I'm on the g/t side of power
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Yarstarthewolf - Yarstar - Tumblr Blog
Honestly, i've been thinking about making an AU of my own, most likely from Genshin Impact tho i've yet to figure out what should it be about... tho ScaraKazu seems like a quite fun idea looking at thier relationship and my absolute love for both of them ඩා
should i do it? That is my only question.
I recently re-read the Prologue of the Uneasy Alliance AU, And I have a question. If Tubbo is a Ram hybrid, And is slightly jealous of Tommy for having abilities. Then would he sorta betray Tommy maybe?
Possibly team up with Dream
(This became more of a theory then question XD)
Hi, thanks for the ask/theory of yours! :D
It honestly sounds like a great lore but unfortunately not in this story. Although maybe I'll write an alternate chapter that could go like this!
In my story though, Tubbo would never betray his friends. Him and Tommy are like brothers and he wouldn't even think of trying to hurt him just because of some differences. This world is filled with people with many non-human abilities and mixes. He understands that and accepts it, but the jealousy is just a common thing to feel sometimes around people that seem better than you. He also is pretty happy to be at least that, knowing there's other people that have it much worse in this world that doesn't really shine with kindness all the time.
So in short. Tubbo would never hurt or betray his friends. He wants the best for them especially after all the wars and incidents that took place on the SMP.
btw have a nice day/night! :)
The Perfect Hill
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII @crimpie I WAS YOUR SECRET SANTA!!! I loved both your prompts so much but this is the one I went with! I really hope you like it ❤️❤️❤️ This was created for the 2022 MCYT G/T Secret Santa under the theme ‘winter wonderland’. @mcyt-gt-events
cw: fear, death mention (but no actual death), I think that’s it? Its pretty fluffy :3
word count: 3089
Czytaj dalej
loved the chained monster fic! can i get some g!dream and t!ghostbur possibly? :0
I think this inbox must have been a month ago lol (I’m so sorry
I’m so glad that you guys like that story a lot! My Frd did a great job on writing! I just do the artwork :3
And here’s g!dream and t!ghostbur. I feel like Dream is so chill with Ghostbur . Like he won’t be mad at him or anything. Just chilling together:3
I just like the vibe both of them just enjoying the moment. Maybe sleeping together something like that~

You Cry, I Die
Sapnap was a blaze-born, But he was also a borrower. Sapnap enjoyed his life in the forest, He would parkour and explore the land. He usually ate fish and since he was a blaze-born cooking them was a great bonus—Fish would casually flop on land which confused Sapnap since it wasn't normal, But who was he to complain about free food.
He happily continued his life with little to no problems.
That's until winter rolled in, The snow was to thick probably taller than the borrower himself. His abilities didn't work in the cold, Winter was the season Sapnap hated the most. The only way he ever did to survive was to borrow from a humans house until the snow would dissipate.
So far the houses he usually stayed in haven't noticed a literal living tiny person living in their walls, That was until this season...
Sapnap yawned as he sat up from the rocky floors in the wall, He crawled out of the carved out area as he saw the kitchen with the window showing the sun glowing as it appeared from the horizon, Small bits of snow falling aswell, Sapnap blew away a strand of hair that fell infront of the borrower's face as he slowly looked at the clocked that was hanging above the door frame.
6:09 AM
The brunette rubbed his eyes as he straighten his posture, Deciding he should get food before the human woke up. He honestly should've picked a different house—This human had a cat. Yet it was the nearest house he could find before snow started to fall, Although he was confused on why the human had a house in the forest.
Sapnap grabbed some rope—Which was made with paper—He quickly threw ran to the counter, Observing if the feral feline was in the scene. Once the borrower reached the counter he scanned the counter as he aimed to hook his rope to anything that would be enough to hold his weight.
Sapnap wrapped his hands around the makeshift rope, Keeping a sturdy grab. He tugged on the paper seeing if it was secure, Once he did so he gave smirk and immediately started climbing.He vigorously climbed, As he got closer to the top of the counter his body ached—No one could blame him, He just technically woke up. And not like anyone could actually be there to blame him—Sapnap heaved as he flopped onto the kitchen counter.
Sapnap wanted to sleep once more yet he knew the human could wake up any moment, Sapnap groggily pushed himself up as he scanned the counter top. His eyes landed on a stack of bread on a plate, It was unusual but it was the food he knew the most, The rest of the contents on the counter were unfamiliar to the brunette.
He shrugged and made his way to the stack of bread, He went behind the plate as he ripped off a chunk of the bun. Feeling the soft texture under his finger tips, He stuffed it in a make-shift backpack he made with random clothes he found on the woods—He wondered why random human's left their clothes there...
Once the bag was filled he quickly grabbed another decently sized chunk, He opened his mouth as he bit down on the soft thing. He hummed in satisfaction, Closing his eyes as he let himself drift into his thoughts.
The borrower continued munching on the bread, Eventually he finished and he let out a sigh. As Sapnap was about to turn to go back to his 'home' he heard the soft thumps that he could recognize as footsteps. Sapnap started to panic, The brunette immediately looked around for a place to hide but to no avail.
Sapnap's breathing picked up as he heard the footsteps get closer, He crouched down hoping the bread could hide him. He clamped a hand over his mouth to not make sounds.
Soon he heard a yawn, "Hey Patches." The human hummed as he reached out for cat food from one of the cabinets. Sapnap heard shuffling then he could hear the cat food being poured in a bowl.
Sapnap took this chance, Since the human was distracted he could probably run to a better spot. Sapnap willed himself and immediately ran to a near by condiment bottle as he yelped when he got distracted and tripped.
The human's head whipped in the direction of the faint noise, "Shit-" Sapnap muttered as he screwed his eyes shut knowing the human spotted him. "Woah-" The human huffed as he looked at the thing in astonishment.
The human walked closer, Sapnap could feel himself shaking as a shadow loomed over him. Sapnap immediately tried running but fell down when a sudden hand smashed infront of the direction he was running in.
He turned around immediately meeting the gaze of the human, But something was off...Human's don't have slit eyes do they?
Sapnap gave no thought and tried backing away from the human, "Please-..." The borrower started releasing tears. Sapnap almost cursed at himself for whimpering.
Dream shook his head as he heard the borrower let out a slight 'Please'. He immediately felt bad for it, "H-Hey I'm not gonna hurt you-" Dream tried convincing the terrified tiny. Obviously didn't work.
Dream sighed as he retracted and left the kitchen, Hoping he could make friend's with the borrower another time.
Sapnap opened his eyes, He let out a soft gasp as he realized the human was gone, Sapnap didn't question it and immediately ran to his little home before the human returned. Sapnap could feel his heart racing as he curled into a ball, The bag of bread was now layed on the walls of the carved out hole.
The brunette stayed in the wall, Not daring to leave yet—He could hear the cat prodding around the house and the footsteps of the human not to far—Sapnap shuddered as he replayed the sight of seeing the humans eyes.
It looked deadly, blank, menacing, Sapnap wondered how the human's eyes were slit and why did it say it wouldn't hurt him?
It was probably just a trick, There was no way the human didn't wanna kill him. Sapnap knew, Human's thought nothing of borrower's and only saw them as a pest needing to be disposed.
So why...Why did the human attempt to even convince him otherwise?
I'll likely make part 2 since it's short—1k words ain't enough.
Also please send me asks, I'm willing to answer and I'll consider request.
<The title will make sense soon>
Byee, Have a nice day😋💗
The Decimate of Human's
Please tell me if I need to put an TW's
Sapnap and George skidded across the floors as they raced to the kitchen, Sapnap collided with George as he reached out to open the kitchen cabinet. Sapnap gave an annoyed huff as his eyes gazed around the empty cabinet, George peered from behind the shorter male. Both groaned in annoyance as they slammed the cabinet shut.
George and Sapnap went to the living room and flopped down the couch, As if it was planned Dream came back home. The blond male closed the door as he held multiple bags filled with edible items, The two boys who were once on the couch immediately jumped and snatched a few bags from the taller male.
"Guy's be careful I just bought those!" Dream remarked as he quickly went away from the two other boys, Both brunettes let out a sound of victory as they found their wanted snacks.
"Hey Dream is it crowded out?" George said as he munched on raisin cookies, "Not really." Dream nonchalantly replied as he carefully placed the items he bought in the cabinets, As the three boys chatted happily. They suddenly heard loud alarms blaring, Sapnap and Dream knew it was the alarm signaling lock down.
All the boys were on the verge of panic as they scrambled to lock the doors and secure their house, George was still quite confused and peeked outside the window. The brunette gasped at the sight of multiple people. No-...Giants?
George stared as citizens ran around as the gigantic humans were attempting to step on them. George could feel he was going to hurl at the sight and backed away. Dream and Sapnap have yet to see the commotion outside and were confused when George was panicked and had sweat dripping down his forehead.
"George- Dude you alright?" Sapnap spoke as he stared with a concerned look, "T-Ther-..." George stuttered as he spoke "T-There's...Giants-..." Sapnap and Dream were still befuddled with George's actions, Sapnap took a peep at the window and saw ruin. The streets were trashed and loud noises were heard from the outside—maybe they would have heard if Dream didn't have a sound proof house—Faint screams and crashes could be heard from the outside.
As time passed with the three boys sitting in the living room waiting for further news, George and Sapnap were both shaken up Dream didn't bother to check outside. Although his curiosity wouldn't last long as Sapnap and George each share what they saw.
Hours passed...Not a single announcement came from the news, They all felt nervous yet none of them dared to peek outside again. From George's explanation of apparent giant's they were anxious if the 'giants' spotted them.
It was starting to get nerve wracking, They all thought about doing something productive.
George groaned at the idea and would rather stay on the couch, Sapnap and Dream both scoffed as they went to do other stuff.
Dream went to check on their water supply incase the water got cut, Whilst Sapnap went to see how long the food will last if it was rationed.
The TV suddenly switched to the news and all the boys heard it as they immediately jumped to check.
"Dear Citizens, Please stay in your houses. Humans are instantaneously turning into these gigantic beasts researchers have yet to find what has been causing this, Although apparently some still keep their human minds and gain thr ability to shift their sizes. Traffickers are using this to their advantages if they do get the ability. It could potentially be a sickness, Although whatever it is the symptoms are the following..." All of them were attentive and practically glued their eyes to the screen.
"Passing out at random times."
"Lost cravings for food."
"Random attacks."
"Itchy skin."
"Fevers that apparently come and go."
"Increase tiredness."
"These symptoms come very slowly for shifters as found out recently..."
They all took a deep sigh of relief, The news reporter continued.
"Please make sure the supplies you have will last 60 days, In 60 days the military will do a scout in the neighborhoods. If you live in the cities make sure you have food for 70 days. Then the military will do a scout then...We will inform you as soon as possible." After said the screen disconnected and the boys released a breath they didn't even know were holding.
There was silence. It was obvious they were in thought, "Well..." Sapnap spoke as he looked up at the two other males. "Atleast if we ration the food it'll last Atleast 75 days. But we should be fine since we're in a neighborhood"
"Luckily we got the timing right to buy groceries." George said as he gave a breathy laugh, "You mean I got the timing. You guys didn't even know I was going to get groceries!" Dream chuckled as he nudged George on the shoulder.
"Yea, yea whatever." George responded as he got up from the couch. Dream saw the light slowly dissappear from the outside of the window, "It's getting late-" Drean said as he took a peek just to make sure, "Cmon let's head to bed."
Dream groaned as he woke up from his bed, His head pounded as if he was drunk the entire night. He brushed it off as a result from stress, The blond peeked outside seeing as the skies were dark and it was foggy, Even with the fog he could tell it was destroyed and it looked horrible.
Dream slowly left his room as he heard chatter downstairs, Dream walked down the stairs as he instantly got greeted. "Hey sleepy head." Sapnap sneered as George stayed silent yet gave a cheery smile his way.
"Sorry I must've been stressed-" Dream muttered but luckily loud enough for the others to hear, "Anywa-" George was cut off by the ground softly shaking. Sapnap scrambled to check at the window as both Dream and George were frozen still—Dream was frozen due to him still being tired and George was terrified.
Sapnap saw one of the 'beasts' rummaging around the house that fell into ruin. It didn't even look human...It had torn clothes, sharp nail, and incredibly deadly canines.
It looked alarming as it pushed down the remaining standing walls of the house. Sapnap scrunched his face at the terrifying ease the giant creature took to do so.
"It's one of those giant things-" Sapnap whispered to the two males who were now suddenly beside him, "We should get away from the window and turn off the lights, We can't risk for it to see us." Dream ordered as he walked to the light switch quickly flicking it to turn it off.
They all sat up against a wall as the house now looked as if it was abandoned, The outside was trashed and the plants were dead. The air was still and all that the males could hear was the faint shuffling outside across the streets.
Soon the shuffling noises came to a brief stop, Then the soft pitter patter of the rain could be heard as it came in contact with the window. Dream stood up which confused the brunettes.
"I'll cook, Luckily we still have electricity it should last for a bit..." Dream grumbled as he went to the kitchen and turned on the light again, Dream took some eggs and started to fry them.
Dream's head throbbed in pain as his face was in the duvets of his bed. The whole day it was raining, They expected a thunderstorm tonight which should be fine. The house was pretty stable a storm shouldn't be a problem. I mean, It was Florida after all.
Dream was almost in tears he attempted to fall asleep which wasn't as hard as he anticipated.
"George give me back those Lay's!" Sapnap screamed although quiet enough to not alert the blond upstairs, "Not until you tell me where you hid my cookies!" George remarked. Sapnap took umbrage at his remarks.
"Fine it's over there-" Sapnap pointed at a place near the shoes as he caught his chips while George ran to reclaim his cookies, They were eating happily until they suddenly heard a loud crash upstairs. Wanting to know what it was, they gathered the courage and willed themselves to go upstairs and investigate what it was.
They crept upstairs, Sapnap leading first. They both knew Dream was upstairs yet he didn't say what he was doing, They entered the room which was at the end of the long hallway.
Dream was sitting on the floor with a scratch on his forehead which confused the brunettes. "Yo man are you okay-?" Sapnap uttered as he went nearer the blond "Why-...." Dream groaned before he continued, "Why does the door frame seem lower-" Dream let out a exasperated sigh.
George came up and both boys helped the blond stand up. Both brunettes gasped once the blond stood upright, Their friend was now way taller than they recalled, George gulped as he backed away a bit while Sapnap scrunched his face.
"Dream..." Sapnap managed to huff out, "What have you been feeling lately..." The stern look Sapnap gave made Dream suddenly realized the height difference. "Wha-...I don't know I've just been light headed recently." Dream's eyes widened at the grave realization. Both brunettes were already quite terrified.
The taller male stumbled back as he panicked, "B-But how!?" Dream retorted as he kept his gaze on the ground, Too ashamed to face his friends. "Look dude-...I don't know but you were outside before the outbreak happened." Sapnap stated.
"W-We should leave you alone, right now." Sapnap stuttered as he backed away to leave the room but came to an abrupt stop as he bumped into something behind him, "Sap we can't leave him like this!" George exclaimed.
"Look, George I don't want to but what other choice do we have?" Sapnap argued.
The two shorter males argued. Dream was so focused at his friends arguing he didn't realized he shrunk to his former height. Dream stood up to break apart the two before they mauled eachother.
"Stop!" Dream said as he bared his teeth, Glaring at the two boys he finally realized he was like his original height—Not like he could extremely tell, Dream couldn't look at someone and tell how tall they are—"Dude your a shifter-" Both brunettes spoke in unison as Dream cocked his eyebrow.
"Didn't they say shifters recieve the symptoms slower?" George intervened. "Atleast we have time to think before I well-..." Dream muttered as he recalled the symptoms. "Yea-..." George huffed as he lowered his head.
"L-Look I don't want to hurt you guys so I'll just stay in my room." Dream declared as he started to carefully escort his friends out of his room, "Wait-" Sapnap spoke but before he could continue the door was slammed shut. They heard a click signaling it was locked.
"Fine we'll bring you food later-..."
Dream sobbed as he fell to the floor, He let out strangled breaths and his heart ached. Whilst the two boys who were now downstairs, Worried about their friend. "Sapnap..." George turned hid head to look at the shorter, "What should we do...?" George had tears pricking his eyes.
"I don't know George..."
"I don't know..."
I have exams today and I'm gonna be late do enjoy😋
Chapter 3
I'm honestly surprised i got this out! I thought I'd be sitting on it for weeks!
Anyway, here y'all go!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Word Count: 1,897
Warnings: Blood, Fear, ect.
Setting up camp consisted of the human kicking at the dirt under a random tree, nodding to himself, and plopping down against the trunk. He set Tommy’s cage down beside his crossed legs with a gentle thunk that rattled his bones. Tommy scowled, glaring up at the man when he was jarred from his slump against the bars.
Not noticing the teen’s irate gaze, Dream gathered up any sticks, leaves, and dry grass within easy arms reach. He haphazardly piled it next to Tommy’s cage, then started to, absurdly enough, dig out a hole in front of his crossed legs.
Tommy watched in mild confusion as the human carved out a deep hollow in the earth, then purposefully stacked the sticks and leaves into the hole. Oh. He was making a fire pit. The teen perked up, curious, despite his fear of the human, about how fire was created.
Dream dug in one of his innumerable pockets for a moment before withdrawing some flint and a chunk of steel. In a deft twitch of his hands, he had a bright little flame eating up at the kindling in the pit.
He put away the flint and steel, then dug out from his pockets a rag and what looked like a waterskin. Tommy had to look away when the human started cleaning the blood from his hands, a touch squeamish at the sight of the sticky red substance soaking the rag as it was washed off.
Tommy looked back when the sounds of water running went away, eyebrows hitching up when he saw that the only things cleared of blood were the human’s hands. His mask and cloak were still caked in the drying fluid, not that Dream seemed to care.
“Alright. Let’s get you taken care of.” Dream flipped open a satchel resting on his hip that Tommy hadn’t even noticed and shuffled around in it for a solid minute, then brought out something that was too small for Tommy to see from how Dream held it.
The human started fiddling with the thing, pinching it between his fingers and finagling his waterskin until he hummed in satisfaction. He then set the waterskin aside and reached towards the cage with whatever he had in his hand. Tommy drew back to the opposite side of the cage warily, bracing his arms behind him and grasping at the bars.
Dream slid the thing through the thin bars of the cage and stuck a finger through one of the gridded squares to push it closer towards Tommy. It took him a long moment to process what it was, and when he finally did, dread struck through his body. A fine, delicately carved smallfolk sized bowl sat innocently before his eyes, the water it held inside rippling almost cheerfully in the evening light. The horrifying implications dawned on Tommy, washing through his mind like the tide on bare sand.
Tommy shuddered. Dream was another one. Just the newest captor in the short line of captors that he’s had. Only two, but that was more than most people could say!
Slowly, with a trembling hand, Tommy reached for the bowl. Even though he couldn't trust Dream, he still needed the water. The hunters had given him nothing in the four days that they had had him, and his body was really starting to feel it.
While Tommy drank the much-needed water from the bowl, Dream was pulling something else from his pack, a slab of raw meat half the size of the human’s head. He plucked a stick from the pile next to the cage and stabbed it through the meat, then stuck the other end of the stick into the dirt, letting it hang over the fire.
Tommy's mouth watered when the smell of roasting meat filled the air, and his stomach growled loudly despite himself. Dream glanced over to Tommy at the sound, a knowing smirk growing over his lips. Tommy scowled at him and turned away, not wanting to watch the human eat when his own stomach was gnawing and twisting hungrily at itself. Water was one thing, but Tommy doubted that Dream would share his food with him.
He tried to block out the sound and smell of the sizzling meat and took another long sip of his water. Despite his best efforts, it was all he could hear, among the crackling of the fire and the sounds of Dream doing whatever it was he was doing. Tommy’s stomach growled again, just as loud as the last time, making the teen’s scowl deepen.
He set the bowl down, a little less than half-full, and crossed his arms over his middle. In his attempt to ignore the human behind him, his eyes settled on the splattered blood still glistening in the center of the cage. Tommy wrinkled his nose in disgust. It was gross, and it stunk of copper, but it wasn’t like he could clean it out of the cage. It wasn’t like he wanted to, either. He didn’t want to touch somebody else’s blood.
"Here." Dream’s voice pulled him from his thoughts, and he twisted around with a grimace. “What–” He snapped, then trailed off, eyes locking on the chunk of meat the human was pressing against the gridded bars.
Tommy’s mind stuttered. Was–was the human actually offering it to him? Why? What good would it do Dream? It wasn’t like Tommy was about to keel over and die of starvation right this second—Unless–well, Dream wouldn’t know that, would he? For all he knew, he was keeping a future investment Tommy alive. Still, the teen was suspicious.
"This isn't poisoned, is it?” Tommy questioned, glaring mistrustfully up at Dream’s still-bloodied mask. The human only smirked and cocked his head. Tommy had the feeling that, behind the mask, Dream was rolling his eyes.
"If I wanted to do something to you, I wouldn't use poison." Dream chuckled. "I'd just do it."
Tommy paled at the human's words, but accepted them as true. If the human wanted to hurt him, it wouldn’t really take much to do so. An unwanted image of the human crushing the cage whilst Tommy was still inside flashed through his head, but Tommy tried to shake it off. He was hopefully too valuable for Dream to want to kill. Hopefully.
Regardless, he inched forward and gingerly took it from between the two huge fingertips before him. His eyes widened at the surprise weight of the meat, and he had to do a double take. The chunk was like half the size of his torso! There was no way that he'd finish it! He damn sure would try, though.
He turned away from Dream and tore into it hungrily, not wanting to give the human a chance to change his mind if he so chose. Human beings were fickle, Tommy had learned, and incredibly cruel. He wouldn’t put it past Dream to be the same as his previous captors, even if the man was giving him food.
It was completely dark by the time Tommy had finished his first meal in days, and he set the meat beside the water bowl with a contented sigh. By all means, he still didn’t trust Dream, but he had given him food and water. At the very least, that meant that Tommy wouldn’t die from thirst or starvation whilst in the human’s possession.
He peered at Dream through the bars, who was packing away the rest of the meat and seemed to be reorganizing his pockets, sorting through the stuff he had stolen from Tommy’s previous captors.
Dream noticed his stare and nodded at him. "You want like a–a blanket or something?"
Tommy paused at the offer, surprised, but shook his head anyway. He didn't need anymore of this human's pity, or–or whatever it was. It wasn't like Tommy needed it, anyways. It might be a bit foolish to think so, but he could withstand the cold.
Dream shrugged nonchalantly at Tommy's answer and finished organizing his things. Tommy watched him, gaze lingering on some of the items Dream had. Some of it was normal human stuff, but some of it was more smallfolk stuff. Tommy could see at least two swords, an actual blanket, and several knick-knacks that Tommy knew wouldn’t have been given freely to a human.
Another spur of dread coiled in the pit of his gut, but before he could say anything, Dream had everything stowed away and was wrapping his cloak more tightly around his shoulders, laying down against the tree.
“Alright, kid. Night.” The human rolled over suddenly onto his side, facing his back to Tommy’s cage. Tommy’s face twisted up into an expression of offended confusion. What the fuck? Already, he could see the human’s side slowly rising and falling. Hee was apparently already fast asleep.
Grumbling, Tommy slid down the bars to sit. He was tired, probably from the alternating rushes of fear and adrenaline from the events of the last hour that had left him feeling incredibly drained.
He slumped onto his side, shivering a little at the cold touch of the metal ground, and shut his eyes. He probably needed to save his energy for an opportunity to escape or something, now that he was being kept by a new human. His last captors had learned all of his tricks, and had rendered his escape attempts null and void, but this one didn't know anything about him at all. That meant he had a chance.
He pillowed his head on his arms with a small huff, and tried to get some sleep.
Tommy didn't sleep. Tommy couldn't sleep, not when the unfamiliar human was so close. Not when anxiety of what was going to happen to him scratched at his brain, not when he could hear the sound of the human’s deep, long breaths plowing through the cool air, and definitely not when the coppery smell of blood from the still-drying splatters in the center of the cage invaded his nose every time he breathed in. The scent of the meat beside him dampened it somewhat, but Tommy couldn't decide if the combination of cooked meat and blood made it better or worse.
The chill of the night air bit into his skin, cutting through the thin bandages in his forearms with ease. Tommy grimaced, scrunching his nose and pulling his arms inside of his shirt with a shiver.
The forest sounds were creepy, but nothing out of the norm from what Tommy could tell. At the very least, he couldn’t hear the tell-tale sounds of mobs scruffing around the camp, so there was that. Even still, every rustle in the bush made him uneasy, and he flinched when the lonely hoot of an owl echoed through the night air.
On top of all that, the fire was starting to die out. Tommy shivered again. It wasn't even close to winter yet, it was barely even starting to be fall, but the night air was cool, and it made chills pervade deeply through his clothes. He stood and moved to the side of the cage closest to the fire, wishing he had taken up Dream's offer of a blanket or a scrap of cloth or something as he sat back against the slightly warm metal bars.
Damn his pride. It was going to be a long night.

Also forgot I was gatekeeping this drawing
If I remember right the idea was kickstarted by @baka-monarch talking about a tiny Tommy mermaid living in symbiose Dream
I really like the idea of sea monster sized mermaids :) Here Dream is probably a bit to close to the shore, having followed these poachers after he noticed Tommy missing, or something like that!

Late night doodle dump but anatomy go brrr anywhoooo
@beckyu @pygmy-marmo @giant-tiny-squid @cyncerity @navigating-through-gray @zero00o0 @dingbatnix @kayla-crazy-stuffs @quotemenevermore2
Lots of tagging sigh
Closeups below!
Czytaj dalej
This will happen when Punz finally caughts Dream and well... it doesn't go very well since Dream is terrified of being grabbed and Punz doesn't know how to calm the tiny ghost down.
Also, Dream's appearance changes when he's scared or sad

Incredibly angsty idea: since we don’t know every last detail of c!Quackity’s torture of c!Dream in the prison (like, yes, there were tools and maiming and lots of blood, but it’s not like we got an exact play-by-play of months-worth of in-universe torture), I would consider it to be very, very possible that c!Quackity absolutely played on c!Dream’s fear of being alone.
Look. c!Dream didn’t exactly keep it subtle that he craved any kind of social interaction at all - from burning his clocks to keep c!Sam coming back, to the way he behaved with his visitors, etc. there’s no way that c!Quackity didn’t pick up on it. And abuse that knowledge.
Maybe he showed up and just ignored c!Dream entirely, acting like c!Dream wasn’t there at all. Just put down a block to sit on, started messaging people on his communicator like it was everyday Las Nevadas business, and totally blanked on the words of the man he chained to the wall last night. That man isn’t there. He doesn’t exist.
c!Dream is relieved - at first. But after a few days, completely alone, alone in the worst way, alone in the sense that he is not actually alone but he might as well be for all the acknowledgement he gets, he’s…
It’s not good.
Perhaps it even gets to the point where c!Quackity messes with c!Dream’s sense of reality. Acts as though not only does he not know c!Dream is there, but that c!Dream never existed in the first place.
We know that intercom systems are canonical technology to the DSMP as the prison has one, so why can c!Quackity not have verbal conversations through his communicator (or pretend to have) where c!Dream is forced to hear a one-sided conversation of everyone’s lives without him - of DSMP historical events referenced in such a way that censors c!Dream’s existence from them entirely.
It starts out subtle, but becomes slowly undeniable that c!Quackity is building a world that c!Dream is exempt from completely. c!Dream picks up on it, thinks that such would never work - he knows he’s real, that his life is - but here’s the thing about the human brain: if you tell it a lie enough times, it will start to perceive it as truth. If you tell it it’s remembering wrong, eventually it will start to alter its own recollection.
This is why gaslighting works, this is how cults gain such influence over people; by slowly changing the world around them until they can no longer remember that it originally looked any other way.
And Dream’s not exactly in a position where he can touch base with objective reality - the outside world, something c!Sam and c!Quackity haven’t touched and have minimal influence in - anymore, is he?
(“Look at me,” Dream begs, quietly. See me. Acknowledge me. I am here, I’m here, I swear I am.
Quackity smiles. “Why would I?” he asks, speaking to Dream for the first time in weeks. His smile is nasty as he says, softly, “You don’t exist, and no one misses you; you’re nothing.”
“I am not nothing,” Dream protests, hope rising in his heart as suddenly the focus of Quackity looking at him shudders across his body like flames. It means pain, he knows it does, but -
But is pain not preferrable to inexistence?
“Oh, Dream,” Quackity says, disappointedly. “Oh, Dream, Dream, Dream. But you are. No one even thinks to visit; they’ve all forgotten you. That’s how little you meant, how small a presence you were in their lives. Face it: I’m the only one who cares enough to come here.” Quackity walks over to Dream slowly, every step methodical. “Even Sam put everything on automatic, right? So he didn’t have to look at you. But look at me, Dream.”
Dream looks at him. Where else is there to look?
Quackity rests a gentle palm on Dream’s exposed cheek, nails scratching a little at long-dried blood. “You only exist here, in my world, Dream,” he whispers. “You’re mine now.”
“Dream?” Punz asks, frowning. They reach out, but Dream shrinks from their touch, eyes a bit wild in the sunlight glinting off the snow.
“… Punz?” Dream replies, swallowing.
“Yes?” Punz responds instantly. “What is it, what’s wrong? Do you need more supplies?”
Dream’s fingers tremble. “This is - this is real, right? You remember me?”
What the fuck. “Of course I do,” Punz says, carefully. “You’re a bit unforgettable, Dream.” Then, comfortingly, “And this is real, you’re out, you’re never going back there.” Punz won’t let him, not after this, they swear. Fuck the plan of using it as a base, because whatever this is, it’s not going to ever be helped by that fucking box.
“Good,” Dream says, tight, his green eyes still flicking up and down Punz, drinking them in, like if he doesn’t memorise them they’ll vanish into nothingness before him. “Good. I… I just - I just wanted to check.”)
Blue or Black?
I don't remember Blue being explained thoroughly so if what I'm writing is wrong then just imagine it's right for the story. And as I rewatched Ghostbur's lore it was tacky to me so sorry if I got his personality wrong. And also idk if Ghostbur can be hugged so bare with me.
Ghostbur, The sweet lovable ghost who loved making people happy, Trotted across the dirt pathways in the forests—a land which is dominated by trees—He was humming happily with Friend by his side, With a soft soothing face.
Ghostbur continued to hum as he was about to go to a lake where he usually stays, The lake was beautifully surrounded by flowers and had probably the healthiest grass you have ever seen.
Although as he neared closer to the lake, He saw a giant figure sitting criss-crossed. A netherite axe laid closely beside the figure as it slowly swirled its finger in the crystalline waters, Ghostbur smiled as the figure seemed to be familiar of him.
"Ghostbur...?" The giant said as he lifted his hand from the waters and lightly flicked the droplets from his hand. "Hi Dream!" Ghostbur exclaimed as he sprinted to the male, "You seem down?" Ghostbur muttered out and swiftly pulled out a blue substance which he placed at the giant palm, "Have some blue, Calm yourself." An easing voice came from the ghost as a soft echo followed after.
But to Ghostbur's surprise the Blue instantly turned to a midnight black and crumbled to the forest floor as it made contact with the giant's skin, Ghostbur let out a confused huff. He took some Blue once more and yet again it crumbled to the ground, Practically looking like dust.
Dream sighed as the beady black eyes of the mask stared at Ghostbur, The giant stood up grabbing his axe with him. "Hey wait have some Blue!" Ghostbur yelled.
The other male stared at the ghost for a while, As no response came out of him. Soon the male started walking away with a ghost and sheep chasing behind, The wind blew softly and the calming winds made the giant take a sigh.
Soon enough the ghost and the sheep were sitting at the giant's cupped hands as Ghostbur kept placing Blue at the giants skin as it always turned to a solid midnight black and crumbled to the ground below, Dream huffed as he continued walking back to The Greater SMP.
As the sheep slept comfortably on the palm of the giants hands, He kept staring at the ghost who kept trying to put the Blue substance at his skin for it to crumble and leave a trail of small bits of pieces and dust from the Blue.
Once they could see the lands of the SMP in sight Drean kneeled down to place Friend and Ghostbur on the soft grounds of the earth. Ghostbur simply stared as he watched the giant slowly shrink to a size he would normally be seen in. Barely anyone on the SMP knew the admin could sizeshift.
Dream was quiet, As he continued walking to the SMP leaving Ghostbur and Friend sitting on the grassy ground, Ghostbur quickly stood up and sprinted to chase the admin. Dream turned to his side to see Ghostbur skipping beside him with a happy expression.
"Why are you still following me Ghostbur?" Dream spoke as he let a bit of softness seep into his tone, Ghostbur stayed quiet and yet again took some Blue and took Dreams hand and placed it. Yet again the same occurrence happened.
Dream chuckled as he shook his hand softly then looked back front to continue walking on the pathway. Ghostbur happily trotted beside sizeshifter.
Dream sat on the cold obsidian floor of his cell as he sat stiff and still. He missed his rival, He missed the days he would shift outside of the SMP and ran around and acted like a child to his hearts content. Barely anyone knew anything about Dream at all. They all thought he was serious and cold, They all thought he was quite like Techno yet almost never made jokes. Yet Ghosbur knew...
After some time with Ghostbur, Dream grew quite fond of him and Friend. Dream missed sitting by the lake as Ghostbur made flower crowns and constantly tried to give Dream Blue. Even if he took the Blue it would still crumble and soon turn to ash,
Dream even missed Friend, Ghostbur's therapy sheep. He got used to the occasional 'baa's' Friend would let out, Dream snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the lava lowering and he could see a figure on the other side. Sam stepped on the platform as it moved closer to the cell, Sam simply walked over to the prisoner and dropped the raw potatoes on his side.
When Sam was about to leave he felt a tug on his pants, He turned his head to see Dream still having a hold on his pants. "What do you need?" Sam spoke annoyed yet roughly, "Can..." Dream muttered out as he let go of Sam and placed both his hands on the ground. "Can you see if Ghostbur can visit?" Dream asked with small hope gleaming in his eyes.
Sam almost felt pity for the man as he stares directly at the eyes of the prisoner, Sam sighed then spoke "I'll see what I can do-..." As that was said Sam turned his head and continued to leave the cell.
Sam glanced again at the prisoner with a solemn look, Yet quickly switched once again and left to inform Ghostbur if he can meet the prisoner.
Ghostbur gleamed as he saw the prison in view, It stood intimidating and terrifying. But Ghostbur pushed the fear away as he smiled, Excited to see his friend once more.
He trotted closer to the prison—Friend didn't come with and slept—Ghostbur met Sam and did all the prison protocols before entering.
Now Ghostbur stood on the platform slowly moving to the cell. Both males stared into eachothers eyes with nothing but the need of holding eachother close.
"Dream?" Ghostbur smiled as he floated closer to the male, Dream stayed quiet and embraced the ghost even if he felt cold. He was warm in Dream's arms,
As they chatted time flew by quickly. Dream missed interaction other than Quackity and Sam, Suddenly both heard Sam's voice with a very clear statement "Time is up, The visitor must leave.". Dream instantly became protective and covered the ghost who was sitting criss-cross on the ground.
The lava lowered as they saw an annoyed and tired Sam, Sam crossed and went to drag Ghostbur but in an instant his arms were stopped, He was grabbed by wrist tightly. As he shuddered a breath as he looked at the dark expression of the prisoner.
He pulled away his arm from the tight grasp of the blond, The warden felt a wave of fear as he saw a definitely evil grin, and crazed eyes placed on the prisoner's face.
Sam backed away as the prisoner stood up, "Dream-...Dream its time for Ghostbur to leave." Sam spoke as he did his best to keep a steady voice. Ghostbur, Who was now standing at the side of the cell, Cluelessly watching everything unfold, Ghostbur's eyes widened as he saw Dream's eyes turn slit. He knew that Dream was fully on instinct.
You see. Dream never mentioned it to anyone but Dream was half-dragon—Making him a hybrid, And dragons tend to be very protective if they care alot about something. Like treasure–Dream growled as he stared at warden's eyes which were filled with fear.
Sam gulped as he reached out to grab Ghostbur to leave as quickly as possible but was stopped as he got slammed into the wall, He stared with wide eyes at he saw the prisoner looking down upon him, A tall figure held his chest by one hand.
Dream was fully on instinct, Sam was paralyzed. Dream grabbed his fist and collided it with the uneven and rocky walls of the cell. The foundation of the wall crumbled into the lava below as it got submerged in the hot orange liquid, Dream stood up with Sam on one fist and Ghostbur in his pocket.
Sam squirmed at the strong grasp of the now giant prisoner. The alarms blared loudly alerting everyone in the server, As people started to reach the prison all they saw was a giant chunk smashed and smoke was covering the area.
Dream and Sam were nowhere to be found, And no one even knew Ghostbur went to visit...
I only proof-read once so sorry if there's any mistakes
I think that every Merlin fan has to write a Merthur story at some point, and while this certainly isn’t a Merthur story, it is most certainly inspired by them. Knight Dream, Prince George, a secret they could be killed for. And a talk about relationships too?
Warnings: None, this one is just sweet and fluffy. Give or take 1,500 words in this post, with sizeshifter!Dream. That’s not a focus in this particular story, but it is part of this storyline. Which I have named “unnamed kings au” thanks to the radio station that was playing on my drive home.
Czytaj dalej
Chapter 2
Mmm not much to say here, other than, after this chapter, I don't have anything else ready for this to put out.
Oh yeah! Thanks @da3dm for proofreading!!
Chapter 1
Word Count: 1,710
Warnings: Blood, Fear, ect.
It didn't take him long to find their camp.
He stalked over to the pile of belongings, silently assessing the bags. While he wasn't officially a thief, he was quite fond of pilfering through others’ things, especially the things of hunters. There was always at least a few items of value stowed away. Plus, there was probably something edible he could grab.
He dropped to one knee in front of the pile and snagged one of the bags, tugging it open and digging through it. There wasn’t anything special, only a couple of glittering trinkets and a single golden ring. They wouldn't be worth much to trade, Dream estimated quietly. He pocketed them anyway, moving on to the next pack. This one had a few shimmering potions, which he inspected curiously before stowing them away. He would find out what they were later.
Dream flipped open another satchel and promptly froze. What…What the hell?! That's a kid, why would- He cut himself off, staring down at the little form. They were young, he could tell that much, maybe in their mid-teens if he pushed it.
The kid stared up at him with wide blue eyes set above pale, round cheeks. His face was framed by fluffy blond curls, which hung over his brow in a wild tangle. Long, ungainly legs pushed him further into the corner of the mesh cage while thin, twiggy arms curled defensively over his chest.
He was also terrified, Dream noted, and was doing a terrible job of hiding it.
“...Hey,” he murmured, suddenly acutely aware of how blood still dripped from his mask, still soaked his clothes, still stained his hands. He winced, leaning back a little. He frightened normal-sized people on accident. There was no telling what he looked like to the tiny teenager.
Scaring an apparent captive really wasn’t on today’s agenda.
…He should probably get the kid out of the cage, actually.
The kid stared up through the thin wire bars with thinly veiled panic when Dream reached into the bag, intent on grabbing the cage.
"N-No–Fuck!-" The kid clapped his hands over his mouth as the words seemed to slip out, cringing down further into the corner of the cage.
Dream paused at his cry before slowly drawing his hand back, out of view with a grimace. The kid shook, eyes wide.
“...Um,” Dream put eloquently, shifting to sit on his knees. He…he had no idea how to deal with kids. Adults, at least, could deal if his brash actions scared them, but children? He raised his hands dubiously, then lowered them. What…what did he do? He furrowed his brow, brushing a bloodied hand over his chin. Well, he didn’t want to traumatize the kid, so…
He decided to go with the subtler route. If anything, it’d be good practice for any future dealings with tiny frightened children.
“I’m Dream,” He murmured lowly, dropping his hands to rest in his lap. The kid only stared, puffing half-frantic breaths through his hands.
“I'm not gonna hurt you, kid.” Yeah, that would surely convince him. Hmm. Dream cocked his head, an idea blooming. “The people that had you were hunters, right? Or traffickers?” He tensed even more, scrawny shoulders hitching up around his ears. “I'll take that as a yes. Okay, well, they went after me, so I killed them. You won't have to worry about them anymore.” The rigid form relaxed just the tiniest bit at the news, but his eyes widened substantially.
“I'm only here because I wanted to loot their stuff, so, um…yeah.” He paused. “I won't hurt you.”
What he said seemed to work, because the small blond slowly pulled his hands from his mouth and drew his head up from his shoulders. The tiny, almost indistinguishable blue eyes scrutinized what little of Dream’s expression he could see for a long beat before he slumped, apparently accepting the assassin’s words.
Dream let a small grin slip on his face and leaned forward.
“Would you mind telling me what your name is?” The kid jumped, eyeing him suspiciously for a long beat, before he seemed to deflate and jerked a small nod.
“I’m Tommy,” he rasped quietly. Dream had to do a double take. He could have sworn he heard the word ‘bitch’ tacked onto the end of that. He shook himself. He supposed it didn't really matter.
“Tommy? Cool.” His grin widened. “I’d say it’s nice to meet you, but, considering the circumstances…” He swiped at some of the blood still adorning his mask and flung the droplets away with a dismissive flick of his fingers.
Tommy cringed, eyeing the smeared streaks on the mask. If the human was really telling the truth…then that would mean that the blood on his mask was from his captors. That would mean that this human had single-handedly murdered five armed hunters and, from what Tommy could see, escaped relatively unscathed. That meant that this human was dangerous. More so than the average sword-swinger.
…Tommy didn’t think he should antagonize this one too much. He already regretted the habitual insult that had slipped out when he said his name. There was no need to actually make the man mad.
The human leaned forward, blocking out most of what Tommy could see out from the opening of the bag with his enormous frame. The beady little eyes of the mask bore disconcertingly down on the teen, and, unconsciously, he shivered. It was so creepy.
“Do you want me to let you out of the cage?” Dream broke the silence, cocking his head to the side.
Tommy’s eyes widened, and he shook his head fervently. He did not want to be out and around this human, thank you very much. The cage, at least, offered him some (flimsy) barrier of safety, kept him from being in open grabbing reach.
Dream hummed, bobbing his head in a nod. His hand rose, blocking half of Tommy’s view as it reached into the bag. Tommy’s heart spiked in fear.
“Alright, well, I'm gonna have to carry the cage anyway, kay?” Dream muttered, grabbing the mesh top. “I'm not just gonna leave you here.”
Gorey fingers poked through the top of the cage and curled around the wires. Tommy flinched as a few drops of blood splattered down on the metal floor of the cage, each plinking quietly against the cold surface.
With a nauseating lurch, the cage was hoisted into the air. Tommy flung his bandaged arms out, bracing them against the wire mesh at the sudden movement. He was thankful he was sitting down this time. Being thrown about the harsh metal cage was not an experience he liked to indulge in.
Almost as soon as it had risen, though, the cage was firmly plonked onto the mulchy forest floor. Tommy jolted, confused, when the huge, extremely fucking tall, wow, he just kept going, human stood and moved over to the rest of the belonging pile. He waved a hand lazily in Tommy's direction.
“Just sit tight for a bit, alright? I’m gonna finish robbing this stuff.”
Tommy stared, a slightly offended expression growing on his face. Just find him and then just, just leave to go looting?! Just like that? It was like finding a tiny person, an abnormality, was nothing to this guy! Usually there was at least some sort of awe, or fascination, or, or even a touch of greed at his prospective uses! But no? This guy just up and ditches?
It’s not that Tommy was complaining, really. He was quite glad that this Dream guy wasn’t poking and prodding and trying to estimate his sell price, but…it was the principle of the matter! He wasn’t acting like a normal person would!
Tommy froze when a horrifying thought popped into his head. What if…what if the reason the human wasn’t reacting normally was because he had done this before? What if he was used to seeing smallfolk? What if he was used to capturing smallfolk? No, no, it couldn’t be that, right? Right?
Tommy watched Dream root through the rest of the hunter’s belongings, the man humming whenever he found something interesting before it was whisked away under the green poncho. He…he couldn’t tell if the human was malicious or not! Tommy knew, Tommy knew, that some, a very, very select, small few humans were good, were nice enough to at least ignore smallfolk, and that some were even okay to speak to and interact with, but…the hard part was figuring out who it was you could trust. Who it was that wouldn’t try to murder you. Who it was that wouldn’t kidnap you. Tommy learned this lesson the hard way.
Dream stood, seemingly finished with his act of larceny. Tommy swallowed nervously as the huge boots strode towards him, audibly crushing the forest foliage underneath the massive leather soles, until they stopped just in front of the cage. The blood-streaked, innocently smiling mask caught the light of the dusking sun as the human bent and snagged his fingers through the thin wires at the top, and then the cage lurched as he picked it up.
Tommy slid across the metal floor of the cage, narrowly avoiding the large splatters of blood in the middle as it was moved to rest against the vast green wall of Dream’s chest, and huge, cloth wrapped arms curled around the front, trapping the cage against the human’s torso.
“Just sit tight for now, kay?” The human started moving, long, striding steps that rolled smoothly through the cage. “I’ve gotta find someplace to set up camp, and then I can check up on you.”
Tommy shrunk back against the cage bars, wrapping his fingers around the thick wires. The easy stride the human had taken barely affected the cage, but Tommy was still cautious. His thrumming heart had slowed from it’s breakneck pace, letting him breathe easier.
He settled back, pushing down on the uncertain queasiness in his gut. Tommy figured he would have nothing to do but to wait, wait until he could try to escape from this new danger.
Tommy didn’t know what Dream wanted from him, but he was almost certain it wouldn’t be pleasant. When it involved the big folk, it never was.
I accidentally stepped on a baby frog the other day, (i know, I'm a horrible person) and all of it's guts were smushed out of it's side. Unfortunatly, it was stil alive, so I had to kill it :(
But! It gave me this Idea! (plus from one of Roman's (baka-monarch's) posts that I can't be bothered to find right now)
Anyway, it's short, but do enjoy!
Word Count: 542
Warnings: Death, gore, blood, general angst, that sort of stuff
Dream glanced around. He knew the hunters were in this cave somewhere. He had seen them go into it.
He shifted his stance, scanning around the massive cave. His mind was focused solely on luring them out into his trap. Something crunched wetly and then screamed underneath his foot, and a nasty squelch sounded when he accidentally slipped on whatever it was before he managed to jerk away.
Oh no…
A heavy lead weight of dread dropped into his gut at that horrible sound. There were few things in this world that wouldn't be dusted instantly from damage like that, fewer still that had enough body composition to be gooey. And there were very, very few creatures that could scream like a person.
Dream had a horrible feeling he knew what that had been. He immediately fell to his knees and leaned down, trying to get a better look at who he had just stepped on.
"Ant? Oh fuck," he hissed, internally cringing away. Ant wheezed out a strangled gurgle, blood starting to dribble from his mouth.
Ant's guts were smushed out of his side, mashed and smeared from where Dream slipped over them, and his legs were mangled and crushed beyond repair because Dream had stepped on him.
Dream had to forcefully push down the wave of nausea that hit him before he threw up over the smashed body of his friend.
The poor cat hybrid's hazy blue eyes slid up to meet Dream's. The giant hurriedly shoved his mask to the side and met the cat's eyes.
"A-Ant, I-I," Dream forced down a choked whimper, hands twitching as they hovered uselessly over his mangled friend.
Dream swallowed. At this point, he thought it would be better to kill him. The pain of a respawn would be more merciful than this, this slow death of–of being crushed.
"I-I'm gonna have to kill you, Ant. You'll respawn just fine, okay?" Ant managed to stutter out a gurgle, which Dream chose to interpret as an 'okay.'
"Okay, so, I'm just going to break your neck. It'll be the quickest and most painless." Another choked sound from his friend made the giant wince.
Gently, he took Ant's head between his fingers. Blood-matted ears flicked against his skin, and Dream had to push down another wave of nausea.
With a quick twist of his fingers and a haunting snap, it was done, and Ant's smashed body puffed out of reality. The only evidence left was the thick smear of blood on the stone ground from where Dream had slid over his hapless friend’s body.
With the deed done, Dream sat back on his heels with a shaky breath and ran a hand over his face and through his hair.
"I-I'm calling off the hunt," Dream's voice shook as he spoke into the comm on his wrist. "I–we gotta go check on Ant."
His friends' concerned voices crackled over the comms, but he ignored them as he pushed himself to his feet.
Something about the way he had killed Ant disturbed him greatly. He just had to make sure his friend was okay.
He left the cave quickly, the remaining blood smeared on the stone floor weighing heavily on his mind as he started his trek to their current camp.
I bet if a mushroom could lap water out of your hand with a tongue that a gently drinking mushroom tongue on your hand would be the softest and gentlest thing.
*taps mic* test test .... Is this thing on? Yeah? Great.
AHEM Hello Tumblr
I don't know how a lot of things here work yet WEQASD
I figured I'd show y'all some art of mine tho
I have kinda fled here :))))
Anyway first post done

So these are for the recent story and art of Tiny Hero.
So first off, I love this! It’s great!!!!!
1. If there’s a war between Giants and witches, why did the witches leave Dream just trapped and not end him?
2. Why doesn’t George say anything for so long?
3. What was the sudden change that causes George to suddenly free Dream and speak?
4. Do you have any more ideas for this 👉👈
Thanks for your time!!! Have a lollipop 🍭
Thanks for the inbox !! Finally I finished some of the assignment so that I have time to reply some answers!
1. I spent some time to figure out the whole world setting, the witches lived on a sky castle far from the land. And they tried to steal the resources (like some magic stone? Or rare herbs?)from the land. Which the giants don’t like it. So there’s war. And the witch tried to capture the giants to brainwashed or mind control them, so they won’t end them yet.
So here’s like some rough concept of where different ethnicities lives.

2. Elves are cautious and prudent, they haven’t form any alliance with the other ethnicity. They do not want any trouble, so they try to stay away from all the things just living on their own. And George leave his colony explore the whole world. I want to make his personality more cold? Idk does that words fit what I’m trying to say lol.
In this world not every ethnicities are nice to others, that’s why George don’t want to form any connection. What if the giant trick him? Or maybe if he doesn’t speak they would thought he can’t understand what they said, so that they may leak their intentions?(idk)
he doesn’t speak at all just to observe Dream, cause wt if George freed him and Dream just attacked him? Too much possibilities and risks for freeing at that moment. To keep himself safe he spent like days to observe him and built some trust.
3. when George met Dream, a poor young soul was trapped just to accept his fate. He knew the war between the giant and the witches. He couldn’t just let him die right there. Although he’s an elf doesn’t show their feelings a lot they still have empathy.George know their people don’t like any trouble from anyone. But he just can’t let Dream capture by the witches.
4. I got an amazing inbox extend my story a bit ! Which I’m really thankful for that, cause I really can’t express the story in English :’) but I don’t have any idea right now, I’m kinda bad at writing a story xD. Therefore I like people give me ideas or help me to create a story together! So that I can draw the whole scenario! :3
Thanks for the lollipop yumyumyum >:3
And I’m too lazy to use Grammarly to check my grammar :p sorry guys for poor English xD
George began to chant the air around him moved strongly as if preparing to fullfil his desire.
All Dream could do was stare amazed and fearfully at the elf as he felt the stronger presence of magic surround him, soon the elf's loud chanting began to quiet down until nothing, and suddenly Dream felt nothing as well, nothing constraining him.
As George finished the chanting he was out of breath, honestly a little bit tired, since magic made to trap giants were stronger then most normal spells mainly because giants themselves are strong beings.
George turned back towards Dream, who just stared at him, George wasn't as skilled at picking up on emotions as elf didn't really show it, he couldn't tell if he was fearfully, confused or well he doesn't know what else there could be.
But George wanted to make sure that the spell worked and didn't leave anything, no hidden curses and such, he moved closer and the giant flinches away.
George titled his head confusedly,
"I'm just checking, making sure your alright."
He said plainly
Dream just starred before hesitantly placing his hand out towards the small elf, hand towering over him.
"Is that all you need?"
George nodded looking up.
George moved forward, touching the giants skin and closed his eyes, Dream felt warmth radiate through his hand then up his arms and then to the rest of his body before he knew it the warmth that felt so comfortable faded and a soft voice said
Dream looked shocked quickly looking at his hand as if he would be able to see the magic that had just flowed through him.
George nodded, pulling the hood back over his ears turning around back facing the giant.
"Your fine , I'll be of."
Before George could even take his first step the giants voice softly said
George turned back around confusedly
"Why, are you feeling unwell?"
(That's all I got sorry for the poor writing it's 2:40AM I'm tired, this is just an idea inspired by your work, please excuse any spelling mistakes and grammatical errors as I am tired.)
O.M.G. THIS IS SO GOOOOOOOOD!!!mua mua mua <3 Same here writing at 2am gang ahahaha
I really like that the way how George speaks just simple and short ,just get to the point. And dream is just like so scared of him right now ahaha kinda cute xD
And really thankful for extending my story qwq! It means to me a lot <3
Don’t know how to show how thankful I am, I drew some scene from the extent content! But idk how to put them together with the inbox grey box like they would separate :p I’m try my best. They all kinda rough cuz I don’t really have enough time for doing the line art oof
As George finished the chanting he was out of breath, honestly a little bit tired, since magic made to trap giants were stronger then most normal spells mainly because giants themselves are strong beings.

George turned back towards Dream, who just stared at him, George wasn't as skilled at picking up on emotions as elf didn't really show it, he couldn't tell if he was fearfully, confused or well he doesn't know what else there could be.

But George wanted to make sure that the spell worked and didn't leave anything, no hidden curses and such, he moved closer and the giant flinches away.

Dream just starred before hesitantly placing his hand out towards the small elf, hand towering over him.

George moved forward, touching the giants skin and closed his eyes, Dream felt warmth radiate through his hand then up his arms and then to the rest of his body before he knew it the warmth that felt so comfortable faded and a soft voice said

George nodded, pulling the hood back over his ears turning around back facing the giant.
"Your fine , I'll be off .”

Happy Halloween 🎃!!
I really wanted to post it on time so some of the parts I don’t really have time to finish it :( sorry ><
Cause there are too many assignments _(´ཀ`」 ∠)_
But at least I enjoyed it a lot ! :3

Go check out my twitter too !! :DD

Quiet pt 3
CW: mcyt g/t, fearplay, horror elements, swearing
// Sorry for the wait, I hope you all enjoy this part <3 //
Chapter 1 , Chapter 2
Humans are complex.
They weren’t simple like nature’s animals. Those creatures who ran on their instinct, who didn’t do anything with a moral compass in mind. Doing what was needed to continue to survive.
Humans didn’t have instinct. Well.. they didn’t rely on their instinct at least. The little one he’d managed to catch seemed to snap into a primal state when it noticed he’d been watching it. The shift in manner was truly fascinating. He wanted to know more about it, wanted to get to know this one better He wasn’t going to let another mistake take this one away from him.
Humans were delicate creatures. Delicate and yet, if pushed far enough, their delicacy makes way for a lethal type of anger.
He didn’t like it when humans were mad at him.
He didn’t want this one to be mad at him anymore. He just wanted…
The first thing George felt when he finally came-to was intense spikes of cold chills running down his back.
He felt like he was on a cold, swaying hammock made of firm yet plush material. He was laying in an awkward position on his back with his limbs splayed out in odd ways. A groan sounded from his chest as he pulled his arms in on himself, a shiver going through him like an electric shockwave.
Realization struck him like lightning.
He all but threw himself up, sitting on his knees as his eyes darted around his surroundings. The first thing he noticed was how high he was compared to the trees, reaching nearly the top of them from where he sat. He noticed a small squirrel climbing up the side of one, looking over as if to mock him.
He regretted looking down. Not because he saw exactly how high he was, no, but because he was instead met with that familiar dark black he’d grown to fear.
Still not completely awake and aware, he scooted back trying to get away from it, but sadly realized it was everywhere. Fearful gasps and sobs escaped his mouth as he finally, reluctantly, looked up to see just what he expected, yet dreaded, to see.
There it was again. That monstrous green gaze tracking his every move as if he were the subject of an experiment. To be fair, to this thing he probably was. He was just a curiosity. A lab rat who sadly got caught and was now going to be forced to comply with any test the monster wanted to run. He couldn’t hold back a pathetic whimper as he pulled away from the green abyss’ lingering just above him in favor of shutting his eyes and burying his face in his hands. The size difference made this all the worse. Even while being held up to its chest in its deathly cold palms, it still towered over him like Godzilla.
A strangled sob had him opening his teary eyes to look around at anything but the monster. The sky wasn’t much different from before he passed out so he must’ve only been out a few minutes at the most.
“Please.. what ever you’re doing just get it over with..” His meager voice choked out a beg as he looked down at his knees. “I can’t stand this anymore. I want it to be over!” His lip quivered as he pleaded for mercy, his fingers curling into tight fists as he let wet tears stain his red cheeks once more.
There was a clicking sound from within the beast’s chest, its hands shifted slowly.
George braced himself for the impact of a fist crushing his body, or the feeling of being bitten in half by spit-soaked fangs. He waited, he waited. Hell, he even longed for something to happen. He just wanted it to be over.
And then he was moving.
Well, they were moving.
George’s eyes shot open as he turned to face away from the monster, and toward the trees. He was right, they were on the move. He couldn’t help but notice they were wandering away from the direction where the monster’s burrow-thing was. His fear gave way to confusion in the blink of an eye. He wanted to send a questioning look to the beast, but as he went to turn a puff of its breath hit his head, and he quickly aborted mission. He wasn’t going to face the thing unless he had to, he decided.
It seemed like the monster was moving with intent. For what destination George couldn’t fathom, though he didn’t really want to dwell on that thought either. If he did, he was sure he’d be throwing up leftover chicken into the beast’s palms, and that wouldn’t help his case at all.
So, the Brit just sat tight. Not like he had any other choice anyways. He hugged his knees to his chest as he kept his back from hitting the monster’s chest. As scary as his situation was, the forest actually seemed rather tranquil today. The morning sunrise painted the tall trees with a beautiful hue of color, a big contrast to how intimidating they were in the dark of night. He almost managed to zone-out to the peacefulness, but a deep growling sound from within the monster’s mid-section snapped him back to high alert.
He’d almost forgotten that the thing was hungry.
Why didn’t it eat him? He was so sure that was what it was intending to do back there. It literally had and has him in the palm of its hand. He’s completely defenseless and at its mercy. Did it want to eat him somewhere else? Surely it would take him back to its burrow for that, and they were heading to a completely different place.
A sigh was trapped in his throat as he curled tighter in on himself. He wanted answers, but all he could do right now was sit and wait.
His bare feet ran across the forest floor, his skin breaking from the sharp rocks and thorns piercing through, letting scarlet red ooze out. He didn’t care about that, he couldn’t even feel any pain. He needed to get George back, away from the monster.
The trees shook violently around him, twisting and turning in spirals, their overbearing shadows casting ink-black over him. A green abyss stared at him as he ran harder, faster, panting with exhaustion as he powered through to get closer.
It stood above him, taller than any living thing should stand, evil intent clear in its lifeless iris as it let out a wicked, deep laugh at his pathetic attempts to save his friend.
Intense vibrations shook his body. and he lost his balance. The ground cracked from his fall, and opened up below his feet, nothing but thick black waiting below to greedily swallow him alive. But he managed to grab ahold of the edge, his knuckles turning white from how hard he was holding on. A loud yell escaped his throat as he dangled helplessly above the black maw, open and waiting for its meal to fall right in.
He could’ve sworn he smelled blood, and as the thought crossed his mind the platform he was holding onto suddenly became damp, and thick scarlet ran over his hand and trickled down his arm. A scream sounded as he thrashed violently, his body spasming from the fright.
His name echoed against the trees, who now towered over him, their leaves shaking from the intense wind that had started up. After a failed attempt at hoisting himself up, the boy was left with no choice but to let his eyes follow the sound of his voice. His gaze traveled down, down…
Only to be met with the sight of George. The boy was laying on his back, limbs splayed out in awkward positions. The blood dripping off of Sapnap traveled down to George, making small puddles on his forehead. The Brit didn’t seem to mind it, though. George only seemed to care about staring up at Sapnap, his face unreadable as Sapnap tried to call his friend’s name. “George! George!!” His voice cracked with exhaustion as his body swayed tens of feet over the frozen body of his friend.
“You left me to die.” George whispered the words, but they still shook the trees above him with its might.
“No! No, George- I- I didn’t mean for this to happen!!” He pleaded with the Brit. His hand was slipping, the blood was making him lose his grip. He kicked his legs with distraught as he tried to grab the edge with his other hand. When that failed, he looked back down at George. “I don’t want you to die!”
“It’s too late. Look what you’ve done to me..” George leaned his head back, it fell back limply, as if he had no strength in his muscles. Suddenly, the Brit was illuminated in bright green. Clawed fingers rose from the darkness around the boy, trapping him in a powerful fist as the evil green eye encompassed the dark abyss with its overwhelming size.
A tight grip on his shoulder was causing his body to shake as a concerned voice sounded above him. It took Sapnap a moment to register who the voice belonged to, but once he did he was able to calm himself down and sit up.
He let out a groggy groan as he massaged his forehead with a sweaty palm. “Karl..” His tongue felt heavy in his mouth as he croaked out his friend’s name. “Did I fall asleep?”
Karl removed his hand from his friend’s shoulder as he sat back on his haunches. The boy looked equally as tired, maybe more. Sweat dripped from Karl’s hairline and stained his tank top under his pits and by his chest. And if you couldn’t see the boy’s wrecked state because of the darkness of the room, you’d surely be able to smell it. The putrid stink of sweat and sickness. They’d forgotten the boy’s medication in the car, and neither of them wanted to venture outside for it. Sapnap knew it was messing with Karl to be so unkept, the boy usually showered twice a day, but the current circumstances prevented either of them from their self-care.
“Yeah, about an hour ago.” Karl yawned. “I was gonna let you sleep more but.. looked like you were having a pretty bad nightmare.” Sapnap sighed as he tossed the blanket covering him to the side. Why did Karl have to put everyone before himself? Sapnap didn’t have to sleep as much as the sick boy did, and yet Karl let him indulge in a nap.
“What time is it?” He asked, standing up and off of the old couch he was on. “Five after eight.” Karl murmured, rubbing his blood-shot eyes as he stood with the shorter raven-haired man. “And no, we haven’t heard anything from the police.” He answered before Sapnap even got a chance to ask.
The old lady offered to let the two crash at the check-in cabin while they waited for word from the cops. They were allowed to stay in the secluded living room under the condition that they didn’t touch anything, not even the surplus of empty chocolate bar wrappers scattered around the floor and table tops. Karl asked her why she didn’t clean them up, and she simply responded by saying that they were her wife’s favorite. The room wasn’t much. Just two couches, a small TV with only a handful of cable channels, boarded up windows, a gun rack by the door, and of course the purple chocolate wrappers.
Sapnap murmured to himself as he glanced over at one of the covered windows, his face expressionless as he was lost in deep thought. “Karl..” He finally whispered after a few long seconds, his voice cracking a bit. The other man responded with a questioning hum.
“What’ll we do if we find George?” He asked. The room was filled with deafening silence for a couple heartbeats before a small, “What do you mean?” sounded. Sapnap turned back to Karl, but didn’t look him in the eye. “I mean.. if we go out there, because I know we will eventually, and we find him.. that means we’re gonna find that- that..” Sapnap couldn’t get himself to say the word out loud. “What if it doesn’t give George up? It took him for a reason.. it’s not just going to hand him over in a gift box with a pretty bow on the top after going through all that trouble to stalk and catch him..” He frowned. He could feel that annoying sensation of wetness forming in his eyes as he tried to hold back, tried to be strong.
“What I’m trying to say is… what are we gonna do when he have to confront the monster?”
He looked at his friend now, meeting his gaze with dark eyes. Karl just looked troubled. He was biting his lower lip with apprehension as he seemingly thought on Sapnap’s words. “I..” Karl began, but quickly shut his mouth once more. Speechless. He didn’t know what they’d do either.
Sapnap went to look away once again, but something caught his eye. He took a step forward and his friend looked up at him with expectation that turned to confusion when Sapnap walked right past him. “Sap?” He called, but the shorter man was too fixed on something by the door to pay Karl any mind. Karl furrowed his brows and walked up beside his friend, following his gaze to see what it was locked-on to. But when he realized what Sapnap was looking at, and put two-and-two together, he shoved the man with shock, causing him to stagger over a few steps.
“You want to shoot it?!”
“It’s the only option we have, Karl.” Sapnap responded, looking back at the arrangement of shotguns and rifles sitting out all nice and polished like they were expecting this to happen, expecting to be used. “What do you wanna do? Talk to it? Ask it nicely to release our friend?” He shifted his expression as he began to mock him, “Oh, Mr. Monster, if it isn’t too much trouble could you pwetty pwease put Gogy down?” Sapnap frowned at Karl. “Is that what you wanna do? Huh!?” He put his arms out as his tone raised at the taller man.
“I’m not saying it’s a stupid idea.. I’m just… What if it just pisses it off? A-and it get’s so mad that it kills George? Or us? I’m just saying it seems a little too reckless. I don’t think one little gun is gonna get the job done against a giant monster, Sapnap.” Karl crossed his arms over his chest as he looked away from Sapnap in favor of looking at the floor beside him. “..‘nd we shouldn’t be getting mad at eachother.. that’s not gonna help..” Karl murmured, so carefully Sapnap had to strain to hear him.
Sapnap sighed. He raised an arm and approached Karl, about to rest a hand on his shoulder and apologize before the door to the living room suddenly swung open, causing both men to startle. The old lady stood at the doorway, her eyes wide and alerted.
“What the fuck is wrong with you lady?!? You scared the fu-“ She cut Sapnap off with a stern tone. “The cops called.”
The men froze.
“Somethin’ happened, they think they know where your friend’s been.”
It’s been making that sound for awhile now. He wasn’t sure how long, but it’s been long enough to completely be rid of his fear in turn for confusion.
Awhile back, toward the start of their journey, George couldn’t stop himself from crying. He’d been in his own head, convincing himself of the worst to come and making himself more fearful. All of the possibilities of how this could turn out bad for him kept swarming and flooding his brain, effectively starting a hurricane of sick worry. After so much buildup he just couldn’t take it anymore. He let out restrained sobbing, doing his best to keep them from turning into loud wails.
He hoped that the monster wouldn’t pay him any mind, but when he kept sobbing into his knees, slowly getting louder despite trying to contain himself, the thing started making that… sound. It still has yet to let up, and George still has yet to decipher what it is.
It was a weird humming noise, so powerful that he could feel the vibrations shaking him. The hums would stop every so once in awhile and the thing would start clicking. Like, very brief chirping sounds that were kind of guttural. As if it had to force those sounds out. It was… odd.
George wanted to say that the sounds were making him feel uneasy but, if he was being truthful, they weren’t. He wouldn’t go as far as to say that they were relaxing but, they weren’t scary at the very least. He couldn’t describe the odd sensations pouring over his body as the sounds continued around him. Regardless, whatever they were, and however they were making him feel, it made him stop crying. And for the rest of their walk, George sat quietly listening to the monster coo at him.
Until it stopped.
When that happened, he could feel the sickness of fear blooming once more in the pit of his chest. George didn’t dare to look back at it, opting to hide his face in his knees once more and hug himself so tight he could feel the circulation in his hands being cut off. Had it finally grown sick of George’s antics? Was it finally tired of pretending to be harmless, and was ready to truly show its sadism?
A grumble startled him, and the feeling of being brought drop startled him even more. He dared to raise his head and look around with his puffy red eyes as he felt his platform jostle him around. He whimpered as the hand holding him lowered to the ground, planting itself there as he felt a large presence loom over him.
George didn’t need to turn around to know that the monster was hovering right above him, staring at him expectantly. It only took the Brit a few moments of hesitation before he (desperately) climbed down from its palm and let his thankful feet touch the solid ground once again. He could’ve laughed with relief, grateful of not being handled anymore, but he was still wary. Why was it letting him down? Where were they? He looked around, studying the trees around them in search of… well, he didn’t know. He guessed he was looking for any indication of where they were, but all he could see was the trees.
A puff of air rustled his hair, George twitching a bit in response. He could feel his heart thumping powerfully in his chest as he finally gave in and forced himself to meet the thing’s gaze again. It was just the same as he remembered it; haunting, lifeless, fixed to his every move… but there was something else in the way it looked at him now. George shifted uncomfortably as he glanced away. “What.. do you want..?” His voice barely reached over the sound of a whisper, but the thing seemed to hear him just fine because it stood back up and moved over, showing George what was hiding behind its massive body.
The edge of the woods. George gasped as he daringly took a few steps forward to see better. There, a few feet away was the road the boys took to get to the cabin resort. If he remembered correctly, this was right by..
His eyes snapped over to the right, and his suspicions were confirmed when he saw the convenience store just a little ways from their cabin.
Brown eyes widened as he noticed a car in the parking lot. Someone was in there, someone was working right over there. He was so close to somebody, so close to getting to a phone. If only the monster wasn’t right behind him. If it turned away, even for a moment, he could try to run and-
A yelp unwillingly escaped his lips as his view was suddenly shielded by the big black mass that was the thing’s clammy hand. He took a step back as it crashed to the ground in front of him and curled slightly. For a moment the Brit feared he was being picked up again, but the hand stopped its movements and just stayed situated where it was, cupping George in that place.
He whipped his head around as he felt the monster squat down so it could look more closely at him.
He looked up at the thing with confusion, a rush of worry also coming over him (he’s grown used to feeling worried around this thing now) at the close proximity. He felt claustrophobic, trapped by not only its hand but it’s ginormous face and body. He was also devoid of getting any light in this situation, it’s tar-black skin making him feel as if he were in the bottom of a dark cave.
But this time, instead of being met with the overbearing green eyes staring right at him when he looked up, he was pleasantly surprised to see that the giant was looking away from George. It was digging into a pocket from the fabric of its clothing, searching for something. George cocked a brow as he watched it slightly struggle to find whatever it was searching for. Finally it let out a triumphant grumble as it pinched something small between its fingers and brought it down towards George.
The Brit watched as two large fingers came right before him and placed something on the dirt ground by his feet. George looked down at the object, not knowing what to expect but not imagining it to be anything good. (He half expected a dead animal) But what he saw was about the last thing he was expecting to see. “Uhh.. Wha- why?” He fumbled over his words, trying to decide what to say but ultimately turned out speechless.
He glanced back up at the monster. It was looking at him now, but its usual hollow eyes were now looking at the human with expressive expectation. Like it was …excited?
George looked back down at the empty chocolate wrapper, frowning because he didn’t understand. He glanced back towards the thing’s face and shrugged. “I don’t understand what you want me to do..” George crossed his arms over his body as he shivered slightly. The monster truly gave off no body warmth at all.
George flinched when a finger came back towards him, or the purple wrapper to be specific. It pointed at it for a moment, and then pointed at him. When George didn’t follow, it removed the hand that was cupped around George’s body and looked towards the convenience store. George looked over there as well. There weren’t any new shoppers inside it appeared, and nothing else had changed. A grumble made him look back, and the thing was staring expectantly at him again.
It took a minute of thought, but eventually the Brit came to the conclusion that, “You.. want me to get you more?”
The monster blinked slowly and moved its face closer to George, a gesture the human didn’t appreciate as he took a step back. Nevertheless, it seemed like that was what the monster wanted him to do, so George took a daring step toward the convenience store, looking at the monster for approval. The last thing he wanted to do was misunderstand and anger it.
It seemed content enough, sitting back and looking at him as if to say Yes, please go.
So George did.
He took another step, and then another, and then he was full-sprinting away from the creature and towards the safety of the store.
This was his chance. He was free, he could run inside and explain to the clerk what happened to him and get him to call the police. They’d come and take him away, take him to the safety of his friends. Fuck, he’s never wanted to hug them more in his life. He never thought he’d miss seeing Sapnap’s stupid face and hearing Karl’s goofy laugh but he did. Fuck, he did so much. George began laughing breathlessly as he drew nearer and nearer, the door just in sight. It was there, it was right there. So close he could smell the stale hotdogs and sugary donuts.
He reached the door and placed a hand on it. Why was he pausing? Why wasn’t he running inside, crying out to the clerk and spilling his tragic story? He should be begging him to call the police, to help, to get his friends to…
Tell the police that he was insane.. that some maniacal guy ran into his shop and starting screaming about a giant monster in the woods that kidnapped him.. that he was mental.. And what would George say? Go look in the woods behind the shop! And they might, and if they do they won’t find anything. The monster doesn’t show itself unless it wants to.
The handle to the door was ice cold under his sweaty palm, and he could almost see his breath as he panted with exhaustion.
Sure, he might see his friends again.. but what’ll they say? Surely right now they believe he caused the damage to the cabin. That he went crazy from isolation, thinking there was a monster watching him. Sapnap will never believe him, and Karl will take the boy’s side. And on the off chance they don’t decide to throw him the the mental hospital, and take him home… what would stop the monster from grabbing him again?
It could easily flip a car. Hell, it could pick it up if it so wanted. It’d be easy to rip off the hood and pry him out. Who knows what it’ll do to him then? Who knows what it’d do out of anger? Rip him apart? Torture him? He didn’t want to think about it.
And who knows if he’d get that far? If he takes too long in this shop, what would stop the thing from investigating? From seeing he’s trying to escape it and effectively stopping him by kidnapping him again? And if it did that it would take forever to get back in good spirits with it.. who knows if it’d ever put him down again?
George looked back toward the edge of the woods, and surely enough two bright green eyes stared back at him. It was waiting. It won’t wait for long.
Finally he opened the door, the sound of the bell ringing prompted a vaguely familiar voice to respond. “One second! Hold on I- FUCK HOLD ON!!” He heard something shatter, followed by a loud curse. George blinked a couple of times as he walked to the back of the shop to see a shattered bottle and the store clerk standing over it with disappointment. George cleared his throat and smirked at the man. “Need some help?”
“GEORGE?? Ayyee!! What are you doing here? I thought you little getaway wasn’t gonna be over until the end of the week? Where’s Sapnap and Karl?! HELLOO??” He called to the door as if the other two were standing by it. George just rubbed his hands awkwardly as he shook his head. “They uh, stayed behind. I just need to pick up some chocolate.”
They’d stopped here on their way to the resort, and became quick friends with the hyper store clerk, Alex. Bonding over mutual sleep deprivation was truly a great experience. They even promised the boy they’d stop by before they left.
“Chocolate? That’s in the second aisle, bro. I’d toootally like to chat but let me clean this up real quick!” He laughed as he skipped over to the back employee only room to fetch a broom.
As George walked to the candy aisle, a thought dawned on him. He didn’t have money on him. He didn’t carry cash, and his debit card was back in his bag. If he had his phone he maybe could’ve used Apple Pay but.. he obviously didn’t have that. He didn’t want to steal from Alex, he was such a nice guy. He didn’t deserve that but.. what other choice did he have?
He scanned over the variety of candies on the shelves in search of that specific chocolate with the purple wrapper. When he finally found the off-brand chocolate, he grabbed as much as his hands could carry and started for the door. A voice stopped him. “Alright, man! Now, c’mere and tell me all about the cabin!”
George turned slowly, guilt on his face as Alex waited for him behind the counter, fiddling with the buttons on the cash register as he grinned widely at him. He hesitated, flashing a glance at the door before walking over. “I would, Alex, and I will b-but Karl’s sick and he reeeaally wants this chocolate so I gotta..” His voice faltered, eyes dropping to the floor in guilt. At the same time, his pulse raced with fear. He didn’t have time to be awkwardly standing around. The monster was right outside, waiting for him, expecting him to come back any second. For his sake and Alex’s, he had to make this quick.
He was mentally preparing to sprint out of the door, before Alex spoke up. “Aw man, poor Karl. Actually, you know Sapnap left a twenty here the other night. Idiot didn’t even realize, HAHA! Anyways, that should cover your payment. Tell Karl to get better soon!”
George stared at him for a few moments longer than what was comfortable, but Alex just kept on smiling warmly at him, not affected by the awkwardness at all. “I..” He began, but he stopped himself. If he kept talking he’d spill his true thoughts, and he didn’t want the clerk to be in danger just because he wanted to help George out.. So he shut his mouth and nodded at him, sending a small smile as he headed for the door. But before he left, he turned back and allowed a simple sentence, a last try for help, escape his lips.
“Hey, uh.. You should call the check-in cabin and tell the lady to connect you to Sapnap and Karl. Tell them I stopped by and got the chocolate. I’m sure they’d love to know I’m o- .. they’d love to talk with you.”
And he left before Alex got the chance to reply, running back to the edge of the woods incase the clerk followed him through the door.
His lungs were not made for running like this. They had the capacity to scream at his computer screen and that was about it. He was heavily panting, wiping sweat from his forehead as he looked around for the familiar black mass he called his captor.
When the Brit couldn’t find the monster, he began to grow apprehensive. His heart was just beginning to pound with fear until the ground shook and George was knocked off of his feet and onto his back. A meek yelp caused his face to grow red with embarrassment as he looked up and saw the monster leaning over him, watching him with amusement. George’s lips tightened in an awkward line as he scrambled to stand up. For a brief second, he had the idea that the monster did that to prank him on purpose, but quickly brushed that idea away. There’s no way this thing understood emotion no less pranking, and therefore couldn’t be amused. It was probably just hungry, and happy to see the chocolate bars.
Speaking of which.
George sat the knock-off brand of chocolate on the ground and backed up a few paces, giving the thing room to eat. As soon as George placed the chocolate on the ground, the thing literally squealed and chirped in the highest pitch he’s ever heard it make. It scooted close and dove nose-first onto the pile of sweets, sniffing it enthusiastically.
There was just one thing, how was it going to go about eating them? It had no features on its face except its trademark eyes and nose you could only see when it turned to the side. Never once had George seen a mouth. Was it somewhere else on its body? Hidden under the fabric or maybe even on the other side of its head, under its hair?
Before his theories could develop further, they were quickly put to rest.
The thing suddenly extended its jaw, opening it in an unnaturally wide way, that it if it were a human it would 100% break. From its now open maw, he saw sharp, cloud-white teeth extend from within its gums. He felt like he got cut just from looking at them, the thought and sight alone enough to make his body spasm with anxious shivering. But the worst part, was when its tongue stuck out of it’s mouth to grab the small bars of chocolate and pull them into its mouth like a snake swallowing a mouse. It was long and narrow, and a deep pinkish color that reminded George of flesh. The thing didn’t even bother unwrapping the candy before chowing down, closing its unnatural jaw once more to chew.
When it finally finished indulging itself, it licked its lips clean and looked at George with wide, happy eyes. George himself was pretty sure he’d peed a little after that display, and was sitting in stunned silence, staring back at it dumbfoundedly.
The giant clicked at him a few times before shifting its position to crawl over to the meager human, causing him to shrink in on himself in fear. The thing was looking above him on its knees, either hand resting on their respective sides of George, making the human directly underneath it.
There was a few tense moments that passed before someone made the first move. No surprise it was the monster. It shifted its head closer to George and breathed out a puff of air onto his body. The human frowned, confused and troubled at its out-of-character actions. What was it doing? Was it smelling him? Was it displeased with the taste of the chocolate and was now searching for something more flavorful? The Brit gulped as he scanned its eyes for any emotion, any slight movement that would hint at its intentions.
And then, it’s jaw was unhinging again. George gasped as he whined at the sight, trying to scoot away from the monster but giving up when he noticed how close he was to its hand. “Pl-please no! I can get more! I..” He shrieked as he shielded his face with his hands, looking away in fright and just waiting for the feeling of that snake-like tongue coiling around him, to bring him into the cave of death resting just beyond its rock-sharp fangs.
When that sensation never happened, the Brit moved his hands and stared up at the monster’s face. His jaw was open in silent shock at what he was met with.
The monster’s face, just a few feet above him, had contorted to be flashing a wide mouth of fangs at him, though it’s mouth wasn’t open. He could only see its pearly white teeth, and weirdly crinkled eyes. It barely moved its eyes.. what was it doing? Why did it look so weird? Was it trying to scare him? And why did it look like such an uncanny…
Was it…trying to smile at him?
George’s chest rose in rapid succession, brows furrowed as he stared at the creature, not daring to move.
But it didn’t look like the creature was going to move either. It looked patient, like it was waiting on a specific reaction from George. The Brit had a thought cross his mind, but he hesitated. It was stupid but.. what else could he do?
In the most awkward way possible, in the slowest movements ever, George twisted his face to mimic the monsters smile. Though of course his was more natural and less.. nightmare fuel.
No matter how awkward it made George feel, it seemed to satisfy the monster. It made a high-pitched coo and clicked rapidly at him, it’s jaw opening now as its tongue flicked across George’s face. This caused the human to freeze up, his entire body tensing as the monster closed its mouth and sat up on its knees. George didn’t even get longer than a second to process a thought before the cold hands scooped under him and lifted the Brit up to its chest once more, and began walking off.
It didn’t eat him.
It smiled at him.
It…was being nice to him?
George stole a bold glance up at the monster as he was finally beginning to process the last couple of minutes. It didn’t look back down at him, but the rapid clicking and cooing noises it was making was more than enough to let George know it was indeed happy.
What’s happening? Is that all it wanted from George? For him to get it candy? But it seemed to be treating him so…friendly. Like it was trying to win over the human’s favor.
But it kidnapped him, stalked him like a cat to a mouse!
But did it understand that? Did it understand that it couldn’t just take people? If it could understand happiness then surely it could understand fear. It knew he was scared, but did it think it could calm him down? Make him relax? But why would it go through all that trouble?! Did it want a pet? Did it just want to experiment with a human?
Or maybe..
Did it want.. a friend?
omg part four coming soon 😎
Don’t forget to mention that...
Well I never expected this to be the first finished bit of writing I posted here. I promise I’m still writing that other one I’ve hinted at, I just want it to be perfect!! I actually wrote this back in August and was re-reading it and thought: huh its not bad so edited it a bit and here we are. (this is literally the 2nd fanfic I’ve ever written as well as g/t piece and I haven’t even finished the first so please be kind qwq) This was inspired by an artwork that @dingbatnix created! Original post here I hope you like it ❤️
cw: mcyt g/t, soft, slight panic, mention of death man I hope that’s right
word count: 2375
Czytaj dalej
This was my chrome for like half of the day 'cuz I decided to finally do Dream's design wheeze
And the only thing it reminded me of was "Tell me you're a/an [something] without telling me you're [something]".
Anyway have a nice day. :D

Poor Tommy...exile hasn't been too kind to him, but at least his wings haven't been cut off...yet.
Wordless versions:

I based his wings off of a red-tailed hawk, one of my favorite birds of prey :3
I think they suit him, don't y'all?