yellowcry - Yellow cry stuff
Yellow cry stuff

Any pronouns || Teen who's doing something || Currently obsessed with Encanto

1914 posts

Do You Think Luisa Would Be Jealous Of That Cezve With Volume 500 Milliliters That I Apparently Have?

Do you think Luisa would be jealous of that cezve with volume 500 milliliters that I apparently have?

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    miracles-and-butterflies liked this · 10 months ago
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More Posts from Yellowcry

10 months ago

My favourite part of the night is that when I stay up too late and simply cannot fall asleep afterwards.

It's 4 am, help me please

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10 months ago

Pepa when she has to wake up early: What do you mean we don't have coffee?!

Pepa, going back to bed: No, I'm not gonna deal with this shit.

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10 months ago

Крим це Україна

Крым это Украина

Crimea is Ukraine

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10 months ago

And my days are numbered

After days in a way, they had found another village. Agustín hopes, prays that they could stay

Twice to once!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

After days of walking, Agustín could swear his legs were about to fall off. Moving through the tropical forests, just to hide somewhere, find another small village away from the bloodfield. The amount of effort to move was exhausting. But they also needed to find a safe place to stay there. Two loaves of bread and a couple of arepas could only get them this far. Luisa needed provisions, she was a big girl after all. And Agustín needed too, but he would prefer to feed her at first. It was a habit of giving her his portions, claiming that he wasn't hungry that he got from the situation where they had such a small amount of food that it just couldn't be enough. He just was doing his best to stay strong for Luisa during her childhood. Even when Luisa was a fully-grown adult who towered over him.


He had to make Luisa rest several times per day. She was always the type to push through even when it was evident how much she needed sweet rest. From the sweat that she tried to wipe off until her papa could see it to the times when her movements were slowing down. 


Luckily, the card "I'm too old, I need to take a break" always worked. It was a good key for Luisa to immediately step back without complaining or attempted denial of being fine.


On one hand, moving through the jungle was hard, it would be much easier if they were on the laid way from city to city. But there was a bigger chance of becoming a victim of assault too. And if there was an isolated village, usually of native people, they had a chance of being left unseen.


Agustín froze, observing giant mountains — taller than he had ever seen. But, the most strange thing that he could see was a crack, that broke one of the elevations in half. Even if he wasn't interested in geography, it wasn't possible naturally which left him confused over the sight.


It left him in a stupor, unsure for a while. On one hand, it could mean somebody was there. At the same time, they could waste time trying to get there, just to find nothing. It wouldn't be too long, a couple of hours at best. Tho taking that he and Luisa were both tired, it could be way longer.


The other thing that added its weight was their place. Agustín was awful in spatial orientation, he was that one person who could get lost between two trees. Luisa was better, but she didn't have a good internal compass as well. It wasn't clear how long would they walk until the next possible stayover.


He sat on the hot rock, stretching his sore limbs. The sun was still hight, but it started to go downhill already. Luisa shifted from foot to foot, eye twitching. 


"Are we going there?" She asked hesitant, lips pointed in the direction of the cracked mountain.


Agustín groaned, he didn't know. It was a game of guessing where he couldn't tell if it would do anything for them. It wasn't something he enjoyed but as far as he was aware nobody could predict the future. 


He just wanted to protect Luisa. Any parent would do anything for their baby. Agustín checked their supplies, trying to scale their next set of actions. There wasn't a right way to do this, just stepping on a random slab in the temple hoping that it wouldn't fall under their feet.


"I think we should check for anybody else." He ended up saying it with a heavy heart. It wasn't an easy decision, and he wasn't even sure if it was right. They could find nothing, they could find another hostile armed group. Everyone knew that you could get burnt if you played with fire. And Agustín didn't like burns. Both physical and metamorphic.


Agustín pushed himself through the mountains, broken stones ripped his clothes and scratched his skin. By the time they had gotten in here the sun was setting over the horizon. It painted the sky bright fruity orange. Not dark yet, but shifting to this step by step.


What he could see inside were the neat lines of houses. The place was all ruffled. Asphalted roads were all cracked as if an earthquake just passed through, crashing everything on its way. Maybe it was the case with mountains too.


Better yet, there were people. Peaceful villagers that didn't seem dangerous and just wanted to enjoy their lives. Something that Agustín could relate to at an extreme point. And he needed this, just a small house to stay, he could help them with the housework. Anything would be enough, no matter how small or uncomfortable it would be. Just a roof over their heads.


Several villagers came over, probably attracted by the noise like moths flying at the light source. Just wanting to see what was going on. 


Agustín held Luisa's hand in a tight grip, looking over the people. "Excuse me.. " He cleared his throat, the crowd stared at him. "Me and my hija have no place to stay."


He felt bad, there was a chance that they wouldn't be pleased with two strangers coming in and asking for a place to stay.


One of them muttered, fixing his hat. "Doña Madrigal was always the one to deal with all problems."


From the tone of his voice, Agustín could see that Doña Madrigal held a hight respect in here. Not a person you would want to disappoint or make her disapprove of you.


The other villagers looked at his fellow countryman, getting into unsured chat. "But they had lost their house too..."


"She's still our leader." Just as he thought.


Doña Madrigal had looked nothing like Agustín imagined. She was old, all wrinkled, enough to be the same age as his parents. But at the same time steady, full of life experience that Agustín would never line up to. 


They sat at one of the local houses over a cup of coffee much to Luisa's delight, they weren't able to get it for a while. Agustín didn't know what to do. He didn't want to ask questions not to look rude. This woman's decision was the heaviest weight on the scales of whenever they could stay or not. So it was important to make a good impression. As much as their exhausted, disheveled selves could.


Señora Madrigal took a deep breath, eyeing Agustín. "Señor..." She stumbled, realizing that she didn't know his name.


"Agustín Rojas." He clarified after a few seconds of awkward silence between them "And Luisa." The mentioned girl drummed with her fingers, eyetwitching over the old woman's gaze. Trying to find herself a place in grown-ups conversation.


Madrigal nodded, keeping a stern expression. Not hostile, but distrustful. Maybe it was an understandable reaction, considering that they appeared out of nowhere. "What..." Swallowed. "What happened with your home..." Her tone was uncomfortable, pained just from saying these words.


Agustín tried to keep a calm face, ignoring the heart rushing in his chest. "War climbed there too..." 


He could see how Doña's face lost its colours, going so pale that he almost thought that she would faint any second now. Her wrinkles deepened from horror, eyes shrank. "War?" She gasped under her breath. 


Maybe it wasn't a surprising reaction. There was no doubt that she was old enough to witness (and remember) a Thousand Days war. Hearing about somebody else being affected by the other must be painful like putting salt in a wound. The thing that lay so deep inside her eyes, but wasn't forgotten. Part of his stomach twisted in guilt. Realizing that he probably had awoken the worst memories.


Doña Madrigal just stood like this for a while, trying to maintain herself. "Another one..." she breathed out, but before Agustín could get confused over the fact that she didn't know it she continued. "I apologize for losing my temper, I just..." She hesitated, hiding her hands under the table Something ringed. "Remember something. Regardless." She looked between Agustín and Luisa. "Encanto welcomes you both. I do not think we have many spare houses, but you can stay in church for a night."


They were.... Agustín gasped in relief. At least they were in safety now. And Dios, he prayed for this to be their final stayover.


"Thank you so much, Señora!" He jumped from his place, knocking his cup over the table. Luisa's almost had the same fate, but she reacted in instant, taking it from the way. He shook Madrigal's hand in delight. "I owe you so much!"


"No need for thanks..." Her voice trailed again, lips were purced in discomfort. "I understand your situation really well." Doña had said firmly. Now, standing closer, Agustín could see that she held a round thing that was attached to her belt. Something like pocket clocks, but he didn't know for sure.

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10 months ago

Isabela: I wish you guys take more interest in my plants! We're sisters but sometimes it feels like we're just roommates

Mirabel: Isa, if you don't cut it out with your middle child nonsense, I'm gonna shove your cacti into the bath.

Isabela: DON'T YOU DARE—

Isabela: And since when am I the freaking middle child??

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