wyfy-meltdown - mIrAcLeS

My life has unfortunately been taken over by Homestuck. Knight/Sylph of Space/Heart.

426 posts

+*Nagisa Momoe Headcanons*+

+゚*。⁠Nagisa Momoe Headcanons。⁠*゚⁠+

+ Her favorite kind of cheesecake is orignal/plain (she likes the more interesting varieties too, but the original can't be beat)

+ She is currently going through/will soon go through a vicious Edgar Allan Poe + Shakespeare goth phase

+ Her favorite school subject is language arts

+ She HATES romance-focused media, and always gets disinterested when her friends start talking about crushes

+ She's befriended the workers at her local bakery, and occasionally goes there just to hang out

+ She's very responsible and hates burdening others; relatives and family friends compliment her for being "mature" and keeping up with chores, but she'd prefer to act goofy and do kid stuff

+ She gets very engaged in her favorite media: audibly and physically reacting and engaging with content (ex: yelling at a character in a show or book)

+ She occasionally shoplifts small things that look nice (and hasn't been caught)

+ Her favorite summer activity is blowing bubbles

+ She's slightly a "teacher's pet" in the sense she's a very good student (behavior-wise), and often has to tell her teachers about her home situation (thus creating a close bond with her teachers)

+ She's made several OCs and fanart for her favorite media, and WILL rant for hours if given the chance

+ Her favorite genres of music are pop and metal (pop to relax to, metal when she's upset and/or because she likes the feeling of bone-shaking music)

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More Posts from Wyfy-meltdown

9 months ago
Here Is The Updated Shinoha Design & Info Sheet *

Here is the updated Shinoha design & info sheet ✧⁠*⁠。

I'm a lot happier with this design, so please let me know what you think!

More info below the cut

Basic Information:

Name: Shinoha Murofushi

Age: 16

Height: 5'6

Wish: "My ultimate dream could come true... If that's the case, then I want to get revenge on those bastards!"

Weapon: Dual Swords

Power: The ability to store and release attacks back at an enemy*

Soul Gem: Wing (top), scales (bottom)

Witch: Nemesis

*She can only absorb attacks that hit her and still gets hurt from attacks that hit her. She can store damage for as long as she likes, but once she releases it, she will release all damage she has stored. Her releasing an attack back at an attacker will affect the attacker the same way it affected her. Ex: enemy breaks Shinoha's arm, Shinoha releases her damage, enemy's arm is broken and enemy experiences the same pain Shinoha did.


She's very standoffish and closed off from other people. She spends as much time in her room as she possibly can to the point of owning a mini fridge and cutting her own hair. She sleeps all day and is most awake at night, however she's always tired. Anytime she leaves the house, she covers up completely in baggy clothes and face masks. Although she has no particular hobbies or interests, she spends a lot of time watching tv and surfing the internet. She rarely speaks to others, and has a habit of judging people. It's very difficult for her to connect with other people, as she's very distrustful and always presumes the worst. She never vocally expresses her problems with people, and bottles up her emotions untill she explodes. Her calm face and meek disposition hides her violent thoughts and self-loathing. Becoming a magical girl has given her an outlet to express her emotions, but she's gradually getting more and more unstable.

Design Breakdown:

For the redesign, I leaned more into the "angel" theming and I think it helped a lot! Her shoes are modeled after ballet shoes (dancers "fly"), and I added white ribbons to give her some more magical girl flair. I managed to get the shoulder cloak working like how I originally wanted to, and added a half green half white wing pattern. The underdress is a simple white dress that's longer in the back; it was inspired by angelcore fashion. Her overdress was originally going to be a darker shade of green, but it looked too similar to her hair colour, and so I used the cloak colour; The shape of the edges is meant to look like rounded wings. I made her hair half green half black and also made it more choppy looking (to add to the fact she cuts her own hair). I think the half/half hair design makes her look a lot cooler and more distinctive, as well as ties her to Komoe more (Komoe has half/half eyes, Shinoha has half/half hair). I fixed her halo ponytail tie, and added a facial scar, and replaced the gloves with cuffs.

The soul gem shape got changed to a wing both due to the stronger angel theming and due to the bellflower not looking very good. The swords are the same (minus colour and shape changes), but I accidentally made the blades slightly too thick!


She didn't believe in magical girls at all, but after much pestering convincing from Komoe, she unseriously made a wish

Her damage absorbing ability causes her to endanger herself in fights

Originally her plan was to kill her bullies, but she opted to torment them with her power instead

Komoe always insists on giving Shinoha grief seeds, groceries, and other gifts

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9 months ago

Nagisa has such a complex and emotional backstory (the one presented within Magia Record) and while I love the memes, I'd also love to see her analyzed the same way as the Holy Quintet girls more.

When it comes to Nagisa's relationship with her mother, it is clearly emotionally and verbally abusive in a very realistic way. Nagisa loves her mom. Her mom is still her mom despite everything, and Nagisa wants to love and forgive her. Nagisa also hates her mom; The mom who yells at her, is implied to hit her, and tells her she's wasting money and time. Nagisa tries her best to support and care for her mom despite everything; she acts like a hit dog still coming back to the hitter because it's all she has.

Speaking of dogs, I want to draw parallels between Nagisa and Inui. Kyuubey specifically mentions that another girl in similar circumstances* (*to Nagisa) wished to have the attention of the boy she liked; cut to Inui, who talks to Kyuubey about her worries with the Sleepwalking Ghost and her boyfriend. From this we can guess that Inui is impoverished, has a difficult relationship with her mom, and has the same goal as Nagisa; to be loved in a conditionless way by someone who endlessly hurts them.

Inui is a perfect parallel for Nagisa; Nagisa has become disillusioned with the concept of "love" to the point of viewing all fairytales and stories in a gloomy light; Nagisa has not been loved in the way a child needs to be loved, and so cannot fathom the type of carefree love shown in fairytales. Inui on the other hand is so desperate for the attention and love she hasn't gotten she's gotten into a relationship with (presumably) the first douchebag who showed any kind of interest in her; she craves a fairytale romance and to be swept off her feet by a prince and so in her mind Sho can't be anything but that prince. Both of them cling to their delusions and coping mechanisms while further being hurt by people supposed to love and protect them.

Nagisa resents her mother despite craving her affection; she considers using her wish to make her mom regret being unkind to her (a vengeful fantasy of an abused child [she hopes for an apology and for things to become perfect]) before finally settling on making her mom unknowningly seal her own doom (ie, the cheesecake).

Nagisa's cheesecake is an incredibly important object for both literal and symbolic purposes. She wished for it instead of saving her mother's life; It represents her final revenge against a woman who never treated her kindly. It also represents the unobtainable love Nagisa searches for even as Charlotte; "unable to make the cheese she loves" aka "unable to obtain love". There is a more uplifting (albeit dark) symbolism here too; that being Charlotte's unfortunate decapitation of Mami. Mami, who in Rebellion is Bebe's caretaker and mother figure, is eaten by Charlotte: Mami is the "cheese" Charlotte loves and has finally found.

Nagisa is abandoned by everyone: the only one who hasn't abandoned her is her mother, who is convinced Nagisa will abandon her. They have a vicious cycle of mistrust and dependence. Right before she becomes a witch, Yuu promises "I'll never leave your side"; after taking the only person who never abandoned Nagisa, Yuu promises "I'll never leave your side". Those were some of the last words Nagisa heard: the crippling loneliness, guilt, and betrayal that sunk in is what caused the birth of Charlotte. What makes it worse is those are words Nagisa was likely told by her parents at some point: afterall, parents will say anything to comfort their child, especially before something like hospitalization or leaving the family entirely.

Nagisa is 12 at her oldest possible age and 8 at her youngest possible age. She is a tragic figure on the same level as Sayaka, Kyoko, and Mami. The only true closure we have for her at the moment is her relationship with Mami (and the other Holy Quintet members) in Rebellion.

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9 months ago


Your artstyle is lovely, I love the soft shading and lineless look!!! I absolutely love this, thank you!!!

@sailemo ♡♡♡

@wyfy-meltdown sorry for the @ but i saw your persona and its actually so cute i had to draw it

@wyfy-meltdown Sorry For The @ But I Saw Your Persona And Its Actually So Cute I Had To Draw It

that thang is a tbh to me

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