xyz-hdl - Unbetitelt

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31 posts

So, Having Watched Season 4 (with Tears In My Eyes) I'm Quite Sure That There Won't Be A 5 Season.

So, having watched season 4 (with tears in my eyes) I'm quite sure that there won't be a 5 season.

And honestly, I'm ok with that. I think the finale did really well even if it raised a few questions which could be answered in a fifth season. But I don't see them doing it.

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More Posts from Xyz-hdl

10 months ago

#give me all of it #I need it

Top 15 Helaegon scenes (that we will probably never see)

Note that these are my opinions and preferences and if you don’t agree with them, just ignore it and scroll away 

As much as I love these two and team green in general, it is obvious that the writers of hotd clearly have a bias towards team black. ( That especially sucks when you consider the fact that the team green castings are utter perfection ) But with what they have done in s1, I highly doubt s2 is going to give the greens anything and instead just make them comically evil and rush their plot lines and what not

So this is basically a list of scenes I would have loved to see for Helaegon in both seasons (I may do the other characters as well) 

The list is organised from most likely to happen/ to have happened (it won’t/wouldn’t have but I need a system) i.e. 15 and least likely to happen / to have happened i.e. 1 

Top 15 Helaegon Scenes (that We Will Probably Never See)
Top 15 Helaegon Scenes (that We Will Probably Never See)
Top 15 Helaegon Scenes (that We Will Probably Never See)
Top 15 Helaegon Scenes (that We Will Probably Never See)
Top 15 Helaegon Scenes (that We Will Probably Never See)
Top 15 Helaegon Scenes (that We Will Probably Never See)
Top 15 Helaegon Scenes (that We Will Probably Never See)
Top 15 Helaegon Scenes (that We Will Probably Never See)
Top 15 Helaegon Scenes (that We Will Probably Never See)

15.a scene after blood & cheese

🕯️him approaching her after/during the funeral 

🕯️them trying to not cry in front of the other but all in vain

🕯️them seeking comfort with each other (even if doesn’t last long)

14.hurt/comfort conversation/ argument about Aegon’s drinking and whoring 

🕯️could tie into no.13 

🕯️them arguing at the top of their lungs 

🕯️or having a conversation through tears 

13.a heartfelt conversation about how they are handling being king and queen

🕯️them talking about the pressure

🕯️how they are not ready for it/cut out for it

🕯️them promising each other that they’ll look out for the other and keep their family safe 

12.them at the green counsel together 

🕯️just to watch them glance at each other when a counsel member says something stupid/questionable/ about their kids or them

🕯️them holding hands when tough news is presented 

🕯️them listening intently whenever the other speaks 

11.dragon riding 

🕯️(flashback) Aegon asking her if she would like to go dragon riding with him as she has just claimed dreamfyre 

🕯️them flying around king’s landing with their kids saddled in on their dragons dinner

🕯️just the greens having dinner together to welcome daeron and/or gwayne 

🕯️them keeping a close eye on their kids but slowly letting their guard down when they see how comfortable they are with their uncle

🕯️them being the older sibling menaces they are and teasing the hells out of Aemond and Daeron 

🕯️Helaena having to leave early as the kids want only her to get them to bed and Aegon bringing desert to her in their room

09.their younger versions interacting with Rhaenyra 

🕯️either separately or together 

🕯️Helaena being closed off at firsts but then they start discussing all sorts of things from bugs to jewellery to how both of them loved to hear stories from Alicent 

🕯️Aegon and Rhaenyra initially wanting to keep away from each other but they have a small talk before his wedding about Helaena, their dragons and their father before they are rudely interrupted by either daemon or Otto or both. 

08.scenes with their kids 

🕯️Helaena comforting Jaehaerys after someone made a comment about his fingers

🕯️Aegon having some self reflection after Jaehaera says they threatened to rape her (obviously in the show, would not have included the rapist thing if I was writing it but if they wanted to “redeem” him, this is the best solution imo)

🕯️them trying to decide what to name maelor along with the twins 

07.Helaena’s pregnancy 

🕯️either with maelor or a 4th child (according to some leaks) 

🕯️Criston whispering to Aegon during a counsel that it’s a boy/girl 

🕯️him looking around the arguing members and quietly slipping out of the room before rushing to his wife scene 

🕯️after the jace debacle, his insecurities skyrocket 

🕯️just him getting fully intoxicated by his wife as they dance 

🕯️them laughing as they spin around 

🕯️them getting applause and cheers as they make their way to the floor 

05.them gifting each other stuff 

🕯️necklaces, brooches for not being around as often 

🕯️chalices with various dragon imagery for his nameday 

🕯️her stitching his favourite flower onto his nightshirt

🕯️them getting their kids to help when they want to surprise the other with something 

04.(flashback) where they get into trouble and collectively decide to blame Aemond 

🕯️Alicent interrogating the shit out of them 

🕯️one look and they were at the library reading mythology about the Seven and the last person they saw at the crime scene was Aemond 

🕯️Alicent gives a disappointed sigh and they are both dismissed and as they walk away- a casual “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?” from the other side of the door flashback

🕯️Both are initially against it, they think of it as a punishment 

🕯️but a talk with their mother or half-sister makes them understand that this is for the betterment of the family  

🕯️they dance together, they talk shit about what the lords and ladies are wearing, they soften up at their mother’s wide smile 

🕯️Perhaps their father is smiling too. They can’t tell. But right now it doesn’t matter, they don’t care.

🕯️Aegon wearing white with gold details and a gold cloak with his hair tied up

🕯️Helaena wearing white with silver details and blue jewels on her dress and her crown 

02.bathtub scene 

🕯️domestic helaegon all day EVERYDAY 

🕯️her cleaning him up with his burns

🕯️he starts crying but they work through it together until it’s over 

🕯️him cleaning her during her pregnancy

🕯️them giggling like their kids 

🕯️them helping each other get dressed afterwards (like just imagine them in what seems to be a hug while he laces up her dress and she pins in his cloak) 

01. A sex scene 

🕯️enough said really.

Alright I hope you liked it

Since the writers for hotd won’t, send me the number and I’ll write a drabble 

2 years ago

This is episode was crack for Alicole shippers.

1.) They don’t just live in each other’s personal space … they have 3/2 two floor suburban home with a white picket fence. 

2.) Criston’s aware that - the now - Lord Strong is creeping on his girl … and he don’t like it (and neither does she) 

3.) When she’s going completely off the rails, the first person she turns to for comfort and support is Criston. 

4.) Lord Commander Westerling is noticing how close and too complementary Alicent and Cole are together.

5.) When she’s in danger, Criston runs - RUNS - to her 

5.) He has to be held back multiple times and Lord Westerling has to call him out for being too protective of Alicent.

6.) When Rhaenyra and Daemon stare them down while comforting Luke, they cut to Criston and Alicent comforting Aemond together - the dueling couples.  

2 years ago

Das freut mich zu hören :)

Ja sag amal??? Ich mach da ganz mies gestimmt ao3 auf und geh auf Tatort UND SEH NE ROSA HERZOG/JAN PAWLAK FIC?????? WAAAAAAAS????

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9 months ago

"you are the only person in the world who understands me and went through the same thing as me but we can't find it in ourselves to be there for each other"

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1 year ago
Yes I Know Its 2021 Butim Back On My Bullshit With This Ship (idk For How Long, Lets Enjoy It While It

yes i know it’s 2021 but i’m Back On My Bullshit with this ship (idk for how long, let’s enjoy it while it lasts) so here’s a brief rec list for what i’m calling the best of the best

28 fics under the cut (i told you it’s just the BEST) with links and descriptions! personal faves are marked with a ✦

you can find a much longer (65 fics) abridged haymitch/katniss list here and, as always, my complete hunger games rec list can be found here (haymitch/katniss + a few cinna/katniss), all other rec lists are here :)
