wyfy-meltdown - mIrAcLeS

My life has unfortunately been taken over by Homestuck. Knight/Sylph of Space/Heart.

426 posts

*looks At Your Account*

*looks at your account*

“Going Through A Madoka Magica Phase, Again”

I mean, I can see why it’d catch up to your brain again, it’s a wonderful show–


I managed to ever so slightly become not as obsessed with Madoka Magica for a brief time before accidentally nosediving into allowing PMMM to consume my life for a second time. It's too good of a show: they need to put some safety labels on it.

Also I love Nagisa she is the most wonderful cheese goblin, she does nothing and yet makes two of the most emotionally impactful moments in the franchise and-

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More Posts from Wyfy-meltdown

9 months ago


Going alright!

I thought my sickness was over, but my voice is COMPLETELY GONE. Everytime I try to talk it sound like high-pitched demonic growling lol.

Thank you for checking in on me Seal!!!

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9 months ago

The cat paw gloves are SO CUTE!!! The tennis racket is a very unique weapon choice, and I didn't expect her to be a full cat! (I only thought it was going to be ears and tail lol). She looks so sporty and spunky and fun!!! I adore this design, thank you so much for showing it to me!!!

@wyfy-meltdown WHA-BAM !!!!! I dont have a normal outfit but I do have the magical girl outfit >:3cc

a sketchy digital drawing of a catgirl striking a tennis ball with a racket, and a determined expression. She has long hair, and is wearing long dark sleeves under a shortsleeved shirt, with a tie. She also has a light colored pleated skirt, boots, and tall dark socks. The tennis ball has a line showing it's path.

this is the sketch I'm most proud of heheeee (and fittingly, as an action pose!)

Ive gone for a tennis racket as the weapon since I play tennis a bit, so I'll be able to know a bit of the moves/form !! And thats also where most of the outfit comes from (with longer undersleeves just being something I do fbdshbfjhd)

The tie doesn't really have a reason, but it reminded me of miku so I might keep it BFJDSBFH

A variety of doodles relating the same character as before, this is reminiscent of a reference sheet. On the left, is a small doodle of the character crouching and holding the racket. On the right, a larger doodle showing the outfit in a relatively basic standing pose. There is also closeup drawings of the shirt collar, fingerless gloves (showing paw pads), and tennis racket. A signature reading "Strawberry Seal 77" (with the strawberry as a drawing and the rest as text) is in the middle.

I also looked up a height chart and apparently I"m the same height as madoka !! Though I'm older than her... FDFBDHJS

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9 months ago

"wish to be a cat-girl" is a really unique concept!!! For her magic... maybe hyper-reflexes, always landing on her feet, ect (Mew Ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew had a bunch of cat-related traits you could take inspiration from!). As for physical transformation, maybe she could change the color of her hair (+cat ears + tail) into different cat breeds (not practical for a fight, but fun!)!

Do you have any magical girl OCs? (PMMM and other)

hi!!! I have the vague idea of a pmmm self insert, yea!

not much else than the wish to "be a catgirl!" but I think she'd definitely idolize the other magical girls (and be GAY!) bdjshfbhjd

I'm not sure how the wish would tie in to her magic.. the wish was a physical transformation so I suppose it'd be something like that? :O

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