yarstarthewolf - Yarstar

I'm on the g/t side of power

88 posts

The Decimate Of Human's

The Decimate of Human's

Please tell me if I need to put an TW's


Sapnap and George skidded across the floors as they raced to the kitchen, Sapnap collided with George as he reached out to open the kitchen cabinet. Sapnap gave an annoyed huff as his eyes gazed around the empty cabinet, George peered from behind the shorter male. Both groaned in annoyance as they slammed the cabinet shut.

George and Sapnap went to the living room and flopped down the couch, As if it was planned Dream came back home. The blond male closed the door as he held multiple bags filled with edible items, The two boys who were once on the couch immediately jumped and snatched a few bags from the taller male.

"Guy's be careful I just bought those!" Dream remarked as he quickly went away from the two other boys, Both brunettes let out a sound of victory as they found their wanted snacks.

"Hey Dream is it crowded out?" George said as he munched on raisin cookies, "Not really." Dream nonchalantly replied as he carefully placed the items he bought in the cabinets, As the three boys chatted happily. They suddenly heard loud alarms blaring, Sapnap and Dream knew it was the alarm signaling lock down.

All the boys were on the verge of panic as they scrambled to lock the doors and secure their house, George was still quite confused and peeked outside the window. The brunette gasped at the sight of multiple people. No-...Giants?

George stared as citizens ran around as the gigantic humans were attempting to step on them. George could feel he was going to hurl at the sight and backed away. Dream and Sapnap have yet to see the commotion outside and were confused when George was panicked and had sweat dripping down his forehead.

"George- Dude you alright?" Sapnap spoke as he stared with a concerned look, "T-Ther-..." George stuttered as he spoke "T-There's...Giants-..." Sapnap and Dream were still befuddled with George's actions, Sapnap took a peep at the window and saw ruin. The streets were trashed and loud noises were heard from the outside—maybe they would have heard if Dream didn't have a sound proof house—Faint screams and crashes could be heard from the outside.

As time passed with the three boys sitting in the living room waiting for further news, George and Sapnap were both shaken up Dream didn't bother to check outside. Although his curiosity wouldn't last long as Sapnap and George each share what they saw.

Hours passed...Not a single announcement came from the news, They all felt nervous yet none of them dared to peek outside again. From George's explanation of apparent giant's they were anxious if the 'giants' spotted them.

It was starting to get nerve wracking, They all thought about doing something productive.

George groaned at the idea and would rather stay on the couch, Sapnap and Dream both scoffed as they went to do other stuff.

Dream went to check on their water supply incase the water got cut, Whilst Sapnap went to see how long the food will last if it was rationed.

The TV suddenly switched to the news and all the boys heard it as they immediately jumped to check.

"Dear Citizens, Please stay in your houses. Humans are instantaneously turning into these gigantic beasts researchers have yet to find what has been causing this, Although apparently some still keep their human minds and gain thr ability to shift their sizes. Traffickers are using this to their advantages if they do get the ability. It could potentially be a sickness, Although whatever it is the symptoms are the following..." All of them were attentive and practically glued their eyes to the screen.


"Passing out at random times."

"Lost cravings for food."

"Random attacks."

"Itchy skin."

"Fevers that apparently come and go."

"Increase tiredness."

"These symptoms come very slowly for shifters as found out recently..."

They all took a deep sigh of relief, The news reporter continued.

"Please make sure the supplies you have will last 60 days, In 60 days the military will do a scout in the neighborhoods. If you live in the cities make sure you have food for 70 days. Then the military will do a scout then...We will inform you as soon as possible." After said the screen disconnected and the boys released a breath they didn't even know were holding.

There was silence. It was obvious they were in thought, "Well..." Sapnap spoke as he looked up at the two other males. "Atleast if we ration the food it'll last Atleast 75 days. But we should be fine since we're in a neighborhood"

"Luckily we got the timing right to buy groceries." George said as he gave a breathy laugh, "You mean I got the timing. You guys didn't even know I was going to get groceries!" Dream chuckled as he nudged George on the shoulder.

"Yea, yea whatever." George responded as he got up from the couch. Dream saw the light slowly dissappear from the outside of the window, "It's getting late-" Drean said as he took a peek just to make sure, "Cmon let's head to bed."


Dream groaned as he woke up from his bed, His head pounded as if he was drunk the entire night. He brushed it off as a result from stress, The blond peeked outside seeing as the skies were dark and it was foggy, Even with the fog he could tell it was destroyed and it looked horrible.

Dream slowly left his room as he heard chatter downstairs, Dream walked down the stairs as he instantly got greeted. "Hey sleepy head." Sapnap sneered as George stayed silent yet gave a cheery smile his way.

"Sorry I must've been stressed-" Dream muttered but luckily loud enough for the others to hear, "Anywa-" George was cut off by the ground softly shaking. Sapnap scrambled to check at the window as both Dream and George were frozen still—Dream was frozen due to him still being tired and George was terrified.

Sapnap saw one of the 'beasts' rummaging around the house that fell into ruin. It didn't even look human...It had torn clothes, sharp nail, and incredibly deadly canines.

It looked alarming as it pushed down the remaining standing walls of the house. Sapnap scrunched his face at the terrifying ease the giant creature took to do so.

"It's one of those giant things-" Sapnap whispered to the two males who were now suddenly beside him, "We should get away from the window and turn off the lights, We can't risk for it to see us." Dream ordered as he walked to the light switch quickly flicking it to turn it off.

They all sat up against a wall as the house now looked as if it was abandoned, The outside was trashed and the plants were dead. The air was still and all that the males could hear was the faint shuffling outside across the streets.

Soon the shuffling noises came to a brief stop, Then the soft pitter patter of the rain could be heard as it came in contact with the window. Dream stood up which confused the brunettes.

"I'll cook, Luckily we still have electricity it should last for a bit..." Dream grumbled as he went to the kitchen and turned on the light again, Dream took some eggs and started to fry them.


Dream's head throbbed in pain as his face was in the duvets of his bed. The whole day it was raining, They expected a thunderstorm tonight which should be fine. The house was pretty stable a storm shouldn't be a problem. I mean, It was Florida after all.

Dream was almost in tears he attempted to fall asleep which wasn't as hard as he anticipated.

"George give me back those Lay's!" Sapnap screamed although quiet enough to not alert the blond upstairs, "Not until you tell me where you hid my cookies!" George remarked. Sapnap took umbrage at his remarks.

"Fine it's over there-" Sapnap pointed at a place near the shoes as he caught his chips while George ran to reclaim his cookies, They were eating happily until they suddenly heard a loud crash upstairs. Wanting to know what it was, they gathered the courage and willed themselves to go upstairs and investigate what it was.

They crept upstairs, Sapnap leading first. They both knew Dream was upstairs yet he didn't say what he was doing, They entered the room which was at the end of the long hallway.

Dream was sitting on the floor with a scratch on his forehead which confused the brunettes. "Yo man are you okay-?" Sapnap uttered as he went nearer the blond "Why-...." Dream groaned before he continued, "Why does the door frame seem lower-" Dream let out a exasperated sigh.

George came up and both boys helped the blond stand up. Both brunettes gasped once the blond stood upright, Their friend was now way taller than they recalled, George gulped as he backed away a bit while Sapnap scrunched his face.

"Dream..." Sapnap managed to huff out, "What have you been feeling lately..." The stern look Sapnap gave made Dream suddenly realized the height difference. "Wha-...I don't know I've just been light headed recently." Dream's eyes widened at the grave realization. Both brunettes were already quite terrified.

The taller male stumbled back as he panicked, "B-But how!?" Dream retorted as he kept his gaze on the ground, Too ashamed to face his friends. "Look dude-...I don't know but you were outside before the outbreak happened." Sapnap stated.

"W-We should leave you alone, right now." Sapnap stuttered as he backed away to leave the room but came to an abrupt stop as he bumped into something behind him, "Sap we can't leave him like this!" George exclaimed.

"Look, George I don't want to but what other choice do we have?" Sapnap argued.

The two shorter males argued. Dream was so focused at his friends arguing he didn't realized he shrunk to his former height. Dream stood up to break apart the two before they mauled eachother.

"Stop!" Dream said as he bared his teeth, Glaring at the two boys he finally realized he was like his original height—Not like he could extremely tell, Dream couldn't look at someone and tell how tall they are—"Dude your a shifter-" Both brunettes spoke in unison as Dream cocked his eyebrow.

"Didn't they say shifters recieve the symptoms slower?" George intervened. "Atleast we have time to think before I well-..." Dream muttered as he recalled the symptoms. "Yea-..." George huffed as he lowered his head.

"L-Look I don't want to hurt you guys so I'll just stay in my room." Dream declared as he started to carefully escort his friends out of his room, "Wait-" Sapnap spoke but before he could continue the door was slammed shut. They heard a click signaling it was locked.

"Fine we'll bring you food later-..."

Dream sobbed as he fell to the floor, He let out strangled breaths and his heart ached. Whilst the two boys who were now downstairs, Worried about their friend. "Sapnap..." George turned hid head to look at the shorter, "What should we do...?" George had tears pricking his eyes.

"I don't know George..."

"I don't know..."


I have exams today and I'm gonna be late do enjoy😋

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More Posts from Yarstarthewolf

2 years ago

Blue or Black?


I don't remember Blue being explained thoroughly so if what I'm writing is wrong then just imagine it's right for the story. And as I rewatched Ghostbur's lore it was tacky to me so sorry if I got his personality wrong. And also idk if Ghostbur can be hugged so bare with me.


Ghostbur, The sweet lovable ghost who loved making people happy, Trotted across the dirt pathways in the forests—a land which is dominated by trees—He was humming happily with Friend by his side, With a soft soothing face.

Ghostbur continued to hum as he was about to go to a lake where he usually stays, The lake was beautifully surrounded by flowers and had probably the healthiest grass you have ever seen.

Although as he neared closer to the lake, He saw a giant figure sitting criss-crossed. A netherite axe laid closely beside the figure as it slowly swirled its finger in the crystalline waters, Ghostbur smiled as the figure seemed to be familiar of him.

"Ghostbur...?" The giant said as he lifted his hand from the waters and lightly flicked the droplets from his hand. "Hi Dream!" Ghostbur exclaimed as he sprinted to the male, "You seem down?" Ghostbur muttered out and swiftly pulled out a blue substance which he placed at the giant palm, "Have some blue, Calm yourself." An easing voice came from the ghost as a soft echo followed after.

But to Ghostbur's surprise the Blue instantly turned to a midnight black and crumbled to the forest floor as it made contact with the giant's skin, Ghostbur let out a confused huff. He took some Blue once more and yet again it crumbled to the ground, Practically looking like dust.

Dream sighed as the beady black eyes of the mask stared at Ghostbur, The giant stood up grabbing his axe with him. "Hey wait have some Blue!" Ghostbur yelled.

The other male stared at the ghost for a while, As no response came out of him. Soon the male started walking away with a ghost and sheep chasing behind, The wind blew softly and the calming winds made the giant take a sigh.


Soon enough the ghost and the sheep were sitting at the giant's cupped hands as Ghostbur kept placing Blue at the giants skin as it always turned to a solid midnight black and crumbled to the ground below, Dream huffed as he continued walking back to The Greater SMP.

As the sheep slept comfortably on the palm of the giants hands, He kept staring at the ghost who kept trying to put the Blue substance at his skin for it to crumble and leave a trail of small bits of pieces and dust from the Blue.

Once they could see the lands of the SMP in sight Drean kneeled down to place Friend and Ghostbur on the soft grounds of the earth. Ghostbur simply stared as he watched the giant slowly shrink to a size he would normally be seen in. Barely anyone on the SMP knew the admin could sizeshift.

Dream was quiet, As he continued walking to the SMP leaving Ghostbur and Friend sitting on the grassy ground, Ghostbur quickly stood up and sprinted to chase the admin. Dream turned to his side to see Ghostbur skipping beside him with a happy expression.

"Why are you still following me Ghostbur?" Dream spoke as he let a bit of softness seep into his tone, Ghostbur stayed quiet and yet again took some Blue and took Dreams hand and placed it. Yet again the same occurrence happened.

Dream chuckled as he shook his hand softly then looked back front to continue walking on the pathway. Ghostbur happily trotted beside sizeshifter.


Dream sat on the cold obsidian floor of his cell as he sat stiff and still. He missed his rival, He missed the days he would shift outside of the SMP and ran around and acted like a child to his hearts content. Barely anyone knew anything about Dream at all. They all thought he was serious and cold, They all thought he was quite like Techno yet almost never made jokes. Yet Ghosbur knew...

After some time with Ghostbur, Dream grew quite fond of him and Friend. Dream missed sitting by the lake as Ghostbur made flower crowns and constantly tried to give Dream Blue. Even if he took the Blue it would still crumble and soon turn to ash,

Dream even missed Friend, Ghostbur's therapy sheep. He got used to the occasional 'baa's' Friend would let out, Dream snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the lava lowering and he could see a figure on the other side. Sam stepped on the platform as it moved closer to the cell, Sam simply walked over to the prisoner and dropped the raw potatoes on his side.

When Sam was about to leave he felt a tug on his pants, He turned his head to see Dream still having a hold on his pants. "What do you need?" Sam spoke annoyed yet roughly, "Can..." Dream muttered out as he let go of Sam and placed both his hands on the ground. "Can you see if Ghostbur can visit?" Dream asked with small hope gleaming in his eyes.

Sam almost felt pity for the man as he stares directly at the eyes of the prisoner, Sam sighed then spoke "I'll see what I can do-..." As that was said Sam turned his head and continued to leave the cell.

Sam glanced again at the prisoner with a solemn look, Yet quickly switched once again and left to inform Ghostbur if he can meet the prisoner.


Ghostbur gleamed as he saw the prison in view, It stood intimidating and terrifying. But Ghostbur pushed the fear away as he smiled, Excited to see his friend once more.

He trotted closer to the prison—Friend didn't come with and slept—Ghostbur met Sam and did all the prison protocols before entering.

Now Ghostbur stood on the platform slowly moving to the cell. Both males stared into eachothers eyes with nothing but the need of holding eachother close.

"Dream?" Ghostbur smiled as he floated closer to the male, Dream stayed quiet and embraced the ghost even if he felt cold. He was warm in Dream's arms,

As they chatted time flew by quickly. Dream missed interaction other than Quackity and Sam, Suddenly both heard Sam's voice with a very clear statement "Time is up, The visitor must leave.". Dream instantly became protective and covered the ghost who was sitting criss-cross on the ground.

The lava lowered as they saw an annoyed and tired Sam, Sam crossed and went to drag Ghostbur but in an instant his arms were stopped, He was grabbed by wrist tightly. As he shuddered a breath as he looked at the dark expression of the prisoner.

He pulled away his arm from the tight grasp of the blond, The warden felt a wave of fear as he saw a definitely evil grin, and crazed eyes placed on the prisoner's face.

Sam backed away as the prisoner stood up, "Dream-...Dream its time for Ghostbur to leave." Sam spoke as he did his best to keep a steady voice. Ghostbur, Who was now standing at the side of the cell, Cluelessly watching everything unfold, Ghostbur's eyes widened as he saw Dream's eyes turn slit. He knew that Dream was fully on instinct.

You see. Dream never mentioned it to anyone but Dream was half-dragon—Making him a hybrid, And dragons tend to be very protective if they care alot about something. Like treasure–Dream growled as he stared at warden's eyes which were filled with fear.

Sam gulped as he reached out to grab Ghostbur to leave as quickly as possible but was stopped as he got slammed into the wall, He stared with wide eyes at he saw the prisoner looking down upon him, A tall figure held his chest by one hand.

Dream was fully on instinct, Sam was paralyzed. Dream grabbed his fist and collided it with the uneven and rocky walls of the cell. The foundation of the wall crumbled into the lava below as it got submerged in the hot orange liquid, Dream stood up with Sam on one fist and Ghostbur in his pocket.

Sam squirmed at the strong grasp of the now giant prisoner. The alarms blared loudly alerting everyone in the server, As people started to reach the prison all they saw was a giant chunk smashed and smoke was covering the area.

Dream and Sam were nowhere to be found, And no one even knew Ghostbur went to visit...


I only proof-read once so sorry if there's any mistakes

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2 years ago

loved the chained monster fic! can i get some g!dream and t!ghostbur possibly? :0

I think this inbox must have been a month ago lol (I’m so sorry

I’m so glad that you guys like that story a lot! My Frd did a great job on writing! I just do the artwork :3

And here’s g!dream and t!ghostbur. I feel like Dream is so chill with Ghostbur . Like he won’t be mad at him or anything. Just chilling together:3

I just like the vibe both of them just enjoying the moment. Maybe sleeping together something like that~

Loved The Chained Monster Fic! Can I Get Some G!dream And T!ghostbur Possibly? :0
Loved The Chained Monster Fic! Can I Get Some G!dream And T!ghostbur Possibly? :0
Loved The Chained Monster Fic! Can I Get Some G!dream And T!ghostbur Possibly? :0

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2 years ago

Honestly, i've been thinking about making an AU of my own, most likely from Genshin Impact tho i've yet to figure out what should it be about... tho ScaraKazu seems like a quite fun idea looking at thier relationship and my absolute love for both of them ඩා

should i do it? That is my only question.

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2 years ago

I bet if a mushroom could lap water out of your hand with a tongue that a gently drinking mushroom tongue on your hand would be the softest and gentlest thing.

2 years ago

The Perfect Hill

HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII @crimpie I WAS YOUR SECRET SANTA!!! I loved both your prompts so much but this is the one I went with! I really hope you like it ❤️❤️❤️ This was created for the 2022  MCYT G/T Secret Santa under the theme ‘winter wonderland’.  @mcyt-gt-events

cw: fear, death mention (but no actual death), I think that’s it? Its pretty fluffy :3

word count:  3089

Czytaj dalej

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