red bull my beloved ][ i am not a child

239 posts

Had A Nightmare Last Night Where I Fucked Up A Drawing I Spent Way Too Much Time On. Woke Up In A Cold

had a nightmare last night where i fucked up a drawing i spent way too much time on. woke up in a cold sweat. if that doesnt describe art school then idk what does…

More Posts from Xx-red-bull-my-tummy-hurtz-xx

I’d sneak into a library late at night with you

someone probably already made this meme buut

Someone Probably Already Made This Meme Buut
October Please Be Kind
October Please Be Kind
October Please Be Kind
October Please Be Kind
October Please Be Kind
October Please Be Kind
October Please Be Kind
October Please Be Kind

october please be kind

all too well; taylor swift // the secret history; donna tartt // a letter to felice bauer; franz kavka // dead poets society // sweater weather; the neighbourhood // desire; beau taplin // mahmoud darwish // gossip girl; season 2 episode 7

90% of college has been redbull and pure spite. who knows what real food is

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Asking people to explain new occult ideas to me like "you have 50 snipers trained on you right now. Be normal and source your claims or else. No citing TikToks either."