wyfy-meltdown - mIrAcLeS

My life has unfortunately been taken over by Homestuck. Knight/Sylph of Space/Heart.

426 posts

Hiiiii!! I Hope Youre Feeling Better Now!!

Hiiiii!! I hope you’re feeling better now!!

Thank you for checking in on me!!! I'm doing a lot better today, so I think I'll try to get back into my usual schedule!

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    strawberry-seal77 liked this · 9 months ago

More Posts from Wyfy-meltdown

9 months ago

"As much as I wish for the happiness of someone, someone else must be equally cursed."

This is Sayaka's most icon line (next to "I won't regret anything!") and for good reason. It describes herself, but also the entire concept of "magical girls".

Kyuubey grants the wishes, and in return, a girl becomes cursed becoming a magical girl. Every character (*at least in pmmm, not magia record) becomes cursed at the expense of helping someone else.

Madoka(mi) ends the curse for all magical girls and her friends, but she and Homura becomes the most cursed of all. Madokami bears the weight of the whole universe on her shoulders; Homura's love made her into an object of worship.

Homura ends Madokami's reign (therefore un-cursing Madoka) at the expense of becoming more cursed herself, and cursing the rest of magical girls. Homura losses herself, her mind, and Madoka all for the sake of allowing Madoka to become human again. She can't interact with Madoka, but she can watch her inside her gilded cage; and that's "all" Homura needs

Sayaka is the most poignant example of this; with her "role" being to showcase the ultimate curse of all magical girls. She's determined to make a "selfless" wish (disguising her true "selfish" desires) despite how much Mami warns her against it. Sayaka losses the control she wanted to gain, and losses her mind. Mami's facade left such an impact on her she's dedicated herself to portraying herself as the "perfect magical girl" that never existed nor could exist in the first place. She becomes more cursed bearing the curse Mami left for her, and pushing away the one person who could help her because Kyoko doesn't line up with Sayaka's deluded image of how a magical girl should be. Sayaka curses the people around her up until her curse is ended by Kyoko.

Kyoko makes the most selfless wish of them all, and the most people become cursed as a result. The ones she loved and wished for the sake of in a genuinely selfless way had enjoyed her wish for a while, until the wish could not longer protect them. Kyoko's whole family and life went up in flames as a direct consequence of her wish; because of that, she's decided to live only for herself because she understands best the curse that comes with selflessness; the curse that comes with love. I don't know if it's directly confirmed when Kyoko leaves Mami, but I theorize it was shortly after the death of Kyoko's family; the time Kyoko lost her selfless heart and could not longer connect with others as a result. Kyoko stays that way until Sayaka; Sayaka is the antithesis of Kyoko and yet the same as her. Kyoko relieves the curse on herself and Sayaka with their deaths; the only way to end the curse of a magical girl.

Mami's wish is the most selfish (*objectively) and so the fewest people are cursed (one could even argue that the only one cursed by Mami's wish was Mami herself). Mami's curse is a "self-fufilling prophecy" of sorts where she isolates herself and fully dedicates herself to being a magical girl from the fear that she'll end up alone again and/or that anyone she comes into contact will suffer/die. In a sense, this is true, as the rest of the Holy Quintet do in fact suffer, die, become witches, and so on. Mami didn't even really get to make a wish; she simply had an opportunity to survive and took it, and was forced to suffer as a magical girl because of it. The impact she leaves on Sayaka and her trying to convince Madoka to become a magical girl are curses she imposes without knowing the extent of her actions, nor that her actions are in any way bad; she's gotten swept up by the lies of the incubators and has become someone who curses as a result.

Nagisa is an interesting case because she deliberately curses herself and the people around her. She knows that she COULD wish to save her mom, but prefers the idea of making her mom indulge in her revenge: the world's tastiest cheesecake. The cheesecake Nagisa wished for instead of her mother's health. She becomes a magical girl, with the knowledge she'll never not be a magical girl again, all for the sake of revenge.

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9 months ago

The fact that Mami is only 15 screws me up a little. She's barely older than Madoka and the rest of the girls and yet she forces herself into the "mature responsible caretaker" role. I get that magical girls don't live long, but I expected the 16-18 age range for her.

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10 months ago

Feeling motivated and cheerful today, I think I'll work on some PMMM/MagiaRecord OCs.

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9 months ago
I Haven't Thought Too Much About Headcanons For Other Characters, But I Would Like To Make Some!

I haven't thought too much about Headcanons for other characters, but I would like to make some!


✧.*✿ Mami Tomoe Headcanons! ✿*⁠.⁠✧

(These are just for fun!)

✿ When Mami and Kyoko were magical girl partners, they went to the arcade every friday evening and then went to Mami's house for tea

✿ Mami loves comedy sitcoms

✿ Mami always gets lots of love letters and chocolates on Valentine's Day, but she's never properly dated anyone

✿ Rebellion-Mami would cook and bake many different things while trying to find Bebe's favorite food

✿ Mami's very fashionable, and especially loves long skirts

✿ Mami works part-time at a tea shop, and wants to open her own tea shop as an adult

✿ Mami used to be in her school's gardening club and still gardens for fun

✿ Ever since her accident, Mami has been afraid of any and all wheeled vehicles (cars, trains, bikes, ect) and so walks everywhere

✿ Mami's favorite flowers are daffodils and daisies since she think's they're "happy flowers"

✿ Mami loves to show off and impress people

✿ Mami wakes up at around 6:00 am every day (morning person), stretches and does yoga for a bit, and then has breakfast and tea

✿ Mami has a pet bird she got from her parents several years ago

10 months ago

Thank you for the additions!

I haven't heard of any of these shows (minus "Revue Starlight" sounding pretty familiar) so thank you for the recommendations!

Absolutely not all post-Madoka dark magical girl animes are bad (and some not even trying to bounce off the success of PMMM), but "Magical Girl Site" in particular inspired this rant lol.

Shortly after Madoka Magica released (to great success), everyone started trying to make the next big "magical girl misery" anime. I think the reason those ones didn't really take off is because they missed the point of Madoka: the love of others and self-sacrifice is center stage, and we only really feel bad for the characters of Madoka Magica because we see them happy.

Madoka Magica isn't just a misery fest; Mami's death matters because we understand Mami's dreams and struggles, Sayaka becoming Oktavia is impactful because we see her downfall that isn't her fault (or anyone's for that matter). Madoka (and to a secondary extent, Homura) never give up hope or trying.

Madoka isn't constantly victimised and abused (unlike some over-the-top edgy magical girl animes I know) she's in tragic circumstances and still tries her best; still WANTS the best for the world around her.

Making something sad isn't about how much we see a character suffer and struggle; it's about making the struggles and suffering they go through impactful through their story. Wants, relationships, traits, and flaws... That's what makes a character's pain painful for an audience.

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