paper on the tables and free crayons, so I drew my daughter in her watermelon swimsuit. Yes, that's as cute as it sounds.
Re: your excellent flowchart about the mindnumbing, repetitive comments about Tropes vs. Women: all the cookies and confetti for you!
It's kind of impressive how much critics of TvW read from the same script.
(Yay cookies!)

This is the same man.