xmhaoluvr - 애라 ♡
애라 ♡

you can call me aera (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) she/her || carat and 42 (sai)/multistan minghao, woozi, kyungmin, and jihoon biased

28 posts


◦˚~ ANIMATED STARS DIVIDERS by enchanthings ~˚◦


Info: these were all drawn & animated by me. please reblog/like if use!

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More Posts from Xmhaoluvr

6 months ago


a little something before we start, italicized text will indicate that the conversation is happening in the Chinese language

_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐

HANJIN has never been more enthusiastic than he ever did before. He just found out that Xinxiang, Henan, his hometown, is one of the stops for the group’s world tour. His excitement reached through the roof causing him to video call his family

“Mā! I’m gonna be able to visit you guys!” He conversed with his mom in Chinese. His two younger brothers that were also in the frame of his mom’s camera, looked at each other and cheered in their mother’s ears before running off somewhere to celebrate “Are you really going to?”

He took notice of how his mom looks like she’s about to cry, and that made him well up tears, too “Don’t cry mā, and yes, I’m gonna come home” and with that, his mom bursted out crying and so did he

“Mā, stop crying” he whined out, getting up to get tissues, “I’m sorry, bǎo bǎo. Māmā is just so happy I can finally see you after three years”

Hanjin smiled at this and wiped his tears with the tissue he got “We’re stopping at Beijing before going there,” he sniffed “Do you want anything from there, mā?” His mom shook her head “All I need is for you to come home safe to me”

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

“HANJIN, wake up. We’re here at Xinxiang” the said man got shook awake by the oldest in the group, Shinyu. The moment what Shinyu said had registered in his head, he’s suddenly wide awake and ran off the bus

The moment he stepped foot out of the bus, he was immediately met by two young males tackling his waist to a hug

“Gēge! You’re finally back!” the two male said at the same time as if it was practiced “Yeah, gēge’s back” Hanjin said, a wide grin plastered on his face as he ruffles their hair

“Hanjin, we’ll get going to the hotel, call us if you decided where you’d sleep” Dohoon said causing Hanjin to nod, he waved goodbye to the bus as it drove off

“Where’s mā?” Hanjin said, walking with his two brothers who insisted on carrying his bags “At home, preparing your food. She’s making mala xiang guo” “Then what are we waiting for? The last one home will be the one to wash the dishes” Hanjin raced his brothers, a big grin still on his face “No fair, gēge! We’re carrying your bags!” “You wanted to, it’s not my fault”

Oh how Han Zhen missed this so much; the leisure, and stress-free life. The things he’d do to experience that again everyday, but don’t get him wrong, he doesn’t regret being an idol. He just misses the feeling of running around with friends without a care in the world

He reached his home and looked back at his brothers to see them struggling, and with effort, the youngest one reached the house second which meant the middle kid reached last “No fair,” he heaved heavily upon reaching the house “I have gēge’s biggest bag” Hanjin ruffled his hair while laughing “A rule’s a rule” and went inside with his brother grumbling

“Māmā?” He called out, a wave of nostalgia hit him like a plane, the times when he’d come home from school and call for his mom before going straight to the kitchen cause he know she’s there. it took everything in him not to cry, he surely did miss his mom, that’s for sure

He reached the kitchen and smiled upon seeing the back of his mom and rushed to hug her; well, at least he thought it was his mom “Zhen! You’re home!” He heard his mom’s voice from behind causing him to frown his eyebrows. He looked behind him and saw his mom smiling widely

He blinked a few times before looking at the girl he’s hugging and saw the person he never expected to see. His arms immediately raised and he turned to his mom without a word to the girl

“Mā, I’m home!” He rushed to hug his mom tightly who also returned the favor “Wow, you’ve grown so big, bǎo bǎo. You work out, don’t you? Come, sit, your mala xiang guo is almost done” he got sat down by his mom, but before she left him there, he held her arms

“Mā, why is she here?” His mom pursed her lips, expressing hesitation before answering “I’m sorry, Zhen. You know that she’s the only girl I’ve ever gotten close to among the ones you brought home” “You’re making it sound like I brought many girls home” “Did you not?” “Mā…” his mom laughed

“I’m sorry, Zhen. I’m just so close with [y/n] and I can’t bring to just not talk to her” he sighed before looking at the girl who’s still cooking before looking back at his mom and holding her hands “It’s okay, mā. I just got shocked seeing her here” his mom smiled before going to help the girl at the stove

Hanjin sighed deeply before getting up and go to the living room to get his bags to his room. The only thing he saw in his living room is his two brothers “Where’re my bags?” He asked them, sitting next to them “We put it in your room” the older of the two answered, looking at their brother briefly

“Does [y/n] always come here?” He asked “Ah, right. Sorry gēge, we forgot to tell you. But yeah, jiě jie is always here. Since mom always gets lonely when we go to school, she calls her over. Don’t worry, jiě jie said it’s not a bother since she doesn’t have anything to do anyway”

Hanjin nodded and watched what his brothers are watching but not long after, they got called

“Guys, food’s ready!” Her voice rang through Han Zhen’s head, not expecting to miss that sweet, silky voice. His heart pounded fast and hard before getting up and making his way to the kitchen

He was about to sit on a chair but his two brothers raced him there with big smiles plastered on their faces. The only seat left is by [y/n] but he had no choice

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

He’s now sitting on the porch of the house, admiring the view he hasn’t seen for three years while sipping warm milk that his mom made him

The door suddenly opened and he looked at the person who opened it “Ah, sorry” she said before making an act to go back “Wait” he halted her and she did

He stood up and neared her, holding her wrist gently and bringing her out before closing the door. He dragged her to the two seats and sat both of them down

“How are you?” He started, trying to make a small conversation instead of hitting her with the question he always wanted to ask “I’m doing good, thanks. And I can see you’re doing well, too” she responded, words rushed as if not wanting to talk. He scoffed at this, finding it funny

“Since you don’t want to have a small talk, let me just ask directly then,” he looked at her in the eye, a small frown displayed on his face “Why did you do that?” Silence filled both of them for a few seconds before he asked again “Why did you push me away?” Still nothing “Why did you not trust me?”

She then cried, loudly, sobbing into her hands “I’m so sorry, Zhen. I’m sorry” she kept chanting the word ‘sorry’ over and over again. He sighed and sat next to her before hugging her by her side and letting her sob on his shoulder. He pats her back as she kept crying

He wanted to cry, yet he couldn’t bring to do so as the girl he once loved oh so greatly, deeply, and like no other is crying on him, for him

“I didn’t want to ruin your dreams” she finally spoke, rising up from his shoulder but still sniffing and tearing “We both know how that industry works. I couldn’t risk you losing your dreams just because of a stupid relationship” “You think our relationship was stupid?”

He felt hurt, he could feel his heart breaking like how it did when she told him to end what they had

“No, hell, our relationship was something no one can have. It was that special, Zhen. It’s just, if we did continue our relationship, would you be where you are right now? And there’s no doubt that you would get caught on the first week in the industry as you know how clingy you are”

He saw her smile and one also formed on his lips without him knowing

“Do you get my point, Zhen? I’d rather lose you because you have a dream than have you without your dream”

He stayed silent

“You’ve always told me how you wanted to be a part of that industry, look at you, you’re already going on world tours. I don’t know if I still have any right to say this but, I’m so proud, Zhen”

Oh, the words he never heard yet, the words that he always wanted to hear, came from the girl who once broke his heart

It was his turn to cry this time, he sobbed into his hands and felt the girl cradle him in her arms. Her soft hands caressed his back and head, and he swears he could feel her soft lips touching the crown of his head from time to time

It was just like before, it was always like this whenever he wouldn’t pass an audition. He’d always run to her

She’s his solace, his home

He started just sniffing, still cradled in her arms, her hands still caressing him and he felt like he’s being lulled to sleep

“I’m really sorry, Zhen. I know how bad I’ve hurt you, trust me, it killed me too. I’ve always wanted to end it all for hurting you so much, but your mom always made sure I was okay”

He sat straight up and looked at her puffy eyes with his own puffy eyes and held her hand

“Would it be bad if I ask you if we can start once more?” He bit his bottom lip “Because trust me, those three years felt like hell when I had no one to call about my small achievements, my group’s wins, my adventures. The only person I could do that with, is you. [y/n], you’re the only girl I have ever felt immense comfort and peace with. My heart always feels like it’s gonna explode whenever I see you”

He touched his forehead with hers as they both teared up, holding her face in his hands as his thumbs caressed her cheeks

“I love you so much it hurts”


AND THAT’ A WRAP 🎉 LOLOLOL this went longer than i expected lmfao. but i hope this is good! i hope this can satisfy you guys 😭


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5 months ago

The taeil situation should be a harsh reminder to everyone that we DO NOT KNOW OUR IDOLS.

I don’t want to see anyone defending him. I don’t want to see anyone downplaying the seriousness of this just because he’s a well loved idol. This is a very serious situation and he does not deserve any stupid kpop stans running to kiss the ground that he walks on even as he commits grevious sexual crimes.

You don’t know him. I don’t know him. We support and fall in love with whatever side of an idol that they put on screen. No matter how much content you watch from an idol, it can never be equivalent to knowing them. It’s very easy to fake things or only show the pleasant side of yourself to fans. It has happened countless times. Can we please accept this fact?

Yes, this news is shocking. It’s always a hard pill to swallow finding out that an idol you supported turned out to be a vile criminal. But can we please stop believing that our idols are perfect angels who can do no wrong? They are human. And many of them are men. There needs to be a wall separating delusion from reality.

6 months ago


_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐

Sobbing was all YOUNGJAE could hear upon entering his shared apartment with his girlfriend. With how loud the sobs were, he knew that she didn’t hear him come home

Changing from shoes to a pair of home slippers, he went to set down his things on the couch before going to their shared room. Once he opened the door, the sobbing immediately stopped and he saw the blankets moving subtly; tried to be subtle at least

He changed into his pajamas before tucking himself next to her and immediately spooning her

“I’m home,” he said, kissing her cheeks ever so lightly a few times before hugging her tightly and then letting loose “Have you eaten?” he nodded upon her question “How about you?” “I did, too”



“Are you alright?” he asked, voice soft and in a whisper, trying to not hit a button yet it did. Her tears suddenly started coming out without a warning, her sobs earlier turned into bawling as she turned around to bury her face into his chest

Oh how he hates hearing her cry, especially like this. It’s like he can’t do anything to make her feel better

He caressed her back and head, kissing it from time to time while her clutch on Youngjae never loosened

Once her cries calmed down, he asked her, “Are you willing to tell me?” she nodded and told Youngjae about everything

If Youngjae liked your friends before, he surely didn’t now. The way they made you feel so invalidated was so wrong. And they’ve always done this? Oh he was so ready to confront them for you

“I’m so sorry, baby,” he planted a kiss on the top of her head “If only I knew how you felt, I would’ve tried to do something so that your friends will stop doing that. You deserve to feel and know that your feelings are valid and never a kill-joy. How you feel is important. What they did to you should never be excused, it doesn’t matter if they’re a friend or not, the fact that they kept invalidating your feelings should be an enough sign to cut them off,”

He wiped her teary eyes that listened to every words he said

“But they’re the friends I have…” you said sadly and Youngjae shook his head. He held your face with both of his hands, rubbing his thumb on your cheeks ever so lightly

“You have me, and I can introduce you to my friends! They’re the kindest people I’ve ever known– and! Will never make you feel invalidated”

He placed a light kiss on her forehead, it felt like a feather just dropped by

“I love you so much, love”


end! sorry if this is bad lol. i wrote this feeling down bc i felt invalidated so this is vv self indulgent 😅 i might make another youngjae one that is better than this and *venting starts here* i just felt so invalidated earlier that i left the group chat :( i wanted comfort and a shoulder to cry on because it wasn’t the first time it happened and i just didn’t know how to confront them *venting ends* i wanted comfort and a shoulder to cry on and youngjae was the first one who came to mind; very chronically online i know lol but he just looks like the type of person to give the best comfort and hug, i love him so much no one will understand ☹️


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6 months ago


_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐

KYUNGMIN looked at the time inside the practice room and had noticed that it was already 11 PM. He sighed frustratingly and hurried to pack his things. He’s the only one left in the said room so he’s the one who turned off everything and closed up. Rushing to the elevator, he held his bag tightly in order for it to not fall out of his grasp

“Wait! Please hold the door!” He shouted out to the person inside the elevator but it was too late, thus, he made a detour and ran to the stairs that was on the other side of the building. He saw the flight of stairs while catching his breath from running and sighed deeply before running down

“Shit!” He cursed out loud after almost falling down before continuing his run for the HYBE Building main door

As he was about to run home to his apartment, he heard someone call his name “Kyungmin!!” He turned around and saw his senior, Seungkwan

“Ah, senior!” He greeted enthusiastically albeit heaving deeply “Why are you out of breath?” The older asked, “Ah, well, I need to rush home so…” Still catching his breath, he smiled to his senior “Let me give you a ride” Seungkwan offered “Is it okay?” Seungkwan nodded and Kyungmin followed him to his car

The car ride was full of laughs and conversation, and when Seungkwan found the right time to ask, he did, “Why were you running home?” He asked, swerving with one hand “Ah, well… my girlfriend” Kyungmin whispered out, feeling bashful as he massaged his ear. Seungkwan didn’t quite catch it though, much to Kyungmin’s dismay

“What was that?” Seungkwan asked again “Well, my girlfriend is waiting and we talked about coming home late when we don’t really have a packed schedule” The blonde admitted with a timid voice and Seungkwan laughed “You’re so cute, don’t take my laugh the wrong way. You just remind me of myself because my girlfriend is also like that” Seungkwan said with a laugh making Kyungmin do so as well

They reached Kyungmin’s apartment and the aforementioned bowed 90 degrees while thanking Seungkwan “Make sure to be extra loving to your girlfriend” Seungkwan teased before leaving, Kyungmin blushed and went up to their unit

Kyungmin unlocked the door and saw his girlfriend sitting on the living room watching TV… and she looked pissed. He gulped before setting down his bag and sitting next to her “‘m sorry” he said immediately but received no response

“Baby?” Nothing

“Love?” Nothing

“Pretty?” Nothing

“Sweetie?” Nothing

“Honey?” Still nothing

He had tried every corny call signs he could think of but he still received no response. She had stood up and walked to the kitchen and he followed; like a baby duck following the mother duck all while holding the hem of her shirt

She placed take outs on the table, slightly slamming it “Eat before sleeping” and left to go to their shared bedroom. Frowning, Kyungmin followed her inside and saw her tucking herself “Love…” he whined out, snuggling next to her and spooning her; he kept placing kisses on her cheeks, trying to be extra loving like how Seungkwan said

“I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t notice the time and I forgot to call you. I was so focused on practicing because I wanted to perfect our new choreography for our Comeback Show at Inkigayo. I know I should’ve called your first and I know I made you worried, I saw your 53 missed calls,” he said with a small smile

“I’m really sorry, baby. I promise I won’t ever do it again” he kissed her cheek one last time and heard her sniff “You crying?” “It’s just… I thought something happened to you” she said, wiping her tears before facing and hugging him, her face buried deep into his chest “Please call me first next time, I was so worried” he kissed the top of her head before caressing it and she continued to cry “I know, I’m sorry, it won’t happen again”


YAYYYY WE’RE DONE WITH MY SECOND FIC 🥹 i’ve always wanted to write for TWS but i never found the right motivation and inspiration to do so and now i’m overflooding with it 😭 this might not reach expectations but i hope it’s good enough 🥹

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6 months ago


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