Gyaru SYSTEM!!🦇 I Malleus Draconia &Gregory Violet 💕 if you have seen me on other social media's or fanfics no you didn't 😻 Transfem Aroace Agender Lesbian, Lomando Lover, Any And All Pronouns. Riddle Roseheart and Alois Trancy Fictionkin ♡🌹👑
119 posts
making this post to support the campaign of @kawlafamily7 who is @fidaa-family2 ‘s sister
kawla has three young children. her daughter was injured from falling shrapnel and rubble and also has a glucose allergy. she needs special milk without glucose which is very expensive.

“She needs glucose-free soda milk, and her growth is bad so far. Her teeth will not grow due to allergies and lack of growth, and she is one and a half years old.”
please take a second to share and donate to this campaign. people are living in unbearable conditions, every donation makes a difference

$8,372 out of $20,000
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More Posts from Xia0mi-c0m
Hello friends 💔🇵🇸🍉
Hi, I'm Hanan from Gaza. I have three children. I need your help if you can. Please donate to save my life and the life of my family 🍉🇵🇸 My link is in my bio. Asking for help is not easy. I am asking for a small donation of $15 or $25 from each person. It will save my family and help me cover travel expenses and rebuild. What's left of my home, you can support us and stand by us 🙏🙏 through the link (please see my CV) 💔💔 https://www.gofundme.com/f/9s6zht-please-help-my-family-in-gaza?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=customer&utm_campaign=man_sharesheet_ft&utm_content=amp9c&attribution_id=sl:3834f25d-d0cf-48ab-8eb1-7486b0785867 My account has been verified by @90-ghost

Campaign Title: Help for the Jehad aldahdooh Family: From Gaza to Hope🇵🇸
Hello, I am Jehad aldahdooh.
I am writing to you today with a heart full of both hope and pain .
My family lived in Gaza, but due to ongoing conflict and random bombing, we were forced to flee our homes multiple times .

•Our house, which we used to live in and which had beautiful memories, was destroyed.

Each time, we hoped to find safety, but unfortunately, we lost some of our dear family members .
•This our land has been destroyed and vandalized.

Despite everything we have been through, we still have hope for a new beginning .
However, we are now facing significant challenges in securing basic necessities such as food , housing , and education for our children .
Any donation from you, no matter how small, will make a big difference and contribute to changing our lives for the better .
•Our gallery, which was our source of livelihood and sustenance, has been destroyed as if life itself has been ripped from our hands.

We ask for your support during this difficult time.
Your assistance will give us hope and provide us with a chance to achieve stability and live with dignity after all we have endured .
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your understanding and support as we embark on this journey towards a new beginning .
•This warehouse was completely destroyed

Any support, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in my life and my family's as we seek safety.🙏🇵🇸🕊
With heartfelt regards,
Jehad aldahdooh

Him and Valentin Ruky are so cute, I wish I saw more of their shippers or just people who love Raťafák Plachta in general 😿
Can you tell us more about Slniecko and Ratafak Plachta's origins in Czechoslovakia? The only information that I have about the show is from blameitonjorge's YouTube video
Unfortunately most of the info I know also comes from blameitonjoge’s video (mostly because I don’t speak Czechoslovakian akld;fj). Uhh, let me see if I can remember/dig up anything else…
Slniecko approximately translates out to “little sun”
in one episode he just casually removes his head (also you can see the two heads of his puppeteers really easily here)

The designer who made him as quoted as saying “He is an eyesore, he’s ugly. I think the TV station was avant-garde in a way because they were not afraid to show [an] unlikable (in looks), not pretty puppet on screen.”
(Though to be fair, he’s supposed to look kind of ugly, like a caricature of an old man, not necessarily outright terrifying)
Other characters on the show are named things like Donkey Pete, Piggy Oink, and Bear Grow
He has two puppeteers - Marta Žuchová (left hand) and Dušan Štauder (right hand, head, and voice)
The infamous “angel” video was after someone found him in a dumpster around 2008 - it was not a part of the actual show
Has canonly kissed a mime from what I understand
I don’t have any other info but here’s an out-of-context shot of him making a heart

my Fictionkin, Otherhearted and Otherkin types 💕
Do be warned I talk about being a system, just putting this here so you don't get jumpscared as soon as you read that 💗
WARNING!!!: Mentions of abuse for the first half and also mentions of panic attacks in the second one, alongside fear of anger issues in the third one and depersonalization mention in the otherkin part, please click off or skip if that makes you uncomfy and absolutely no shame for doing so! Take care of yourself before anything ♡
my fictionkin's <3

ྀི Alois Trancy
I was actually quite surprised when I found out I was a Fictionkin and identified AS him but came to the conclusion that it's okay to have an otherwise "problematic" kintype. I did get harassed a lot because people genuinely thought my kinshift's meant that I would become abusive which, wasn't the case but I genuinely thought that for awhile so I kept it hidden until like days ago.

ྀི Ciel Phantomhive
I was also surprised when I ended up being a Fictionkin of him, I first simply just suspected it but never really knew if I truly was until I began getting kinshift's of feeling his eyepatch or began acting like him for no reason why I was. I got really scared because I thought it was another alter and I actually had a panic attack because despite how on my Picsart of how I usually used to happily introduce alters, I actually panic a lot when I developed more alters especially fictives because it's scary that I could get fakeclaimed because of being a fictive heavy system that seems so happy to introduce new alters. But be secretly terrified of it because I was scared an alter I don't know would front and hurt me and the body or the others around me. I soon just again, came to the realization that my feelings were simply out of fear and finally became comfortable with the fact I was indeed a Fictionkin and he was one of my kintype's.

ྀི ANOTHER ONE I WAS SCARED TO ADMIT. When I played the game, I immediately felt a spiritual connection to him, saw myself as him, and believed I was him in a past life, and I again didn't know why and it was only a few days ago I figured I was a Fictionkin. My kinshift's are really scary though because I'm scared that I may lash out on someone I love even when I never have which is the sad reality for me. Thankfully, I have at least somewhat gotten a grasp on my moods during kinshift's but I'm still scared of the aforementioned. Though, it isn't all bad as i have been comforted by many Fictionkins alike that reassured me that, my fear was valid and that it was actually fairly common for people with kintype's similar to mine.

ྀི Cogimyun
I actually first thought I was just otherhearted with her but no.. I am a Fictionkin and I identify AS her rather than with her. Also, she's my favorite character still despite me identifying as her.

ྀི Lain Iwakura
I watched the anime and I genuinely saw myself as her and I first thought that it was simply me relating to her but that wasn't the case because it was stronger and I believed I was genuinely her in a past world that I very vaguely remember. This most certainly caused a bit of a crisis but I'm fine now and I'm fully comfortable with who I am now.
my otherhearted types (hearttypes) ♡

ྀི Elizabeth Midford
As soon as I saw her on the screen and saw that she was just trying to make Ciel happy again I immediately said "I identify with her!" (I'm paraphrasing since it's a lot more easier and shorter).

ྀི Kyōka Izumi
I literally said "She's just like me fr!" (Again, paraphrasing, I was going through a lot more thoughts than just that but I want to keep it short and simple). I have never identified with a character so much like I've identified with Kyōka.
my otherkin types!!!

ྀི Ghostkin
I fr thought it was just my depersonalization but apparently not, it was straight up a kintype. Shocked I didn't know until like 1 year ago.. I love going around underneath a white bedsheet, it makes me happy and euphoric honestly 😭

ྀི Dragonkin
Never knew I was a dragonkin until at the very least 2 years ago, another one I'm confused I didn't know about earlier. I don't have very strong shifts though and that made me feel kinda fake but I just got used to it and now I don't feel like I'm faking anything that was listed here and I want to thank the otherkin users who reassured me, ily guys sm ❤️ /p
That's all I think?? baiiiii :3
💔😭 A Cry for Help: A Family on the Brink of Disaster in Gaza! 🚨🆘

My name is Ahmad Muneer Al-Anqer, a 33-year-old man and father of four innocent children: Qusai (12 years old) 👦, Jouri (7 years old) 👧, Mohammed (4 years old) 👶, and Adam (9 months old) 🍼. We are now trapped in a terrifying nightmare after losing everything we owned in a single moment! 💔💔💥

A Night of Destruction…💣🔥
Imagine this: it was a night that seemed like any other, my children’s laughter filled the house, and our hearts beat with love and hope. Suddenly, the ground shook beneath our feet 💥💣, and we heard a sound like thunder… then an eerie silence. Everything was over! 😱💔 Shells exploded everywhere, the walls of our home collapsed over our heads 🏠💣, and the deafening sounds mingled with the screams of my children 😭😢. We crawled out from under the rubble with battered bodies and terrified hearts, running through the smoke and debris, searching for safety 🏃♂️🏃♀️. Our home, once full of life, is now a heap of ashes. 😔💔

Unbearable Suffering…😥😫
Since that fateful moment, we’ve been living in an ongoing nightmare. My children no longer know what safety means. Qusai and Jouri cry every night 😭💔, hiding from the sound of explosions, asking me: “Why are we living in this hell?” 🔥💣 And I stand powerless before their tears. Mohammed, who used to run and play, now sits in a corner, frightened, refusing to leave my side 😢. As for little Adam, he has never known the taste of comfort or a good night’s sleep 🥺💤. Even his innocent laughter has become a thing of the past.

Hunger, Thirst, and Slow Death…🍞💧💊
We are now homeless 🏚️, without food 🍽️, and without clean water 💧. My children go to bed hungry and in pain, waking up each morning with only remnants of hope 😞😣. We are caught between life and death ⚠️⚰️. Our strength has collapsed, our health is deteriorating, and we struggle daily to get even the bare necessities 🥖💧. My wife and I are in desperate need of both physical and psychological treatment 💊🩺, but how can we access it? Everything seems distant, everything is far away… even survival itself. 😔

There’s No Time to Hesitate… Our Lives Are in Your Hands! 🙏💖
This plea is not just words; it’s a cry from a desperate heart 🆘💔. Every passing minute brings us closer to an even greater disaster ⏳⚠️. Your donation today will not only rebuild our home 🏠, but it will also rebuild our lives 💞. It will help us feed our starving children 🍞👧👦, provide them with clean water 💧, and perhaps restore the safety they have lost. 🕊️
Your donation today could save us from falling into the abyss 🆘😢. Don’t wait; every second counts in our lives. ⏰💡

Help us survive, help us give our children a new chance. Your donation now can be the lifeline that saves us from drowning. 🆘🙏💔
Donate now, and don’t let this family continue its fall into despair! 💔⚠️🙏