wyfy-meltdown - mIrAcLeS

My life has unfortunately been taken over by Homestuck. Knight/Sylph of Space/Heart.

426 posts

Hiiiii!! I Hope Youre Feeling Better Now!!

Hiiiii!! I hope you’re feeling better now!!

Thank you for checking in on me!!! I'm doing a lot better today, so I think I'll try to get back into my usual schedule!

  • strawberry-seal77
    strawberry-seal77 liked this · 9 months ago

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9 months ago

The fact that Mami is only 15 screws me up a little. She's barely older than Madoka and the rest of the girls and yet she forces herself into the "mature responsible caretaker" role. I get that magical girls don't live long, but I expected the 16-18 age range for her.

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10 months ago

It is literally foreshadowed in her name Kyoko is bound to suicide with Sayaka as sakura's are heavily associated with kamikazes. Besides aforementioned timeline; In Portable, during the scheduled downfall of Sayaka, and eventual death at Homura's hands, Kyoko has a breakdown switching between laughing, crying, until eventually screaming in pain as she turns to Ophelia, saying she was stupid to think she could save Sayaka. Ophelia's labyrinth literally has little fish floating around, it's so clearly underwater, it's so clearly tied to Sayaka, there are staves with musical notes coming out of the ground of the labyrinth. And as if that isn't enough, the music playing is relatively similar to Symposium Magarum, at the very least a part of it, altered, slower, on a different instrument - it's there however if you listen close. Kyoko is so tied to Sayaka in her mind that even if in series they weren't on the best of terms, it affects her in death. Her feelings are obvious once stirred through enough, it's Sayaka that refuses any aid, or a chance at another way. There IS, another way, that through Kyoko, however Sayaka's ideation of a magical girl is heavily tied to Mami's image (not Mami herself, but how she presented, lacking the vulnerability she shared with Madoka) who is in complete contrast to Kyoko. The full "you die a hero or live long enough become a villain". No matter how much she runs away from it however, I feel that in Rebellion Sayaka embraces both sides (and creating the doppel system by proxy). On another note, and parallel, Sayaka chose to "give her life away", becoming a magical girl meant suicide to her in the end and, the argument with Madoka in the rain may had still lingered in the back of her mind, so Kyoko choosing suicide to keep her company mirrored that and maybe, just maybe, she felt understood through it. It was the ultimate sacrifice Sayaka made for love and association could be made to believe that Kyoko's suicide is also her confession. The magnet metaphor is due the blue/red but also you need to hold them in a certain way for them stick (as the same ends will push one another away, the same they did under the same condition) and when they do, they're insepparable.

Thank you for the opportunity to ramble ^^


I've never been able to play/watch play throughs of the portable games, so I lack a lot of context when it comes to events and information presented in it.

Kyoko has a strange mild obsession with Sayaka and saving Sayaka, which almost reminds me of Homura and Madoka's relationship.

I feel the warped (not in the toxic sense, just unconventional sense) ideas that Kyoko has about expressing her love to Sayaka reflects her past and the wish she made for her father. To Kyoko, love means absolute devotion and sacrifice. In Japan, there's a myth that two lovers who commit suicide together are reborn as twins and/or reborn as the same person. Kyoko truly does see kamikazeing herself into Oktavia as a way for her to fully express the feeling of "I love you and I swear I won't leave you alone or abandon you for someone else".

While I believe Kyoko originally intended to warn Sayaka about wishing for others (sorta how Mami did), and pitied her because the circumstances of Sayaka's wish were so similar to her own, she fell fast and hard.

They're both so similar and yet oppositionally different. They're both so, so, deeply and desperately lonely and Kyoko sees this and sees a way for the two of them to overcome their loneliness together. But Sayaka has such a strong idea of "a good magical girl" and "a good person" she won't allow herself to connect with anyone else, especially not Kyoko, who she views as "evil" (I believe Mami played a part in this view).

They could've had a happy ending and saved eachother if only Sayaka wasn't so stubborn and Kyoko could take a gentler approach. The very direct "full-force love" style they both have, with the added "inability to properly confess without use of secretive acts of devotion" is why we got the ending we did.

I know you're asking anonymously, but I'm pretty sure I know who you are based off the expansion from a previous reblog/post lol. Thank you so much for ranting like this!!! I'm so happy you expanded on the previous ideas!!!

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10 months ago

I'm betting my PMMM Tumblr posting permissions that Mabayu is Itzli.

Although Itzli definitely wasn't designed with the intent to be Mabayu's witch (because that was many years ago and they definitely weren't planning Scene 0 that far back), Mabayu seems like she was designed with the intent to be Itzli's magical girl.

I'm Betting My PMMM Tumblr Posting Permissions That Mabayu Is Itzli.
I'm Betting My PMMM Tumblr Posting Permissions That Mabayu Is Itzli.
I'm Betting My PMMM Tumblr Posting Permissions That Mabayu Is Itzli.

Mabayu's dress pattern (and most official art depicting her with film rolls), matches well with the trim of Itzli's film roll (specifically the side edges of the film). This prominent film roll theme sticks out to me, as Team Madoka/MagiaRecord is good at avoiding unintentional similar themes between witches and magical girls to avoid confusion on their true magical girl/witch forms. Unless the film stuff is a BIG BIG COINCIDENCE, they are intented to look similar through the film reel themeing.

Itzli's description (from the wiki):

"The witch of oblivion, with a vengeful nature. A witch who is said to have originally been a magical girl who came from the end of the galaxy. She has shown herself now in order to forget about all the magical girls from this universe."

Itzli's description implies she wishes to be killed to finally forget about something. What could she be trying to forget? Homura's timeloops.

Mabayu has the unique ability to remember past timelines as well as move around when Homura stops time. Mabayu knows of what happens to magical girls. Mabayu sees everytime her friends die and/or become witches and has no goal to distract herself like Homura does. Mabayu becomes erased from existence; presumably only remaining in the incubator's memories (hence the far reaches of the galaxy) and being erased by Madokami's witch annihilation. Mabayu wants to forget the pain of the timeloop, and by extension, herself as a magical girl and her friends as magical girls ("she has shown herself now in order to forget about all the magical girls from this universe").

ALSO Itzli is the oblivion witch. Oblivion is the void, the void is nonexistence, IT'S ALL CONNECTED

ALSO ALSO The "vengeful nature" could possibly be towards Homura (or even Madoka) because of the timeloop taking away Mabayu's sanity, daily life, friends, and even existence.

It's not to hard for me to believe that Mabayu became Itzli at some point due to the stress of the timeloop; her sanity would decay and she'd be powerless to stop it. Even Homura, with all her time magic, eventually succumbed to being a witch simply because she couldn't hold on anymore. Mabayu, with no goal to hold onto, and no way to end the timeloop or at least to stop herself from remembering, would crack too (if not sooner and/or worse).

The connection to Walpurgisnacht exists both in Itzli and Mabayu. Itzli's familiars are nearly identical to Walpurgisnacht's, and Itzli is said to only show herself after Walpurgisnacht. Mabayu being in the timeloop is a direct result of Walpurgisnacht (since that's when/what starts Homura on her time shenanigans), and it can be presumed that Mabayu would have fought against Walpurgisnacht at some point.

The final point I'll talk about (at least for now) is the appearances: Mabayu's hair tips look like Itzli's roots, and her green moppy hair evokes the feeling of Itzli's surrounding brain goo(?). They both have a primarily green + purple palette (again, BIG COINCIDENCE if unintended). The ribbons on Mabayu also remind me of the stem and head(?) accessory on Itzli. (The brain shape is heavily connected to the concept of memory; with memories of Homura and other magical girls depicted on the side rolls.)

It's not hard for me to believe that they would give an interesting witch a magical girl in a movie because it's already happened before; Nagisa was only created for Rebellion after fans loved Charlotte. Itzli being one of the most interesting and lore-filled witches more than gives the chance that her magical girl could be featured in a movie.

In conclusion, if Mabayu isn't confirmed/revealed to be Itzli I. will. RIOT. They are perfect matches for eachother, and it will be extremely irrational to not have them be the same. (I will only accept Mabayu not being Itzli if she is instead revealed to be Walpurgisnacht).

Finally, I understand that Itzli is implied to be an alien magical girl, so please do not reblog/comment about the alien implications. I think that's pretty interesting, but Mabayu seems like such a perfect fit and my theorist brainrot must be fed.

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