wundergeek - Building Rome in a Day
Building Rome in a Day

Avowed asexual and wholesomeness merchant.Trans NB Social Justice Bard. They/them

468 posts

Re: Your Excellent Flowchart About The Mindnumbing, Repetitive Comments About Tropes Vs. Women: All The

Re: your excellent flowchart about the mindnumbing, repetitive comments about Tropes vs. Women: all the cookies and confetti for you!

It's kind of impressive how much critics of TvW read from the same script.

(Yay cookies!)

More Posts from Wundergeek

11 years ago

Performing ridiculous masculinity?

I threw out this question on Google+, but I thought I'd post here too. So in STA, all female adventurers have the following special moves: Sexy Fu Once per combat, you may choose to re-roll any die by choosing to do one of the following: Narrate how your character is attacking the enemy from a boobs-and-butt stance while making your best attempt to demonstrate that pose. (No cheating now. Make an honest effort.) Or: Narrate how your character is attacking the enemy while you, the player, make Inappropriate Pornface. (Again, no cheating.) Too Hot to Fail Once per session, you may choose to re-roll any die rolled as part of a social interaction with NPCs. Make your best case for why they should do what you want, then describe how circumstances are contriving to make your character look particularly sexy. (No “my boobs are big” or “my hair looks great”. Try for descriptions that might be found in a romance novel or slashfic.) ---- In the current version, The Dude (because there is only one male adventurer per campaign) does not have an equivalent special move. I am, however, re-thinking that. So what can I have The Dude's player do that would play up ridiculous performance of masculinity? Junk thrusting? Ridiculous flexing? Help me out! The more over-the-top, the better!

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11 years ago
(Speaking Of Art...)

(Speaking of art...)

We went to the beach yesterday with my daughter, who is 11 months old. Afterwards we stopped at Crabby Joe's which has brown craft paper on the tables and free crayons, so I drew my daughter in her watermelon swimsuit. Yes, that's as cute as it sounds.

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11 years ago

brendanadkins answered your question: Performing ridiculous masculinity?

Roll again and describe a flashback explaining your manpain!

Funny you should mention that. Instead of Spout Lore, female adventurers get the basic move Don't Worry Your Pretty Head. On a hit, a man tells you what you need to know.

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11 years ago

Finally! A practical use for boobs-and-butt fighting!

Flawless Defense!
Flawless Defense!

Flawless Defense!

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11 years ago

Great Warrior is pretty much the best.



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